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Dumb Things That Annoy Me


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When someone in the household keeps telling me he needs new socks, yet there are ten pair of socks without holes still in his drawer. It's as though discovering that two pair have holes triggers some dire fear that no non-holey socks will remain.


This happens with underwear, too.


What dumb things annoy you?

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I include step 1- look for it first before asking me, into life skills for kids (and others who live here).

No matter how many times I tell them to look for themselves first they haven't learned to do that before even asking me the darn question. I have stopped helping them look for things altogether in hopes that they realize it is their responsibility to at least look first.

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Like a typical mom I spend most of my time in the kitchen. My laundry room is in the kitchen so all laundry staging and folding happens there too. Really, until I settle down for some TV around 9:00 pm I am in the kitchen.


My teens continually walk in the house and start in with "where's mom?" or they wander the house looking for me calling "mom! Mom?"


I'm in the kitchen! I'm always in the kitchen. Why do they not try the kitchen before exploring the rest of the house?


They are smart kids. I promise.

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Like a typical mom I spend most of my time in the kitchen. My laundry room is in the kitchen so all laundry staging and folding happens there too. Really, until I settle down for some TV around 9:00 pm I am in the kitchen.


My teens continually walk in the house and start in with "where's mom?" or they wander the house looking for me calling "mom! Mom?"


I'm in the kitchen! I'm always in the kitchen. Why do they not try the kitchen before exploring the rest of the house?


They are smart kids. I promise.

OMG here to, we have a 6 room house and no one seams to be able to find me. Unless I'm trying to have quiet time, then they know right where I'm at.


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When someone walks past something like a table with things like pencils and papers on the table, and their wind blows a paper off the desk. Or they jostle the desk and the pencil rolls off. And then they don't pick it back up. They let the paper stay on the floor. They watch the pencil roll away. And do nothing. Ahhhh!


This happens a lot in my house.

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Like a typical mom I spend most of my time in the kitchen. My laundry room is in the kitchen so all laundry staging and folding happens there too. Really, until I settle down for some TV around 9:00 pm I am in the kitchen.


My teens continually walk in the house and start in with "where's mom?" or they wander the house looking for me calling "mom! Mom?"


I'm in the kitchen! I'm always in the kitchen. Why do they not try the kitchen before exploring the rest of the house?


They are smart kids. I promise.

I remember when we were house hunting and I said something about a kitchen in a house we looked at. And my dh said, "Well, it's not like you spend much time in the kitchen after all." I felt like I should introduce myself to the man, because he obviously didn't know who I was or anything about my life. :). Edited by Garga
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When they "can't find" something, and have been staring straight at it for ten minutes.  I'm convinced that there are things in this house that do not exist on this plane of reality until *I* look for it.  


The biggest culprit? Dh.  :glare:


One of my mother's common exasperated sayings was "If it were a SNAKE, it would BITE you"

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Not closing a drawer the entire way. Why not just close it the entire way instead of leaving it open a crack? Bugs the heck outta me.

My DH does that. It drives me bonkers. What extra effort is required to push the drawer the remaining 3cm?

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My DH does that. It drives me bonkers. What extra effort is required to push the drawer the remaining 3cm?

Yeah, my dh is the worst offender. I wrote that post before I got out of bed this morning. Immediately after writing it, I hopped out of bed and wandered to the bathroom. Along the way, I passed THREE not-completely-closed dresser drawers of my dh's. *big sigh*

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Not closing the microwave.... Dh can close it in the restaurant, but somehow cannot do it in our apartment upstairs. What a huge difference 20 vertical feet make. Also, kids who must sacrifice some toothpaste to an unknown demanding toothpaste god every time they brush their teeth without washing it down the sink. How can that much toothpaste not land on the small brush???? 

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When they "can't find" something, and have been staring straight at it for ten minutes.  I'm convinced that there are things in this house that do not exist on this plane of reality until *I* look for it.  


