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Gas prices, how much have they dropped in your area?

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I haven't noticed a thread about this and was curious what gas prices are in other places.


We are down to $2.79 for regular. That is a drop of about $1.30 from the high just a few months ago. I expected prices to go down some, but never would have guessed they would drop below $3.00!


Is the big factor the upcoming election? I know oil prices have dropped, but like I said, I wouldn't have guessed that gas prices would drop this drastically and in such a short time just from that alone.


Anyway, just curious.

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Well our high was 3.99. I haven't been out today but the report for local gas stations says a few are 3.19 but most are 3.24. Last Saturday I paid 3.57. I'm happy to see they are dropping but I do agree that the stations are just trying to milk it. Wholesale oil has dropped almost 50% but prices have dropped less than 25%. If wholesale drops 50%, I think retail should too. Whose in favor of $2.00 a gallon gas?

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Wow.....I am in shock at how low some of your prices are..:001_huh:


Last night when we were out and about, it was $3.12 if you paid cash. It was running around $3.50-$3.80 depending on where you bought gas.


Sams and Costco had it for $2.91 last night.


Who would have ever thought we would long for the days when it was below $3. I can remember when I first started driving I was paying $.89/gal


That was for diesel.


Sheeshhhh.....Below $2 would be totally awesome!!!!:auto:

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NOt enough imo. We are now down to $1.13 per litre so still $4.52 per gallon and this in the province that have all the dang oil. This of course is the price AFTER the drop in price. 2 weeks ago it was $1.38 per litre so $5.52 per gallon so I guess a drop of a ful dollar is good, but not good enough imo.

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Our prices are dropping so fast, it's $0.10 lower every day. We're around $2.89 a gallon today -- but of course I filled up Thursday at $3.09. :lol:


While I was happy to see the lower gas prices, everything I saved on my fill-up, and then some, went bye-bye at the grocery store.

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It is still $4.06 here. It has been that price since about May. It never moves, and it's that price at the gas stations on all the bases. We were talking about it the other day, and figured since the price hasn't changed in months, maybe we have to use that shipment before a new shipment comes in and the price changes.


I don't really watch the price of gas out in town, but in the summer we figured out the cost of a gallon of gas. The Okinawans were paying 177 Yen per liter. With the exchange, and the conversion to gallons, it was coming out to just about $7 a gallon. I have noticed that gas has been steadily dropping out in town. I believe it's down somewhere in the 130's Yen per liter.


So it's dropping, it's just not dropping for us. Luckily, unless you want to drive to the other end of the island (maybe 2 hours away?) everything is pretty much a 5 to 10 minute drive. We really only fill the tank up every 3-4 weeks. So while it's more here, we use a lot less of it. (Hence our theory that we need to use up the $4.06 shipment before the cost goes down.)

Edited by Renthead Mommy
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There are actually several factors in the price drop. It always drops after the summer driving season, when demand is at its highest. Add that to the drop in demand from people scaling back. There's actually a bit of a surplus right now due to the decline in demand, such that OPEC has called an "historic" meeting (news article's words, not mine!) in response to the falling demand and prices... something about maybe cutting back on production to "stabilize" prices. Ha! Where were they and their historic meetings when prices were spiraling out of control?


Also, there is the theory that prices are dropping because of the threat of a major world wide recession. Everything is losing value.

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3.259 at Costco in south Seattle today.


Demand is down. OPEC moved up their meeting to Nov. 18 (was scheduled for Dec 17 or 18). I expect they will set production limits. Several analysts I have read expect prices to bottom out soon and then start a slow rise upward.


I am stalling on buying heating fuel oil for as long as possible.


When *I* started driving gas was .50/gallon. I have bored my children to tears by telling them stories of Miss Jayne (my BFF from 1st grade) and I in high school - as long as we could each scrounge up a quarter we could put a gallon of gas in her VW bug and cruise the strip (in our very tiny town) all night!


kate in seattle

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When *I* started driving gas was .50/gallon. I have bored my children to tears by telling them stories of Miss Jayne (my BFF from 1st grade) and I in high school - as long as we could each scrounge up a quarter we could put a gallon of gas in her VW bug and cruise the strip (in our very tiny town) all night!




I can remember when it rose to $0.50/gallon and I was flabbergasted.


I know what you mean... I am beginning to sound like my dad (who was an adult during the depression) who used to go on and on about how he worked for $5 a week and his room and board was $3 (the same story I heard over and over, whenever he encountered something outrageous like a $2 hamburger :)).



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