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How much do you spend on groceries each month? & how many in your family...I've been

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We're in Ohio and I budget between $600-$750 depending on the month. Some months I need more than other months. That includes all toiletries and diapers, plus lots of fresh fruits and veggies. My poor dh about has a stroke at the totals, but he hasn't been shopping in a coon's age and I don't think he realizes just how expensive it is to eat healthy. ;) Oh and we're a family of 6.

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We spend ( this is converted to US $) about 850- 1,000 a month, for a family of 5 ( and a bunch of stray animals)


That also includes toiletries etc.


That includes eating out once a week- though sometimes we eat out more ( then, obviously our total is higher)

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$350 - $450 for our family of 3 and 3 kitties. That includes everything - food and household supplies.


A year ago it was more like $250 - $350. We eat more organic and food prices have increased while coupons have gotten skimpier or non-existant for the products we purchase.


Holiday months tend to be more as we host get togethers.


We buy on sale and hoard. Thank goodness for lots of closet/pantry space! :D

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I get about $600 a month for food and toiletries (one in diapers) but I also buy about $150 from Azure per month. So I guess that makes it $750. I have a freezer of organic beef and lamb as well and make most of our food from scratch. I cook for 3 adults and 3 kids but no pets. My budget is loose and if we have a bad month I have other resources.

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We have spent 645-1020 each month in the last six months. This is approximately 9 to 12% of our take home pay. I could probably bring this down some if I cooked, but I don't and never will. So I buy a lot of convience foods. Four of the seven are vegetarians and the rest eat very little meat. We do buy lots of dairy, fresh fruits and vegetables. I was absolutely shocked at the prices of these items the last time I went shopping. Seems like they have jumped a lot in the last few months.

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I budget $470 a month for a family of four, which includes most toiletries and paper products. We have built up a large pantry and have 2 medium sized chest freezers, so I generally only buy meat and more expensive stuff on sale, which helps a lot.

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We spend $1000-1200 a month on food and household items.

Mostly organics and we cook 85% from scratch.

I have a pantry stuffed and a small deep freeze pretty well stocked, so we can eat fine for the next month or two with very little cash.

Good thing, since AIG closes hubby's office on Nov. 21st.

Part of our rainy day supplies.

I am very thankful that we have it!!!

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With the help of Trader Joes, I've been able to keep groceries at about $800/month for a family of 5.


Pet food, cleaning, and paper products are separate. (Once/month trip to Costco and/or Target for those items)


The horses/farm critters also have a separate budget.


Before I started shopping at Trader Joes, our grocery bill alone was over $1k/month, shopping at Safeway.

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Family of 5 (3 adults, 2 children) plus pets (2 cats, 1 small dog, 2 parakeets & a snake)... we spend $600-800 monthly, including toiletries, household goods, pet food & wine! We do buy a lot of organic stuff, and I cook a lot from scratch. I'm trying to lower this a bit, so the kids and I are "daytime vegetarians". We also eat vegetarian dinners once or twice a week. I buy bulk and on sale as much as I can, especially since we got a nice chest freezer. Our fall/winter garden should start producing soon too, which will help lower costs.

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For the last 2 years we've been at $100 a week for a family of 7 including dog food and household items.

Last month we added $25 a week and our oldest dd is at college so we have a little more breathing room.


That is amazing. I would love to know some of your methods. Can you share some of the things you do or don't do? You are doing an amazing job!


We lately are at about $50 per week for a family of 4 (ds 14; dd 8). This is because we grow/raise/produce a lot of our own food, and I don't know if I can get it much lower than that. I cook from scratch too, so that helps. That total generally includes a few misc. items such as dish soap, dishwasher soap, toilet tissue, etc.

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Tracy, the amazing is born of necessity, eh? :) We make everything from scratch. Everything. I buy in bulk, have a large garden, freeze, can and dry. We glean when we can - this fall we picked several hundred pounds of apples, friends have often given us deer meat (they're hunters- cut with beef you can't tell) or eggs.

For a while we weren't buying liqued milk or sugar or ground flour, no packaged cereal, etc. I do make granola and yogurt weekly so I am back to buying liqued milk IF I can find it for under $3 a gal. Cleaning supplies and paper products are t.p., fem supplies, shampoo ($1 for cheap, cut 1/2 and 1/2 with H2O and add a TBS of honey) and laundry soap (bulk at Sams). Cleaning products around here are cheap-salt, vinegar and baking soda. My littles don't eat a lot of meat so when we have it they get lots of side stuff.

The hardest part when we were at $100 a week with 7 was having enough "filler" food for the growing ones- my boys were hungry ALL the time. We would do lots of homemade rolls, apples with p.b. and oatmeal.

When our oldest girls were working this summer they would often add to the budget or take the littles out for 89 cents cones- what a blessing to have generous kids!!

I have to admit it has often been very hard - with $125 a week we are actually getting to the next shopping day with food left in the fridge!!

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My food bill for a family of four for a month runs about $500 a month, including toiletries and household goods.


I recently started planning each meal, even lunch, for each day of the week. I also include meals that can be used as leftovers for another meal (double batch of soup, roast chicken). I cut out most of the processed and convenience foods and started making more things from scratch. The effect on our grocery bill was amazing! It dropped by nearly $50 a week.

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$1200/ mo for a family of 6. We buy organics and items on the expensive end like fresh fish, which I try to serve twice a week. This includes household cleaning items like dishsoap, laundry detergent, and so on. It also includes pet care items, and my cats have allergies and eat very expensive prescription cat food, unfortunately.

