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What Is Your Secret Weirdness?


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I can't stand for interior doors to be open. When you leave a room, the door must be closed.


TV or radio volume and the thermostat must all be on either even numbers or a number that ends in 5.


I must have heavy blankets on my year-round even if I get hot. I can't stand sleeping with just a sheet.


When I put on sunglasses they immediately make me tired. That's why I don't wear them while driving unless I absolutely have to.


I am extremely sensitive to noise. Even the slightest noises sometimes make me want to scratch out my eyes.


I prefer a cloudy and dreary day to those that are sunny.


I must pee twice before bed or I can't settle down and sleep.




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This thread is making me realize how quirky I really am.


I hate closed bedroom doors. They have to be cracked. And they have to be cracked open one inch. Anything more than an inch and the door is too open, less then an inch and the door is too closed. I have no idea when I picked this quirk up. I know I have had it since I was a child. Most likely my sister did something to me but the memory has been lost.


Ok, so like, allll bedroom doors?  Or just yours?  Would you come to my house and sneak the doors open?

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Sitting here waiting upon hubby for lunch it occurred to me that I have two more that have come on later in life.


I never get hungry.  I haven't tried it for lengthy periods of time, but it at least lasts 24+ hours.  (This is such a good thing!  Very, very handy for everything from losing weight to just having to delay lunch - like - now!)


My eyes don't tear up for cut onions - even if I hold the freshly cut onion up close to my eye (not touching it, of course).

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Ok, so like, allll bedroom doors? Or just yours? Would you come to my house and sneak the doors open?

All bedroom doors where I am sleeping. For example, in my house, my bedroom door is cracked and so are the children's doors. So if I was a guest in your house I might be compelled to sneak around in the dead of night cracking the doors. Although, I have managed to control myself so far.


Oddly enough, it is only when sleeping that the door needs to be cracked. During the day, no problem.

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Adding one more in that I never need an alarm clock to wake up in the morning - even if I'm getting up at an unusual time.  


This trait goes back to as young as I can remember.  It always surprised me that people needed alarm clocks to wake up.  I am my family's alarm clock.  If something is super important I set ours just as a backup, but to be honest, one time I forgot to turn it off so it went off when I was in the bathroom (of course) and I had no idea how to turn it off once it was going.  I'd never done that before.  Hubby was both annoyed (since he didn't have to get up then) and amused.


I think there are other Hive members who share that trait, aren't there?

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I smell things before I eat them.  Some people find this rude.  Like I'm checking to see if they are serving me rotten food.   :p


The three people I live with all do that. 



I never get hungry.  I haven't tried it for lengthy periods of time, but it at least lasts 24+ hours.  (This is such a good thing!  Very, very handy for everything from losing weight to just having to delay lunch - like - now!)


I've been known to go all day or more without eating only to wonder why I feel weak. Sadly, it doesn't help me lose weight, because once I figure out that I forgot to eat, I make up for my lost meals and then some. :lol:

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I like to drink orange juice after brushing my teeth. The mint/orange combination is nice. I don't understand why citrus + mint is considered gross--it's like a mojito!


DH was kind enough to point out and demonstrate to me that mint and citrus can be a good combo (O.J. and mint schnapps...), but I still can't do toothpaste and citrus. I think there's some chemical in most toothpastes that interacts with O.J. and that's what makes it taste bad. Maybe you're not sensitive to that or you found a toothpaste without the chemical? 



One of my weirder things, and there are plenty, is that I cannot stand for the hem of something to be flipped up. If I'm in bed about to fall asleep, and I see a shirt in the closet with part of the hem folded up instead of laying flat, I will get up and flip it down. 


Another (more pronounced as I get older) is if I'm walking toward/past someone and they sneeze or cough I start to hold my breath until I pass the person and the germ cloud I imagine that is scattering out into the world.

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This thread has made me realize I am all kinds of weird.


I cannot stand hair on my face. So I have to keep my hair firmly braided at all times.


