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Should I wear a mask to the office?


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Mostly I am able to work from home, but I’ll have to go to the office later this week and several times over the next couple of weeks. It is an essential business, although only two of us are ever there (in a couple weeks there will be a third). We are not open to the public, but occasionally people do come in. My boss is pretty good about intersecting them in the parking lot, but he’s inconsistent. It is not possible to work at a distance from him.

So mostly it will just myself and my boss, who thinks he is never around any other people but actually is. Do I wear a mask? Doing so will open myself up to ridicule and accusations of paranoia, but obviously my health is more important.

Would you wear one? If not, why?

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24 minutes ago, MEmama said:

Mostly I am able to work from home, but I’ll have to go to the office later this week and several times over the next couple of weeks. It is an essential business, although only two of us are ever there (in a couple weeks there will be a third). We are not open to the public, but occasionally people do come in. My boss is pretty good about intersecting them in the parking lot, but he’s inconsistent. It is not possible to work at a distance from him.

So mostly it will just myself and my boss, who thinks he is never around any other people but actually is. Do I wear a mask? Doing so will open myself up to ridicule and accusations of paranoia, but obviously my health is more important.

Would you wear one? If not, why?


I would. The older I get, the less I care about ridicule. 

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I would. Although, in my state, we are ordered or encouraged (not sure which) to wear masks when out in public.  So I would have to anyway. 

You can tell your boss that you are wearing it to protect him since he is never around people. Whether that's true or not.

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1 hour ago, Spy Car said:

Without a question of a doubt.

An absolutely yes vote from me.

100%. No doubts.



The risk reward analysis is, to me,  a no-brainer:

Risk of wearing a mask - you feel a little silly and worry that your boss thinks so too.

Risk of not wearing a mask - you increase the chance of getting or spreading COVID.

I'd rather look silly than either get sick or spread sickness.



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Yep, I would wear one.   I haven't been out at all since this whole thing started except for walking the dog.  I wasn't sure what people were doing in our city, but I thought some people would be masked up.  I went yesterday to get the school lunches and nobody was.  I was masked and with gloves.  The lunch lady who was 60s or up, was not.  Now yes it was outside and you are supposed to be giving people space.   But I was really surprised that the person who is handing them out and going to be near a bunch of people while doing it wasn't.   I was kind of saddened by it.  

But I get feeling like you may get hard time about it.  

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1 hour ago, MEmama said:


So mostly it will just myself and my boss, who thinks he is never around any other people but actually is. Do I wear a mask? Doing so will open myself up to ridicule and accusations of paranoia, but obviously my health is more important.

Would you wear one? If not, why?

What kind of mask would you be wearing, and how long will you be in the office?

To protect YOUR health, you need an N95 mask.  A homemade mask doesn't really protect the wearer.  https://www.lung.org/blog/from-frontlines-ppe

I've been wearing an N95 mask to the grocery store.  Since I normally shop once a week I'm there for almost an hour.  The mask is hot!  I don't know how people are able to wear one for hours at a time!  So, if you're at the office for many hours, how long will you be able to tolerate the mask?   If you're going to remove it frequently to sip coffee or something, then I wonder how effective the mask -wearing really is, or is it just an attempt to make us feel better?




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20 minutes ago, Laurie said:

What kind of mask would you be wearing, and how long will you be in the office?

To protect YOUR health, you need an N95 mask.  A homemade mask doesn't really protect the wearer.  https://www.lung.org/blog/from-frontlines-ppe

I've been wearing an N95 mask to the grocery store.  Since I normally shop once a week I'm there for almost an hour.  The mask is hot!  I don't know how people are able to wear one for hours at a time!  So, if you're at the office for many hours, how long will you be able to tolerate the mask?   If you're going to remove it frequently to sip coffee or something, then I wonder how effective the mask -wearing really is, or is it just an attempt to make us feel better?





True.  I haven't worn a mask before and wore and N95 one yesterday.  Oh my hard to breath and hot.  Maybe surgical masks are easier to wear?  I don't know.  I don't know sports or dance could go back to practice wearing those. 

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19 minutes ago, Laurie said:

What kind of mask would you be wearing, and how long will you be in the office?

