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Trends that need to die


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Okay, maybe not kale since it's just an innocent bystander, but the food judging that's so prevalent. The FB/instagram photos of one's organic, homemade whatever; the constant proselytizing about the Right Way to eat; the shocked horror when I reveal my kids have eaten a Happy Meal.


So. Over. It.

I brought a diet coke to a meeting last week. I used to have a couple a day. Now I have a couple a year. This happened to be one of those times. Within 5 minutes three people started telling me that I was injesting poison and should be getting my energy from *insert your choice of expensive shake or kale smoothie. Being somewhat oppositional I said that I would take that under advisement, opened my drink and took a big swig. Tempted to bring one every week now. With a bag of Cheetos. And a bottle of HFCS to start doing shots of during the meeting.

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A trend that I personally wish would die is people (mostly younger adults and teeny boppers) saying they are so "OBSESSED" with (fill in the blank: food item, clothing item, shoes, celebrity etc) Being obsessed was once considered a not good thing. But really it's just annoying to be "OMG SO OBSESSED" with everything.

Edited by pinkmint
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I don't really see this thread as people being judgmental so much as people just sharing likes and dislikes in a lighthearted way. People like and dislike different things, but we're all adults. If I see that someone doesn't like a particular trend that I, perhaps, think is cool, I'm grown up enough not to get my feelings hurt about it. I'm betting everybody else is, too. What I'd like to see go away--celebrities whose only claim to fame is being famous. So boring.


I'm fully aware that my brain is in a horrid mood this morning - pretty much 100% due to health issues that are acting up, can't be fixed (can't even be figured out), and that getting to me in a pretty nasty mental way.


My brain looks at this thread and comes to the conclusion that I now understand why some people don't care to meet others - even when we have our local Hive get together - 'cause what they choose to wear or say or how they style their hair is going to be dissed by someone... (sigh).  It's tough for me to see any other meaning.


So... my serious thought is I need to stay off this thread.  If folks would be kind enough to have your fun and quit quoting me ('cause I feel too polite not to at least look at what people say), that would be quite helpful.


It's my fault.  I never should have read (or kept reading) the thread this morning.  It's a Saturday.  I didn't have school to get to or anything else to do while I waited 3 1/2 hours for hubby to get up so I could start my day (without waking him).


Now we are started on our day... so hopefully other stuff will improve, but even so... I still request not to be quoted (or whatever) on this.

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Obnoxious teen slang. I mean when I was a teen it was cool, but now it's just annoying. ;) Thankfully the worst offenders seem to be on their way out, which is relieving because I was having to fight off the urge to get snarky every time I read or heard "Bae" "YAS QUEEN SLAY" or "____ af rn."

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Reality Shows....although, thankfully, they seem to be dying.  At minimum, they need a giant disclaimer and no child under 18 should be featured.  They can't accurately consent.


"Celebrities" tweeting stuff or Instagramming stuff and it being reported as "real" news.


News commentators who actually have zero expertise in the area they are commenting on.



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I guess I'm the only one reading this thread wondering if the only trend that needs to die is so many people being so judgmental...


Wear what you like or do your hair as you like and you're still welcome hanging around me. I rarely notice what anyone is wearing anyway, so you're fine!

Stop judging our judging!



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I hate it when I post something on Fb, and someone responds with "you need <insert MLM product>." This happened the other day when I posted that I drank so much soda I wouldn't be able to sleep. I don't normally drink it, but I saw cherry Dr. pepper at Target and just couldn't resist. Apparently it means that I need some kind of weird energy drink so I can kick my "habit." Sheesh. :/

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Obnoxious teen slang. I mean when I was a teen it was cool, but now it's just annoying. ;) Thankfully the worst offenders seem to be on their way out, which is relieving because I was having to fight off the urge to get snarky every time I read or heard "Bae" "YAS QUEEN SLAY" or "____ af rn."



I have no idea what any of that means.

