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Starbucks cup rant


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BREAKING NEWS....  Just stopped by Target and got hot chocolates while we were there.  The sign on the menu board said "The red cups are just the beginning.  Check back with us on 11/10!" 


The plot thickens! 

LOL!  makes me wonder if they didn't start the whole silly controversy themselves for the free advertising ;)  

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You have GOT to go to Target tomorrow and report back.  It's for educational purposes after all.


Well the boy needs pants and a few other things.  Target was not a planned part of that trip so I had left the Target coupon home.  The boy picked out what he wanted, so conviently enough, I will be going back.  I'll keep you updated...

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This thread reminded me of a scene from judging Amy.


Maxine has to take an anger management class. At one point they are stating things that ignite their rage. The people before her mention fist word problems. She then goes into really awful things that she is exposed to through her work as a social worker.


Google: judging Amy anger management class, (note it is bad quality video, someone recording the a tv)


Ps. I'm on my iPad, so excuse all typing errors.

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That is the really scary part. One guy with an idiot opinion, whatever. But over 100,000 have liked this guys nonsense. That is scary. Are our lives so luxurious that we have to search out things to be angry about (the answer is yes)??


I comfort myself with thinking that out of 1 billion YouTube users (I googled), only 100,000 liked that video. That's only .0001 percent. I can live with that.  

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I've been thinking about this cup thing today. I've only had a couple people on FB post about being upset about it. But have been reading the ridiculous comments on the #merrychristmasstarbucks page. I still just don't get how this is an attack on Christianity. I truly wouldn't want a baby Jesus or any other Christian symbol (or a symbol from any other religious faith) splashed across a paper cup that I'm going to drink out of and throw in the garbage. That would just seem wrong.

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The only thing I seem to be able to find on my feed is Christians who find the whole cup debacle a "thing."  It now seems hip to post about how you don't find this offensive and then use it as a platform to pontificate about whatever it is you find to be a greater ill in the world.


I am actually sick of reading those!  If you want to spout off about your own opinions on whatever, that is fine, but using this cup thing is just making it more of a thing.


I am quite sure I need about 10 more cups of coffee before I can write that above thought into what makes sense, but for now, it will have to do.

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Best I can really tell, there was really ONE guy who makes a living on being outrageous who made a ranting video which got a lot of hits.  Someone in the media got onto it, and then the "outrage" about the "outrage" started (which, to the best of my knowledge is actually MUCH larger than the original "outrage.")  No one (on any side of this supposed issue) seems to reference the fact that there is one original source, but now everyone is fixated on it (either decrying/mocking the supposed "outrage" or talking about how Christians should be "outraged" about something else to a much greater extent.)


I'm calling shenanigans on the whole thing.  This "red cup" debacle is nothing more than astroturf. It's really fake, social-media hype based upon one on-line video blogger, that people were all too happy to jump in on.  I'd like to return my feed to my normal updates from family and friends, and hope this mess just goes away...although I'm sure Starbucks is getting more free publicity than ever, and is laughing all the way to the bank.

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I'm calling shenanigans on the whole thing.  This "red cup" debacle is nothing more than astroturf. It's really fake, social-media hype based upon one on-line video blogger, that people were all too happy to jump in on.  I'd like to return my feed to my normal updates from family and friends, and hope this mess just goes away...although I'm sure Starbucks is getting more free publicity than ever, and is laughing all the way to the bank.


LOL. I'm such a cultural reject that I didn't find out about it until this morning. Oh well. I could have gone to Starbucks and not even blinked at the cup and been on the downward slide. Now I know.


A week ago it was "what is the world coming to" about the father and son who wanted to marry. Forget reading the article. Nevermind that they were a long-term, unrelated couple already who had gone the adoption route in order to get a level of legal status. That's been around for decades. Now they want the full legal status they're entitled to. Is that worth reacting to?

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The only thing I seem to be able to find on my feed is Christians who find the whole cup debacle a "thing."  It now seems hip to post about how you don't find this offensive and then use it as a platform to pontificate about whatever it is you find to be a greater ill in the world.


I am actually sick of reading those!  If you want to spout off about your own opinions on whatever, that is fine, but using this cup thing is just making it more of a thing.


I am quite sure I need about 10 more cups of coffee before I can write that above thought into what makes sense, but for now, it will have to do.


 Yeah, that's what I'm seeing now.  People making fun of the cup thing.  Or, worse, talking about how they can't wait to go buy coffee in a red cup so they can show how unoffended they are.   


