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AC/DC ~ tell me the truth...


  1. 1. AC/DC?

    • They rock. Always have, always will. Plus I want Angus's school uniform.
    • Used to love 'em, but I've moved on.
    • Can't say I ever joined this bandwagon.
    • Who or what is AC/DC?

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One highlight (cough, sputter ~ NOT!!!) of my recent Swiss trip was spending hour upon hour in a small, cramped, smoky party room (okay, after a few hours I contributed some of the smoke), listening to "DC/AC" at TOP VOLUME. Who, you ask, are DC/AC? A German band that not only sounds, but looks, exactly like the infamous (to some, anyway) AC/DC. Now, if you're anything like me, you might be thinking something along these lines:


"Normal people liked AC/DC? Normal people STILL like them? Normal people (specifically, my brother-in-law) pay oodles to bring a faux-AC/DC band from Germany to Switzerland for a going away party?"


And so on. Suffice it to say I was trapped amidst dozens of adults who were beyond surprised that I'm not now, nor was I ever, an AC/DC fan. (And you thought the Swiss were all about cheese and chocolate. Ha!) (And don't get me started on the pot smoking out back and life-size poster of a half-nekkid woman at the entrance. What the...?!)


Any-hoo. I was later telling my brother-in-law ~ who, admittedly, was a source of great amusement and entertainment to me at his party, head-banging his way along the Highway to Hell ~ that not a soul I know listens to AC/DC any more. He assured me they're as popular now as they've ever been. No way! I protested. We mocked one another, each assured of our own rightness.


Well. I was wrong. And here's the article in today's New York Times to prove his case:




Who knew?! Maybe if I shopped at Wal-Mart I wouldn't be out of the loop. (What ironic bedfellows, btw...Wal-Mart and AC/DC...)

Edited by Colleen
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I can't say I was ever a huge fan, but they have certainly had songs that have "stuck." I know that sometimes when we're in the car, one of their old songs will come on and my kids and I will just turn it up and sing (ds has learned some of the songs from Rock Band and Guitar Hero).


So, I guess I'm in the, "I liked some of their stuff in the past and still like it just fine when I comes on the radio," camp.


I will say that the article impressed me. I like people who go against the grain and stand up for what they think is right for them to do. Kudos to them for not caving to the pressure of going digital to make a quick buck!

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what kinda drugs are these guys taking. One of them is old enough to be my father and yet they can still jump around the stage and scream their heads off like the crazy fool I used to be 25 years ago. This goes for Mick Jagger and Steve Tyler too, all members of the Dick Clark club, I tell ya. I mean honestly, these guys could run circles around me and I know that they have lived a much harder life than I have. Obviously, I was not doing the right kind of drugs in the 70's, either that or I don't have the right prescriptions now. ;)

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They have some songs that bring back good memories, and they *are* great for headbanging. I don't have the hair for it anymore though. :D And, their lyrics qualify as "icky" so I don't listen to them with the kids around, which means I never listen. Pretty sure I don't own any of their stuff but didn't mind hearing "Back In Black" or "You Shook Me All Night Long" on the radio.

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I hadn't given them much thought over the years, I liked them "back in the day." But two of my sons have them on their Ipods now and I've been hearing a lot more of them lately. Kind of fun.


I dunno...call me crazy, but I wouldn't be real thrilled to have my kids singing along to AC/DC lyrics...

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I grew up in the suburbs of Detroit and the radio stations there owe their existence to bands like AC/DC.


I find it hard to sit still when I hear the opening chords to, "You Shook Me All Night Long". My hand starts to make an involuntary "secret devil sign"...




...and my heart starts to race. But, because I am a suburban mother of three I sit quietly as if I weren't hearing a thing.

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I never liked AC/DC and even though I was a teen in the 80's I did not like heavy metal. I suffer greatly now that my family loves Guitar Hero.