To protect YOUR health, you need an N95 mask.  A homemade mask doesn't really protect the wearer.  https://www.lung.org/blog/from-frontlines-ppe

I've been wearing an N95 mask to the grocery store.  Since I normally shop once a week I'm there for almost an hour.  The mask is hot!  I don't know how people are able to wear one for hours at a time!  So, if you're at the office for many hours, how long will you be able to tolerate the mask?   If you're going to remove it frequently to sip coffee or something, then I wonder how effective the mask -wearing really is, or is it just an attempt to make us feel better?




We have a couple of N95 masks from years ago when my DH worked with the pandemic team at his office during the SARS epidemic. We also have a few medical grade (I think? The blue ones) masks; I was thinking about using one of those. I’ll only be at the office for a few hours at a time; no need for coffee but I will have to talk. 

I guess I’ll need to figure out if they can be cleaned, though. I’ll have to go in more frequently than we have masks. 

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6 minutes ago, MEmama said:

We have a couple of N95 masks from years ago when my DH worked with the pandemic team at his office during the SARS epidemic. We also have a few medical grade (I think? The blue ones) masks; I was thinking about using one of those. I’ll only be at the office for a few hours at a time; no need for coffee but I will have to talk. 

I guess I’ll need to figure out if they can be cleaned, though. I’ll have to go in more frequently than we have masks. 

You can reuse the N95 about 5 times.  Keep it in a paper bag and let it sit for about 72 hours before you wear it again.  Instructions are here: https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/hcwcontrols/recommendedguidanceextuse.html

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10 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:


True.  I haven't worn a mask before and wore and N95 one yesterday.  Oh my hard to breath and hot.  Maybe surgical masks are easier to wear?  I don't know.  I don't know sports or dance could go back to practice wearing those. 

I saw a woman wearing a surgical mask at the grocery store yesterday.    She had it covering only her nose.  I watched her taking plastic bags in the produce section, and she repeatedly licked her finger to get the bag open.   I have no idea how she thinks the mask is helping her or anyone else.  Gross.

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I would definitely bring one.  But if I'm sitting at my desk all alone across the room for extended periods of time,  I would probably take it off.  No one here can get N95 masks unless you work in a healthcare setting.  (In fact, people are being asked to donate any that they have to clinics and hospitals here.)  So, it would be a cloth mask.    

I see about half and half when I'm out.  I haven't seen or heard about people who don't wear one ridiculing those who do.  

It's tricky getting those plastic bags open though!  There must be some easy way of doing that without licking your fingers.

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2 minutes ago, J-rap said:


It's tricky getting those plastic bags open though!  There must be some easy way of doing that without licking your fingers.

I read a hint from Heloise (Washington Post) awhile back that had a good hint. This was BC (before Covid) when wipes were available at supermarkets for individuals to use. The hint was to take the wipe with you and use it to wet your fingers to help open the bags. I haven't tried it, but I think it would work if the wipe stayed reasonably moist. It should also work to bring a damp paper towel with you.

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Oh, and if you have one that hooks behind the ears, it is pretty easy to take off without contaminating yourself - just touch it by the ear straps, and pull straight away. Set into a container (tupperwear is fine) and put a paper over it. Wash or sanitize hands. Put back on when you will be around people. 

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I'd absolutely wear a mask!

I'd also come up with a few responses to the the expected pushback, and plan to state them with an actor's energy and enthusiasm. You can be clear in your mind that this is what's right for you no matter what nonsense they spout. Expressing vulnerability can be a good option sometimes but IIRC we've discussed this boss before, and with this kind of person I might try instead: 

--citing an authority they would respect

--saying YOU'RE WELCOME! I'm taking care of both of us. And just keep saying YOU'RE WELCOME with maddeningly persistent enthusiasm. 

--saying I see it as my civic duty, like people who collected cans and planted victory gardens for the war effort during WWII

--making jokes like don't I look great? Do you want me to bring you one next time? 

--saying it's okay if we have different approaches to this. We're different people.

--saying enough about that. What's next for this project?

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I think it's a great idea to wear a mask. I myself would not have the discipline to keep it on for very long in an uncrowded office - it's extremely noticeable to me and I feel like I can't breathe - but if you are able to work with it on, absolutely wear it. 

