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Suggest hilarious Netflix shows? I need to laugh.


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2 minutes ago, Pen said:

I hope I’ll get some ideas too!  By Netflix do you mean things you can get from them or things they made? And since sense of humor can vary, can you give an example of something you find funny?

By Netflix I just mean shows that they have streaming.

I'm not a humor-snob. I like stand-up comedians (Amy Schumer, Seinfeld), funny shows like Kimmy Schmidt. I've heard Parks & Recreation is funny. I'll try that tonight.

Thanks for asking!


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29 minutes ago, happi duck said:

Parks and Rec is fantastic *but* it gets funnier after season one.

This. You can even skip the first season but if you don’t, don’t judge it all by that. I liked New Girl and just finished Episodes, which was funny (but full of language and some sex so if that bothers you, you wouldn’t like it).

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I loved both seasons of Glow. It's hilarious, but also serious though. Santa Clarita Diet also made me laugh. But it depends on your sense of humor. It's dark and funny.

If you want something that makes you feel good about humanity, I'll totally second Nailed It. Everything in life should be like Nailed It. You should attempt something you're never going to achieve. Experts should laugh at you about it, but then praise your effort and encourage you to try again and have fun with it. And then someone should win money for having tried. It's perfection.

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20 minutes ago, Farrar said:

I loved both seasons of Glow. It's hilarious, but also serious though. Santa Clarita Diet also made me laugh. But it depends on your sense of humor. It's dark and funny.

If you want something that makes you feel good about humanity, I'll totally second Nailed It. Everything in life should be like Nailed It. You should attempt something you're never going to achieve. Experts should laugh at you about it, but then praise your effort and encourage you to try again and have fun with it. And then someone should win money for having tried. It's perfection.

Seconding, the Santa Clarita Diet, it kept my 2 young adults and I in stiches but we enjoy that type of dark comedy.  My husband doesn't like dark comedy, so his wasn't a fan of that one.

You've probably seen these oldies, but I still find the Dick Van Dyke show and The Andy Griffith Show funny and soothing in a nostalgic way.  I remember watching them in reruns afterschool as a kid/teenager.  

My whole family has enjoyed the standup specials by Fluffy (can't remember his actual name.) My daughters and I really enjoy the standup specials of John Mulvaney.  

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7 minutes ago, Upennmama said:

Kims Convenience is hysterical!

I was about to say this!  I binged two seasons in a couple weeks.  It’s about a Korean family who immigrated to Canada, with a witty sense of humor.  Just enough meaningful episodes to get you invested in the characters but not so much it’s heavy.

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I thought Parks and red and 30 rock were so funny.   30 rock may be off Netflix now but maybe it’s streaming somewhere else.  

I think Portlandia can be really hilarious too, but I imagine it’s not everyone’s cuppa.   I definite see bits of Portlandia in the urban hipster city I live in.   I laught out loud sometimes when I’m out and about reminded of situations in Portlandia.  ?

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I loved Parks and Rec, IT Crowd, Arrested Development, and Jessie. 

I really liked Santa Clarita Diet too. 

I like the first season of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt but haven't been able to get into the other seasons.

I tried Portlandia but it didn't do it for me.

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