Similar to this - when I say "pick up that thing right there" and they look everywhere EXCEPT where I am pointing (or where I said to look, e.g. under the table). I told DH that the best hiding place for the Easter eggs would be under the school table, because whenever I say "clean up all those papers and pencils that have fallen under the school table," the girls inevitably say "I don't see anything there." I think there is some sort of invisibility cloak over everything under the school table that obscures items from children's sight, but not adults'.

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When someone in the household keeps telling me he needs new socks, yet there are ten pair of socks without holes still in his drawer. It's as though discovering that two pair have holes triggers some dire fear that no non-holey socks will remain.


This happens with underwear, too.


What dumb things annoy you?

I am a sock snob and say this all the time. I am not sure snob is strong enough of a word to describe how picky I am about socks. The hiking and outdoors stores love me. But really, my definition of perfectly good sock is probably vastly different and the idea of having to wear cheap, uncomfortable socks leaves me twitching and I will start the hunt to replace socks with holes immediately.

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Like a typical mom I spend most of my time in the kitchen. My laundry room is in the kitchen so all laundry staging and folding happens there too. Really, until I settle down for some TV around 9:00 pm I am in the kitchen.


My teens continually walk in the house and start in with "where's mom?" or they wander the house looking for me calling "mom! Mom?"


I'm in the kitchen! I'm always in the kitchen. Why do they not try the kitchen before exploring the rest of the house?


They are smart kids. I promise.

I miss having the laundry room in or next to or at least on the same floor as the kitchen. Laundry was not a chore until I had to leave the kitchen to do it. It is ccurrently between the kitchen and bedroom, so not out of the way in the grand scheme of life, but it might as well be a laundry mat 5 miles away that I have to walk to.

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People who walk around the house eating a meal.  Sit down and eat!  Dh and DS are the offenders.  DS has ADHD and prefers to be in motion at all times, so that fuels it for him


The other night, I was eating dinner in the kitchen while the family is eating in the dining room*.  First ds comes to get a second serving from the kitchen and starts wandering around eating. Then dh does the same thing.  I am trying to eat in peace and then I have two 6' men wandering in circles eating the remaining dinner off their plates out of their hands.  Drives me NUTS!  They know it and even when I ask them to sit down, they have a hard time staying seated.  It is like the have reverted to pre-school LOL



*DD10 has major meal time outbursts if I am at the table and if she doesn't like what I serve for dinner. So, on those nights I eat in the kitchen, blissfully alone to avoid the confrontation.  It cuts the drama in half and I am only 12 feet away. 

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My biggest complaint is the level of screen addiction/mental health issues/depression that exists and that I either have to pay for extra help or do it myself or, my current strategy, say screw it and not have a house anywhere near a reasonable level of cleanliness. At least without carpet the dust and debris ends up around the edges of the rooms where it is currently amassing follows to lead a revolt. I wish I was kidding. I am normally a neat freak but I am done. I am too stubborn to hire a cleaner and I sincerly feel that the family members who enabled the situation to get to the this can pony up and pay to clean up after the person.

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I've re-educated myself to tolerate a lot of dumb things.  Like chick flicks and people leaving their earrings in every conceivable place.  So now I have to actually think - what dumb things still annoy me?


  • The way Facebook keeps changing my news feed from Most Recent to Top Stories.
  • The amount of talk on music radio stations.  :/
  • Teachers who don't post grades until it's way too late to do anything about them.
  • Technology changes that aren't worth the trouble of learning the new way.
  • Friends buying my kids clothes they have no occasion to wear.  (Like party dresses.)
Edited by SKL
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People who walk around the house eating a meal. Sit down and eat! Dh and DS are the offenders. DS has ADHD and prefers to be in motion at all times, so that fuels it for him


The other night, I was eating dinner in the kitchen while the family is eating in the dining room*. First ds comes to get a second serving from the kitchen and starts wandering around eating. Then dh does the same thing. I am trying to eat in peace and then I have two 6' men wandering in circles eating the remaining dinner off their plates out of their hands. Drives me NUTS! They know it and even when I ask them to sit down, they have a hard time staying seated. It is like the have reverted to pre-school LOL



*DD10 has major meal time outbursts if I am at the table and if she doesn't like what I serve for dinner. So, on those nights I eat in the kitchen, blissfully alone to avoid the confrontation. It cuts the drama in half and I am only 12 feet away.

