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I am so very sorry, Janeway. Huge hugs to you.

I would put the statistical likelihood that it came from your bag at zero. Please just let go of that right now. Your brain is just reaching for things to bother over...I know the feeling well. 

If there is anything we can do for you, let us know. We are here if you need to talk.

Love and prayers.

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15 hours ago, Janeway said:

No miracles. He died a couple hours ago. 

I am wondering....I took him some movies and cookies in a plastic bag on Jan 2. He went in to the hospital Jan 14. I wonder if this is my fault. I usually wipe everything down before handing over, but did not this time. Anyone know? It was a plastic grocery bag. 

Oh Janeway I am so very sorry.   Please know that there is no way you are at fault for this.  None at all.   I'm glad that he got to enjoy the treats and feel that extra bit of love from you.  You did zero wrong.   It is so easy to ponder the "what ifs" when something tragic happens and turning off your mind from doing that is nearly impossible, but hear it again: you did nothing wrong.  the plastic bag did not give him Covid.   Sending you and your family prayers and hugs.

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I'm sorry, Janeway. As others have said, it's normal to feel that you might bear some responsibility, but our feelings are not always aligned with what is true. You offered a gesture of love and support to your father not long before he died, and I hope you are able to reclaim that as a positive memory.

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