Hair touching my face is evil.  I can handle a ponytail, but I am constantly running my hand down it to make sure it is behind me and not in danger of touching my face.


But my real secret weirdness is that I LOVE doing taxes, writing budgets, and doing anything with financials.


Doing taxes is a lovely thing.  I was actually disappointed when my 15 year old daughter announced she had already done her taxes on the whopping $880 she earned last year (technically she doesn't have to file since they didn't withhold anything and she didn't make much, but she figured it would be good practice).  I would totally have loved to do them for her (but it's better she did it, really).  When I had my first job, I did my taxes in January and received my refund by the first week of February.  In March my dad was going to get his taxes done and said I could give him my W-2 and the guy would do mine as well and I was like, "Um, I already did them and got my refund back."  My parents still laugh about that and it's been 22 years.  They had no idea I had already done it on my own.


I update our finances every day.  I love doing it and am often kind of sad on Sundays because most of the time nothing changes between Saturday and Sunday.


Nail polish makes my fingernails itch. Yes, I know this is technically impossible, but it is true.


It is absolutely possible.  Nail polish is painful.  Even seeing it on my daughter's fingernails kind of hurts.


My dd will erase something on her paper and NOT BRUSH OFF THE ERASER PIECES but will instead JUST CONTINUE WRITING WITH THEM ON HER PAPER... :scared: This is a criminal offense.


My 9 year old does this, too.  I have been known to reach over and brush the eraser pieces off for him because it drives me crazy.  Clearly it doesn't bother him at all.


I don't feel dressed for the day unless I have shoes on. Not slippers or house shoes, but flip flops or tennis shoes have to be on my feet or I feel incomplete. When I take my shoes off at the end of the day, then I am done.


Me, too, except not flip flops because they are evil and slippers are permissible Tuesday and Thursday morning before taekwondo.  I think it's a combination of FlyLady (which I don't do as she advises exactly, but I've taken some things from her ideas) and a tendency to break my toes when I am not wearing shoes.  I break at least one toe a year.  It's down a lot (from an average of 3 breaks per year) since I started wearing shoes all day. 


I love the smell of gasoline.


Yes.  Gasoline smells lovely.


I also can't wear flip flops for this very reason.  I don't even like seeing other people wear them because I can't understand how they feel that is even remotely comfortable. 


Flip flops are evil.  How can people wear something with a thing between two toes.  Ouch!


I liked having loose teeth as a kid and pulling others' teeth.  I liked the slightly painful feeling of working a tooth to make it looser.  If I noticed a tooth was loose, I would have it out within the day, sometimes within the hour.  I distinctly remember the feeling of twisting a tooth, and I like it.


Oh, me, too!  I have actually pulled the teeth of friends' kids and a couple of my brother's daughters.  In fact, even though we live nowhere near each other (as in several states apart), my oldest niece just happened to have her first loose tooth when they came to visit and I pulled it for her.  Then my second niece had her first loose tooth and a visit was planned so she didn't wiggle it or anything so that I could pill it when they arrived.  My youngest son is like me and so he doesn't let me pull his teeth.  This makes me a bit sad.


You mean you sometimes have your TV volume on an ODD number!?! :willy_nilly:


Evens only around here. :laugh:


I must have the TV volume on evens and also the volume on the car radio must be on evens.  Odds are just wrong.


I can't take a bath unless the tub is on the bottom floor.  I am convinced that a tub on an upper floor will fall through.  I think this is because of the movie The Money Pit.  I have absolutely no problem with taking a shower anywhere.  It is just baths that are a problem.  When I was planning a waterbirth with my youngest, I had to put the birth tub in the (finished) basement for this reason.


Inside out clothes coming out of the dryer drive me insane.  It is especially annoying to me when I know for a fact something was right side out when it went in and comes out inside out.  This is just wrong.