Same for me except I was a teen in the 70's and never liked heavy metal (although my dh still loves it). And I do suffer now because my dh brought home Wii Rock Band the other day. And it is loud. And the kids love it. And although I hate it I did a darn decent job of singing David Bowie's Suffragette City yesterday afternoon.:D

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I dunno...call me crazy, but I wouldn't be real thrilled to have my kids singing along to AC/DC lyrics...


I'll go ahead and call you crazy ... the lyrics are not stellar, but they are far superior to a lot of what their friends are listening to. And, no, that's not a justification, but it's where I am right now. I listened to a lot of stuff that totally went over my head - I'm shocked now when I hear the lyrics AND understand them. We talk a lot more about their music than I ever did with my own mom or dad. They KNOW I'm paying attention and, for the most part, even if I don't like the group, I'm ok with their choices.

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Yes, thanks to Guitar Hero, AC/DC is often heard in our basement!! And the kids think it's great -- which makes the hubby and I chuckle.


"Dirty Deeds" is my favorite AC/DC song. My hubby's favorite is "Hells Bells" -- if it comes on the radio, cover your ears because the volume will be cranked! -- my oldest dd loves "Back in Black" and my boys love "TNT"


Btw....That's the best thing about Guitar Hero! The kids are finding out how cool rock music is!


As an example, I'm at my brother's house for a party and "Slow Ride" starts playing on the radio and my youngest son pipes up with, "This is my favorite Foghat song!" My brother stared down at him and said, "You're 8! You shouldn't have a favorite Foghat song!"


I blame it all on Guitar Hero! :lol:

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I'm still a pretty big fan. They just cut a new album and they're doing their first tour in 7 years starting this fall. Tickets to the show in Dallas in January sold out in a matter of hours. I did not get any. :(


I see a spin-off thread coming...it shook me all night long!

Hmm...I need a head banger smiley.

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She was a fast machine, she kept her motor clean, she was the....well, ya know.


I'm another vote for "other". I never heard a single AC/DC song until 2-3 years ago. If I did, it was an accident. :D While staying at a hotel during a homeschool convention, my fellow roommates found out about my AC/DC virginity and went out to buy a cd player and cd to "enlighten" me.


I was shocked that it wasn't the heavy metal devil worship music I was expecting. I even kind of liked some. One friend made All Night Long a favorite by singing it opera-style. Hilarious. So, my vote is: never heard it growing up, heard it as an adult and like some songs.


But if you are an AC/DC fan, you're gonna love Hayseed Dixie. Here's a blog link: http://whitetrashmama.blogspot.com/2008/06/hayseed-dixie-shook-me-all-night-long.html

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Urghh...what a topic for a Monday morning.:blink:


My exposure to AC/DC happened thusly: my little brother had a 1971 Mustang with a killer stereo system and BIG speakers that were not installed in the car. Whoever sat in the back seat had to snuggle up with the speakers.


For some reason that completely escapes me now (the insanity of youth??) I liked to go with him and his friends once in a while when they "cruised the strip" in Podunkville, Illinois where we grew up. Since it was really uncool to be driving around with the only girl in your car being your big sister...I sat in the back with the speakers nestled next to me.


I think "Dirty Deeds" and "Big Balls":eek: are permanently etched somewhere in my brain. After a couple of hours in that car my ears would ring for two days. If you meet me in person, you will notice I look right at you when you are talking and will say "excuse me?", "pardon me?", and "what was that again?" a LOT unless you speak a trifle loudly. I WISH I was kidding about that part...

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I was a AC/DC fan My husband and I attended a concert while dating. I would guess they are still popular because there t-shirts sale at all the hip teen stores.


I am a very conservative person now and just don't care for the lyrics. I associate there music with excesses of alchol and other stuff better not messed with.


The guy who got me listening to the group in the early 80's He now sits in jail for robbery to support the drug habit that started that fated summer with with the Back in Black tape.


