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Apple Cider Vinegar Cures Celiac!


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Apparently, all I have to do is take 1/2 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and my Celiac will somehow magically go away.  The woman who told me this was 100% serious.  I just kind of nodded and said something about working in a health food store when I was a teenager.  She said, "Oh, then you know all about the wonders of ACV!"


I've had people on-line tell me everything from essential oils to eating lots and lots of wheat will cure Celiac, but this was the first time someone in real life told me a magic "cure."

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In addition to a wheat allergy, I also have Rheumatoid Arthritis.  I have heard so many "cures" for this.  My favorite is bee stings.   :confused1:


And just this week someone told me that drinking 8 oz. of water before I go to bed will stop migraines.  Um, drinking 8 oz. of water with my medication has not stopped my migraines.

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Go for it. After all I am ruining my daughter with stuttering and mitochondrial myopathies by refusing to let her try marijuana..... The kind secured at the local mini Mart back parking lot. (As proposed by an extended family member) After all people in Twitter and Instagram say it works.


Now, I do agree that ACV CAN help certain low level medical issues and there is a place for medically managed and supervised marijuana use....but the above 2 scenarios just don't fit that criteria

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In addition to a wheat allergy, I also have Rheumatoid Arthritis.  I have heard so many "cures" for this.  My favorite is bee stings.   :confused1:


And just this week someone told me that drinking 8 oz. of water before I go to bed will stop migraines.  Um, drinking 8 oz. of water with my medication has not stopped my migraines.

That's because you did it WITH, and not BEFORE. Water's a preventative medicine, didn't you know? ;) 

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Don't get me started. I feel like I'm constantly under attack that way, and my fuse is short of late.


A family member had major surgery in February. There were significant, unexpected complications in addition to issues that we knew might come up because of other problems. We have a team of top-notch doctors including a nationally-ranked one that we have a long-term relationship with.


I'm very well-versed in alternative medicine, and we've consulted several in that world too who are fully credentialed.


We've accepted that this is going to be a slow recovery with potentially more disability at the end. We knew that going in because of their long, complex medical history.


And I'm hiding from people. Sunday I went to one service and came home, and I still had people accosting me with promises of cures with essential oils, chiropractic, lasers, etc.


I'm sick of it and wish I could wear a sign that says, "I DON'T DISCUSS MEDICAL ISSUES."



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The thing is I do believe in natural cures for some things. Some natural cures have been around because they work. In fact some pharmaceuticals are based on natural cures. I use tea tree oil quite effectively on swimmer's ear. Tea tree oil is antibiotic (caution, don't use it straight) I use Chiropractic for vertigo (balance is related to your nervous system). So, I have found some things do work.


I hate it when people randomly say X cures Y without a basis.


Celiac is a genetic disease. A person's genetics are not going to be changed. The natural cure is to in fact be vigilant about diet and other stuff that gets into the system. So it does have a natural approach.


My dd has celiac. She would ask for scientific proof. And then she'd still be reluctant because the diet works. She's a why mess with success gal.

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Sessions in Hyperbaric Oxygen chambers can apparently fix the genetic mutation causing my daughter's cochlear hair cells to die :001_rolleyes:


HBOT MAY be helpful in cases where the acquired hearing loss is due to an autoimmune issue (there have been studies done on this) but it's a big leap from that to touting it as a "cure" for hearing loss in general. 

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That kind of stuff is starting to drive me bonkers.  My dh has chronic pain problems that can all be solved by diet changes and essential oils.  

While I DO believe that what we put in our body can have some profound effects, it is exhausting to have every person in your life asking repeatedly if you've tried the latest XYZ.  

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I can not believe how mistaken this person is.  You have to take a full tablesoon before every meal and before bedtime.  I hate when people give out wrong information about the miracles performed by ACV.  That kind of willy nilly advice can hurt someone. No one has ever been hurt by taking too much ACV.  I read that on the interwebs.

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People have claimed it cures acid reflux.  Noooo... Not only does it not cure acid reflux it is an awful thing to attempt to drink when you have acid reflux.


If only it were all that simple.


It does help my dh's heartburn which is probably why they think it will fix acid reflux.

