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Tips to help a 13 yo swallow pills?


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You can do the big swallow like bibiche recommended.  For our children, it was a mind thing.  So we practiced swallowing m & m's with a drink.  So far, so good. 


I didn't learn to swallow a pill until I was 14 or so.  Because it was daily medication that my parent's insisted I take in pill form, I used to chew it.  It took me a long time to figure out how to swallow a pill because I have a very terrible gag reflex.  Even now, I have to put pills on my tongue a certain way to make them go down.  

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It helps my kids if they fill their mouth with water, tilt their head back, drop the pill in, shake their head a little, and do the big swallow. That way the pill never touches their tongue much, if at all. I agree with practicing the swallow part first to make that easy, then adding the pill in. 

Edited by ILiveInFlipFlops
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I practiced on the petite frozen peas when I was a kid. I've never been a fan of peas and learned to swallow them whole. Pills were easy after that. :-) 


Can she start on very small things? Even like Nerds candy or something? And then move up to slightly bigger things?

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We've tried the straw tactic and that hasn't worked, yet, either.  I tried putting the whole capsule in the applesauce, but that didn't work. Now I'm back to emptying the capsule onto the applesauce.

We'll try the big swallow w/ no pill and the m&m idea, too.


When I learned, it was because I realized that I was swallowing pieces of food that were bigger than pills. But that hasn't helped, either.


Anyone tried this cup?


ETA:  Nerds are tiny!  Maybe we'll start there. Peas, too, are smaller than the capsules and my dd likes frozen peas, so there wouldn't be that initial psychological block against nasty tasting pills going on.

Edited by yvonne
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Honestly, a lot of it is just telling yourself that it is no bigger than a bite of food. When it comes to swallowing pills, our brain is the part of our anatomy causing the problem.  I know some people have a very strong gag reflex (Im one of them) but you can help with some of that by sheer willpower. I also have a narrow opening at the top of my throat, and sometimes I just can't get pills to go down.




DD17 takes them with food instead of water.  She chews up a Ritz cracker, tosses the pill in with the food and swallows it.  That way her brain is thinking it is just a bit of food and doesn't gag on it. 


I have heard some people will dip capsules in oil fist.  It makes them super slippery and they slide down easier.


Always check with a pharmacist before you crush pills or open capsules.  Many medications have a time release coating on the outside and breaking that barrier, affects absorption. 


Taking them on a spoonful of applesauce, yogurt or ice cream helps some people.  


Sucking on ice, Popsicle, milk shakes ahead of time can help to numb the throat a bit, especially if the person tries to hold some of the cold liquid on the back part of the throat first.



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My 18 and 16 year olds still won't swallow pills.  It  hasn't been a huge issue.  We just get liquid or dissolving pills.  Oldest has Asperger's and a lot of sensory issues.  Middle has horrible gag reflux.


Youngest is 11 and swallows pills just fine!   :crying:

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DD17 takes them with food instead of water.  She chews up a Ritz cracker, tosses the pill in with the food and swallows it.  That way her brain is thinking it is just a bit of food and doesn't gag on it. 


This is what I do too, except I prefer cashews or chips to Ritz.  Any food one has to chew works though.


I've never figured out why people insist on trying to swallow pills with water or liquid unless they can't be taken with food.  Tossing them in with food (after chewing the food - right when it's ready to be swallowed) is so much easier.


I can swallow pills with water if I have to, but it takes far more effort, so I don't unless required.

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The good thing about junior mints is that they aren't hard.  That makes them easier to swallow whole.  I got the junior mint idea from watching my mil feed pills to her dog.  She wrapped them in a piece of American cheese.  The dog wolfed the piece of cheese down whole, without chewing.  The other good thing about junior mints is that they are socially acceptable and portable, so if your teen is supposed to be taking a pill at a certain time when he's out and about with friends, he can stuff a pill in one and swallow it discretely, or if he is noticed, it isn't a big deal.



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When the liquid form of DSs medicine was $80 and the pill was $10, we did pill-swallowing boot camp. We started with tic-tacs. Pill on the back of the tongue, flood with water, tip head back. It took some time and tears, but he figured it out and was rather proud in the end. I would've continued to crush if necessary, but we wanted to try a few things first. We never actually resorted to coating the pill in something slippery or bribing him, but those ideas were on the list as was teaching him to use the pill crusher himself.

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There is another style cup that we used.  It's clear and has a slated/vented ledge that the pill sits on; you put liquid in the bottom and simply drink the pill.

We've tried the straw tactic and that hasn't worked, yet, either.  I tried putting the whole capsule in the applesauce, but that didn't work. Now I'm back to emptying the capsule onto the applesauce.

We'll try the big swallow w/ no pill and the m&m idea, too.


When I learned, it was because I realized that I was swallowing pieces of food that were bigger than pills. But that hasn't helped, either.


Anyone tried this cup?


ETA:  Nerds are tiny!  Maybe we'll start there. Peas, too, are smaller than the capsules and my dd likes frozen peas, so there wouldn't be that initial psychological block against nasty tasting pills going on.


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I've been using the "lean forward" method since I read about it in this Dr. K column. http://www.askdoctork.com/can-make-swallowing-pills-easier-201502137453


Erica in OR


Yes, I never understand how people can look up and swallow. Most pills float so that makes them go the wrong way. I look down so that they float to the back of my throat. 


I do know they sell stuff at my pharmacy to spray on your throat to numb it. i think it is called pill glide?

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