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3 hours ago, Ktgrok said:

If you will be around people other than your immediate family whom you live with, wear a mask. period. 

We can't tell our kids to do the right thing and not cave to peer pressure if we won't. 

DS is pretty freaked out about me leaving the house at all. He will be relieved that I’ll wear a mask, but he’d rather me not go. He won’t even go for runs in the neighbourhood because he’s worried about other people out walking. 😞 

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3 hours ago, Acadie said:

I'd absolutely wear a mask!

I'd also come up with a few responses to the the expected pushback, and plan to state them with an actor's energy and enthusiasm. You can be clear in your mind that this is what's right for you no matter what nonsense they spout. Expressing vulnerability can be a good option sometimes but IIRC we've discussed this boss before, and with this kind of person I might try instead: 

--citing an authority they would respect

--saying YOU'RE WELCOME! I'm taking care of both of us. And just keep saying YOU'RE WELCOME with maddeningly persistent enthusiasm. 

--saying I see it as my civic duty, like people who collected cans and planted victory gardens for the war effort during WWII

--making jokes like don't I look great? Do you want me to bring you one next time? 

--saying it's okay if we have different approaches to this. We're different people.

--saying enough about that. What's next for this project?

These are good! 

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3 hours ago, katilac said:

I think it's a great idea to wear a mask. I myself would not have the discipline to keep it on for very long in an uncrowded office - it's extremely noticeable to me and I feel like I can't breathe - but if you are able to work with it on, absolutely wear it. 

I had a rough go at the grocery last week wearing a thick Buff as a mask. I had periods of pretty intense anxiety because I felt so claustrophobic. Ugh. I’ll be busy at work though and leave as soon as I can; hopefully it won’t be too bad. 

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7 minutes ago, MEmama said:

I had a rough go at the grocery last week wearing a thick Buff as a mask. I had periods of pretty intense anxiety because I felt so claustrophobic. Ugh. I’ll be busy at work though and leave as soon as I can; hopefully it won’t be too bad. 

It gets better. I hated it at first. It felt too tight. It felt like I couldn't breathe. It made me claustrophobic. Now, I don't even notice it.

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YMMV but I feel much more comfortable in a cloth or surgical mask rather than a Buff, which makes me feel claustrophobic, sweaty and like I can't breathe. I'm also not confident that it's doing as good a job as a surgical mask or homemade mask with multiple cotton layers. 

I do feel some anxiety going out, but it helps to talk myself down by remembering that viral load really does matter. The main reason health care providers are getting sick is because they're exposed to so much of the virus, day in and day out, from multiple people who are very ill and carrying high viral loads themselves. When we mask and wash hands to shop we might encounter a few viral particles, in all likelihood so little that it either would be eliminated by our immune systems or result in very mild symptoms.

I don't know if the concept of viral load would help your son or not--it may be something you've already discussed. 

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13 minutes ago, Acadie said:

YMMV but I feel much more comfortable in a cloth or surgical mask rather than a Buff, which makes me feel claustrophobic, sweaty and like I can't breathe. I'm also not confident that it's doing as good a job as a surgical mask or homemade mask with multiple cotton layers. 

I do feel some anxiety going out, but it helps to talk myself down by remembering that viral load really does matter. The main reason health care providers are getting sick is because they're exposed to so much of the virus, day in and day out, from multiple people who are very ill and carrying high viral loads themselves. When we mask and wash hands to shop we might encounter a few viral particles, in all likelihood so little that it either would be eliminated by our immune systems or result in very mild symptoms.

I don't know if the concept of viral load would help your son or not--it may be something you've already discussed. 

That’s a good point. Thanks.

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I have a box of n95 that i bought for spraying paint in my living room. I'm rotating through those right now. Reusing as i get to the bottom of the box. At first I felt silly, but i tell myself this.....

If i get sick from an errand, i am going to feel downright stupid for not wearing the masks, *I already own* to protect me!!!  Especially, when I am exhausted, up in the middle of the night taking care of my daughter who will inevitably get it from me. Even mild symptoms!! Doesn't matter. I would rather wear a mask, than deal with the consequences of getting myself and my kids sick!!!!

