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WWYD - If you ate expired mayo


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So say you ate nearly half a sandwich, thinking "Mmmm, I haven't had mayo in FOREVER!"  and then thought, "Oh Crap! I haven't had mayo in forever!"  And you look and it expired July 2015.


Do you think a couple of shots of tequila will kill the bad bugs in the stomach?



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Jeepers, if you needed to do that to kill nasties from expired food my entire family would be drunk every time we visited MIL, queen of the expired pantry. I think you will be just fine. But if in fact you have a hankering for you that tequila and need an excuse, yes, you should probably drink some just in case. ;)

Edited by bibiche
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If you opened the jar, made the sandwich and never thought, "Huh, that's a weird smell", then I would not worry about it at all.




Sadly, it had been in the fridge that long.  I'm rather an idiot.  Though it didn't smell and I thought it tasted fine.

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Shots of tequila might be more likely to induce vomiting.


I guess that might be a strategy. :lol:   I'm a lightweight, so two shots is my limit.  It's not cheap tequila so I wouldn't want to waste it that way  :001_smile:  

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I'd hope that everyone else in my house would avoid it, thinking, "Yay, more for meeeeee!"


I'm sure you'll be absolutely fine.  I wouldn't give it a second thought.  Although if I ever had a jar of mayonnaise for that long in my fridge, it might mean that I was (already) ill . . .


Get rid of it. Buy a new jar, smaller if possible.  :)

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I think if it were bad you would have detected an odor.  i read somewhere how mayo is actually pretty acidic and does not spoil easily ( it is the other items in a picnic salad that go bad). Probably just not as tasty a mayo as if it had been fresher.  Doubt you will get sick if you haven't already.

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If I was not sick after eating that, and I was not in the hospital, I would forget it. You are OK.  This comes from someone who spent 24 hours in a hospital in Cumana, Venezuela, with an I.V. in his wrist, in 1991..  I ate a Club House Sandwich, prepared in the Snack Bar of my hotel, between the pool and the beach. Apparently, the Mayo wasn't at the correct temperature and I got VERY sick.  


ETA: I thank God for the young female M.D. who took care of me in the E.R.  I wanted to leave, because of my airline ticket/reservations. She wouldn't let me out of there and she had me checked into a room, after various hours in the E.R.  The doctors were positive it was the Mayo.

Edited by Lanny
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Well I'm glad everything turned out ok. This thread made me go look at how old my jar of mayo is because, except for making cole slaw dressing, I'm the only one who likes it for sandwiches. And I just had some last night. Only Dec 2015--I'm plenty good!  :thumbup1:

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Glad you're feeling fine, OP. :)


Make your own mayonnaise. It tastes better and when you make it to order, you don't have to worry about it hanging around to try to poison you later. :p If you are worried about the eggs you can pasteurize them easily.

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Well I'm glad everything turned out ok. This thread made me go look at how old my jar of mayo is because, except for making cole slaw dressing, I'm the only one who likes it for sandwiches. And I just had some last night. Only Dec 2015--I'm plenty good!  :thumbup1:


I only like mayo when it's mixed in things - tuna, chicken, or egg salad, cole slaw, potato salad, etc. It grosses me out when put on a sandwich or burger. If it was just me, mayonnaise would last for years. I'd be eating that July 2015 mayo. :) My guys like it on sandwiches and burgers though, so it gets used up fairly quickly. 

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