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Josh Duggar checked himself into rehab


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According to ATI, her faith and forgiveness of her husband is supposed to protect her from such diseases. (I know, don't shoot the messenger. It is an absolutely abominable teaching) 


....I consider myself pretty fundamentalist, but, are you kidding me?! Just.... no. nope. definitely not how it works. 


As for his rehab, the thing which concerns me most is that it is supposedly unbiblical to talk about old habits and things. How is he supposed to change if he doesn't talk through what he did, why he did it and how he can change, mentally? He is supposed to just bottle it up and never speak of it and pretend it never happened? The human brain doesn't work like that. Talking things out is one way we process things, and we need to process them in order to change our thinking. This will do nothing but make him worse and/or have a meltdown later in life because he is pretending to be something he's not instead of doing the work to truly change into something else. 

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I think that the basic theory is that participants need Bible study and self-reflection, plus something like a "12 step" program... And that's about it. If it doesn't work, 'you' weren't doing it right.


But that doesn't take all hours of the day, and idle hands are not a great idea. So the only other honourable use of time is 'honest work' (supervised) and it's good to be too exhausted to 'mind your own business' after dark. Ta-da 24h/day program with no loopholes and only wholesome things... Plus it pays the bills, so the program is cheap.


It's appalling that there is all that time involved that could be used by qualified professionals to make actual progress... But, no, Bible study and workbooks should do the trick, so you might as well do day labour at the same time.

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So, so sad. The whole thing is just to make them look repentant to their followers, they know thinking people will not believe this will work. They are consolidating their power base.


As far as Anna writing a book... Josh could sue if she does, so there would not be that much profit. I think she should throw herself on Oprah's mercy and get Oprah's legal team behind her and start a new life if she can. Four kids is a lot to start  a new life with, even if you were not burdened with scandal.


I always feel sorry for the ex wife no matter how much money she may get from any divorce settlement. Starting over from a divorce is harder for women than men. Men always seem to do better the next turn around, even if they were the cause of the divorce and women who wait for their kids to grow find the good guys taken, women who don't wait put up with A LOT from everyone. Not fair at all. 

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I feel so bad for his wife. I will admit that if I didn't know for certain that I could keep my children away from him that I would stay. I would make his life hell, but I would stay to make sure my children weren't harmed. I think he's seriously messed up and I wouldn't chance him being along at all with my kids.

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As far as Anna writing a book... Josh could sue if she does, so there would not be that much profit.  


People write tell-all books all the time. Josh would only have cause to sue if Anna lied in the book. I don't think anyone associated with him has the money to file a nuisance suit.

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I did notice that the Duggar Family's official statement said something about her deciding her future...which made me hopeful that possibly she *might* be considering not sticking around???


I would hope, but the reality is that she's surrounded by his family, up in a mountain home, isolated, post-partum, and if the computer has the ATI filter on it, she won't be reading much. Her brother has offered her a way out, but he is here in SC and she's in AR.


Oh, and she's receiving "counseling"...guaranteed ATI style.

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I can't imagine being the mother of a newborn and 3 other kids and having to deal with all that without my husband for six months.  I mean, I'm sure it's actually probably a relief for Anna after all this for him to be gone, but is she going to get any help from her family or the Duggars?  With how circle-the-wagons they're being around Josh, I can imagine that having a Duggar sister there to "help" would actually just make life more of a living hell for her.

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I would hope, but the reality is that she's surrounded by his family, up in a mountain home, isolated, post-partum, and if the computer has the ATI filter on it, she won't be reading much. Her brother has offered her a way out, but he is here in SC and she's in AR.


Oh, and she's receiving "counseling"...guaranteed ATI style.



Ugh. It makes me so sad. Forget "breathing fire"...does she even feel angry? Does she even know that she should be angry? 

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Ugh. It makes me so sad. Forget "breathing fire"...does she even feel angry? Does she even know that she should be angry? 


According to one article, no...or she's holding it in (which I would imagine she is doing and holding her tongue). Being angry or loud is considering unforgiving and sinful. She refuses to raise her voice and, according to the article, she speaks with the same soft voice as JD's mother.