I feel you. I am pretty sure my teen son is afraid he will starve to death if he is forced to walk 10ft to the table to eat his meal.

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Like a typical mom I spend most of my time in the kitchen. My laundry room is in the kitchen so all laundry staging and folding happens there too. Really, until I settle down for some TV around 9:00 pm I am in the kitchen.


My teens continually walk in the house and start in with "where's mom?" or they wander the house looking for me calling "mom! Mom?"


I'm in the kitchen! I'm always in the kitchen. Why do they not try the kitchen before exploring the rest of the house?


They are smart kids. I promise.



I remember when we were house hunting and I said something about a kitchen in a house we looked at. And my dh said, "Well, it's not like you spend much time in the kitchen after all." I felt like I should introduce myself to the man, because he obviously didn't know who I was or anything about my life. :).






These both have me  :lol: !  My pet peeve is people standing around in the kitchen.  Our kitchen is just wide enough to open the oven or dishwasher completely (but not simultaneously!) and about five feet long.  And is MY DOMAIN!  No one else cooks, no one else needs to be in there!!!  GET OUT OF MY KITCHEN!  DH, THIS MEANS YOU!!!  

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Similar to this - when I say "pick up that thing right there" and they look everywhere EXCEPT where I am pointing (or where I said to look, e.g. under the table). I told DH that the best hiding place for the Easter eggs would be under the school table, because whenever I say "clean up all those papers and pencils that have fallen under the school table," the girls inevitably say "I don't see anything there." I think there is some sort of invisibility cloak over everything under the school table that obscures items from children's sight, but not adults'.



Yes! Oh dear, yes. Sometimes I have to point with my eyes. Like, we're all cleaning and my hands are full and I'll look right at the object and say, "It's there," and nod my head in the direction and stare at it, assuming (ha!) that they'll follow my line of sight or the direction of my head nod. I honestly think that I need to add "being able to follow someone's line of sight" to some sort of homeschooling class. Maybe gym? No! I need to add it to driver's ed. You know how when you drive, you look at other drivers and try to tell by their body language or where they're looking if they're about to come into your lane? I need my ds14 to figure this out before he turns 16!





I've re-educated myself to tolerate a lot of dumb things.  Like chick flicks and people leaving their earrings in every conceivable place.  So now I have to actually think - what dumb things still annoy me?


  • The way Facebook keeps changing my news feed from Most Recent to Top Stories.
  • The amount of talk on music radio stations.  :/
  • Teachers who don't post grades until it's way too late to do anything about them.
  • Technology changes that aren't worth the trouble of learning the new way.
  • Friends buying my kids clothes they have no occasion to wear.  (Like party dresses.)

Your FB one, talk on music stations one, and tech that isn't worth learning one are all ones I agree with. I don't have the issues with the other two. :)




Another one I thought of:


Constantly pausing everything we watch on tv. When I watch a movie, I get emotionally invested and the world fades away. When anyone in my family watches, they're only mildly affected by the show and they pause the tv constantly.  No one else in the family minds when we're all watching and we pause, but it bugs me.  At least wait until a scene change!


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Another one I thought of:


Constantly pausing everything we watch on tv. When I watch a movie, I get emotionally invested and the world fades away. When anyone in my family watches, they're only mildly affected by the show and they pause the tv constantly.


I don't really care what is on TV. I'll sit down with dh to relax at night but I am happy for him to pick the show and I'll watch whatever it is, but I often do become invested in whatever it is and then...click...we're on to something else mid show! Makes me nuts. He can pick the show but once I am following it he can't just click away to see what else is on. Go ahead and pick the show but then stick with it!! Grrr.