I can't stand vanilla scented things.  They actually make me want to throw up.  For a while vanilla scented lotion and stuff was all the rage.  Being in public was horrid for me during that time.


I have a weird obsession with birthdays.  I love to know when people's birthdays are.  I remember birthdays easily.  I love birthdays.


I've never drunk coffee and hate the smell.  I can't even stand the coffee aisle at the grocery store.  However, when I was pregnant, I would go stand in that aisle and enjoy a few blissful moments of no nausea.  The smells of coffee and lemon were the only things that quelled my pregnancy nausea.  As soon as the babies were born I went back to not being able to tolerate the smell of coffee.


I count page turns on my Kindle.  I figure out how many page turns it takes to get through 1% and if they aren't always the same I figure out the pattern.  And then I count out page turns on my fingers as I read.


When I was a kid I would divide numbers on road signs.  I'd take the last number and divide it into the entire number.  So like if a road sign said "307" I'd divide 7 into 307.  Because of this I can tell if a number is divisible by a single digit number instantly.  When I started driving I had to break myself of that habit because it was too distracting.


I have to have my money in order.  Ones go on the outside, then 5s, then 10s, then 20s (and so on, but it's rare I have anything bigger than a 20).  They all have to be smoothed out (though I've never washed them!) and facing the same direction, too.  Face up with the portrait in the proper position when looking at them.  In my wallet, they must put put in with their backs closest to the outside.  If I fold them, they get folded in half with the backs to the outside.


When I can't sleep I count taekwondo moves for whichever form I'm working on.  This has been useful in class when we've played a game where the instructor calls out a number and we have to do that move.  The first person to do the move wins and everyone else does a certain number of push-ups.  I always win.


Yes, I have a lot of weirdness!

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I've been known to go all day or more without eating only to wonder why I feel weak. Sadly, it doesn't help me lose weight, because once I figure out that I forgot to eat, I make up for my lost meals and then some. :lol:


Haven't had that problem yet and better not now that you've suggested it!   :tongue_smilie:

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After the thread about tolerating partner's quirks, I was thinking of myself as quirky.  Now, I'm not so sure.


I can't stand bananas, in any shape or form. Bananas themselves or banana flavored things. Bananas are disgusting.

I don't like bananas either, but I think it started from the texture (I don't like peanut butter either, although I like peanuts) and then moved on to the flavour.


The feel/sound of facial tissues tearing, or cotton wool being pulled apart - they send shivers down my spine.


Not keen on seeing someone cut their toenails or use a nasal spray.


That's about it, I think.

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I don't know what that is, but judging from your evil, maniacal laughter (I'm hearing you in my head, Rosie), I'm thinking you're being very, very mean! :D


It's a matter of perspective, perhaps. I thought I was being helpful.  :closedeyes:



(Movie version of Terry Pratchett's "Hogfather." I'd love to tell you more, but wouldn't want to spoil it for you.)

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I just thought of another one. I absolutely must start every week with a completely full tank of gas. I will fill up later in the week if necessary, but every Sunday must include a fill up whether I need a full tank or $3 worth.


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I have to eat candy that comes in different colors in sets. Even things like M&M's where the colors all taste the same. My daughter grabbing a handful and eating them without even looking really bugs me, as does DH picking out his favorite flavor of skittles and leaving the rest.

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How much time do y'all have?  


I'm an odd duck.  Sensory issues layered with anxiety and PTSD make for some very odd, perfectly ordinary things that bug the ever loving shizznit out of me if I let me mind dwell on them.  The good news is that I can tolerate these annoyances without wigging out.  

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I have to eat candy that comes in different colors in sets. Even things like M&M's where the colors all taste the same. My daughter grabbing a handful and eating them without even looking really bugs me, as does DH picking out his favorite flavor of skittles and leaving the rest.

I like to have the same number of each color of skittles. I pour the bag out and make rainbows. Then I eat the extras. Then I eat a rainbow at a time.