Meanwhile, Starbucks laughs all the way to the bank.    Merry Christmas Starbucks indeed. 


ETA:  Now what I'm starting to wonder is:  is it still OK for me not to like Starbucks because I don't think the coffee is very good?  Or, if I prefer to go elsewhere, is it a sign that I'm one of "those" Christians who is boycotting Starbucks?    Do I have to prove I'm an OK Christian by getting Starbucks every day and walking around with the cup in my hand all the time? 


I do jest.  But... the world is getting crazier all the time.

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 Yeah, that's what I'm seeing now.  People making fun of the cup thing.  Or, worse, talking about how they can't wait to go buy coffee in a red cup so they can show how unoffended they are.   


Meanwhile, Starbucks laughs all the way to the bank.    Merry Christmas Starbucks indeed. 


ETA:  Now what I'm starting to wonder is:  is it still OK for me not to like Starbucks because I don't think the coffee is very good?  Or, if I prefer to go elsewhere, is it a sign that I'm one of "those" Christians who is boycotting Starbucks?    Do I have to prove I'm an OK Christian by getting Starbucks every day and walking around with the cup in my hand all the time? 


I do jest.  But... the world is getting crazier all the time.



I go to Starbucks if I happen to be with a friend who wants to go and sit and visit.  I don't go on my own.   The baristas seem to be hit or miss.


I wish we had Pete's here.  Pete's was always consistent with their baristas, they must have better training.  I miss living near one.

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So now on my Facebook page, some college age Christian friends are joking that those boycotting Starbucks should send their unused gift cards to them.  And there is more than one person firing back that Starbucks supports Planned Parenthood so 'even if' the cups aren't intentionally offensive, the company is still anti Christian. 


Unfriend, unfriend, hide, hide, unfriend....I'm busy this morning. 

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So now on my Facebook page, some college age Christian friends are joking that those boycotting Starbucks should send their unused gift cards to them.  And there is more than one person firing back that Starbucks supports Planned Parenthood so 'even if' the cups aren't intentionally offensive, the company is still anti Christian. 


Unfriend, unfriend, hide, hide, unfriend....I'm busy this morning. 



Between this and the upcoming election, I am going on FB less and less.  I hid several people yesterday though!  

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And that makes ME wonder what they would do if they were on the Moon or Mars. I'd assume daily prayers would be easy enough, find Earth in the sky and pray in that direction. But timing of holidays?


That one fatwah against space travel if it's a one way trip aside...


I can give you an article about what Jews do since we have had Jewish astronauts in space.


Ilan Ramon, of blessed memory, was on the last shuttle to have a fatal mission.  He brought a Torah on the shuttle and did discuss how to acknowledge the Sabbath (even though I don't believe he was religious, per say).



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Donald Trump has weighed in.  Apparently he thinks maybe we should boycott Starbucks, but he really doesn't know and doesn't care.  However, if he becomes president we will all be saying Merry Christmas again because he's going to legislate that... somehow...


Meanwhile, people are going to Starbucks and telling them their name is Merry Christmas and the baristas are doing what they generally do: Spelling it wrong.  There was Merry Christmes and Mary Chrismas among others.  Apparently this is somehow proof that Starbucks really does hate Christmas.  Because, you know, Marc-with-a-C spelled Cark wasn't already a thing.  Spelling names wrong is just something they do!

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Donald Trump has weighed in. Apparently he thinks maybe we should boycott Starbucks, but he Areally doesn't know and doesn't care. However, if he becomes president we will all be saying Merry Christmas again because he's going to legislate that... somehow...


Meanwhile, people are going to Starbucks and telling them their name is Merry Christmas and the baristas are doing what they generally do: Spelling it wrong. There was Merry Christmes and Mary Chrismas among others. Apparently this is somehow proof that Starbucks really does hate Christmas. Because, you know, Marc-with-a-C spelled Cark wasn't already a thing. Spelling names wrong is just something they do!

We're gonna hit Defcon 5 when the first Merry xmas is written on a cup.


BC, you know, Christians are too stupid to realize that is a perfectly acceptable, historical way to refer to Christ. And only ignorant, angry clingers don't understand that. And no one would EVER use it just to be antagonistic and baiting. It is just an innocent shortcut.


I mean all this happens in other places, in the world. Not here.

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Meanwhile, people are going to Starbucks and telling them their name is Merry Christmas and the baristas are doing what they generally do: Spelling it wrong.  There was Merry Christmes and Mary Chrismas among others.  Apparently this is somehow proof that Starbucks really does hate Christmas.  Because, you know, Marc-with-a-C spelled Cark wasn't already a thing.  Spelling names wrong is just something they do!


