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I think I may have to decide to put down my cat today

Chris in VA

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She's been off her thyroid meds for about a week (neglect case--too complicated to go into right now). She received questionable care while we were at the wedding.


Yesterday, we noticed she seemed a little bloated--you can really tell today.


Taking her to the vet at 4:30. She's 16 (at least--we rescued her when we think she was about a year old) and may have some heart trouble, too.


Poor baby.


And my kids will be really sad.


Prayers/good thoughts would be nice.


I don't know how to determine what to do--if euthanizing her is the right thing or not. I guess the vet will help. We can't do more than about $200 worth of vet care. Idk if that will buy enough diagnostic care to find out what's wrong and then help her. Ugh. This is hard and I feel awful about it.

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I'm sorry...it's never an easy decision. Do you really really trust your vet? Our vet when we lived in FL was very good at letting people know when the care he was giving an animal was for the sake of the animal, or the sake of the owner. When we had a dog with cancer, we asked him to let us know when that line crossed. He did, and was very compassionate about it. It helped us to know that what we were doing was no longer doing anything but prolonging it for OUR sake. Praying for you no matter what your decision.

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I'm sorry...it's never an easy decision. Do you really really trust your vet? Our vet when we lived in FL was very good at letting people know when the care he was giving an animal was for the sake of the animal, or the sake of the owner. When we had a dog with cancer, we asked him to let us know when that line crossed. He did, and was very compassionate about it. It helped us to know that what we were doing was no longer doing anything but prolonging it for OUR sake. Praying for you no matter what your decision.


When we had to put our cat down earlier this year it was basically down to this. The vet gave us 3 options, 2 of which he said would prolong the cat's life but nothing could be done to improve his condition. We felt he was saying to us that we could pursue those options if *we* needed more time, but that there was no more time for our cat. It was hard because our heads knew it was time but our hearts didn't want to let go. I still get teary thinking about it.



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:grouphug: .  Truly.  :grouphug:


Our family is leaving me to make the call for when to have our dearly beloved beagle "put to sleep".  She has bladder cancer and we cannot afford to treat it.  For many weeks now, she has "defiled" [euphemism] the kitchen linoleum multiple times per day/night.  (We have to keep her gated in the kitchen for obvious reasons.)  She exhibits no pain, but the health implications (for us humans) are not good.  I can't even allow our granddaughter in the room.


You have my strong sympathy.  It's not at all easy.

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:grouphug: .  Truly.  :grouphug:


Our family is leaving me to make the call for when to have our dearly beloved beagle "put to sleep".  She has bladder cancer and we cannot afford to treat it.  For many weeks now, she has "defiled" [euphemism] the kitchen linoleum multiple times per day/night.  (We have to keep her gated in the kitchen for obvious reasons.)  She exhibits no pain, but the health implications (for us humans) are not good.  I can't even allow our granddaughter in the room.


You have my strong sympathy.  It's not at all easy.


Do you think she'd use wee wee pads?

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Do you think she'd use wee wee pads?


We tried.  She floods right through them.  We go through 1-2 large  rolls of paper towels every 1-1/2 days.  She is thirteen years old, and one of the most gentle, loving dogs ever living.  (except for being an expert and relentless "birder" in the back yard!)  All she does any more is sleep and eat a little.  Goes outside willingly unless she is too tired.  When one of us gets down to caress/hug her, she wheezes emotionally.  Little tail wags if we have been gone for some hours and return.   

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We tried.  She floods right through them.  We go through 1-2 large  rolls of paper towels every 1-1/2 days.


If the regular dog diapers aren't working, maybe try adding an additional liner from the human incontinence aisle. The Poise pads are very absorbent & will definitely hold whatever a less than 50lb dog can produce.


Also more tips here: http://championofmyheart.com/2012/09/24/incontinent-dogs-diaper-options/


Using good diapers (in addition to pain control) is a really good option for these guys.

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If the regular dog diapers aren't working, maybe try adding an additional liner from the human incontinence aisle. The Poise pads are very absorbent & will definitely hold whatever a less than 50lb dog can produce.


Also more tips here: http://championofmyheart.com/2012/09/24/incontinent-dogs-diaper-options/


Using good diapers (in addition to pain control) is a really good option for these guys.


I thought she was talking about the flat, floor pads.  I have not attempted formal-wear.  We are skin-tight, financially. 


Thank you for the link, which I shall follow and read. 

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Chris, did the care provider (during the wedding) share any useful information?  You said it was "questionable care", so perhaps the vet can factor that in. 


If your children can handle the stress and emotions, keeping someone with her as much as possible will provide comfort -- to the kids as well as to your dear pet.



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I thought she was talking about the flat, floor pads.  I have not attempted formal-wear.  We are skin-tight, financially. 


Thank you for the link, which I shall follow and read. 


I know someone who ended up using old cloth diapers for her dog so if you have some in the attic that's an option too. Kids undies are usually a good size for dogs & you just need to cut a hole for the tail. They do of course then need frequent rinsing with water & on a short haired/almost naked belly, I'd consider some zinc creme to prevent possible diaper rash. GL. I know it's hard.


I'm in the trenches with one of my old dogs, counting the good days v. bad days. He's suddenly poop incontinent...

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:grouphug: . Truly. :grouphug:


Our family is leaving me to make the call for when to have our dearly beloved beagle "put to sleep". She has bladder cancer and we cannot afford to treat it. For many weeks now, she has "defiled" [euphemism] the kitchen linoleum multiple times per day/night. (We have to keep her gated in the kitchen for obvious reasons.) She exhibits no pain, but the health implications (for us humans) are not good. I can't even allow our granddaughter in the room.


You have my strong sympathy. It's not at all easy.



I'm sorry.

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