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Found it! The tackiest house is for sale


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It takes a lot of money to realize that much bad taste :lol:

Yes, and now there is probably no marble left in Indiana for any of the other houses. They used it all up on this one place. ;)


It must have cost an absolute fortune to build that house. It's scary to think someone probably thought it was the epitome of elegance and class. :eek:

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I love the realtor's description. "Impossible to replicate" is right. Oh, my.



ETA: Really hoping the house doesn't belong to someone on this board!

I'll bet it took the realtor quite a while to figure out how to phrase that description!


All I know is that if they ever have an open house there, I want to go!

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It's like a bazaar showroom. "Here are ALL the different kinds of windows. Here are ALL the different kinds of rocks. Want a weird ceiling? These are ALL the choices. Need pillars? Here's how you can put them in EVERY room. Now, come outside and view our statue selections."

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It takes a lot of money to realize that much bad taste :lol:

I know right? He made all his whack dreams come true.


I'm usually a fan of people customizing their residence, but it's not even to code!

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Oh myyyyyyyyy. :eek:  My eyes are fatigued from that experience. Why is there random office furniture in the "living room" spaces? Why (what looks to be) outdoor wicker furniture in bedrooms? Why so many beds in all the rooms? (although, reading the previous owner's former career... maybe that 'splains it?) What happened to the third lion in photo 23? Who got angry and took him out?


So many questions.


I don't think the photographer did them any favors. The photoshop is heavy with the sharpening tools. If there ever was a house that needed a softer focus --- this is it.

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As hideous as it is, I'll bet the architects and interior designers had SO MUCH FUN doing that house.  I can imagine the dinner time conversations every night, "Honey, you won't believe what he wants now.  Lion's heads!"



My dh is an architects. They call that "Owner Driven Design" 

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It's like a bazaar showroom. "Here are ALL the different kinds of windows. Here are ALL the different kinds of rocks. Want a weird ceiling? These are ALL the choices. Need pillars? Here's how you can put them in EVERY room. Now, come outside and view our statue selections."

:lol: :lol: :lol:




Maybe they could turn it into a museum. Architecture and design students could travel there from all over the world to see what never to do when they design a house.

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From the outside, it is odd, though I kind of like that ewok village thing going on in the back. But the kitchen...there are no words for those cabinets. I wouldn't be able too cook there. And all the bedrooms seem to be tile. What do they have against warm feet in the morning. Its sadistic.


And the ceilings, like some kind of cave.

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..... I liked the decor. I found the strange angles and surfaces oddly soothing and the colors were pretty. I like lions and rocks.


Fortunately for the rest of the world, my DH has more conventional tastes than I do.




I LOVE that you own this. We need more people like you so that we don't all have identical granite/stainless/boring kitchens and hardwood floors everywhere.

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From the outside, it is odd, though I kind of like that ewok village thing going on in the back. But the kitchen...there are no words for those cabinets. I wouldn't be able too cook there. And all the bedrooms seem to be tile. What do they have against warm feet in the morning. Its sadistic.


And the ceilings, like some kind of cave.

She said "Ewok Village!" I'm dying.


I was thinking New Money Hobbit.

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At first glance it looked like something out of a cartoon or a fantasy movie or something.




“Curiouser and curiouser!†Cried Alice (she was so much surprised, that for the moment she quite forgot how to speak good English).â€

― Lewis CarrollAlice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass



Aren't staircases required to have railings by some code or something? And why does one bedroom have two giant beds facing each other?  Wait, no, I don't want to know. And the room with mirrored walls?


Edited by RosemaryAndThyme
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Are all the random circles on the ceiling pot lights? If so, that thing will glow like runway lights at night...


Is there a window halfway behind the fireplace in picture 9? And bedrooms with 10+ windows - apparently, the owner was not into sleeping in (four have partial shutters and one(!) has a sheer curtain though)?


And finally, I could totally see my children perched on the columns overlooking the death trap of a foyer staircase. Of course, there is some little black round things on those (uplights??)

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Oh gosh! Maybe there's a pimp among the WTM boardies... alright, out yourself. Who is it? Who's the pimp?!? 😱🤣🤣🤣

I'm thinking no one here will own up to being a pimp. Does anyone on the forum refer to herself as some sort of "intimacy facilitator?" ;)

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Well, that was all really extra.


Dd was fascinated by the lack of doors, while I was stuck on all the hard surfaces.  Doesn't it look like it would be a LOUD place to live, with nothing to block the sound?  I kept thinking about dog toenails clicking all the way through the house.

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