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Oregon community college shooting


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As a community college professor myself, these always hit me hard. We've had all kinds of training on how to handle these sorts of things, but reality is tough.


There was a gunman nearly six years ago at one of the campuses where I teach. He shot at his professor twice, but thankfully she ducked and his rifle jammed. Everyone was able to get out, and the campus and county police arrived quickly. 


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Apparently the shooter is in custody.


These shootings are horrible. It's like all of these lunatics want to be famous and go out in a blaze of glory or something.


I don't understand it. Those poor people. :crying:



I just heard (radio) that he is deceased. Details still fuzzy as to whether or not it was self inflicted, but that seems to me to be likely.



ETA - Just half-listening as I work on something else, but think I heard something about an exchange - so maybe someone else did "neutralize the threat." 

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What is wrong with people these days? I read that the shooter posted a couple of days ago on an online site warning of what was going to happen - and that there were plenty of people encouraging him. I am seriously upset that so many people even think that shooting college students is to be cheered. The FBI better talk to all of them.

Here is a screenshot of the shooter's post with the encouraging messages from a news article I read:



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What is wrong with people these days? I read that the shooter posted a couple of days ago on an online site warning of what was going to happen - and that there were plenty of people encouraging him. I am seriously upset that so many people even think that shooting college students is to be cheered. The FBI better talk to all of them.

Here is a screenshot of the shooter's post with the encouraging messages from a news article I read:




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What is wrong with people these days? I read that the shooter posted a couple of days ago on an online site warning of what was going to happen - and that there were plenty of people encouraging him. I am seriously upset that so many people even think that shooting college students is to be cheered. The FBI better talk to all of them.

Here is a screenshot of the shooter's post with the encouraging messages from a news article I read:


oh my dear god.  Just when I think my belief in humankind is reinstated, I am reminded how many sick people are out there.  

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Guest amoretgrey

I cannot believe the people cheering him on in that post you copied! They scare me as much as he does.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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This says that it was the 45th mass shooting not that it makes any difference. People are dead. I really had no idea the count was so high.

The above uses the FBI definition of a mass shooting as involving four or more deaths.


A different methodology is used by ShootingTracker.com, which counts injuries as well (four or more injuries and/or deaths). As of 9/29, there have been 294 mass shootings this year.



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What is wrong with people these days? I read that the shooter posted a couple of days ago on an online site warning of what was going to happen - and that there were plenty of people encouraging him. I am seriously upset that so many people even think that shooting college students is to be cheered. The FBI better talk to all of them.

Here is a screenshot of the shooter's post with the encouraging messages from a news article I read:



The thread is still going here, if anyone wants to read it... but trust me, you probably don't. It's largely full of respect for the guy for actually going through with it, and cognratulations for themselves for being part of it. Not kidding. I feel like I need a shower after reading it, to be honest.

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I just couldn't keep reading that thread, it literally made me nauseous. Social media is a powerful tool...but this? I just hope all those anonymous messages can be tracked. The shooting is sickening, but more sickening is what's going on in that thread. There's just no words for this :(

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No one from that thread contacted the police?  No one???  They should be hunted down and prosecuted.


There were mentions of the FBI monitoring the thread.  Whether that was true or not I don't know.


There weren't specifics about location either, just "northwest" which is a pretty big area.  We don't know if no one contacted police and even if police were contacted it doesn't mean the right jurisdiction was contacted or even that any given random police department could do anything given the ambiguity of where it was to happen.

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There were mentions of the FBI monitoring the thread.  Whether that was true or not I don't know.


There weren't specifics about location either, just "northwest" which is a pretty big area.  We don't know if no one contacted police and even if police were contacted it doesn't mean the right jurisdiction was contacted or even that any given random police department could do anything given the ambiguity of where it was to happen.


It will be interesting to see if anything was reported.  The comments about FBI seemed to me like "theoretically the FBI monitors things like this".  It didn't sound like someone knew specifically.


Regardless, I was questioning why the initial response wouldn't be "report this to somebody" rather than "engage him in casual banter and/or encourage him."