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Oh, I am so gonna get flamed for this but I can't stand when women use their bras/cleavage as substitute pockets in public. Especially for multiple and/or large items.

It never fails to unsettle me and yes, I judge them on that alone.


I mean if you're going to bring a coin purse, Samsung Galaxy S6 and a pack of gum with you when you go out, how hard is it to get a purse or wear something with pockets?!


:ack2:  I completely agree!  This is not only really gross, it's also really, really tacky.  :ack2:

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I have to have my money in order.  Ones go on the outside, then 5s, then 10s, then 20s (and so on, but it's rare I have anything bigger than a 20).  They all have to be smoothed out (though I've never washed them!) and facing the same direction, too.  Face up with the portrait in the proper position when looking at them.  In my wallet, they must put put in with their backs closest to the outside.  If I fold them, they get folded in half with the backs to the outside.



Yes, except the money has to be with the largest bills on the outside and the smallest on the inside. :D

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I spend a lot of time at airports. When I watch people, I view them as though they're a video game and I make predictions about who is going to dodge which direction or lap another person.  And I always have some kind of "finish line" picked out (third column as we walk through the terminal, e.g.) along with what order my people will finish in.


I do the same in the car, but only when I'm driving. My spidey sense only works from the driver's seat!


If I'm right, and I have a freakishly awesome sense for this - go figure, I get all giddy.  


On the occasion I'm wrong, I get into a grumpy mood for a bit LOL. 

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How much time do y'all have?  


I'm an odd duck.  Sensory issues layered with anxiety and PTSD make for some very odd, perfectly ordinary things that bug the ever loving shizznit out of me if I let me mind dwell on them.  The good news is that I can tolerate these annoyances without wigging out.  


My soul sister!


(Except I do get wigged out. Work in progress, and all that.)


My feet are an exceptional problem. I have to apply equal pressure at all times - and both feet must feel the same sensation. Or else.


We have a town center that is highly walkable (shops, restaurants, cinema) with many four-way stops / crosswalks. But every so often there are partitions of sidewalk that aren't smooth - they're raised bumps, presumably for the blind and hard-of-vision?  They're usually by crosswalks and bridges.  But I get stuck on them a lot because both feet have to touch the spots the same number of times, with the same amount of pressure.  And my stride is such that it's not an even number, so I have to stretch (which puts more pressure on one foot) or squish extra steps in (which puts less pressure on one foot).  So my friends usually pick other places now o shop and eat  :lol: .

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I like to have the same number of each color of skittles. I pour the bag out and make rainbows. Then I eat the extras. Then I eat a rainbow at a time.


Really, that's the best way to eat them.  What's even better is giving the leftovers to your children - they're thrilled with bonus candy, and it makes things come out even!

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I always need the window cracked when I'm driving or riding in a car.  Having the windows all shut makes me feel like I can't breathe.


I have a hard time leaving food on my plate.  I was taught as a kid not to do it.  So I am careful when filling my plate to put exactly what I will eat.  But then I have a hard time throwing out food left on other people's plates, so I eat that too.  Also, when helpful people keep putting more food on my plate, I feel like I have to eat it, even if I said I didn't want it before it was dumped there.  Needless to say I lost my slim figure a while ago ....


I like to lock my bedroom door when nobody is home.  I'm not scared, it just feels nice to be locked in.

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I have so, so many quirks, lol, and interestingly, my kids seem to have many of the same ones. Nature or nurture, I don't know...


I can't talk about meat. If we're having dinner, and someone says, "Where does beef come from?" I'm done eating. Even my DH will say, "We don't talk about that." 


I like even numbers. Everything from the AC to the radio volume in the car has to be set on an even number. I count the number of words in street signs, and if the total isn't even, I'll have to find something to add to it or count something twice, etc. I have some pretty complicated "rules" for this, lol.


I'm particular about money. Every bill has to be right-side up, facing forward and in order from biggest bills in the back to smaller in the front in a specific section of my wallet.