:lol: OK this is my favorite part so far, even better than the Red Solo Cup song (which it'd be a shame if anyone missed upthread so I'll just go ahead and




There is serious potential for some serious messing-with-heads and passive aggression, here.

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Well I agree, the fuss about the fuss is much bigger and IMO dumber.  The original fuss was dumb, but so are a lot of things.  Most things get an eyeroll and we move on.  Who decided that this particular dumb thing was newsworthy and debate-worthy?  People who normally consider themselves to be intelligent and rational.  Now IMO they have cast doubt on their own rationality by taking up such a silly fuss.  Outrage over the red cup outrage.  There must be something in the water.

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Well I agree, the fuss about the fuss is much bigger and IMO dumber. The original fuss was dumb, but so are a lot of things. Most things get an eyeroll and we move on. Who decided that this particular dumb thing was newsworthy and debate-worthy? People who normally consider themselves to be intelligent and rational. Now IMO they have cast doubt on their own rationality by taking up such a silly fuss. Outrage over the red cup outrage. There must be something in the water.

You mean people posting about the ridiculousness of the outrage on a classical education board? :lol: There's now a major presidential candidate calling for a boycott of Sbux (not THAT kind of X, obv) over their plain, red cups. All we are doing is laughing about it. And it's making me crave peppermint mochas. I'll get one from the local coffee shop unless I'm at Target though. ;)

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You mean people posting about the ridiculousness of the outrage on a classical education board? :lol: There's now a major presidential candidate calling for a boycott of Sbux (not THAT kind of X, obv) over their plain, red cups. All we are doing is laughing about it. And it's making me crave peppermint mochas. I'll get one from the local coffee shop unless I'm at Target though. ;)


No, I mean the increasing number of fb messages and news stories I'm seeing about how horrible it is that some people don't like the cups.


It's almost like people are supposed to be able to please everyone.  Where did that silly idea come from?


We obviously don't have any real problems in this country.

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No, I mean the increasing number of fb messages and news stories I'm seeing about how horrible it is that some people don't like the cups.


It's almost like people are supposed to be able to please everyone. Where did that silly idea come from?


We obviously don't have any real problems in this country.

The FB posts are highly entertaining. One friend with more...uh, diverse friends than I have posted a funny status that brought out the "I'm more Christian than you are" nutters. If you were a REAL Christian, you'd spend that $5 sponsoring 12 children at Sally Struthers bible camp for starving orphans who need religion. If you were a REAL Christian, you wouldn't drink coffee because it's a drug! If you were a real Christian, you wouldn't be offended by this war on Christmas because at least it's red and green but you'd be offended by the real war on Christmas at mass merchants who force their real Christian employees to say happy holidays. It was some excellent reading. (I didn't even poke the crazy; I swear!)

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The FB posts are highly entertaining. One friend with more...uh, diverse friends than I have posted a funny status that brought out the "I'm more Christian than you are" nutters. If you were a REAL Christian, you'd spend that $5 sponsoring 12 children at Sally Struthers bible camp for starving orphans who need religion. If you were a REAL Christian, you wouldn't drink coffee because it's a drug! If you were a real Christian, you wouldn't be offended by this war on Christmas because at least it's red and green but you'd be offended by the real war on Christmas at mass merchants who force their real Christian employees to say happy holidays. It was some excellent reading. (I didn't even poke the crazy; I swear!)


Yes, maybe I'm a jaded, conservative Christian.


I've been telling friends at work "happy holidays" for probably 30+ years because I've always worked with many nationalities and cultures. It just made sense to me.


But I'm considered liberal-leaning for that and more. Oh well....

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I think it's a marketing ploy.  Personally, I am Christian and have a lot of Christian friends on my Facebook.  Not one is offended.  I think Starbucks is media playing this whole thing to get more people to come and support them against the only group anyone can marginalize in this country without getting called out on it.  

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It's funny though, the whole "happy holidays" is a US thing.  I have traveled over the Christmas holidays and in other countries, it's "Merry Christmas" (or whatever religious event is happening locally).  It's a US idea that we need to take responsibility for other people's intolerance of our mainstream beliefs.

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From http://www.snopes.com/starbucks-red-christmas-cups/



This year's iconic red Starbucks cup features a two-toned ombré design, with a bright poppy color on top that shades into a darker cranberry below.

"We have anchored the design with the classic Starbucks holiday red that is bright and exciting," said Jeffrey Fields, Starbucks vice president of Design & Content. "The ombré creates a distinctive dimension, fluidity and weightedness."