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I hate it when I post something on Fb, and someone responds with "you need <insert MLM product>." This happened the other day when I posted that I drank so much soda I wouldn't be able to sleep. I don't normally drink it, but I saw cherry Dr. pepper at Target and just couldn't resist. Apparently it means that I need some kind of weird energy drink so I can kick my "habit." Sheesh. :/


You don't need mlm product.  Just take honey and cinnamon 3x a day with an apple cider vinegar chaser.   You will never get cancer, you will lose weight, and enjoy health and vitality until you are 130.Disclaimer:  I actually do all these things for the health benefits but I don't believe it cures cancer, psoriasis, lupus, adhd, or sleepless nights due to the occasional dr. pepper (the ebst soda, ever)

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Reality Shows....although, thankfully, they seem to be dying.  At minimum, they need a giant disclaimer and no child under 18 should be featured.  They can't accurately consent.


"Celebrities" tweeting stuff or Instagramming stuff and it being reported as "real" news.


News commentators who actually have zero expertise in the area they are commenting on.


I like reality TV somewhat.  I really like Project Runway and Top Chef.


But what I really want to go away are the KIDS reality TV.  Oh my gosh, 8-13 year olds burst into the most horrifying tears and sobs when something of their creation is criticized.  Why are people subjecting their kids to this?  This week SYTYCD revealed that this year's season is going to be children.  Our family will NOT be watching.  


Though, I did ask my 12 year old DS if he wanted to audition... Being a good dance mom and all... Thankfully he said no way. 

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Reality Shows....although, thankfully, they seem to be dying.  At minimum, they need a giant disclaimer and no child under 18 should be featured.  They can't accurately consent.



I admit to having a few guilty, trashy Reality Show pleasures. But my life will probably be better off when this reality show phase passes.


I'd really like to see GAME SHOWS make a comeback. I tip my hat to the Japanese on this one!  :thumbup1:

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You're all going to hate me for this, but ...


STEM/STEAM everything. 


EVERY enrichment class does not need to be STEM related!  And not only that, they are almost always heavy on the engineering.  I have kids that don't care a fig about technology, engineering, or mathematics and I'm sick of everyone trying to force all children into STEM this and that. 


Go ahead and hate me now.

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A trend that I personally wish would die is people (mostly younger adults and teeny boppers) saying they are so "OBSESSED" with (fill in the blank: food item, clothing item, shoes, celebrity etc) Being obsessed was once considered a not good thing. But really it's just annoying to be "OMG SO OBSESSED" with everything.

In the same vein, people who Instagram photos of Starbucks with some big exclamation like "This is life!!" or some other nonsense. First, you bought coffee, you didn't save a puppy, I do not need to be alerted and second, if drinking coffee is all it takes to make your day, I'm totes jealous.

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You're all going to hate me for this, but ...


STEM/STEAM everything.


EVERY enrichment class does not need to be STEM related! And not only that, they are almost always heavy on the engineering. I have kids that don't care a fig about technology, engineering, or mathematics and I'm sick of everyone trying to force all children into STEM this and that.


Go ahead and hate me now.

Yes, yes, and yes. Also how underperforming (read: usually the worst high school in the district) high schools are now "good" because they added STEM focus.


Yet graduation rates, average ACT scores, and suspensions for fighting are the same. Same poor school with a new flashy program that most kids at that school can't get into.

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Obnoxious teen slang. I mean when I was a teen it was cool, but now it's just annoying. ;) Thankfully the worst offenders seem to be on their way out, which is relieving because I was having to fight off the urge to get snarky every time I read or heard "Bae" "YAS QUEEN SLAY" or "____ af rn."


I have found the quickest way to make teen speak go away in my own home is to start using it with my teens. I mom it all up and then they stop using the annoying words.

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Going to get it for this one...but here goes...fur babies. I despise the term. Okay, actually it is probably more the whole thinking your dog is a human and deserves to be treated as one. No, your dog should not be allowed to go shopping with you especially at the grocery store! I do not want to put my food where your dog's butt was. No, your dog is not invited just because you are. Dogs should be pets, not family members. Probably not going to look back at this thread, so flame away.

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Clothing for boys with skulls.