I guess the music just gives really bad memories. The memories of a lost soul and lost potential. There are a few other childhood friends that have followed the same path.

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Like many folks who have responded, I never cared for them, but the lyrics do sometimes stick in my head, as I too, was a child of the 80's.


Have to be honest here, if I had been at that party, the music and the cigarette smoke would have chased me out the back door to hang with the evil pot-smokers.:D

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Dh is a big fan of AC/DC. I've heard plenty of it growing up, too, especially since my dad was a DJ for years and played classic rock during the latter part of his DJ career. I do like "Thunderstruck." And I had "You Shook Me All Night Long" as my ringtone when dh called. But, no, AC/DC is not something I enjoy listening to most of the time.


Unfortunately, when dc like a song and want it, I have to look it up because I can never understand the lyrics when listening to it on the radio. Growing up I could never understand the lyrics either. A lot of times I would like a song and a friend or dh (not dh then, just dating) would say that song was silly, just listen to the lyrics. And I would think, "What the h*ll does that have to do with it?" So, I realized that lyrics had very little to do with the reason I liked a song or not. (I remember which songs they were, too. One was "All I Want to Do is Make Love to You" by Heart. Said friend thought it was stupid. Another was "Life in a Northern Town." I don't remember who it was by. Dh thought it was stupid. I didn't care. It sounded good.)


Now, however, I do look up the lyrics quite often so I can decide whether or not to get it for dc. I try to find a balance. Even though I may roll my eyes and think a song is ridiculous, I try to remember how much I loved music as a kid and how little the lyrics meant over the music, emotion, and sound of it all coming together. Plus how it made me feel. So, I may approve songs even though I cringe inside, but I'm glad dc feel comfortable sharing their music with me. Sometimes I even like their music, but many times I don't. It doesn't matter. I still like sharing it with them. They sure do know a lot of my music, too! Often they'll call out the name of the song before I can (but I still think it's because of these stupid new hearing aids, dagnabbit.)

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However, I married a man who knew all the words to "Back in Black"...:)



Who doesn't know all the words to "Back in Black"?!


However, I had to vote that I've moved on. There's rocking out in your teenage years, and then there's pathetically holding those times in a death grip.


Would I go see AC/DC if they were to grace us with their presence in my hometown? If the price were right.

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Lyrics... I was always one to understand them easily, even as a pretty young kid. The first time I heard this AC/DC song, I was sitting in the back-seat of a Firebird (gold with the bird thing splayed across the hood and white bucket seats). It must have been 104 (the heat and humidity of a late August day in Atl). I had just moved to Atl and my new friends (:tongue_smilie: ) had taken me out to by some lunch at the local hang-out (Blimpies.. it's like a Subway). We sat in the wretched heat (no AC) asphalt parking lot shimmering in waves, with this song blasting from the surround sound speakers (most likely where the money to fix the AC went). I was shell shocked... where had my parents moved me to. Pure culture shock. I adjusted and learned to appreciate the finer subtleties of the early AC/DC songs. My fav... The Jack. ;)


She gave me the Queen

She gave me the King

She was wheelin' and dealin'

Just doin' her thing

She was holdin' a pair

But I had to try

Her Deuce was wild

But my Ace was high

But how was I to know

That she'd been dealt with before

Said she'd never had a Full House

But I should have known

From the tattoo on her left leg

And the garter on her right

She'd have the card to bring me down

If she played it right


She's got the jack, she's got the jack

She's got the jack, she's got the jack

She's got the jack, she's got the jack

She's got the jack, she's got the jack

She's got the jack, jack, jack, jack, jack, jack, jack

She's got the jack


Poker face was her name

Poker face was her nature

Poker straight was her game

If she knew she could get you

She played 'em fast

And she played 'em hard

She could close her eyes

And feel every card

But how was I to know

That she'd been shuffled before

Said she'd never had a Royal Flush

But I should have known

That all the cards were comin'

From the bottom of the pack

And if I'd known what she was dealin' out

I'd have dealt it back


She's got the jack, she's got the jack

She's got the jack, and who knows what else?