Since 1997 Starbucks has served its holiday beverages in a unique cup, starting with a jazz-themed design in jewel tones of deeper reds, greens and blues. Every year since, the cup has told a story of the holidays by featuring symbols of the season from vintage ornaments and hand-drawn reindeer to modern vector-illustrated characters.

"In the past, we have told stories with our holiday cups designs," said Fields. "This year we wanted to usher in the holidays with a purity of design that welcomes all of our stories."

"Starbucks has become a place of sanctuary during the holidays," he said. "We're embracing the simplicity and the quietness of it. It's [a] more open way to usher in the holiday.


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OK, Starbucks has a diverse workforce as well as diverse clientele, so one should expect inclusive thinking in designing the cup.  I think the statement quoted above was pretty mild, but it seems a little PC only because of the extra-PC environment of the day.  Someone with an addled brain apparently jumped on the statement and found some addled like-thinkers to pile on.  But it's on the rest of us for giving it so much attention.


Ultimately, you're damned if you do or if you don't, as usual.

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I think it's a marketing ploy.  Personally, I am Christian and have a lot of Christian friends on my Facebook.  Not one is offended.  I think Starbucks is media playing this whole thing to get more people to come and support them against the only group anyone can marginalize in this country without getting called out on it.  


Nah.  There are reasonable people out there, including but not limited to, Christians, and there are all kinds of crazies, including but not limited to, Christians.  SB did nothing to ask for the crazies to come out.  The crazies did it all on their own.

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I think it's a marketing ploy. Personally, I am Christian and have a lot of Christian friends on my Facebook. Not one is offended. I think Starbucks is media playing this whole thing to get more people to come and support them against the only group anyone can marginalize in this country without getting called out on it.

How would Starbucks control the media? You really think this is a coffee company's devious plot to marginalize Christians? By serving them coffee in an ombré red, green, and white cup instead of one with a reindeer or snowflake on it?

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I think it's a marketing ploy.  Personally, I am Christian and have a lot of Christian friends on my Facebook.  Not one is offended.  I think Starbucks is media playing this whole thing to get more people to come and support them against the only group anyone can marginalize in this country without getting called out on it.  


Christians are the only group that can be marginalized in this country? My gay, fat, atheist friends disagree. 

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I comfort myself with thinking that out of 1 billion YouTube users (I googled), only 100,000 liked that video. That's only .0001 percent. I can live with that.  


Well, now Trump is on the wagon.  I'll leave it at that.


I've been thinking about this cup thing today. I've only had a couple people on FB post about being upset about it. But have been reading the ridiculous comments on the #merrychristmasstarbucks page. I still just don't get how this is an attack on Christianity. I truly wouldn't want a baby Jesus or any other Christian symbol (or a symbol from any other religious faith) splashed across a paper cup that I'm going to drink out of and throw in the garbage. That would just seem wrong.


That's what a friend said: you want to throw away a baby Jesus cup????

How would Starbucks control the media? You really think this is a coffee company's devious plot to marginalize Christians? By serving them coffee in an ombré red, green, and white cup instead of one with a reindeer or snowflake on it?

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:   Even my tinfoil hat is looking weak here.

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Nasty. Snark. I thought SWB settled it a while back??

I thought she was just joking. We all know SWB settled the "Xian" thing here, but that doesn't mean that people elsewhere aren't upset about the "Merry Xmas" thing -- it seems to come up every year, and not just here, so if someone was extreme enough to get upset about a red Starbucks cup, they would probably go off the deep end about Xmas.


Besides, everyone knows the baristas are going to spell it "Mary Krissmiss." ;)

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I thought she was just joking. We all know SWB settled the "Xian" thing here, but that doesn't mean that people elsewhere aren't upset about the "Merry Xmas" thing -- it seems to come up every year, and not just here, so if someone was extreme enough to get upset about a red Starbucks cup, they would probably go off the deep end about Xmas.


Besides, everyone knows the baristas are going to spell it "Mary Krissmiss." ;)

You know, baristas surprisingly don't usually have an issue spelling my complicated name.  I moved to the one town that should be able to spell my name (it's somewhat known here) and not once have they gotten it.  Irony.

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You know, baristas surprisingly don't usually have an issue spelling my complicated name. I moved to the one town that should be able to spell my name (it's somewhat known here) and not once have they gotten it. Irony.

My name is very common and simple and they still mess it up about half the time. Sometimes I like their creative spelling more than the real spelling. It makes me feel more interesting. :)

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