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When DH complains about a headache (sore back, whatever) but won't take an Advil. Take the advil or I don't want to hear about it!!


DH:  Wow, my head is really hurting.

Me: (knowing the answer) Did you take an Advil?

DH: No.

Me: (shake my head and give him the look that says "I can't help you")


Repeat for the last 30 years.

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When DH complains about a headache (sore back, whatever) but won't take an Advil. Take the advil or I don't want to hear about it!!


DH: Wow, my head is really hurting.

Me: (knowing the answer) Did you take an Advil?

DH: No.

Me: (shake my head and give him the look that says "I can't help you")


Repeat for the last 30 years.

In our house it's "I'm tired." I say, "How about going to bed earlier?" Response: look of utter horror.


My dh has been tired every single day for 24.5 years and has gone to bed late every single night for 24.5 years. Actually, I no longer say, "How about going to bed earlier," because there's no point. I just pretend I didn't hear him. :). I mean, I am 99% sure that he says, "I'm tired," Every Single Day. :)

Edited by Garga
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I'm pretty darn easy going about most things.  Very little in the way of small stuff annoys me.  However, DH griping and moaning about something the kids are doing as he is doing the same thing really really annoys me.  Dude, if you don't like it, don't do it.  They are following your example quite well.  Was that not your intention?  Then STOP DOING IT!

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We have a little area on the floor right next to the lidded kitchen waste basket where we "temporarily" put recycling until someone brings it to the porch (literally 10 steps away) to put it in the bins.  Everyone seems to pile recycling there until it is overflowing and sprawling all over the floor and you either have to jump over it or walk around and it still occurs to no one to carry it the 10 steps to the porch.


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Coming so close to putting stuff where it goes but




It 6inches or 6 ft to where it actually goes.


Legos that are set a foot from the Lego box.

Shoes piled outside the closet they belong in

Clean laundry folded and dropped on the floor next to the dresser drawer it goes in


I could go on forever. Drives me batty.




"Pick up the toys." Seems to be heard as "pick up A toy. Mom obviously doesn't mean all those hundreds of others strewn about.


Just like "put away your laundry" seems to be translated as "put away this one pair of pants (but not quite actually put away just closer to where it goes) and not the rest of their basket full of clothes waiting to go upstairs.

Edited by Murphy101
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DH asking"Do we have [insert food item]?" without ever opening the fridge. If I'm sitting in the living room, and you are standing in the kitchen, perhaps you are better equipped to answer that question.


Also people who watch me wrangle my kids out of the car and then park right next to me in a nearly empty parking lot. If I park in Timbuktu, give me space!

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In our house it's "I'm tired." I say, "How about going to bed earlier?" Response: look of utter horror.


My dh has been tired every single day for 24.5 years and has gone to bed late every single night for 24.5 years. Actually, I no longer say, "How about going to bed earlier," because there's no point. I just pretend I didn't hear him. :). I mean, I am 99% sure that he says, "I'm tired," Every Single Day. :)




Are we married to the same man?  LOL

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When I ask my kids what they want for breakfast and they respond with "I don't know; what do we have?"


Ummm...the same 3-4 things we've had EVERY SINGLE MORNING for the past DECADE or so...

This. I have contemplated laminating a "menu" and handing it to them wordlessly. The only thing stopping me is that could be a slippery slope to becoming their wait staff, and I simply don't do that before being sufficiently caffeinated. Or ever. So they have learned to forage and be surprised by the same 3 - 4 things every day. After asking. Ugh.

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Not closing the microwave.... Dh can close it in the restaurant, but somehow cannot do it in our apartment upstairs. What a huge difference 20 vertical feet make. Also, kids who must sacrifice some toothpaste to an unknown demanding toothpaste god every time they brush their teeth without washing it down the sink. How can that much toothpaste not land on the small brush???? 



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