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Do any of you pre-open your kids' Christmas gifts?

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I'm getting ready to start wrapping some Christmas gifts and had this thought. We seem to spend a lot of our Christmas morning un-boxing presents. Un-doing those annoying twisty-ties, cutting apart those annoying plastic blister packages, finding screwdrivers and batteries during all the chaos of Christmas Day....


So. I'm thinking we should pre-open the kids' gifts. Put batteries in the few things that need batteries. Leave only enough twisty-ties to hold the item in place in its box reasonably. Unwrap the plastic off of the CDs & video games. Have the blister packages already pre-cut so the item can be simply removed and immediately enjoyed.


:confused: Is this a good idea or a strange one? lol My kids won't miss that part of the "unwrapping experience," I don't think. It actually would probably be more enjoyable, because they won't have to wait on Mom, Dad or a grandparent to cut things open, or find the batteries... they could just open it up and start playing with no grown-up to wait for! lol





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I have done it with certain items. Any thing that requires stickers to be placed was always done ahead of time. Batteries are nice too. Wheeled toys that require assembly are a must!



One thing that helps a lot is to have the right tools when you need them. A small set of wire snips, fine scissors like sewing scissors and a pair to cut cardboard. A small utility knife or exacto knife to cut through plastic on cds. We keep a set of small screwdrivers just for this purpose.


When the kids were little, they would get Costco packs of batteries for gifts from Santa!


I say go for it.

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I do this...I did it more so when they were little. I can remember being a kid and the frustration of wanting to play with my new toys, but having to wait to get it out of the box or put together. I untie, place stickers and put together almost everything. It makes for a much more pleasant Christmas morning!


One tip...start working on it it now. If you do a handful of items every few nights, it will not be so overwhelming on Christmas Eve.

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Did you see that Amazon's Frustration-Free Packaging to help elimnate Wrap Rage? this year they have about 19 products, mostly fisher price. I hope this trend continues....


I did see that and I think it's AWESOME! I hope they get a huge response for it and more manufacturers start to do this!!


Batteries in the stockings is a great idea. lol We have these huge remote control vehicles my mom bought for the kids last year and we've never bought enough of the huge batteries to run the things. I think enough batteries to run these will go into the stockings. The kids can start 'em up and play with those while the rest of us are getting things set up. :D

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I thought you meant if we opened presents from others to make sure if they were appropriate!


I don't open gifts ahead of time because of the reasons stated in the o.p. Their presents ~ and there aren't that many anyway ~ aren't wrapped in a "tedious to unwrap" manner and there are never things that require batteries, so none of that's an issue.


Still and all, I always open the gifts beforehand to check what's in there. Especially in the case of my mother-in-law, who sends gifts from Switzerland, she usually includes chocolate in each package. So of course I take it out and eat it all myself. Just kidding!:D I do take it out, though, because sometimes it needs refrigerated, and I'd rather dole it out myself than have them start snarfing down chocolate right then and there.


I'm kinda weird as far as presents are concerned, anyway. I don't like surprises. When I was growing up, I almost always figured out a way to unwrap presents just enough, ahead of time, so I'd know what was in there.:tongue_smilie:

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We do that prior to wrapping, that way all they have to do is open and enjoy. We don't wrap any of the santa gifts, so they are all open and ready to be instantly played with.


of course, part of the reason we do this is so no one gets impatient waiting in line for dad to open, battery, work their new toy!


ETA: oh and we always open enough to be sure the gift works and has all the pieces like it should, then repackage and wrap if neccessary. There's just nothing more heartbreaking than seeing a 6 yr old get the gift he dreamed of and finding it doesn't work. :(

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I thought you meant to play with them! Yes, hubby and I played Wii last year for 6 weeks before Christmas after the dcs went to bed :D. I tried out the DS this year, but the game that I got for dd is not nearly as much fun for me as it will be for her. There is nothing worse than opening a present on Christmas only to find out it does not work UGH!


Anyway, yes! We usually take things out and assemble them, and then we just wrap the akward shaped present gently and place it under the tree. We usually have to go to a family lunch or have family at our house by noon, so if we assembled the toys in the morning they would not have a chance to play with them until the next day. We only have three kids, and it takes a few days to get all items together (and they do not get that many toys).

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Until last year, I always opened the toys, put batteries in, made sure they worked, and then wrapped the lumpy gifts.


The kids would always play with each toy as they opened them, before moving on to the next, probably because they could. Usually present-opening would last from around 8 a.m. until 2 p.m., because of the playtime involved.



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I thought you meant if we opened presents from others to make sure if they were appropriate! I have done that in the past!


roflol! Well, all their presents are from us and their 4 grandparents. The Grandparents almost always run gifts by us first, so we haven't had too many shockers. :lol:

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I thought you meant if we opened presents from others to make sure if they were appropriate! I have done that in the past!

I thought this too.


roflol! Well, all their presents are from us and their 4 grandparents. The Grandparents almost always run gifts by us first, so we haven't had too many shockers. :lol:

Sigh. I wish I could check MIL's gifts to dc first, but she's always there to see them get opened. I also wish she would just let us set them aside and continue opening presents, so I could return the gifts later (she never includes a gift receipt). My mom's gifts are not a problem--she does ask what to get dc. MIL doesn't pay attention when I tell her, or she does but gets a gazillion other things we really don't want.

