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What are you doing Memorial Day Weekend?


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Working, house cleaning, pup training, and trying to make my kids focus on homework / studying for finals.  I will try to fit in some nice long walks if the weather allows.

My kids' band will be in a parade on Monday.  Also Monday, a guy is supposed to come and fix my closet.  Hopefully I'll get to move all the stuff out of my living space into the closet before the day is done.  🙂

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DH, DD, and youngest are going for a day trip to look at an apartment for DD for next school year so she can hopefully live off campus.  They are also picking up some supplies from DH's office before it gets sold and the company goes almost fully remote.  Youngest also needs to go to the scout shop to get some uniform parts for staffing at summer camp in a few weeks.  Since all that can be done in the same city, they are making a day of it.  I will be staying home with the dog and enjoying my time alone.

I am hoping to get some time to chat with my middle.  He is getting some time off, but he is on the other side of the country right now in training so I won't get to see him in person.  I sent him a gift card for the pizza place at his base so he can have a fun dinner one night.  I am missing him a lot.

The rest of the weekend we were going to be working on the yard, but it is supposed to be very wet with potential high winds and thunder storms, so I think we will just hang out doing inside projects.

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Well, our plans drastically changed because last night my husband's vehicle had a window smashed out and had things stolen while parked at a local park for a class.  This is a BRAND NEW vehicle like weeks old.  🤬  I was going to go road trip tonight to see college student perform (his performing group is traveling today).  I was going to return home tomorrow and DH was going to go over to his campus and help college student pack up some things to come home.  But now we only have 1 vehicle.  College student is taking the bus home on Sunday, he has his apartment through the summer and will be back and forth for various things so it's not a crisis to move him now.  HE is ready for a little break from campus and we haven't seen him since Easter.  

My teen has dance recitals this weekend (rescheduled from winter due to covid, only weekend most were avaialble).  So we will be carting her around.  But looking forward to the show.  ❤️  

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Not much.  Hopefully I can start teaching our foster dog how to walk on a leash this weekend while dh can help me.  If it’s too hot, we’ll probably practice in the grass instead.    I wouldn’t mind grilling out, so maybe dh will do that.   

what are y’all’s plans?  I’m sure it’s much cooler there.  It’s ridiculous here.  

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We are going to a national cemetery today.  I’m hoping it’s not to busy this morning.  We are out of town currently but we may go by the national cemetery where my grandparents are buried on Monday.   I like to take my kids there every year if I can.  

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Absolutely nothing fun at all. This week has been floor week. We cleaned our garage, emptied our house of most of the appointments, ripped out our carpet, pulled up a bazillion staples, swept and cleaned and vacuumed and swept some more. Then I painted. Then the guys installed white oak flooring. The finishing guy is here today sanding. Staining starts tomorrow so we must go to hotel (bathrooms are surrounded by wood) poly goes on Sunday and Monday. Hope to only have to stay in a hotel one night. We’ll see. So hopefully Monday night/Tuesday we can move back into the house and start trying to figure out where all our junk is. 

we will have access to the kitchen, sun room and bonus room. Yippee skippy.

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Walking down a long trail at a  preserved area/state park where a type of very rare lilies are now in bloom. They bloom right out in the river and will only be in bloom for a couple weeks. There’s an eagle’s nest at the top of a tall pine tree. Sometimes you can see them swoop out over the water and catch their prey. 

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If the weather holds we are participating in Flags for Vets tomorrow, placing new flags on graves at the national cemetery.  DS already did it at a local cemetery with his troop this week but we annually do it at the larger one, too.

However, it looks like rain all day today and storms tomorrow, and possibly Sunday.  It is unknown what will happen. Monday looks beautiful, and all the tourists should be going home, so we may make it a beach day.


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Our town will have a Memorial Day parade, followed by a ceremony. After that, there is a free picnic (simple;  hotdogs, chips, cupcake, drink). Dh and I will be working the set up for the picnic, serving, and cleaning up. I'm embracing this smallish town living. 

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3 hours ago, stephanier.1765 said:

My eldest's birthday always falls during Memorial Day weekend so we'll be celebrating that.

And I thought you said your eldest always falls during Memorial Day weekend.... I thought how convenient you know when to go to the ER. 🙄

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We don't usually do anything fun on Memorial Day.  But...I am looking forward to 3 more days where I don't have to go anywhere unless I want to (same for today so 4 days in a row).  We don't go to the pool because it's crazy on Memorial Day weekend.  Summer swim team starts Tuesday and my boys are coaching this summer.  We will be busy through July.  This weekend, I just hope for calm, quiet, and puttering around my house getting little things done that have backed up on me :-).  

I think we will also watch the newest Spiderman movie.  DH and DS1 saw it in the theater when it came out.  DS2 and I still need to see it.

I hope everyone has a safe weekend however they choose to spend it :-).


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Dss, ddil, and the grandkids are coming over Sunday. We're not cooking out because the weather will be iffy so we'll have sandwich makings and slider rolls. If weather permits we'll go to the neighborhood clubhouse pool. None of this however is because of the holiday weekend. We've just been meaning to get together and this weekend works.  Ds is usually off on Sundays but his boss is out of town leaving them shorthanded so he's working. 

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Tomorrow, we are attending our kids german school end of year party/gathering at a large neighborhood park. Sunday would be spent going to the Buddhist temple to offer prayers for my late mom (we have prayers/rituals for 49 days after passing). My husband would probably want to go shopping on Monday. We went shopping today to top up summer clothes before next week’s heat wave. 

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Working in the flower garden. My low maintenance, no work garden that I painstakingly planned to require the absolute minimum amount of work.

I am not sure exactly how it happened but I started taking in orphaned and neglected plants. If you count spent bulbs, I am probably in the hundreds of plants I have become home to in the past 2 or 3 weeks. Today's additions are over 60 years old and were cultivated with love. Sadly that love was not shared by the children and most grandchildren who neglected them for 30+ years. One grandchild begged to have them saved so I took a small (I swear!) amount to propagate.




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Spring cleaning and yardwork. I need to get the house in order for our graduation party next weekend. I might go roller skating. The weather seems conducive. I'll go to yoga and hang out with my friend the yoga teacher after on Sunday.

ETA: And watching Stranger Things. Kid already beat us and watched the whole thing yesterday.

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