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Is there a scent that evokes pleasant memories of your past?

Chelle in MO

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Okay, I'm still going to give it a try. Could it be any of these?



Oleg Cassini for Men

Yardley Original






You're sweet for trying!  I don't think it's one of those, but I'm so old that it might be that I just don't remember! lol


Wait. Was there walmart then? I heard of Walmart for the first time in 1989.


There absolutely was!  Ours was w/in walking distance of my house, and I walked up there to buy many a 45 record!  I'd get 3 cents back from a dollar!  




Good thought, but I don't think so. Thanks!


try Vermont Country Store.  They seem to specialize in merchandise from the era.


Thank you--I will! 


Peanut butter on hot toast, mixed with the smell of black coffee.  I am instantly transported back to Sunday morning breakfast when I was growing up.  This was my dad's favorite breakfast.  I don't like coffee and really don't much like the smell of it, but this mix of smells gets me in the gut.  I miss Dad.


I'm so sorry.   :grouphug:  I've lost my dear, dear stepdad, but I can't imagine the day when my dad is gone.  And the day isn't really that far away, I'm afraid. 

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Pine trees/pine forest, because it reminds me of my childhood yard and the woods that we played in as kids.  Pipe tobacco that my dad used to smoke.  I hate cigarette smoke, but love me some pipe tobacco smell because it reminds me of my dad.

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LOL!  DS and I were in Tractor Supply Store over Christmas and there were packages of circus peanuts for sale near the register.  I haven't seen them in years, and DS picked them up and eyeballed them suspiciously.  He couldn't understand why I was so excited to see them!

Mine is weird - circus peanuts.  You know, those gross, spongy, orange things?  


For some reason they remind me of my great-grandma, but my mom swears there is no relation between my gg and them...strange.  


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Smells that remind me of the house I grew up in:


Lilac blossoms

Lily of the Valley blossoms

The chemical smell of a perm (my mom did hers at home; it was so strong to be forever imprinted in my brain)

Old Spice

Lava soap

Mom's chicken soup recipe. One of the best scents in the world!

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The scent of root beer takes me right back to my great-grandparents' kitchen where I would drink it out of a shiny, pink aluminum tumbler.


My great-grandpa also used to give me fat, round, pepto bismol pink colored peppermint flavored candy. I can't remember what kind they were, but that color and scent remind me of him.


White Linen reminds me of my grandmother. I never cared for the scent itself, but she loves it and I still give her a bottle of the lotion every Christmas.

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The smell of my grandparents' gas floor heater. As a child I would huddle up right next to it and put my legs over the grate until I couldn't stand the heat.


The smell of the resin box at the ballet studio.


Ozone after a thunderstorm-I grew up in Oklahoma, so it was pretty common.

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Peanut butter on hot toast, mixed with the smell of black coffee.  I am instantly transported back to Sunday morning breakfast when I was growing up.  This was my dad's favorite breakfast.  I don't like coffee and really don't much like the smell of it, but this mix of smells gets me in the gut.  I miss Dad.

That's my Dad's favorite too. <3



When I smell gardenia, I think of my Grandma.  Oh...and the smell of Palmer's Cocoa Butter reminds me of her too. (It was her beauty secret. ;)  Have to say, she had great skin in her 80s.)

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Green apple air freshener....my adopted grandmas house.


Mens shaving cream....my dad (he had such a heavy beard he shaved 2x per day)


Red Door perfume or Taboo...my mom. She swore that wearing musk perfume improved her sucess when she went hunting, so it was her 'fall' scent. LOL


Polo cologne for guys and Passion for girls....high school.


potato soup.....my immediate family


Floral potpouri...the 80s. LOL

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There's a certain cologne that reminds me of good times (whoa, good times.) 


So a few  years ago I was working a PT job and that scent floated by. My head tilted in the air and my eyes closed as I savored the smell, and I looked up...expecting to see someone HOT.


A little old man shuffled by....


And I learned my lesson.

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 My Grandmother's house smelled like a combination of fabric softener, detergent, furniture polish and something else. It was a lovely scent and I was sad when the fragrance that was trapped in the cedar chest that I inherited from her dissipated.


Then I got a dresser from my brother. It had belonged to her, and when I opened the bottom drawer, I found scraps of quilting materials. And the smell was my grandmother's house!