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It will be interesting to see if anything was reported.  The comments about FBI seemed to me like "theoretically the FBI monitors things like this".  It didn't sound like someone knew specifically.


Regardless, I was questioning why the initial response wouldn't be "report this to somebody" rather than "engage him in casual banter and/or encourage him."


Well, the people who were encouraging him certainly wouldn't be the type to report him.  I wouldn't have reported it because I wouldn't have known who to report it to.


This post seems like the FBI was involved, but then it could have been someone just saying they were the FBI:

Anonymous  Wed 30 Sep 2015 18:41:09 No.22785635 Report
>>22785073 (OP)

FBI here


We'll be waiting for you OP

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Well, the people who were encouraging him certainly wouldn't be the type to report him.  I wouldn't have reported it because I wouldn't have known who to report it to.


This post seems like the FBI was involved, but then it could have been someone just saying they were the FBI:

Anonymous  Wed 30 Sep 2015 18:41:09 No.22785635 Report
>>22785073 (OP)

FBI here


We'll be waiting for you OP


I think that it is another troll on 4chan posing as FBI. I don't think the FBI would announce itself.

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This says that it was the 45th mass shooting not that it makes any difference.  People are dead. I really had no idea the count was so high.


Could be both for all I know.  The article where I read "45th school shooting this year" doesn't give a reference. 


But it's not even the only one today.


When are policymakers going to wake up?

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The above uses the FBI definition of a mass shooting as involving four or more deaths.


A different methodology is used by ShootingTracker.com, which counts injuries as well (four or more injuries and/or deaths). As of 9/29, there have been 294 mass shootings this year.




This is just simply incomprehensible to me, and the fact so many American's don't seem to realize the number is that high makes it even worse. In my country, if a gun is fired it's front page news. An american friend of mine comments on how he is scared of coming to visit me because of the snakes and spiders, but I told him he has more chance of dying in a mass shooting than dying of spiders or snakes in Australia. I'm the one afraid to travel over there!

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Just heard that he asked the victims their religion and whoever answered "Christian" was shot in the head, while those who answered something else or gave no answer were shot on the leg? Has anyone else heard this? The Catholic radio station didn't elaborate much more, they are waiting to get more details from the police... I hope this is not true? The whole thing is just so messed up!

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It feels so hopeless.


There is a huge sect of the U.S. that has decided that 40k some odd gun related deaths per year are the price we pay for freedom and if you aren't will to pay it then you hate God and the Constitution.


Some guy said it best when he said, "once America decided it was ok to shoot a room full of kindergarteners, the conversation was over".


I have zero hope of this problem ever being dealt with in his country.


My heart is breaking, yet again, today.

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 Prepare yourself for the reasons why what works in AU can't and won't work in the US :)


For myself, I've come to the conclusion that this is the price many (not all) Americans are prepared to pay for their way of life.


Oh I know it's coming

'well that's just not how things are here, so lets only talk about solutions which will actually work in the US'

I was impressed that Obama mentioned Australia in his speech today though. 


It does seem to be unfortunately tied into the culture far too intricately to handle easily. The concept of freedom is quite different to the concept of freedom in other countries. I've been trying to wrap my head around the issue for months now and I just don't get it, the cultural aspects are so strange to me. But I've been debating it with an American friend who wont touch a gun and hates them but thinks Australia's law is kinda crazy and unreasonable, so, whatever. He, and others, don't seem to be able to separate gun ownership from other rights and freedoms, even though a guns sole purpose is to kill (hunting, self defence, etc, I get it. But it is still all, in the end, a sole end purpose of killing)


Sorry if anyone feels like I'm talking about them like they're not here. But upon talking to other non-american friends the issue of guns in america seems to be a very confusing and strange topic for all of us, and it honestly makes me really angry. 

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No one from that thread contacted the police?  No one???  They should be hunted down and prosecuted.


