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Answer if you dare...........

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The smoking thread made me think of this....


When was the first time you drank?


I was a senior in high school. It was exam week. Someone had a party, I went and drank enough to make me knee walk. I called my future dh to come and pick me up, I knew I shouldn't drive. He came and got me, brought me home. (Which took a lot of guts, he wasn't even at the party but he brought me home to my parents???)


I was sick, threw up ( on my radio, no less). My mom decided that for punishment I got nothing for a hangover, had to clean up my own mess and was expected to take my English exam the next day. I think I made an "A".


What I remember most was that a girl named Daphne and I were having huge issues at school, she was a big bully and I was a goody. We both showed up in homeroom that morning, hung over and wearing our hair in bandanas, no makeup at the same time. She stood there and looked at me for a minute, no more bullying.

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Dh and I married in the late afternoon. We went for a wedding supper at a great and fancy restaurant. When the waitress found out we had just gotten married, she brought us champagne. LOL...I couldn't hardly manage it. She took pity and brought O.J. to mix with it. Still it was too strong for me.


After a couple of years in Europe and thirty one years of marriage, I can choke it down a bit better now. ;)

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I was 13 or 14 for my first drink but not drunk. My first drunk was at 16. My next drink was when I was 31, and drunk again. From there I waited again until earlier this year. Needless to say I'm sticking to rootbeer for several years. The memory is still there of how absolutely horrid I felt after.

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My dad travelled quite a bit when we were young. He always brought home those little bottles of alcohol that the first class passengers got. My parents stored them in the tv stand where we could have had some any time we wanted, but I was a pretty obedient kid.


So one day in 10th grade, I decided I was old enough for some whiskey. I asked my dad who said, "Sure. Go ahead." I got a cup for my younger sister and poured us each some whiskey.


My sister, the more reasonable of the two of us, smelled hers first. Not me. I gulped a big ol' swig of warm, straight Jack Daniels.


It was like FIRE going down my throat. My eyes watered and I was paralyzed. I thought I would surely pee lightening right then and there.


When I regained my senses, I saw my dad sitting across the table with such a smug look on his face. NOW I know he was thinking, "That'll teach her to drink." :lol:


Dh is allergic to alcohol and I've never developed a taste for any of it. There's no Jack Daniel's under in our tv cabinet, that's for sure. :001_smile:

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I had my first drink in either 9th or 10th grade, I can't recall. My BFF would sleep over at my home and we would raid the liquor cabinet. My parents were heavy drinkers and they never missed the booze; in fact, my mother had taught me years before to replace the missing liquor with water when she wanted to conceal her drinking.

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I went home with a friend from Louisiana, where it was still legal to drink at age 18. I think I had turned 20. I had a strawberry daquiri and only drank about half of it. I don't like the taste of alcohol and have yet to find an alcoholic beverage that I do like. Needless to say, I've never been drunk. I've never even had a little buzz.

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My parents served watered down wine ever since I can remember..... I had my first unwatered down wine when I was around 11?


I'm from Poland. People shoot vodka at all celebrations. I managed my first shooters when I was 17 & went back to Poland to visit my relatives.


I don't drink much now as I have a kidney which was damaged by stones in my first pregnancy & it tends to act up if I overtask it.... I'll maybe have one drink/month averaged out over the year.


But we have wine & beer, single malt scotch, gin and Bailey's in the house pretty much all the time. No vodka though - I don't really care for vodka.

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I was a latchkey kid who spent WAY too much time unsupervised. I remember experimenting with the liquor cabinet while quite young. I would guess maybe 4th or 5th grade? I didn't start Drinking until I was in my teens, though.

Edited by beansprouts
left out words... rum anyone?
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In one week BFF & I drank three times. At a baseball game w/ senior boys. Next night we crashed a luau in another town (spent weekend at my aunt and uncle's house). Next night we made friends with two boys and drove to the Playboy Club. :cheers2::cheers2: Pretended to be 18y/o--then the drinking age--only to discover we were only 14,14,15 and 16 years old. It made for great memories, but would die to know my 14y/o was drinking and driving with boys she met just minutes prior.


It was years later before I drank again. BFF & I just wanted to try it. Guess it was a BTDT issue.

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I don't even remember. I had always had sips of wine at family parties, and then as a teen was allowed to have just a wee bit of wine in a fancy glass. I've never been drunk, though I was unintentionally buzzed a time or two when something was a bit stronger than I realized. I enjoy the taste of wine and beer a great deal, but have always kept it to one drink, or no more than two drinks.

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I don't remember. I just know I was young, itty-bitty. My parents always let us have some of whatever they were drinking - wine, beer, mixed drinks. So drinking was normal for me and my sisters, and we never felt the need to go out and drink just to rebel.


I didn't drink socially in high school, though I did a bit in college. Never got drunk though. (Control issues, and a serious fear of vomiting...) "Partying" just never appealed to me. I didn't (and still don't) understand what was so fun about it. I feel the same way about drugs. (Again, I have some serious control issues.)


