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More baby prayers needed


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I agree, nice name! Hopefully they can clear the fluid soon and he will nurse better. Nursing issues are skunking us currently and I wouldn't wish that on anyone.


He looks like a good sized boy too!

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I agree, nice name! Hopefully they can clear the fluid soon and he will nurse better. Nursing issues are skunking us currently and I wouldn't wish that on anyone.


He looks like a good sized boy too!

7 lbs 11 oz. My mil is visiting with him now. I'm waiting for my next round of pain meds to go down so I can comfortably stay for awhile and try nursing some more.

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I have visited him a few times and have pumped a bit as well but the man is a hungry man and mama needed sleep! So, although breastfeeding is going well his last feeding was with formula because I was bone dry and he was mad. It is very strange having him be a floor below me because normally I'd just give him the boob and he'd get little bits over a long period of time. Having to go down is a whole process so going down every hour won't be easy until I'm able to do the walk myself and am entirely detached from machines, which will be sometime in the midmorning.


Because of the one formula feed dh was able to go home and tend to the dogs, one is behaving oddly so he slept for about 2 hours with them and I was able to get about 3 hours of sleep. Little bits of sleep here or there is going to be the norm until he's rooming with us again

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The man is out of the NICU and rooming with us! It has been a really hard 48 hours not having him with me, having to pump, nurse, and not getting enough rest because I wanted to be down their with him. My heart really goes out the Arctic Mama and happypamama who are dealing with so much more than I had to.


We've got one more night here and then can go home. Dh has to go visit the kids at my parents' and access whether or not he has to take our 2 year old to the ER. She hurt her leg somehow and has been crying and staying it hurts.since this morning. She can't stand up. No one is sure what happened but we're crossing our fingers that it isnt anything too bad

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Hurray for happy baby news, and I hope the 2 year old's injury is not severe. If she can't stand I would definitely get her to a Dr. wouldn't have to be the ER if you have a pediatrician or family clinic with x-ray capability (ours does).

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Hurray for happy baby news, and I hope the 2 year old's injury is not severe. If she can't stand I would definitely get her to a Dr. wouldn't have to be the ER if you have a pediatrician or family clinic with x-ray capability (ours does).

Yeah. My nurse just told me where to send her that will do pediatric xrays. In the past(my son broke his leg at age 2) no would would touch the toddlers possible broken leg and just referred us to the children's hospital.

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7 lbs 11 oz. My mil is visiting with him now. I'm waiting for my next round of pain meds to go down so I can comfortably stay for awhile and try nursing some more.

Aww, that was exactly the size of my youngest at birth.

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Baby boy was born this morning via scheduled csection. He had some trouble breathing at first. He's currently in the NICU getting a chest x-ray and blood run to get a better idea of what's going on. We haven't heard how he's doing but they didn't seem like it was anything major, just needed a little help getting thibga going. We should know more soon. Please pray for the little nameless man.


I'm doing fine. Surgery went well, still in recovery waiting for spinal to wear off and get pain managed because they can move me to my room.

Yay! Congratulations!!!! I am happy for you!

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Well f***!!! My blood pressure is through the roof and apparently my bloodwork came back bad. So now I'm getting transferred to high risk and being put on magnesium sulfate for an indeterminate amount of time. Reunited with the man for a short time only to have him not be allowed to room with me unless dh is in the room. But he has to take DD to the ER we think. My mom has been observing her and things haven't gotten worse but she cries when she is moved around and won't put weight on her leg.


I'm done with today

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Well f***!!! My blood pressure is through the roof and apparently my bloodwork came back bad. So now I'm getting transferred to high risk and being put on magnesium sulfate for an indeterminate amount of time. Reunited with the man for a short time only to have him not be allowed to room with me unless dh is in the room. But he has to take DD to the ER we think. My mom has been observing her and things haven't gotten worse but she cries when she is moved around and won't put weight on her leg.


I'm done with today


that just sucks all around.  I'm sorry.  Can you go to the nursery to spend time with him or are they not letting you move?

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Congrats on your beautiful baby! I hope your BP calms down soon. :(


Why aren't they letting him room with you? I would think having him close by would help your BP, if anything.


I'm guessing because the the drugs she is on make her sleepy and unable to safely be in charge of him. 

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that just sucks all around. I'm sorry. Can you go to the nursery to spend time with him or are they not letting you move?

I can't get out of bed on mag. He's been with us all night since dh has been here but dh will be waking DD to get x-rays so then they'll only bring Cillian down when he's hungry.


Dh has to go home with all the kids today because my parents leave for a cruise tomorrow. So it'll be extra weird being without Cillian and without dh.

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