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I imagine the "counseling" Anna is getting is coming from JimBob and Michelle first and foremost.  The sisters appear to be blaming her for Josh's inability to keep his dick out of strippers, too.  Obviously, that'll be helpful counsel.  Her cult dictates she can't leave, can't get angry, can't raise her voice, can't disagree with any man.  I'm sure Jim Bob will dry hump Michelle right in her face and remind her of all of that and of how it is her ungodly, unwifely fault that the whole family has lost its show, its primary income and its reputation.  It's all bad, bad Anna's fault. 



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I grew up similar to anna   father lay minister prison minster (check) poor as crap living in a run down trailer our had holes in the floor (check)  grew up southeast (check)  parents only marriage instruction  never turn down your husband for sex its your  job (check check), the man is king of his home  or in our case piece of crap trailer)  check check check, the man is waited on - we even as young girls would remove his shoes for him - no not kidding)  


I know that many of you can never imagine why anna want leave.  She has never been given the skills to live on her own much less make a decision. She went to daddy to josh as her controller.

 She would leave if her brother just went Arkansas  started packing her stuff and say come on.  She want do it on her own.  Yes she may have internet this or that but for people that have not grown up with this culture you just can't understand how hard it is to break.


I've mention in past that I left the mess at 18 but struggle with undoing the slave wife syndrome.   I didn't really get free from this stuff mental until around age 30.


I don't know her but from the only few times I watch the show  her  facial expression - kinda of a lost look - little girl expression.  I think she really has no confidence in herself.  She has been made to feel like she can't make decision on her on.  I would make a bet on that.


I watch my mom in this same type of relationship.  She didn't get her mental freedom until she was 60 something.  My childhood suck and I wanted mom to leave.  She was just mentally trapped.  My mom had never signed a contract, open a bank account, she even got permission before going shopping  until my fathers' stroke


I hope after Anna should of got a pit on independence when they lived in Washington but I bet the family research council group was her "approved" friends.


I have some ideas regarding Josh behavior  but dont' have time to get into that now.


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Reformers Unanimous? That's a little weird, no?


It's like they confused it with anonymous, and didn't figure it out until the signs were already painted.

I had the same thought, but it could be an attempt at a play on words. It's a dumb name in either case and doesn't make much sense. What are the reformers unanimous about?
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I grew up similar to anna   father lay minister prison minster (check) poor as crap living in a run down trailer our had holes in the floor (check)  grew up southeast (check)  parents only marriage instruction  never turn down your husband for sex its your  job (check check), the man is king of his home  or in our case piece of crap trailer)  check check check, the man is waited on - we even as young girls would remove his shoes for him - no not kidding)  


I know that many of you can never imagine why anna want leave.  She has never been given the skills to live on her own much less make a decision. She went to daddy to josh as her controller.

 She would leave if her brother just went Arkansas  started packing her stuff and say come on.  She want do it on her own.  Yes she may have internet this or that but for people that have not grown up with this culture you just can't understand how hard it is to break.


I've mention in past that I left the mess at 18 but struggle with undoing the slave wife syndrome.   I didn't really get free from this stuff mental until around age 30.


I don't know her but from the only few times I watch the show  her  facial expression - kinda of a lost look - little girl expression.  I think she really has no confidence in herself.  She has been made to feel like she can't make decision on her on.  I would make a bet on that.


I watch my mom in this same type of relationship.  She didn't get her mental freedom until she was 60 something.  My childhood suck and I wanted mom to leave.  She was just mentally trapped.  My mom had never signed a contract, open a bank account, she even got permission before going shopping  until my fathers' stroke


I hope after Anna should of got a pit on independence when they lived in Washington but I bet the family research council group was her "approved" friends.


I have some ideas regarding Josh behavior  but dont' have time to get into that now.


:crying: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


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This 'rehab' is all about making him employable again. He wants to get into politics, his family him wants to get into politics, and this can help with that.  Plus, he's got all those kids to support and a taste for a bigger income. I am sure it was nice living in DC, making a DC salary with no higher education. But, in reality he's hardly qualified to work in retail. He's young and has a lot of time to get through this 'rehab' and then work the church circuit preaching the dangers of the larger world and telling his story (pass the plate first though) and writing a book.  Then he needs some time for people in those circles to say that he is 'changed' that he is 'serious now, learned his lesson' sort of thing. 