My dad bought my son a belt and tie with skulls. I think my son was around 6 at the time. My dad did it to try and annoy me because he knew my son wanted to wear them to church. We went with it, and he wore the skulls for 2 years. I don't regularly buy skull clothing for the kids, but I do have fond memories of the skull belt and tie :)



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Isn't there a difference between being judgmental and enjoying some satire? The former is decreeing some sort of moralistic imperative on a choice; the latter is simply regarding choices with humor.


I am all for freedom of choice. One of my best friends has a man bun. But I'm allowed to think it looks silly! That is my personal preference. Not a judgment on his personhood, value as a human, etc.

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Neither do I. Translation?


Bae = favorite person, stands for Before Anyone/thing Else

YAS QUEEN SLAY = good for you, you're the queen, you slayed that. Any one of the terms could be used on their own, too, but you can throw them all together like this for a triple threat (to my mental health). ;)

____ af rn (usually, sadly, high or drunk af rn) = I am high (or insert other adjective here) as f@(# right now.


Noting: it's not my own kids saying this, I do a lot of work with teens, from all sorts of backgrounds.

Edited by SproutMamaK
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Bras that do not actually fit. I'm sorry, I know it makes it harder for you, bra manufacturers, but not every woman who has size E+ cups wears a 36+ band. Some of us need a 28 or even smaller. 


I can help you with that! A few years ago I was with you on the bad fitting, shifting, bra that you had to adjust all the time. I thought that was my normal since no store I was ever at sold under a 32 band. I actually thought I was a 32 band though until I read a reddit thread on how to measure yourself for a bra accurately and it was a game changer. I went from wearing a 32 B to 28 DD (sounds large but is not when you compare sister sizes) and it has changed my life. I never knew that a bra could fit so well or that it was supposed to. I order my bras from Fig Leaves in the UK because they have a huge variety of sizing. The balconette style works best for me and makes the most out of what I have….or don't have. 

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You're all going to hate me for this, but ...


STEM/STEAM everything.


EVERY enrichment class does not need to be STEM related! And not only that, they are almost always heavy on the engineering. I have kids that don't care a fig about technology, engineering, or mathematics and I'm sick of everyone trying to force all children into STEM this and that.


Go ahead and hate me now.

I have a kid who adores biology and zoology and loves science in general-and is so frustrated with anything labeled science being engineering and technology. It seems like you're supposed to do nature study and make rock collections until you're in about 3rd grade-and then spend the rest of your life building robots. Edited by dmmetler
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I don't even know if it's still a thing or not (I try my best to ignore what passes for fashion) but cowboy boots with dresses and skirts.  Every time I see (saw?) a girl wearing that I say to anyone with me "Some day that girl is going to see a picture of herself dressed like that and wonder what the he** she was thinking."


That's still a thing around here. Saw it on photos form the elementary school dance on Facebook last night. I don't mind it as a casual look, but I've been to more than one wedding where the bride and bridesmaids wore short dresses with cowboy boots. Not a fan of that at all.


But my 5yo ds is TOTALLY cute in his skinny jeans! :laugh:


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also, sometimes A-cups (ummmm, we actually need negative letters here) need a 38 band.




I feel like I'm almost matching a Powerball ticket, or pulling slot machine levers...32a...34a...36a...(oh, I'm getting so hopeful, I can taste it, but...) 38b. NO!

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That's still a thing around here. Saw it on photos form the elementary school dance on Facebook last night. I don't mind it as a casual look, but I've been to more than one wedding where the bride and bridesmaids wore short dresses with cowboy boots. Not a fan of that at all.


But my 5yo ds is TOTALLY cute in his skinny jeans! :laugh:

I don't generally love that cowboy/dress look, but my niece had this for her wedding. I thought it looked very cute. It also made total sense, since their wedding was on her parent's farm and heels would have been very difficult walking for the bridesmaids.

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One of my DDs inherited my ginormous butt. super-stretchy skinny jeans seems to work well enough. Usually a little big in the waist, but they fit and look like jeans.


OH MY GOSH YES!!!! I buy my clothes on $0.99 cent day at the thrift store, but I would gladly pay $100+ for a GOOD pair of not-ugly (I gave up hope on "cute") shoes that did not make my feet hurt and are not sneakers. :crying:


Easy Peasy. That phrase makes me want to kick cute things into traffic.