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I am doing this this year. I am also pre-assembling the treehouse playset I ordered for ds. I have asked family to do the same thing. This is my first year doing christmas on my own since leaving my husband 7 years ago, we have also slept over at my folks and done xmas there so I had lots of grown up sot help me open toys and assemble things, this year it is me and the 4 kids so I am trying to eliminate as many headaches as possible.

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I have done this in years when we bought the kids toys for Christmas.


My worst ever Christmas was the year my parents bought us a Barbie house. Just imagine, 4 overexcited little girls, 2 tired and grumpy parents and a Barbie house with hundreds of bits and stickers to assemble on Christmas morning. We were sent back to bed before lunch.:001_huh:

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  • 3 years later...

I pre-open MILs gifts after last year's debacle. She gave my 13 and 11 year olds Cars themed matching games that said, "Great for ages 3-5" on them! :glare:


This year she gave my 14 year old and my 12 year old T-shirts, both size 10. :confused:


Yup, I pre-open! :D

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I'm getting ready to start wrapping some Christmas gifts and had this thought. We seem to spend a lot of our Christmas morning un-boxing presents. Un-doing those annoying twisty-ties, cutting apart those annoying plastic blister packages, finding screwdrivers and batteries during all the chaos of Christmas Day....


So. I'm thinking we should pre-open the kids' gifts. Put batteries in the few things that need batteries. Leave only enough twisty-ties to hold the item in place in its box reasonably. Unwrap the plastic off of the CDs & video games. Have the blister packages already pre-cut so the item can be simply removed and immediately enjoyed.


:confused: Is this a good idea or a strange one? lol My kids won't miss that part of the "unwrapping experience," I don't think. It actually would probably be more enjoyable, because they won't have to wait on Mom, Dad or a grandparent to cut things open, or find the batteries... they could just open it up and start playing with no grown-up to wait for! lol






I did this one or two years when my kids were small and several of their items had those cursed twisty-tie things. It was better in some ways and not as good in others. I didn't like that it made new items seem like they were used. :tongue_smilie: But it was less hassle on Christmas Day and I don't think the kids paid any attention to it.

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We usually don't, but this year we ordered ds a football toss game and when it arrived in the mail it was packaged only in the shipping box with no label or anything, just the pieces and assembly instructions. :glare: So we will have to assemble that tonight so he'll know what it is. I am so glad it is a Santa gift, it would be hard to wrap all put together!

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I thought you meant if we opened presents from others to make sure if they were appropriate! I have done that in the past!


Me, too! And I really should, but often don't.


We did pre-assemble when they were little. (Santa doesn't wrap here) I can attest that there are approximately 3,000 twisty ties on the Weeble Treehouse.


Thank goodness they're bigger now. The only thing assembled this year is a lacrosse goal. Whew.

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I started doing that a couple of years ago and it was wonderful! Sometimes the kids would become frustrated and lose interest while we where trying to find batteries, screwdrivers, scissors or whatever else we needed. Fortunately, this year I discovered that some major toy manufacturers are using less annoying packaging and I didn't need to do as much.

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I have done that several times. Little People were the worst. We have probably 300 LP figures (that is not an exaggeration; I think we have just about every set made between 2002 and 2006), and every single one was tied in with at least one plastic cord. So frustrating for the kids to wait, so I always undid them before wrapping.

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I'm getting ready to start wrapping some Christmas gifts and had this thought. We seem to spend a lot of our Christmas morning un-boxing presents. Un-doing those annoying twisty-ties, cutting apart those annoying plastic blister packages, finding screwdrivers and batteries during all the chaos of Christmas Day....


So. I'm thinking we should pre-open the kids' gifts. Put batteries in the few things that need batteries. Leave only enough twisty-ties to hold the item in place in its box reasonably. Unwrap the plastic off of the CDs & video games. Have the blister packages already pre-cut so the item can be simply removed and immediately enjoyed.


:confused: Is this a good idea or a strange one? lol My kids won't miss that part of the "unwrapping experience," I don't think. It actually would probably be more enjoyable, because they won't have to wait on Mom, Dad or a grandparent to cut things open, or find the batteries... they could just open it up and start playing with no grown-up to wait for! lol






Absolutely!!! I like things to be ready to go, and so does everybody else.

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Did you see that Amazon's Frustration-Free Packaging to help elimnate Wrap Rage? this year they have about 19 products, mostly fisher price. I hope this trend continues....


Yes, I purchased ds 5 a batman cave with this packaging. Hope they do more of these in the future.


But yes, when they were younger, I often preopened gifts that had difficult packaging. I also wanted to get my hands on directions, extra pieces. etc... before they ended up with wrapping paper in the trash.

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i totally understand, after my 4 open their gifts, they want their gifts opened, and can't, seriously, its another 2 hours of work. But no, i wouldn't do it ahead of time, unless I had extra time ahead, which i never do, if you do, go for it. so smart to clip those zip ties before you wrap :) those things are sooooo stupid!

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