I don't particularly care for alcohol, though I do enjoy champagne and the occasional fruity mixed drink.

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I was drinking occasionally in the 7-8th grade at 12/14yo. My 2 bffs parents let us (different families). That was when wine coolers came in 2 liter bottles :0) My parents were very distracted during those years so they didn't notice.


I started smoking in here too, a pack a day by 10th grade.


I was drinking regularly by 10th grade (15yo). Almost once during the week and every weekend by graduation at 17yo.


I pretty much stopped drinking (I was done) by 18yo. At this point I could drink most men under the table.




The funny thing is....I was a prep. :0) I was an art student but not dramatic. I always had a 3.5 or higher and carried a 4.0 my senior year, even though I was drinking 3 days a week. I wore normal, modest clothes that were pressed (even my t-shirts and jeans), light makeup and had feathered hair. I was very sweet, and not so innocent. The kids in school knew but NO adults knew my after hours activities. They all thought I was a sweet little Christian girl. Even my parents had no idea what I was doing. They trusted me and even to this day, will swear that I was the easiest kid to raise...the don't know how I was once I was out of site.



Dh was the same. But people knew of his indiscretions. He had a hard life growing up so it was more expected of him.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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Boring answer here.


I grew up in a very Baptist home. Nothing alcohol in our home. My dad was a business man, and somehow he got through the 70s without drinking at business social functions. I didn't know anyone who drank. I wouldn't have had any idea how to get ahold of alcohol. I went to a Christian college. No alcohol in sight. I didn't know anyone interested in finding any. No alcohol at my wedding. (I was married in my Baptist church. Alcohol at weddings was unheard of!)


Now that I'm all grown up, what's the point of starting? Besides, if I take to alcohol the way I have taken to chocolate, it wouldn't be pretty. So it's just as well.

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I have a very clear - or is it fuzzy - memory of this. It was the summer between 7th & 8th grade. I was home alone, and thought I should find out what it was like to get drunk. I poured a little bit from each bottle of my dad's liquor cabinet into a tall glass (I didn't want him to notice). It tasted so awful, but I was tough and I drank it all. I vaguely remember staggering over to a friend's house, and I vividly remember throwing up quite a few times.


You'd think an experience like that would act as a deterrent, but I drank a lot all through my teens. I didn't straighten out until I was almost 19 - when I became a Christian.



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Gosh, too young to tell, I guess. I was 11. I had a sip of my step-dad's beer. I spit it back out. When I was 14, I drank wine and wine coolers. When I was 17, I had a drinking "issue" and was drinking mostly vodka and oj. Cleaned that up before I went to college and have honestly had a handful of drinks since I was 19. I would say the last drink I had was 3 years ago and it was a glass of Asti Spumante with dinner.

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My dad travelled quite a bit when we were young. He always brought home those little bottles of alcohol that the first class passengers got. My parents stored them in the tv stand where we could have had some any time we wanted, but I was a pretty obedient kid.


So one day in 10th grade, I decided I was old enough for some whiskey. I asked my dad who said, "Sure. Go ahead." I got a cup for my younger sister and poured us each some whiskey.


My sister, the more reasonable of the two of us, smelled hers first. Not me. I gulped a big ol' swig of warm, straight Jack Daniels.


It was like FIRE going down my throat. My eyes watered and I was paralyzed. I thought I would surely pee lightening right then and there.


When I regained my senses, I saw my dad sitting across the table with such a smug look on his face. NOW I know he was thinking, "That'll teach her to drink." :lol:


Dh is allergic to alcohol and I've never developed a taste for any of it. There's no Jack Daniel's under in our tv cabinet, that's for sure. :001_smile:



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When I was 11 at boarding school. I was the only Jr. High kid in the Sr. High dorm. I started with vodka and went from there. I spent many many weekends supporting drunk vomiting teens and trying to sneak them back into the dorm at 3 am. At 15 I decided that I was done drinking. I was expelled from the dorm two weeks later when 2 other girls got so drunk that they were found totally unconscious two towns away. They got to stay in the dorm. Somehow the school decided that their drinking was my fault because I was able to use connections to find them. Being expelled from the dorm was the best thing that ever happened to me because I was taken in by one of my teacher's families - a wonderfully functional families with teens my age.

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My father was an alcoholic all of my childhood until several years after I left home. We used to have a photo of me at age 3 drinking from his beer stein. I was allowed to taste/sip anything for as long as I can remember.


I rebelled big time in 8th grade and started drinking heavily that year. Almost every weekend, I spent the night with a friend who's parents didn't care. They stayed in their master bedroom suite and let us do anything we wanted as long as we were home by 2am. My drink of choice back then was Jack Daniels and Coke...I'd drink the whole pint. My parents rule was that I could have 1 glass of champagne at weddings and New Year's Eve. They never seemed to pay attention to the strange fact that my glass stayed full for hours. I remember being drunk (staggering) at one of my dad's friends weddings before they took my glass away and puking drunk on New Year's Eve at home with my parents.