If he plays his cards right, in 10 or 15 years he'll be running for state senate just like his daddy, with an eye on the governor's chair. 

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This 'rehab' is all about making him employable again. He wants to get into politics, his family him wants to get into politics, and this can help with that. Plus, he's got all those kids to support and a taste for a bigger income. I am sure it was nice living in DC, making a DC salary with no higher education. But, in reality he's hardly qualified to work in retail. He's young and has a lot of time to get through this 'rehab' and then work the church circuit preaching the dangers of the larger world and telling his story (pass the plate first though) and writing a book. Then he needs some time for people in those circles to say that he is 'changed' that he is 'serious now, learned his lesson' sort of thing.


If he plays his cards right, in 10 or 15 years he'll be running for state senate just like his daddy, with an eye on the governor's chair.

Yep. This is step 1. Step 2 will be a People magazine cover in a year surrounded by his smiling children and his pregnant-again wife. The headline will be all about how God healed their marriage and they are happier than ever.


Spork sales will skyrocket.

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This 'rehab' is all about making him employable again. He wants to get into politics, his family him wants to get into politics, and this can help with that.  Plus, he's got all those kids to support and a taste for a bigger income. I am sure it was nice living in DC, making a DC salary with no higher education. But, in reality he's hardly qualified to work in retail. He's young and has a lot of time to get through this 'rehab' and then work the church circuit preaching the dangers of the larger world and telling his story (pass the plate first though) and writing a book.  Then he needs some time for people in those circles to say that he is 'changed' that he is 'serious now, learned his lesson' sort of thing. 


If he plays his cards right, in 10 or 15 years he'll be running for state senate just like his daddy, with an eye on the governor's chair. 


Ew. But I think his family is just dull witted enough to think this plan will genuinely work. They drank the kool-aid long ago, and Josh has probably never known anything but that sweet, syrupy taste. 


It's like a sick, twisted rendition of Crocodile Dundee, where Josh fancies himself the outback xian soldier in the modern world. "That's not a prayer. THIS is a prayer!" [commence six weeks nonstop talking about Jesus]

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I grew up similar to anna   father lay minister prison minster (check) poor as crap living in a run down trailer our had holes in the floor (check)  grew up southeast (check)  parents only marriage instruction  never turn down your husband for sex its your  job (check check), the man is king of his home  or in our case piece of crap trailer)  check check check, the man is waited on - we even as young girls would remove his shoes for him - no not kidding)  


I know that many of you can never imagine why anna want leave.  She has never been given the skills to live on her own much less make a decision. She went to daddy to josh as her controller.

 She would leave if her brother just went Arkansas  started packing her stuff and say come on.  She want do it on her own.  Yes she may have internet this or that but for people that have not grown up with this culture you just can't understand how hard it is to break.


I've mention in past that I left the mess at 18 but struggle with undoing the slave wife syndrome.   I didn't really get free from this stuff mental until around age 30.


I don't know her but from the only few times I watch the show  her  facial expression - kinda of a lost look - little girl expression.  I think she really has no confidence in herself.  She has been made to feel like she can't make decision on her on.  I would make a bet on that.


I watch my mom in this same type of relationship.  She didn't get her mental freedom until she was 60 something.  My childhood suck and I wanted mom to leave.  She was just mentally trapped.  My mom had never signed a contract, open a bank account, she even got permission before going shopping  until my fathers' stroke


I hope after Anna should of got a pit on independence when they lived in Washington but I bet the family research council group was her "approved" friends.


I have some ideas regarding Josh behavior  but dont' have time to get into that now.


(((hugs))) I do understand. Leaving home (was thrown out), I wasn't able to care for myself. I had to live with other people and slowly work my brain into being able to function as an adult. I married my highschool sweetheart several months later. It was slow progress, but I honestly would not have made it without the first couple that took me in and without my husband. 

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Yep. This is step 1. Step 2 will be a People magazine cover in a year surrounded by his smiling children and his pregnant-again wife. The headline will be all about how God healed their marriage and they are happier than ever.


Spork sales will skyrocket.