No, I'm sure they didn't. What you have to understand is that on 4chan it's not at all uncommon for someone to say "I've had enough, I'm just going to kill EVERYONE." Even to get in to details on how they'd do it if they could. It's their mysoginistic fantasy about how to get back at all the women how dared to not be interested in them (for some unfathomable reason) and all the men who didn't recognize their superiority. That's why they're all so blase about it. "SURE you will, call us when actually do something," etc. It's their way of saying, "I've felt that way too buddy, we've all been there, wouldn't it be awesome if one of actuall DID something and had some CONTROL for once?!" These sort of threats are more than normal for them, they're almost mundane. Hence the amazement and callousness at the fact that someone actually went through with it... because it almost never actually comes to fruition. Almost. Except that statistically speaking, it sure seems to happen a lot...

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I attended that college.   :mellow:


Lots of my family are still in Roseburg.  My sister was in training today for a job position that wasn't working for the college, but could take her on campus at times.  It was conceivable that she would be there this morning. Her immediate family didn't know exactly where the training was at.  Her teenage daughters were wrought with fear that she may have been on the campus.   :crying:   She was at a different location and was safe but it was a stressful day for our family. 


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug: prayers for all those involved today and all others who have lived through similar tragedies in the past :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


My cousin was at one of the first shootings in Springfield Oregon at Thurston High School in '98 and just missed the gunman opening fire by 15-30 seconds. 

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I attended that college.   :mellow:


Lots of my family are still in Roseburg.  My sister was in training today for a job position that wasn't working for the college, but could take her on campus at times.  Her immediate family didn't know exactly where the training was at.  Her teenage daughters were wrought with fear that she may have been on the campus.   :crying:   She was at a different location and was safe but it was a stressful day for our family. 


Always the hardest when it hits at home. I'm sorry.  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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I am a pacifist, and I admit that I have mixed feelings about gun rights.  For non-Americans, the US Constitution states: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."  The reason for this is so that citizens will have the necessary arms and training to keep the government from instituting military law and oppressing citizens.  And looking around the world, both historically and in the present, there are places where citizens who don't have access to the most up-to-date weaponry are massacred by their tyrannical military-controlled governments.  So I get that argument, but I hate the gun culture.  Can't we just keep them all in local armories with restricted/limited access, controlled by local weapons councils?  Or something?  The other part of the problem is that in order to make changes like this the US Constitution would have to be changed, and the gun-lobby is too powerful for that to happen without major changes to campaign financing, which will only happen if the US Constitution is changed.  It's so complicated it just feels hopeless.

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Some guy said it best when he said, "once America decided it was ok to shoot a room full of kindergarteners, the conversation was over".


I have zero hope of this problem ever being dealt with in his country.




Pretty much. When principles come above human life, you can't talk with those people. We simply don't place value on the same things. I place value on human life first, other life a very close second, and I place value on abstract principles somewhere around 10th. It's after "doing the right goddamned thing", that's for sure.




It happened on a gun-free campus.


Pfft. All our colleges are gun free out here, and we have open carry here in WA as well as concealed carry in OR. "Gun free" is like "drug free". We have plenty of "drug free" campuses (campi?) on the West Coast as well. ;) Come on out and enjoy our drug free, gun free culture.

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I will have a dd going off to college in two years and one of the scariest things would be a campus that allowed guns. It boggles the freaking mind that anyone would think it a good idea to allow anyone in that environment to carry.


I'm okay with people owning guns (we own none) but I am also on board with more legislation to try and keep them out of the wrong hands. To try and keep them out of schools.


My heart goes out to those affected by this shooting.

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It happened on a gun-free campus.


Actually it wasn't: http://thinkprogress.org/justice/2015/10/01/3708256/ucc-was-not-a-gun-free-zone-because-public-colleges-in-oregon-cant-ban-guns/


According to the Code of Conduct: “Possession, use, or threatened use of firearms (including but not limited to BB guns, air guns, water pistols, and paint guns) ammunition, explosives, dangerous chemicals, or any other objects as weapons on college property, except as expressly authorized by law or college regulations, is prohibited."


There is a ban on guns at OR community colleges, except for people that have permits. The schools can't do anything about that.


There were also people there that had their concealed carry licenses that didn't shoot the attacker because they didn't want the police to think they were the shooter.

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