I quit in high school only to get into bar hopping in college. I quit again at age 23. Dh and I will now drink lightly occasionally....usually sangria.

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The summer I turned 16 I went to visit a friend from a couple of years before for a week. I'd never had a drink and decided I wanted to see what it was all about. I got terribly and awfully drunk and threw up for hours. I couldn't remember everything that happened that night for months. It was horrible and terribly dangerous. That was and forever will be my one and only time to get drunk.


I have a small drink occasionally on trips or just on a whim but true drinking just to get drunk has never been my thing. I just don't get the party scene.


Someone must start the teA thread... LOL

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I have no clue. This is going to sound completely white trash, but my mom was a partier and there was alcohol around the house (when my dad wasn't home) from the time I was in third grade, until highschool.


Lol, does it help if I vouch for my own normalcy? I swear I am not like the chick from 'My Name is Earl.'

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I don't know how I feel about all these "confessional" threads. If anyone asks about the first time I had teA, I'm outta here!! :auto:


Yeah, you'd have to ply me with vodka and maybe a couple of joints before I'd tell you that.


;) Kidding, of course.


I will tell you that my best friend (at the time) lost her virginity when she was 12 *before* she got her first period. We went to a very rough school.

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Yeah, you'd have to ply me with vodka and maybe a couple of joints before I'd tell you that.





It's a good thing I didn't have any vodka in my mouth when I read that, or it would be all over the computer screen right now!



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I've never had more than a couple sips of alcoholic drinks, because I have always hated the taste. I tried my first sip of a strawberry Bacardi drink in high school with my family, and I've sipped tastes wine coolers, beer, wine, a margarita, and champagne over the years, but I've never managed more than a sip or two. :ack2:

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I think it was the summer before 9th grade that I drank quite a bit at a friends house. I maybe drank 3 more times in high school and don't drink all that much as an adult. Oh... I did used to take a sip of my parents beer when we were on vacation from time to time. I was really young, but it was quite normal behavior for the time.

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I partied a lot until I was about 25 yo. Then I grew up.



This is pretty much my story too (for anyone who is now wondering about me...) I grew up at around 25 when dh and I decided to start having children. I have had very little to drink over the last ten years. Since this past summer, I have begun to "relax" again from time to time.

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My dad gave me a sip of whiskey for cramps. I had a sip of his beer at one of our backyard pool bbqs. My first served drink was a pina colada at our wedding rehearsal dinner. I was just 19, and I didn't even realize it would have alcohol in it, lol. My first legal age drink was an accidental sip of my fil's drink Christmas Eve. I thought it was my orange juice glass! He had spiked his. I am not a drinker at all and can still count them on one hand.

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I was raised in a pretty liberal house as far as drinking goes. My mother didn't have her first drink until she was in her 30s but my dad had a beer or two every evening after dinner. He wasn't an alcoholic and never had any problems with drinking. We were allowed to have a sip of alcohol for as long as I can remember. My mother also gave us hot toddies for colds and coughs. My dr. recently suggested the same thing (I did not say that nor did he - :001_rolleyes:). I had my first drink on my own, without parental permission when I was about 13. I currently drink two to three times a month (one or on really rare occassions two drinks) and I have been drunk exactly three times in my life. I have never thrown up from drinking althought I did feel unpleasant the next day on those three occassions. I did go through a party stage before my children were born but that stopped as soon as I was pregnant. I will say that I have visited a few countries on holiday (without my dc) that had much more liberal laws that we have here and I did take advantage of those laws. ;)

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I had some wine in 8th grade or so, just a bit.

I didn't start drinking until my freshman year in college. I don't like beer or wine, and never have, but I still like a shot of whiskey occasionally. I've always liked the taste, and really wish they could make it non-alcoholic so I could have it more often!

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He would let me sip beer when he had some from an early age. He drank gin martinis too, but I never had the urge to sip those - still can't stand the smell of gin.


I got drunk for the first time at 14 - then not again for several years. I puked my guts up (it was just beer too). I was never allowed to see the friend I got drunk with again.


I still drink - mostly wine, occasionally margaritas or a fruity martini or mixed drink. I'd say probably once/week I have some type of drink, but sometimes I might not drink anything for a month or two. I just don't have an addictive personality at ALL. I can take or leave anything. I guess that's why I've never had alcohol "issues."

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Wine with special dinner from about age 4 on, a glass of beer with my grandpa one night I was 7 but drinking to get drunk, my 18th birthday, which is the legal age here to drink, I stuck to the law. Of course after that my judgment went out the window and I have not drank more than 1 glass of wine 3 times a year in 11 years as a result.

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