Edited by Tap
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17 minutes ago, Seasider too said:


The finger-licking to turn pages and open plastic bags has always grossed me out! How ridiculous to think it’s ok, especially now. Gross gross gross. 

Spinoff question. I got a call this morning with an opportunity to do some office work for a small company. I could go in the evenings when no one else is there. What practices would you put in place to do this? Mask or no mask? I don’t have an N95 but do have cloth with a filter pocket, and I can come up with a filter to increase that, if necessary. 

I won’t be there the same time as anyone else, but I don’t know who the two day people have been in contact with. 

Is lysol wiping the shared surfaces enough? What about paperwork?

How many hours after they leave are you going in?  I heard that aerosoled drops can be in the air up to 3 hours.  (Maybe less in nonlab settings but I still think of how drops can hang around.)

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2 minutes ago, Seasider too said:


Less than 3 in some cases. I can do some weekend work which would mean no one had been in there the previous 3 hours. 

Think if I go in with Lysol spray and shoot that into the air, it would help?


I don’t think it is known for sure what will help, but I personally would not spray Lysol in air.  I would not want to be breathing Lysol aerosol itself and have seen no study showing it would help against CV19 to spray it in air. 

I would certainly use a mask and eye protection, maybe gloves, and would wipe (soap and water or whatever) surfaces I would be using like a desk, keyboard or etc.


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37 minutes ago, Seasider too said:



Spinoff question. I got a call this morning with an opportunity to do some office work for a small company. I could go in the evenings when no one else is there. What practices would you put in place to do this? Mask or no mask? I don’t have an N95 but do have cloth with a filter pocket, and I can come up with a filter to increase that, if necessary. 

I won’t be there the same time as anyone else, but I don’t know who the two day people have been in contact with. 

Is lysol wiping the shared surfaces enough? What about paperwork?

Here's something about how long the virus survives in the air/on surfaces:  https://hub.jhu.edu/2020/03/20/sars-cov-2-survive-on-surfaces/

Since you'll be there alone, I think a cloth mask would be enough.  I wouldn't bother spraying Lysol into the air, but I would wipe down the shared surfaces.  I have no idea about the paperwork, but all I do at home when I bring in the mail is to wash my hands really well after I'm through sorting it.  Maybe you could wear gloves?  My son and some of the other TA's were talking about wearing gloves when grading their students' papers before all the classes went online.  

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First experience wearing mask to store today.  I survived.  Forgot the liner and feel a little uncertain.  I am not the most thorough of persons in these regards.  Percentage risk reduced is still reduction, right?  “Breath, sigh, have faith!” (Says me to me=)

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6 hours ago, Tap said:

I have a box of n95 that i bought for spraying paint in my living room. I'm rotating through those right now. Reusing as i get to the bottom of the box. At first I felt silly, but i tell myself this.....

If i get sick from an errand, i am going to feel downright stupid for not wearing the masks, *I already own* to protect me!!!  Especially, when I am exhausted, up in the middle of the night taking care of my daughter who will inevitably get it from me. Even mild symptoms!! Doesn't matter. I would rather wear a mask, than deal with the consequences of getting myself and my kids sick!!!!


Yes.  I am going to remind myself of that when I wear one until I don't feel odd about it any more. 

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Someone at my ex's office died of COVID-19 this week. The guy had been coming in to work as recently as 2 weeks ago when he was supposed to be quarantined due to an exposure to someone who tested positive. He was joking around that he would rather die than stay home all day with his wife. And now he is dead. 

So yeah, wear a mask

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20 hours ago, slackermom said:

Someone at my ex's office died of COVID-19 this week. The guy had been coming in to work as recently as 2 weeks ago when he was supposed to be quarantined due to an exposure to someone who tested positive. He was joking around that he would rather die than stay home all day with his wife. And now he is dead. 

So yeah, wear a mask

Oh, I did! And I will every time I need to go in. 
I'm so, so sorry to hear about your ex's coworker. I can’t imagine. 😞 

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On 4/15/2020 at 6:17 PM, mommyoffive said:


Yes.  I am going to remind myself of that when I wear one until I don't feel odd about it any more. 

I went to the grocery this morning. 90-95% of shoppers were wearing masks; it was actually those who weren’t that looked odd! Funny how quickly we are capable of adapting to new norms! 

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