Yes! :iagree:  And also, sometimes A-cups (ummmm, we actually need negative letters here) need a 38 band.


:cursing:  Bra shopping is not a happy time in our house. We have a large-band-tiny-cup, large-cup-tiny-band, and another who is in no-woman's land between girls 34A and ladies 34A, which are two COMPLETELY different sizes, and neither fits.


So we have two who are lucky to find one or two bras to try on and not likely to fit, and another who can try on literally every 34A in girls and ladies, and maybe find one to fit if she's lucky.


Ugh yeah. I don't get it. I'm small framed but sometimes bras seem too small in the band area. Oh and there is sizing below A. Several years ago I was once fitted and told I was a "nearly A." You can image the great selection of bras in that size. :rolleyes:


Guys, I don't know what that botton on the reply option is for (next to an eraser icon) but I hit it the other day and it's messed up my formatting for days. I finally just fixed it. Phew, that was annoying.

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 I do not want to put my food where your dog's butt was. 


I don't want to put my food where your baby's soggy diaper was. I don't want to touch the cart handle on which your baby was just chewing (ewwww). Just saying.  :D


(No, I don't take dogs in the grocery store.)

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I don't even know if it's still a thing or not (I try my best to ignore what passes for fashion) but cowboy boots with dresses and skirts.  Every time I see (saw?) a girl wearing that I say to anyone with me "Some day that girl is going to see a picture of herself dressed like that and wonder what the he** she was thinking."


:iagree: :iagree: :iagree:


...and I say this as someone who lives in Texas where cowboy boots are common. It's just wrong to wear them with your dressy, lacey, frilly dress. Y'all. Just.don't.do.it.

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Isn't there a difference between being judgmental and enjoying some satire? The former is decreeing some sort of moralistic imperative on a choice; the latter is simply regarding choices with humor.


I am all for freedom of choice. One of my best friends has a man bun. But I'm allowed to think it looks silly! That is my personal preference. Not a judgment on his personhood, value as a human, etc.


:iagree: :iagree: :iagree:

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I don't want to put my food where your baby's soggy diaper was. I don't want to touch the cart handle on which your baby was just chewing (ewwww). Just saying.  :D


(No, I don't take dogs in the grocery store.)


I put a fabric thing down in the cart before I put dd in. And she wears clothing over the diaper. But that's just me. Some stores have wipes for the cart. I don't even know if she could reach the bar with her mouth.


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I brought a diet coke to a meeting last week. I used to have a couple a day. Now I have a couple a year. This happened to be one of those times. Within 5 minutes three people started telling me that I was injesting poison and should be getting my energy from *insert your choice of expensive shake or kale smoothie. Being somewhat oppositional I said that I would take that under advisement, opened my drink and took a big swig. Tempted to bring one every week now. With a bag of Cheetos. And a bottle of HFCS to start doing shots of during the meeting.


I think you are my new favorite person. i would so love to come to a meeting with you, bringing my own soft drink and Cheetos and HFCS. :D

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I put a fabric thing down in the cart before I put dd in. And she wears clothing over the diaper. But that's just me. Some stores have wipes for the cart. I don't even know if she could reach the bar with her mouth.


I always did that, too, and I do make liberal use of the cart wipes.  :) My daughter would try to chew on the handle, and I've seen kids chew on the seatbelt straps, too (gack!).


I know kids like to put things in their mouth. (Hey, it probably builds immunity.) I know babies sometimes have messy diapers. I can't help that it sceeves me out. :)  

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Here's my .02 on the judgmental thing.  I don't follow trends.  For the last 40 or so years, I have been judged by other females specifically because I don't follow trends.    Some are friendly and make good-natured open fun of my jeans that aren't the current thing, my "classic" purse, etc.   Some try to gently nudge me in a more stylish direction (laundry, have you seen the scarves on sale at xyz store ?  They have some really pretty ones ! )  Most of the time, it's meaner people making put-downs they think I don't hear.  I hear them - enough to be aware.  Year by year the trends roll by - I observe from the outside and privately roll my eyes and spend my money on other things.  I have done the polite thing and kept my own thoughts on their fashion choices to myself, while the mom-club ladies raise their eyebrows at me and say mean things.  I have never once told any of them what I think of their outfits, which I think of as "social costumes".  Even when they are mean to me, I wouldn't do that.   But here, I let a tiny bit of it out.  No guilt !  :laugh:

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Bae = favorite person, stands for Before Anyone/thing Else

YAS QUEEN SLAY = good for you, you're the queen, you slayed that. Any one of the terms could be used on their own, too, but you can throw them all together like this for a triple threat (to my mental health). ;)

____ af rn (usually, sadly, high or drunk af rn) = I am high (or insert other adjective here) as f@(# right now.


Noting: it's not my own kids saying this, I do a lot of work with teens, from all sorts of backgrounds.


Yeah, I used to be up on the latest teen terms, but have not worked in 10 years....I am going back next year, so I may be back up to speed very soon.....do I want to be?

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You're all going to hate me for this, but ...


STEM/STEAM everything.


EVERY enrichment class does not need to be STEM related! And not only that, they are almost always heavy on the engineering. I have kids that don't care a fig about technology, engineering, or mathematics and I'm sick of everyone trying to force all children into STEM this and that.


Go ahead and hate me now.

Yes, especially because the lack of STEM qualified people in the US is largely a myth.

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You're all going to hate me for this, but ...


STEM/STEAM everything.


EVERY enrichment class does not need to be STEM related! And not only that, they are almost always heavy on the engineering. I have kids that don't care a fig about technology, engineering, or mathematics and I'm sick of everyone trying to force all children into STEM this and that.


Go ahead and hate me now.

I agree. What I hate is that all science seems to get overshadowed by technology and engineering. What about botany and biology and chemistry? It's soooo focused on engineering. My son wants to be an engineer so it's not like I am anti-engineering or technology but gee freaking whizz. Could we throw in an anatomy or genetics class? A botany camp?


Of course my son is at enrichment classes right now as I type this...writing and philosophy. He's a science nerd but he loves language and words too and is a 4 time school (well, homeschool program) spelling bee champion. Imagine.

Edited by LucyStoner
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It's big in NE cities and the CA coast. It will get to the rest of the country at some point. I've seen a few folks with it here in Seattle.


Maybe it will die as fast as those feather extensions.


I'm familiar with this, but probably more so from the internet than real life. I can't remember if I've seen the gray in person. I think maybe...


Maybe with social media trends will come and go in a more timely manner.

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It's big in NE cities and the CA coast. It will get to the rest of the country at some point. I've seen a few folks with it here in Seattle.


Maybe it will die as fast as those feather extensions.

It's a thing here in the ne. My stylist tells ne all the time that she has girls in trying to get their hair to do what mine is doing naturally.

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Here's my .02 on the judgmental thing.  I don't follow trends.  For the last 40 or so years, I have been judged by other females specifically because I don't follow trends.    Some are friendly and make good-natured open fun of my jeans that aren't the current thing, my "classic" purse, etc.   Some try to gently nudge me in a more stylish direction (laundry, have you seen the scarves on sale at xyz store ?  They have some really pretty ones ! )  Most of the time, it's meaner people making put-downs they think I don't hear.  I hear them - enough to be aware.  Year by year the trends roll by - I observe from the outside and privately roll my eyes and spend my money on other things.  I have done the polite thing and kept my own thoughts on their fashion choices to myself, while the mom-club ladies raise their eyebrows at me and say mean things.  I have never once told any of them what I think of their outfits, which I think of as "social costumes".  Even when they are mean to me, I wouldn't do that.   But here, I let a tiny bit of it out.  No guilt !  :laugh:


Wow, you hang around some really crappy people.


I'm sorry that you've received such poor treatment, I enjoy fashion, and I like to keep up on trends (age appropriate for a middle-aged broad), but never in my wildest imagination would I actually comment on somebody's desire to *not* follow trends.


Sheesh...what a bunch of jerks..

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Yes, especially because the lack of STEM qualified people in the US is largely a myth.


Really? I've wondered about this, It seems I constantly hear that there aren't enough STEM-y people for the marketplace, but then I think of most of the folks I know in the workforce, and many of them are STEM. What's the deal?

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