I'm just rolling over the bolded! 

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If praying and reading the bible could fix this, it would already be fixed. He was already doing that. 



yes.  And I say that with compassion for his situation. I do have some, really. He needs real help dealing with what happened when he was younger. For all we know he has his own secret that he is keeping, and if so it needs to come out in therapy for his own sake.  And this Ashly Madison thing is just sad and pathetic.  I went to the AM site once years ago, because I didn't think such a thing existed, and that was the first thing that went through my head, a gathering place for pathetic little men. In the 15 mins I was there, I could tell there weren't any women using the site in a real way.


I doubt he has any 'porn addiction' other than he has a normal human desire to masturbate. There is nothing wrong with that and turning it into some medical thing is the real perversion. Honestly, I am not sure that there is such a thing as 'porn addiction' to be treated. There is compulsive behaviour, yes, and that has it's own modality of treatment. But 'porn addition' as it is talked about in his circles? I don't think so.


So, yes, if praying and bible study could make this better it would have happened by now. Doing what you did before gets you the same results. 

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If praying and reading the bible could fix this, it would already be fixed. He was already doing that. 




and what is the stripper story?


I started to answer this and then decided it was too salacious to post.  I'll PM you.

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I still think this guy is going to the big house before this is all over.  I hope the Feds are investigating the heck out of him.


Child Molester + Addicted to Internet Porn = Future jail time

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They'll say she gave it to him. And she must be punished for her evil ways.


I wonder. I think they'll say he stumbled, he's sorry, Jesus fixed him up this time for real, and if she prays really really hard, and is totally 100% sincere in her love for him, he'll cure her, too.


Or maybe, on the off chance Jesus doesn't bail her out, he'll give her the emotional fortitude to endure.


Or maybe just comfort her with a spiritual pat on the back and a heavenly, 'there, there" when she's feeling particularly down.

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I think that the basic theory is that participants need Bible study and self-reflection, plus something like a "12 step" program... And that's about it. If it doesn't work, 'you' weren't doing it right.


I don't think they do anything like a 12 step program.  they don't talk about what they've done - and 12 step programs require it.


People write tell-all books all the time. Josh would only have cause to sue if Anna lied in the book. I don't think anyone associated with him has the money to file a nuisance suit.


they might have the money to file a lawsuit - but getting a lawyer to take the lawsuit without being willing to pay him up front for his time would be very difficult.  the likelihood of JD winning such a lawsuit is actually pretty small.  anna would be writing about herself, her experiences, etc. 


not to mention all the types of write "unauthorized biographies" of celebrities who do not get sued. (no matter how upset the celebrities are.)


I did notice that the Duggar Family's official statement said something about her deciding her future...which made me hopeful that possibly she *might* be considering not sticking around???


she's deciding how much she needs to repent so she can be a better wife because it's all her fault that JD is such a scummy guy.


Ugh. It makes me so sad. Forget "breathing fire"...does she even feel angry? Does she even know that she should be angry? 


I doubt she is even aware of what she really feels.  she grew up sublimating her real feelings. after awhile - you're just numb.

I hope the six months with him gone (assuming he stays the entire time) will allow her head to clear.

Yep. This is step 1. Step 2 will be a People magazine cover in a year surrounded by his smiling children and his pregnant-again wife. The headline will be all about how God healed their marriage and they are happier than ever.


  :ack2:  :ack2: :ack2:  :ack2:  :ack2:  


Spork sales will skyrocket.


:smilielol5:  :smilielol5:  :smilielol5:

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When I think about Anna, I think about her being like my Aunt E who when her husband got brain cancer at 50 (she was 47) she had no clue how to take care of herself. Really. He was another one from a fringe group just like ATI though not that one exactly and not quiverful either. They had a boy and girl then quit.