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That's because you did it WITH, and not BEFORE. Water's a preventative medicine, didn't you know? ;)


And it has memory.  ;)


Why don't you wear garlic around your neck too


My mother grew up in a multi-generational household. My great-grandmother (off the boat from Naples, Italy) used to make her and her two sisters wear a garlic garland to school. Mom said they had a secret hiding place for the garlands and would leave them there, then pick them up on the way home. It never occurred to them that they might not be there one day, but fortunately they were always still there.


The thing is I do believe in natural cures for some things. Some natural cures have been around because they work. In fact some pharmaceuticals are based on natural cures. I use tea tree oil quite effectively on swimmer's ear. Tea tree oil is antibiotic (caution, don't use it straight) I use Chiropractic for vertigo (balance is related to your nervous system). So, I have found some things do work.




Re the bolded: Pharmaceutical companies extract the properties that heal/cure/relieve symptoms. Then they determine the amount needed, and the medicine we eventually take that's based on natural cures is of a consistent dosage. 


How about, "Thanks for the advice, but I don't believe in natural medicine. "


Or: "Thank you, but alternative medicine that's been proven to work is called medicine."

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In addition to a wheat allergy, I also have Rheumatoid Arthritis. I have heard so many "cures" for this. My favorite is bee stings. :confused1:


And just this week someone told me that drinking 8 oz. of water before I go to bed will stop migraines. Um, drinking 8 oz. of water with my medication has not stopped my migraines.

DH has rheumatoid arthritis and last year the kids and I went on a local farm tour whereupon we got stung multiple times as the farmer decided to give a really close display of the beehive. Anyway I keep threatening to send DH on that tour ;)
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My friend has hyperemesis gravidarum when she's pregnant. She gets "crackered" all the time -  "Oh, just eat some crackers. It takes away that morning sickness."
Pretty sure someone did tell her to take ACV as well. 

Celiacs and those of us with gluten intolerance need a phrase that works, like "being crackered". 

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My friend has hyperemesis gravidarum when she's pregnant. She gets "crackered" all the time -  "Oh, just eat some crackers. It takes away that morning sickness."

Pretty sure someone did tell her to take ACV as well. 


Celiacs and those of us with gluten intolerance need a phrase that works, like "being crackered". 


I started telling people what it felt like to throw up crackers. I asked if they wanted my rankings of foods to vomit. 

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Re the bolded: Pharmaceutical companies extract the properties that heal/cure/relieve symptoms. Then they determine the amount needed, and the medicine we eventually take that's based on natural cures is of a consistent dosage.




I may be interpreting you wrong.


Just as it is ignorant to suggest to someone that they must try the latest trendy natural cure. It is also ignorant to suggest that a person who has studied the basis for some natural approaches and successfully treated ailments this way doesn't think about science or know what she is doing.


Part of why I studied some things (like swimmers ear) carefully is because I don't have the time or money to deal with my doctor, insurance and pharmacy for something I know exactly what it is and how to deal. Due to the shape of my head I will always have problems with swimmers ear. There are other issues I have as well. If I know the treatment, I don't think I need to wait for an appointment, get a diagnosis, go to the pharmacy and wait more all the while spending more money than I spent on a tiny little bottle of drops that I will use again when I have another infection in 8 months or do.


In fact one neurologist almost killed my dd, because he wasn't paying attention to other diseases she had that caused over absorption of drugs. He was supposed to be a leading specialist in my area. Because of him I started to really study everything. I know what my limits are. Im the one who has to remind the MD to check for xyz and am right often. Ive gotten to experience more than a few MD missteps in treatment with my DC.


Just because some people willy nilly press random cures does not mean many natural cures don't have value. It means those people are pushy busybodies who don't know anything about the particular thing they are pushing or about the person they are talking to.


I believe diet for celiac is a natural cure. I've heard rumblings about research for a drug, but why add a drug to your system when you can get all the nutrition you need by following a diet.


A lot of people are tauting ACV now. I haven't seen any relevant explanations to go with it.


Years ago someone on the old board told me I must not want to cure my dd of celiac if I didn't do something trendy then (I can't remember what). And other posters piled on. It was weird.


