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Understated birthday?


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My husband has a business trip and he has to fly out on my birthday. (He's taking me away to celebrate a few weeks after he gets back home. I'm not mad.)


I'll be home with my kids and don't really want to make a cake for myself, which is how we always have birthdays. They won't have presents for me, and I'm fine with that. On the other hand, I know I'll be sad if I just pretend it's a regular day.


What would you do to mark the occasion in a simple way?

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Can a friend come over to watch a movie or something? Are there family friends who might want to have dinner together? Take the kids out for a picnic? Treat yourself to a favorite dessert that you buy instead of make then curl up with a new book or rent a movie?

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I would make a supper together with the kids, watch a movie, and snuggle in my bed together and read stories until it was past their bedtime. Then let them sleep with me. This may be from personal experience. It's kind of important for them to realize that your birthday gets acknowledged too.

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I'd go out to dinner w/ my kids. And I've have a dessert of some sort there or at home (that I bought somewhere, not made for myself).


Maybe visit a nearby bookstore too! :D


Have a nice, low-key birthday!



Edited by Stacia
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I'd take the kids to Cheesecake Factory for dinner, then choose a slice or two of my favorite cheesecake to celebrate. I'd make sure there was a nice slice leftover for my breakfast the next day.


I'd also be happy to just get a couple slices of cheesecake for me there, and pick up pizza for dinner.


*Edited for spelling errors

Edited by wendy not in HI
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Ask your dh to give the kids folded pieces of paper before he goes and have him tell them to make you birthday cards. On your birthday, ask for the cards. "Hey! Guys! It's my Birthday! Dad said you might have cards for me?" Make a big deal out of the cards.


Then go out somewhere fun for everyone to eat dinner (pizza place or something like that. ) Make a big deal out of it being Mom's Birthday Dinner. Have dessert--share ice cream with everyone if you don't want to eat too many sweets.


Kids need to know that they should celebrate others' birthdays. It's a good lesson and a fun one.

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I would take myself and the kids out to dinner so I didn't have to cook on my bday, and we would have a nice time. I am almost a non birthday celebrator- not against them, just not a big deal to me. But I would do that because it would be s nice treat and the kids would enjoy it, too.

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I stopped telling people after a certain point.


It ISN'T just like any another day! It's a fun an interesting surprise to see who remembers and who doesn't--I hardly ever guess right.


I'm not sure how old your kids are, but the cake mix (or a recipe and ingredients) could be very special for them or sending them out to the store if that's how you roll.


Call/email/skype/text/whateverthebleepitisnow your Mom. One of the best things about private birthdays is having a nice, relaxed, chance to do that. Maybe you can even let her talk as long as SHE wants and make her hang up first if you're lucky.


If somebody says they've got a great idea for your birthday any time in the next month or so, just politely correct them and say it's already come and gone. If they act all apologetic, just roll your eyes and pretend it's no big deal.

Edited by Guest
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We always have donuts for breakfast on someone's birthday complete with a candle. I would definitely do that if my husband were gone. We usually go out to dinner around each person's birthday too, I would take my kids out too.


Depending on the ages of your children, you could tell them it's your birthday and ask them how they would like to help you celebrate. Then help them follow through on the ideas.

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For me, I treat myself to something that I enjoy but don't get very often.  As an example, on my birthday this year, I did no chores other than feeding everyone and got take out from one of my fav restaurants.  Sounds as though family (DH) is willing and able to celebrate your B-day it just won't happen on your actual B-day.  Do something small(or big) that you would enjoy and would make you feel that the day is special, and most importantly - DON'T FEEL GUILTY!!! 


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Buy a dessert or dine out for dessert. It could be anything from picking up a cake at the grocery store to ordering dessert in a restaurant to driving through Dairy Queen's drive-thru.


I might pick up a to-go meal I like such as Chinese food. Another option for dessert is something from the frozen section that you stash in your freezer for dessert.

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I'd do something I enjoyed, including the kids and telling them why.  I love to eat cake batter, so I might also get a boxed cake mix and make my own cake.  But this is coming from someone who even made cakes to celebrate my dogs' birthdays.  My young kids used to love that.  Once, I made a cake for my dog, and we invited some of elementary-aged ds's friends from the neighborhood over to sing Happy Birthday to the dog as we ate cake.  lol  That was fun.

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This may have happened on one of my birthdays' we had quite a few years of my husband traveling.  I'd go out to eat, or bring something in - for me, even a meal of nice frozen appetizers (like from Trader Joe's) is a fun treat.  Dessert for sure.  (But I have also made my own birthday cake because I like to bake.)    I like the idea above of having your husband give the kids paper to make you cards ahead of time.  Movie or tv time after with the kids.  I'd take the day off chores, too, but I usually did when my husband was away anyhow.  :-) 



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I'd bring in something fun to eat and have a dessert. I'm sure the kids would like to celebrate with you even if your husband isn't home. The bakery at my local grocery store is fantastic. They have all sorts of things. For my dd's birthday last week, she chose not to have a cake. Instead she had cannolis.

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No cooking for you. This could be eating out, take out, or an assortment of frozen stuff for the kids (and you).


Cake. Give the kids cake mix and turn them loose (video or take pics of them working through the steps--could be fun). Go to store and buy cupcakes.


Activity. School light--do a fun field trip. Do you like laser tag or trampolines and don't want to admit that you help at kids parties because you want to play? Take the kids and run in the dark or jump for an hour at trampoline place.

Do an art day with projects related to your current history period (if you can't let yourself good off).

Go on a hike at the local nature center.

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I'd either take the kids to my favorite restaurant and have dessert OR I'd get a babysitter and get some friends together for a girls night out (and get one of the friends to be the designated driver so you can have more than one drink).

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If he leaves in the afternoon could you all go out to brunch first, OR, could you have pancakes for breakfast and stick a candle in the stack of pancakes? Basically, celebrate a bit before he leaves, then order pizza for dinner and watch movies or read a book. 

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I usually head to McDonalds for breakfast with the kids on my birthday! I usually just have coffee and a hash brown and read the paper and the kids eat and the younger one plays. I'm easy to please, though 😊 If your budget stretches to it, get takeout for dinner or go to a buffet style restaurant (easier with kids).

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Thank you all for the ideas and good wishes! I knew you'd be sensible and help me see outside of our traditional birthday ways. For example,I never think to buy dessert but that's a great plan.


I want to include the kids, but also have some time off from them, so I think it will be fun to eat a special treat together and then enjoy a book or movie after they're asleep.


Looking forward to a happy birthday now!

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