But the controlling aspects were there. They'd been married 28 years and had never even been to a grocery store alone. She had never driven a car because that would give her freedom. She did not know where uncle R banked, or if they even had insurance. Nothing. She was used to asking his permission to breath practically. Her son, my dh's cousin, was 22 at the time, newly married, and expecting a baby. He knew his mom needed serious help but was flabbergasted as to how to intervene. My FIL (Uncle R was his older brother) drove to their home, packed them up, contacted a realtor to sell the house, put the very sick man and his paralyzed wife in the car, and drove them back to his house. He started out calling all over their home town until he found someone who had a pretty good idea what bank Uncle R used. He helped her jump all of the legal hoops to get control of the money. He took her out driving. He taught her to shop and make decisions without help. He basically took a 47 year old sister in law and made her into a functional adult, and let me tell you it was no easy feat because she was so fearful that she begged him to just do everything for her. But, he stuck to his plan, and when Uncle R died 6 months later, her big house had sold and she bought a perfectly appropriate cottage for herself, she was working as a receptionist and appointment scheduler for a busy photography studio to supplement the survivor's benefits that she would get, she took care of her insurance, her groceries, her doctor's appointments without help. My in laws maintained her car for her, and checked in regularly so she wouldn't feel alone.


For those on the outside looking in, until you've witnessed the travails of someone leaving, or assisted yourself, you have no idea how much this kind of cult so systematically infantilizes women to the point that while they may be the age of an adult, they mentally function somewhere between the age of 10 and 12. No joke. They never went through the differentiation process from their parents before they were handed over to their new controller, the husband and as a result, never developed logic stage learning much less rhetorical which makes it very, very difficult to function on the outside of the sect. In six moths, Aunt E went from being what I would call a "child in an adult body" to a true adult. I look at my own sons 15, 16, and 18, and their maturity level, their ability to think and reason, their ability to problem solve is just worlds ahead of Aunt E's when she had to take over her life.


This is what Anna faces. I think that since Daniel is on the outside, a survivor, he could be to her what my FIL was to Aunt E. But, instead, she is bundled up in some sort of Duggar mountain escape where you can guarantee she is not allowed use of phone, internet, or anything else, while the puppet master continues to pull her strings.

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I still think this guy is going to the big house before this is all over.  I hope the Feds are investigating the heck out of him.


Child Molester + Addicted to Internet Porn = Future jail time


that may be the only thing that helps him break from his whackadoodle family/cult and get actual help.


but more importantly, it might be the wake-up call anna and the other kids need to break free of ati.


well, we can dream.



internet p isn't illegal - unless they find the kiddie version on his computer somewhere.

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When I think about Anna, I think about her being like my Aunt E who when her husband got brain cancer at 50 (she was 47) she had no clue how to take care of herself. Really. He was another one from a fringe group just like ATI though not that one exactly and not quiverful either. They had a boy and girl then quit.


But the controlling aspects were there. They'd been married 28 years and had never even been to a grocery store alone. She had never driven a car because that would give her freedom. She did not know where uncle R banked, or if they even had insurance. Nothing. She was used to asking his permission to breath practically. Her son, my dh's cousin, was 22 at the time, newly married, and expecting a baby. He knew his mom needed serious help but was flabbergasted as to how to intervene. My FIL (Uncle R was his older brother) drove to their home, packed them up, contacted a realtor to sell the house, put the very sick man and his paralyzed wife in the car, and drove them back to his house. He started out calling all over their home town until he found someone who had a pretty good idea what bank Uncle R used. He helped her jump all of the legal hoops to get control of the money. He took her out driving. He taught her to shop and make decisions without help. He basically took a 47 year old sister in law and made her into a functional adult, and let me tell you it was no easy feat because she was so fearful that she begged him to just do everything for her. But, he stuck to his plan, and when Uncle R died 6 months later, her big house had sold and she bought a perfectly appropriate cottage for herself, she was working as a receptionist and appointment scheduler for a busy photography studio to supplement the survivor's benefits that she would get, she took care of her insurance, her groceries, her doctor's appointments without help. My in laws maintained her car for her, and checked in regularly so she wouldn't feel alone.


For those on the outside looking in, until you've witnessed the travails of someone leaving, or assisted yourself, you have no idea how much this kind of cult so systematically infantilizes women to the point that while they may be the age of an adult, they mentally function somewhere between the age of 10 and 12. No joke. They never went through the differentiation process from their parents before they were handed over to their new controller, the husband and as a result, never developed logic stage learning much less rhetorical which makes it very, very difficult to function on the outside of the sect. In six moths, Aunt E went from being what I would call a "child in an adult body" to a true adult. I look at my own sons 15, 16, and 18, and their maturity level, their ability to think and reason, their ability to problem solve is just worlds ahead of Aunt E's when she had to take over her life.