I laughed out loud when I read this, and I'll admit that I have never seen anyone do this in real life, only in the movies, lol.


Oh, I am so gonna get flamed for this but I can't stand when women use their bras/cleavage as substitute pockets in public. Especially for multiple and/or large items.

It never fails to unsettle me and yes, I judge them on that alone.


I mean if you're going to bring a coin purse, Samsung Galaxy S6 and a pack of gum with you when you go out, how hard is it to get a purse or wear something with pockets?!


And now I may have to add the previous poster's quirk of washing money to my already long list of oddities...  :huh:


ETA that I am also afraid to drive over bridges and have one of those tools in every vehicle that cut through the seatbelt and break the glass if the car is immersed underwater, just in case... 

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I hate to be breathed on, if dh faces my way at night it ticks me off because then I hate to roll over.




Well, I was thinking I didn't have a secret weirdness, but now I realize I do.  


I have psychological breathing issues.  I absolutely can't be breathed on at night - couldn't ever face dh when sleeping.  Because, there won't be enough oxygen.  Same with really humid places or when it's raining extremely hard - I feel like there isn't enough oxygen in the air to breathe.  This stems from the serious asthma I had as a teen (there were a number of times where I didn't think I'd make it to the hospital).


I also have a psychological knee issue.  I can't do things that make me think I'll dislocate my knee - for example, I could never ski.  Just the thought of skiing freaks me out and makes my knee feel funny.  

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I'm odd, but most of the stuff has been mentioned. The only thing that hasn't been said is that I have no qualms walking around with just one sock. I didn't know this was odd until I got married and The Hisband made a huge deal of it. It bugs the heck out of him...


I just did this the other day! One fell off in the night and I walked around the house the next day with only one sock. I noticed, and it bothered me a lot, and yet I didn't put another sock on or take the other off! :laugh:



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Adding one more in that I never need an alarm clock to wake up in the morning - even if I'm getting up at an unusual time.  


This trait goes back to as young as I can remember.  It always surprised me that people needed alarm clocks to wake up.  I am my family's alarm clock.  If something is super important I set ours just as a backup, but to be honest, one time I forgot to turn it off so it went off when I was in the bathroom (of course) and I had no idea how to turn it off once it was going.  I'd never done that before.  Hubby was both annoyed (since he didn't have to get up then) and amused.


I think there are other Hive members who share that trait, aren't there?


Not me, but dh has always been like this. He'd just tell himself he had to be up at X time and he would be. The last couple years he hasn't been quite as accurate but he travels a ton for work and I think it's taking its toll.

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Oh - I forgot about my superpower!  I can stop hiccoughs.  Dh taught me how to do this.  We don't have to drink water upside down or hold our breath - we just decide to stop.  It doesn't matter how bad they are, either.  I've been doing this for about 20 years now.

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Not me, but dh has always been like this. He'd just tell himself he had to be up at X time and he would be. The last couple years he hasn't been quite as accurate but he travels a ton for work and I think it's taking its toll.


My *dad* is like this.  He doesn't "believe in" alarm clocks or watches.  He's never late.  He always wakes up when he needs to.  

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This thread is awesome!

I have a thing about hair not attached to bodies.  I get that it's irrational and ridiculous, but if I see a hair lying around on the floor or (worst case scenario) in a bathtub or shower, I just. CANNOT.  If I can identify whose hair it is I can usually talk myself down, but whoa.  Anytime we had to do ground fighting in martial arts class, my partner always knew to check the floor and blow away any hairs within a two foot radius of us.  It almost makes me cry.  Thinking about it now makes me want to cry.


The noise styrofoam makes when it rubs together makes me want Jesus to come back immediately.  It is the worst sound ever and for me would be way more effective torture than water boarding or sleep deprivation.  We have the most beautiful Nativity scene my parents bought us, but I cannot be in the house when DH gets it out because the styrofoam rubbing makes me teeth hurt and my mouth water in a gross way.