She's got the jack, yeah, yeah

She's got the jack, she's got the jack

She's got the jack, she's got the jack

She's got the jack, jack, jack, jack, jack, jack, jack

She's got the jack


She's got the jack, she's got the jack,

Ooh, It was a bad deal, (Jack)

She gave me the (Jack), hey

She's got the (Jack), she's got the (Jack)

She's got the (Jack), ooh can't you tell

She's got the (Jack, jack, jack, jack, jack, jack, jack, jack)

(She's got the jack, she's got the Jack)

She's got the jack, she's got the Jack

She's got the jack, you never know!

She's got the jack, she's got the jack

She's got the jack

She's got the jack, and it hurts!

(She's got the jack)

She's got the jack, jack, jack, jack, jack, jack, jack

She's got the jack


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I grew up in the suburbs of Detroit and the radio stations there owe their existence to bands like AC/DC.




Where did you grow up? Dh grew up in Troy and Bloomfield Hills and went to high school there. We now live in Grosse Pointe.


I voted that I loved it at the time and I've moved on now. I was in high school in the late-80s - what can I say!? And, I'd certainly get up and dance to their songs were they to be played at a party!!

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who is really into rock. Mostly metal, but he plays the drums and his teacher has him doing all genres of rock. So, now I'm singing along and banging my head again.


The teens I teach two mornings a week at an alternative school (most have been expelled from regular school) think it is very wrong that my ds and I listen to the same music.

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In fact, even when dd was very small, she'd hear "You Shook Me All Night Long" come on the radio and say, "Daddy's football song!"


Dh always turns this song up loud when he hears it---- apparently it was played LOUDLY before each high school and college football game. It's a guy thing, I guess.


But I do love me some AC/DC!



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My dh and 3 of my dc are upstairs working (he works from home and they are doing school work) and rocking to AC/DC even as I type!


I believe I heard Hell's Bells ringing down earlier....:glare:

NOT eactly what I'd like to have blaring from the house with the windows open or blaring into my teen sons ears, but there you have it. My dh is absolutely a product of '80s generation music and it shows. My dh and oldest son insist it helps with math skills.:lol:

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She gave me the Queen

She gave me the King

She was wheelin' and dealin'

Just doin' her thing

She was holdin' a pair

But I had to try

Her Deuce was wild

But my Ace was high

But how was I to know

That she'd been dealt with before

Said she'd never had a Full House

But I should have known

From the tattoo on her left leg

And the garter on her right

She'd have the card to bring me down

If she played it right


She's got the jack, she's got the jack

She's got the jack, she's got the jack

She's got the jack, she's got the jack

She's got the jack, she's got the jack

She's got the jack, jack, jack, jack, jack, jack, jack

She's got the jack




I am unworthy. < insert bowing smiley here>

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Some balls are held for charity

and some for fancy dress

but the ones that are held for...


Oh, never mind. You all don't need to know how scandalously depraved I was as a teen, now do you?


I loved AC/DC!


Well I'm upper upper class high society

God's gift to ballroom notoriety


Oh, dear that was my favorite. I didn't dare post the entire lyrics here. :D:D We would giggle and make sure that song wasn't loud enough for mom to hear.

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I kind of had a love/hate thing for them. I liked rock and I liked a lot of their songs. But, then I had a bf who listened to them all. the. time. And he broke my heart in the end. So for a long time, I could not stand them at all because they reminded me of him. Time goes past and I meet my dh, who is a big time rock/metal fan. So he listened to them, as well as others, and I finally had something good to associate with them. Of course, that was 17 years ago. Now, I'll listen when they come on the radio or one of the oldies shows on VH1, but I wouldn't go to a concert. I think dh is probably the same way. Well, about AC/DC anyways. KISS, however, is a different story for him. :tongue_smilie:

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