This is what Anna faces. I think that since Daniel is on the outside, a survivor, he could be to her what my FIL was to Aunt E. But, instead, she is bundled up in some sort of Duggar mountain escape where you can guarantee she is not allowed use of phone, internet, or anything else, while the puppet master continues to pull her strings.

my likes aren't working but this pretty much described my mom and other women I have known.   Anna want leave on her own but if another "man" her brother didn't' give her a choice she would go with him


My sister stayed the course married into the mess.  She was married 5 years with a sick little boy in a crappy trailer while her fundy husband was gambling and affairs.     I gave my brother money so he would go move her out.  My brother was only 21 to my 28 at the time.  She got out and hasn't looked back.  She was to financially broke and afraid to leave.  She wasn't afraid of x physically hurting her but the whole "living without a man taking care of her"


When my dad had his stroke my mom was all about my brother was now suppose to take care of her.  He left the mess and never stepped up.  I ended up teaching her how to be an adult.  She has blossomed over the past 10 years.  She wears cute clothes and cute haircut.  She is looking beautiful at 66.  She was much like pictures of Anna's mom before freedom.

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Yep. This is step 1. Step 2 will be a People magazine cover in a year surrounded by his smiling children and his pregnant-again wife. The headline will be all about how God healed their marriage and they are happier than ever.


Spork sales will skyrocket.


I should move the college funds into sporks futures.


 My FIL (Uncle R was his older brother) drove to their home, packed them up, contacted a realtor to sell the house, put the very sick man and his paralyzed wife in the car, and drove them back to his house. He started out calling all over their home town until he found someone who had a pretty good idea what bank Uncle R used. He helped her jump all of the legal hoops to get control of the money. He took her out driving. He taught her to shop and make decisions without help. He basically took a 47 year old sister in law and made her into a functional adult, and let me tell you it was no easy feat because she was so fearful that she begged him to just do everything for her. But, he stuck to his plan, and when Uncle R died 6 months later, her big house had sold and she bought a perfectly appropriate cottage for herself, she was working as a receptionist and appointment scheduler for a busy photography studio to supplement the survivor's benefits that she would get, she took care of her insurance, her groceries, her doctor's appointments without help. My in laws maintained her car for her, and checked in regularly so she wouldn't feel alone.



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I think the only way the feds would get involved and he would serve jail time is if thereĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s a reason for law enforcement to issue a warrant and see if thereĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s kiddie porn on his computer. With his previous admission of fondling little girls, no one would be surprised.

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Thanks for sharing the stories of adult women who finally "went through adolescence" in mid-life. It is further evidence that some of these nutters who rave about the ultimate unquestioning obedience of their teenagers have really just delayed that stage. It is also somewhat of a comfort to those of us with difficult kids who tend to talk back and argue about nearly everything. At least we know our kids haven't pushed that stage off into adulthood.

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yes.  And I say that with compassion for his situation. I do have some, really. He needs real help dealing with what happened when he was younger. For all we know he has his own secret that he is keeping, and if so it needs to come out in therapy for his own sake.  And this Ashly Madison thing is just sad and pathetic.  I went to the AM site once years ago, because I didn't think such a thing existed, and that was the first thing that went through my head, a gathering place for pathetic little men. In the 15 mins I was there, I could tell there weren't any women using the site in a real way.


I doubt he has any 'porn addiction' other than he has a normal human desire to masturbate. There is nothing wrong with that and turning it into some medical thing is the real perversion. Honestly, I am not sure that there is such a thing as 'porn addiction' to be treated. There is compulsive behaviour, yes, and that has it's own modality of treatment. But 'porn addition' as it is talked about in his circles? I don't think so.


So, yes, if praying and bible study could make this better it would have happened by now. Doing what you did before gets you the same results. 


Process addiction(s) are real, supported by peer reviewed, clinical research.


They have the same chemical impact and profile as substance addictions.


Based on reported information, Josh meets criteria for diagnosis.

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