My point is natural/alternative medicine is researched and has a place. It is complimentary to allopathic medicine. However anyone who follows it must completely educate themselves understand the application and limit. Most people telling a "cure" don't know anything. Which unfortunately devalues the whole field. Those people need to mind their own business.

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We were told that our daughter only had HIV because we were giving her medication for it, and if we stopped giving the medication the HIV would go away.


We were also told she would be cured by drinking raw milk. At $24 a gallon. By a guy who sold raw milk.

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Apparently, all I have to do is take 1/2 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and my Celiac will somehow magically go away.  The woman who told me this was 100% serious.  I just kind of nodded and said something about working in a health food store when I was a teenager.  She said, "Oh, then you know all about the wonders of ACV!"


I've had people on-line tell me everything from essential oils to eating lots and lots of wheat will cure Celiac, but this was the first time someone in real life told me a magic "cure."

Ok, well you can simply mock her.


Or you can give it a try, and get your own evidence regarding your own body.


I would do the latter, myself.  If it doesn't work, oh well....you have lost nothing but the price of a small bottle of this stuff.  If it happens to work for you, great.  If it happens to work even a little bit, you are still better off than today.


That is how I look at these low-risk kinds of things; if they come to my attention, why not give it a try?  There is no risk to trying something like this, unless you happen to be allergic.   


I'm all for trying easy potential fixes before harder ones.


And I am sorry you have this issue. 



(Edited because every time I post something, it all sticks together in a block of text instead of retain the spacing I created.  What's up with that??)

Edited by TranquilMind
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That is how I look at these low-risk kinds of things; if they come to my attention, why not give it a try?  There is no risk to trying something like this, unless you happen to be allergic.   


I'm all for trying easy potential fixes before harder ones.


even daily coffee enemas? (shudder)

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What I don;t get is,  why others feel the need to give you medical advice that you never asked for.

I don't see that as giving medical advice.  I see it as sharing a personal anecdote, and don't feel a need to shut anyone down.  You never know what you might hear.  If something worked for someone, I just rejoice with that person. 

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People have claimed it cures acid reflux.  Noooo... Not only does it not cure acid reflux it is an awful thing to attempt to drink when you have acid reflux.


If only it were all that simple.




It's like pouring gas on a flaming fire.

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We were told that our daughter only had HIV because we were giving her medication for it, and if we stopped giving the medication the HIV would go away.


We were also told she would be cured by drinking raw milk. At $24 a gallon. By a guy who sold raw milk.

Wow I am underpaying for raw milk! maybe because it doesn't come with free medical advice? ;)
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I started telling people what it felt like to throw up crackers. I asked if they wanted my rankings of foods to vomit. 


Haha, I had a list like this.  Banana pudding was pretty pleasant going in or out...




I had a family member hint that her MLM health shake would help my DH's cancer cure itself.


(I'll stick with the oncologist with the specialization in DH's area of need, thankyouverymuch.)

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Apparently, all I have to do is take 1/2 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and my Celiac will somehow magically go away. The woman who told me this was 100% serious. I just kind of nodded and said something about working in a health food store when I was a teenager. She said, "Oh, then you know all about the wonders of ACV!"


I've had people on-line tell me everything from essential oils to eating lots and lots of wheat will cure Celiac, but this was the first time someone in real life told me a magic "cure."

She's wrong. You need essential oils as well. ACV isn't enough. ;)

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I was told if I would eat organic wheat by one person (an organic agronomist) that I wouldn't have problems with it.


Another person told me if I didn't eat any GMO wheat (doesn't exsist...) or any GMO product (especially corn) I wouldn't have gluten issues. I told her, "Really? I just ate Triple-stack, Round-up ready sweet corn and it didn't bother me..."


I wish my autoimmune issues were that easy to fix.


Don't get me wrong, I like alternative medicine choices and living/eating healthy but some people really lack (or refuse to see) common sense.




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I started telling people what it felt like to throw up crackers. I asked if they wanted my rankings of foods to vomit.

Definitely! I have a whole host of foods I just cannot tolerate after that much vomiting based upon the smell and what it felt like to vomit them. Certain crackers and violently, SubwY sandwiches. Even the smell of the bread! *retch*

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