It made me so happy.

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Wait. Was there walmart then? I heard of Walmart for the first time in 1989.



I was thinking the same thing! We didn't get Walmart in CA until the 90's.


Maybe Missouri had them fairly early on since we're so close to where they originated?  Maybe their early expansion/development was pretty close to Arkansas?


The scent of root beer takes me right back to my great-grandparents' kitchen where I would drink it out of a shiny, pink aluminum tumbler.


My great-grandpa also used to give me fat, round, pepto bismol pink colored peppermint flavored candy. I can't remember what kind they were, but that color and scent remind me of him.


White Linen reminds me of my grandmother. I never cared for the scent itself, but she loves it and I still give her a bottle of the lotion every Christmas.


I remember those tumblers and that candy!  The tumblers were a weird sensory thing for me--lol!  And the candy -- what WAS the name of that?  I'll have to check to see if the Vermont Country Store has it! haha

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The typical high school smell (in my day) was Polo. 



Typical high school boy smell at my school/in my day was Drakkar.   Funny to remember this....I'm in my mid/late 40's.  

I went to a tiny high school. Most boys who wore cologne had a signature type they'd wear. I can smell those colognes in the store on a passerby and think of that individual boy.

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Old spice - grandpa. A guy I was interested in walked away because I told him it reminded me of my grandfather. He didn't speak to me again.


Dial handsoap - grandmas house.


Chanel no 5 - the best teacher I ever had and her husband. 4th and 5th grade.


Beth and Body Works cucumber melon anything. Middle school then High school marching band. The girls had the stuff, the guys used the stuff on the bus, but I never had it.


Cigarette smoke and car exhaust: going to the racetrack with my dad during the summer.

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I don't smell it often but my grandmother wore Lily of the Valley cologne. She also always had Jergen's lotion, which has a sort of cherry scent. Both of those scents remind me of her.


The smell of fresh cut grass brings all kinds of pleasant memories.


I have a few old songs that can actually bring on memories of scents for me. I can smell certain things when I hear the songs.

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I think we just called them wintergreen mints? On this site they call them Canada mints. I think my great-grandparents had them sometimes, too, but mainly they kept their candy dish full of gumdrops and peanuts. Yum! I remember eating all the gumdrops and then using my finger to get the leftover sugar, too. I was a greedy little kid.  :o


My grandma always had Tic-Tacs and Freedent gum in her purse. (She was a smoker with dentures.  :) )


Those are the ones--thanks!  I couldn't remember what we called them, but it's on the website--lozenges!  I loved those! 


And that leftover sugar at the bottom of the gumdrop dish was the best!  I used to go to my mom's office after school sometimes and grab a couple of sugar cubes from the coffee station--yum!

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My uncle smelled of apple pipe tobacco.  I've always been anti-smoking, except for Uncle Joe (who lived into his 90s).


I remember Love's Baby Soft from Middle School.  And all of those fake body sprays... I remember my friend had one that smelled like Giorgio.  


I love the smell of fresh cut grass, but also burning leaves.  Oh an cider.  Those all remind me of my childhood.

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My uncle smelled of apple pipe tobacco. I've always been anti-smoking, except for Uncle Joe (who lived into his 90s).


I remember Love's Baby Soft from Middle School. And all of those fake body sprays... I remember my friend had one that smelled like Giorgio.


I love the smell of fresh cut grass, but also burning leaves. Oh an cider. Those all remind me of my childhood.

Yes, wet grass and burning leaves are smells I like too.

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Yardley English Lavender and  the smell of bread baking.  Both remind me of my mom. I still have some of the English Lavender and use it occasionally when I want to feel close to mom, who passed away several years ago. 


:crying:   It's fascinating how emotionally powerful scents can be.   :grouphug:

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Smells that remind me of the house I grew up in:


Lilac blossoms

Lily of the Valley blossoms

The chemical smell of a perm (my mom did hers at home; it was so strong to be forever imprinted in my brain)

Old Spice

Lava soap

Mom's chicken soup recipe. One of the best scents in the world!

Where did you grow up ? How can I forget the lilac blossoms mom had a bush outside the kitchen window. I remember my neighbors yard being full of lily of the valley the scents of home.

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