Raw poultry is my nemesis.  I am CERTAIN I will get salmonella if I touch it.  I love cooking a huge Thanksgiving dinner for people, but DH has to prep the turkey while I dry heave in the background.

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My ears must be covered in order for me to sleep well. And both hands. In fact, if the only thing not covered is my nose then I am all set for a good night's sleep.


I like the smell of skunk, but I never thought it smelled like coffee.


I like to eat one thing at a time on my plate. Dh and ds are the same way on this.


I like to use one pencil all the way down before I "start on another one." I can barely write with it by the time I think it is small enough to throw away.


I rotate everything. Even clothes. Drives me crazy if dh puts his clothes away. How can he just plunk them on top of the things already in the drawer?



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I do too many of the previously stated quirks to list, but here's a couple that I haven't seen mentioned yet.  


I frequently air 'type' out words I hear (just subtle finger twitches, not really noticeable).  But each word that I get fixated on gets typed out repeatedly until I'm satisfied.


I also like to figure out melodies on my imaginary keyboard and get them 'centered' within the 10 fingers to minimize moving my hands.


Oh, and skunks smell like toasted sesame oil to me.

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Adding one more in that I never need an alarm clock to wake up in the morning - even if I'm getting up at an unusual time.  


This trait goes back to as young as I can remember.  It always surprised me that people needed alarm clocks to wake up.  I am my family's alarm clock.  If something is super important I set ours just as a backup, but to be honest, one time I forgot to turn it off so it went off when I was in the bathroom (of course) and I had no idea how to turn it off once it was going.  I'd never done that before.  Hubby was both annoyed (since he didn't have to get up then) and amused.


I think there are other Hive members who share that trait, aren't there?


Me, me!!  I can do that!


I thought of a weirdness I have that hasn't been mentioned yet.  When I walk the dog I carry poop bags--the ones that are sold in packages of eight rolls (two rolls each of green, yellow purple and orange bags).  I have to use one roll of each color and then go back through.  So I'll use a roll of green then a roll of yellow, orange and purple and then start back over until I use the whole pack.  Who knows what horrible thing would happen if I went through the two rolls of orange bags before I used any of the others?  :eek:

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Oh - I forgot about my superpower!  I can stop hiccoughs.  Dh taught me how to do this.  We don't have to drink water upside down or hold our breath - we just decide to stop.  It doesn't matter how bad they are, either.  I've been doing this for about 20 years now.


I can do this one too and have since my youth.  No clue how I learned.  I just wanted to be able to do it, so did.  Nothing "extra" is needed (water, etc).

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I am going to try telling myself that skunk smell is nice the next time I smell one.  I'll let you know if it works.


I knew a kid who admitted that she liked the smell of farts.  I guess it takes all kinds.  :P  The same kid went non-dairy when she realized that milk comes from an *udder*.  LOL.  Funny thing, I was looking for old friends on facebook and found her sister, who is now very active in stopping the big bad milk industry.  Coincidence?  :P

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Reading through all of these makes me feel less strange!


I smell phantom scents sometimes, usually unpleasant odors.  Like last summer I kept thinking a manure truck went by one night (not uncommon in a small farming town), but no one else smelled it - apparently it was just me.  The same thing has happened with the smell of cat pee in certain parts of the house, or vomit, or a number of other smells.  It seems to come in spurts - there for a few months and then gone for a long while.  I don't know if it's due to stress or a weird thing where my nerves and my brain aren't communicating right.  But it kind of freaks me out, especially when I mention phantom smells to others, and they look at me like I grew a second head.


I experience this, too! I sometimes am woken up from sleep smelling something that isn't there.