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I am so jealous! :confused: Even with cooking almost everything from scratch, using baking soda etc to clean, having a veggie coop, and never, ever buying any meat or fish, with dh hunting for all our own meat and going on fish camp every year for all our own fish we still spend 800-1000 on groceries a month for a family of four! That does include toilet paper etc though and we do mostly buy organic.


Typically a bread or a gallon of milk in the store costs between 4 and 5 dollars here, curious how those prices compare to elsewhere?

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:eek: :eek: :eek:


Whoa! I am spending way too much on groceries! I probably spend, for our family of 4, about $800-$1000/ month depending on what we need for household stuff!


I don't eat everything organic, but certain things like lettuce and milk. I make almost everything from scratch.


We eat very little meat and poultry, a lot of: fish, fruit and veg, bread, pasta, beans, rice, cheese, juice, eggs, frozen Trader Joes fruit, nuts, oats, corn chips (dh), potatoes, onions, cans of tomato, olive oil...


Seriously, what am I doing wrong?

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I'd say we average about $600 a month both with 6 at home and now with 5 at home. That includes toiletries, cleaning supplies, and cat food (anything bought at Walmart or other grocery stores). It doesn't include school lunches or dh's lunches during the work week. School lunches are $2.50 each, so that is $37.50 each week for the three kids. (YIKES! I never added it up before!) Dh probably spends about the same on his break time snacks and lunches in a week--maybe more. (OUCH!) I'd pack dh's lunch, but he does construction work, and in summer he wants a cool place to sit and eat and in winter he needs somewhere warm. This also doesn't include dog food and goat food.


Adding all that up, I now see we spend about $1,000 a month. Suddenly I'm feeling inspired to see where we might be able to cut back, but I just don't know how much I'd be able to shave off. We don't eat fancy meals or go for convenience foods often.

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I have no idea how some of you do it. I spend on average about $1000 a month on a family of 5 plus 2 dogs. We do use all organic dairy and as much organic produce as I can find. I'd love to find a fruit and veggie co-op but my kids are picky and won't eat a lot of what we'd get. Of course the above amount includes any household cleaning (I only buy sun and earth) and paper products. I have been able to reduce the amount the paper products use up by buying some small plastic plates and bowls to replace he paper ones my kids used to use for lunch and snacks.

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we are averaging around 800/mo. right now for our family of 6 + 1 dog. right now we have an infant on formula and i have been using disposable diapers since he was born :blushing:


truthfully i could cut that back probably 200 a month. i used to spend less, but found us eating out more often then. little trips through the drive thru or out for pizza because i wouldn't splurge on anything packaged like granola bars, frozen pizza, etc. and it was an ordeal to pack lunches for days out because everything i had needed to be cooked. from scratch.


so now i spend more but we have organic granola bars and a few frozen pizzas in case we decide we want to do that one night. we are eating out far less often.


ETA: we live in the southeast. milk here is under 4.00/gallon again, bread is 2.00/loaf. we eat mostly vegetarian at home.

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I spend about $2-250 a month at Costco. Probably another $100 over the month at WM with odds and ends.


I used to spend more when i wasn't making stuff from scratch. The other 4 members of the family will eat very few fruits & veggies - so that helps me spend less.


I can't really say what the total amount is because DH controls the money and i have no clue. I guess $400 is a good average.


I can say that my low expenditure is budget driven - if you had the income i had - well, you'd still need to pay the electric bill so you'd find ways to cut the food budget :D

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We're in Canada and our prices are definitely higher than in some places in the US. Our budget is $750 per month and includes food, all paper products, cleaners and a bunch of miscellanous things, too - often as large as new pots/pans/towels/tableclothes, etc.


I'm trying to cut that number back, while at the same time trying to let us eat more fresh produce and higher grades of meat.

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Here in the UK I spend about 450 pounds/month on all food, household supplies, and toiletries for a family of 6. Depending on the exchange rate, that can be about $700-900 US. I know that if I were closer to Costco and other bulk shopping I wouldn't spend that much. But we have little choice in grocery stores where we are.

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Here in San Jose I have a budget of $800/ month for groceries for 6 people (2 adults, 2 teens & 2 kids) plus one dog, personal products, cleaning products and paper goods. We have food allergies, so some of the low-cost choices are unavailable to us.


I shop very carefully and I cook everything from scratch, but I have a very hard time getting below this figure. I do buy loss leaders, shop with coupons when it is things I already buy and stock up when things are on sale. Not to be gross, but the fem hygiene supplies for me & my two dds is huge. Yes, I have considered the alternatives & none have worked so far.


Around here organic milk is $6.19/ gallon and good bread is $4.09/ loaf


Regular milk is $3.19/ gal and nutritionally deficient, white bread can be found on sale for around $2/ loaf.


On the other hand we have known for the last month or so that DH will be out of a job by next March, so I have been stocking up as much as I can in anticipation of having no grocery budget.


This is a really interesting thread. I am amazed at how low some of the numbers are. Way to go!


Amber in SJ

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Anywhere from $600-$800 a month for a family of four, plus things like laundry soap, paper products, cat litter, shampoo etc. It's about as low as it can get, even with me making a lot of our other cleaning/toiletry supplies and growing/producing a lot of our own food (including honey and eggs). We do eat organic exclusively though and buy earth-friendly products which definitely cost more. A gallon of organic milk here is almost seven dollars! :001_huh:

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$1000-1200/month for a family of six.


We make all our own bread. I buy very few convenience foods. I make lots of soups.


OTOH, I am on a special diet (gluten free, dairy free, no nuts, limited beans, etc).


That amount also includes paper goods, detergent, etc. and alcohol.

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