I have a really, really hard time using public restrooms. I am often gagging the whole time I'm in there.  :ack2:


We were once on a road trip driving home from Colorado to CA through the middle of Utah. I told dh I would have to stop for a bathroom soon. I kept seeing a sign on the road that said, "The cleanest bathroom in Utah ___ miles ahead." My dh finally pulled off the freeway at a gas station. My dd and I said in unison, "What are you doing?!?!?!" He said, "Well, you said you had to go to the bathroom." I replied, "But the cleanest bathroom in Utah is only 15 more miles!" He questioned, "You really want me to drive another 15 miles to the cleanest bathroom in Utah?" Dd and I yelled, "YES!"


He got out of the car, used the current bathroom and then pulled over again 15 miles down the road. When dd and I emerged, dh said, "I hope it was worth it." We both affirmed that it was! :D


I have public restrooms picked out at places I go regularly. So, for example, at the mall, I have a couple of acceptable choices. I also have places that I know I will not go! :)

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Oh - I forgot about my superpower!  I can stop hiccoughs.  Dh taught me how to do this.  We don't have to drink water upside down or hold our breath - we just decide to stop.  It doesn't matter how bad they are, either.  I've been doing this for about 20 years now.


I can do this, too!  Well, I do it via very controlled breathing.  Takes me about three controlled breaths to make them stop.  My poor daughter gets hiccups all.the.time, and I've tried and tried to teach her the trick, but she can't seem to do it.  Or maybe I don't explain how to do it very well.  

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I think a distant skunk smells like a cleaning fluid, as if it has a chemical in common with Pine-sol.  To me, that is not a bad smell.


I, also, sort colored candy and eat the "extras" first to even up the herd.  DH just grabs a handful of skittles and chomps them all down together.  It's a horrifying waste of tastes, I think.  :coolgleamA:

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I can't go barefoot, not even around my own home.  I have to wear flip flops or something but I can't stand bare feet on the floor. I will put my house shoes on even if I get up during the night to go to the bathroom.


Oh and I absolutely will not EVER sit on a public toilet.  Only at my own home.

Edited by 1GirlTwinBoys
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Like Rough Collie, I have a need to know about dead animals on the road or side of the road. WHY? Why must I know? I ask others what it was and they often don't know what I'm talking about. Whether I'm driving or a passenger, I need to know, dog or cat? Something else?


I hate it when my dh wears his LONG SOCKS in the house in the SUMMER, and it's over 80 degrees outside. Then says it's hot. I really don't like that.


I used to hate green olives with pimentos. My sibs had told me those were eyes.


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I frequently air 'type' out words I hear (just subtle finger twitches, not really noticeable). But each word that I get fixated on gets typed out repeatedly until I'm satisfied.


Oh, I do this too! I've been doing this since I learned how to type on an IBM Selectric in 8th grade.

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This has been fascinating to read!


I can't stand to be breathed on or breath somebody else's breath. It will wake me up at night if my husband ends up too close to me and I'm beating his breath. I've never told him that either.


I hold my breath and don't look at dead animals on the road. I have to actually force myself to start breathing again once I've passed it. I guess I don't want to breath death? No idea! I'm not actually grossed out. I just can't.


I know the numerical order of the alphabet as well as I know the letter itself. A=1, M=13, etc I play a game, especially while driving where I alternate adding and subtracting letters in a word to know its numerical value. For instance the word weirdness equals 4. I do it a lot. :)


I can't stand loose teeth!! I can handle all the other bleeding, vomiting, etc things but do NOT come show me your loose tooth or, heaven forbid, ask me to pull it!! Gag!!


I'm sure there are others. I'm just too distracting with these others I'm thinking about now. :)

I am with you on the loose teeth (gak!) and getting my face breathed on by anyone other than a new infant. I finally had to admit that to my husband. He understood because his mom has become a lean-in-too-close conversationalist and that's his thing he can't stand.


And the numerical value of alphabet letters thing is really fascinating!

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Am I weird that I don't like Skittles?  



No, you are not weird!  I can't stand "sugar, food coloring and a bit of ascorbic acid" type candies and neither can Dh or any adult members of our family.


Now, good chocolate, or caramels or toffee, that's another thing! I am all in for that. 

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