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S/O soda... What do you drink?


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Water mostly, or herbal teas- hot and cold.  I find herbal iced tea so refreshing.  Sometime we have OJ for breakfast and we always have milk in the house but no one is a big milk drinker; it mostly gets used for cooking.  DH drinks coffee with breakfast.

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We only really drink soda or tea when eating out.  


I do buy sodas a couple times a year for our big July 4th cookout and a few other large group gatherings.  The rest of the year, at home, we drink water, coffee, and hot tea.  Milk is usually just used in other things, pretty much dh is the only one to ever just drink a glass of milk.  

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Water. Juice as seldom as once a month or less, if someone just randomly buys it. We do not consider milk a beverage (we use nut milks for cereals, which are also rare for anyone but dh.).  Usually everyone drinks hot tea in the AM, most often herbal or green tea.


Soda is only in the house when we order pizza or at special occasions.


DH does drink coffee occasionally, though he used to drink multiple cups every day.




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Mostly water.


The adults drink coffee (no sugar) in the morning and sometimes beer/wine with dinner.


Everyone drinks unsweetened herbal tea instead of water when we are chilly.


Dd will occasionally have raw cow milk when I am trying to use it up but that is pretty rare.


I will buy La Croix (unsweetened, flavored fizzy water) for dd as a treat for camping or parties.


We never have juice or soda in the house.


Other than that, water is the main beverage.  

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I drink two black coffees and then water for the rest of the day.  Wine sometimes in the evening.


The kids don't drink enough water - I'm constantly trying to get them to drink more.  They have 1 - 2 glasses of milk each day.  For a long time we didn't buy juice, but now it's in the house all the time.  The older boys like to mix orange juice with sparkling water.  I buy chocolate milk as a treat about once a month.



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We drink water.  Juice, generally orange juice (which my youngest cannot have because he is allergic to oranges), is only purchased when people are sick with colds.  It's really the only time most of us even like juice.  I figure our bodies need the vitamin C and tell us so.  Herbal tea is drunk on occasion by my daughter or husband.  Sometimes I like Red Zinger or mint cold in the summer.  But that's basically flavored water.  Very, very rarely my daughter or youngest will drink milk.  We really don't consider milk a drink.  It's for cooking or putting on cereal.  My husband drinks soda.  He likes it.

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Mostly water.  1 coffee each morning, for me and dh.  Everyone gets 1 glass of juice with breakfast, in a juice glass (so, about 2 ounces).  The kids usually drink some milk during the day.   Occasionally, the teen will have an herbal tea during the day, if it's cold.  DH and I often have a beer in the evening (Dos Equis or Dog Fish Head Raison de Etre, if you want to know).

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Usually we have either juice, milk, or homemade lemonade with meals. In between meals we have water. DH drinks coffee. I drink tea and sparkling water. I *love* soda but know how terrible it is on our teeth and bodies, so we only drink it occasionally. Sparkling water is my virtuous substitute when I need bubbles. :)

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A juice glass of OJ in the morning, water the rest of the time, except for Friday nights when the kids get a glass of milk.  My girls and I are also avid hot tea drinkers. No sugar, no cream, just straight hot tea.  I also personally like La Croix waters a lot and often have one or two of those a day.

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Dh drinks sparkling mineral water with fresh lemon and lime juice.


Sometimes I buy juice.


Sometimes older dd buys milk -- she's the only one who drinks it.


Some soda (stevia sweetened, or cane sugar sweetened), some tea, some cocoa, some smoothies.


Dh has a beverage with meals (the mineral water) but the rest of us usually don't. I get sort of squicked out by sloshing down food with a bunch of liquid like we're swallowing pills or something, and the kids picked up my habit of avoidance.

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Dd is pretty evenly split between water and milk, with the occasional cup of tea.  I drink (too much) coffee, milk, and water.  Dh has little sugar-free flavor packets for his water, and I occasionally steal one of those if I'm craving a flavored beverage.  He mostly drinks water with the flavor packets mixed in, and occasionally has a pop.

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The kids drink water or milk. We sometimes buy OJ. I drink tea. Dh drinks water. (Until January, I had a serious Pepsi addiction and I drank Pepsi all.the.time.) Everyone kept telling me that I would feel SO much better and have SO much more energy and lose weight. That was not true- I do not feel better at all, probably worse and I have not lost any weight.

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DD: A glass of milk with meals (sometimes it isn't finished and goes into the fridge until the next meal); water the rest of the time.


Me: Coffee with milk in the morning; ice tea or water the rest of the day; alcohol sometimes at night.


DH: Espressos, soda, beer, water. He is the only one to drink soda at home.


I will occasionally buy orange juice, but I'm usually the only one to drink it.

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We drink:



Juices - we love the Simply brand (Simply Orange, etc), Super V juice pouches for the boys, other juices

Milk (nobody here drinks milk alone; everyone prefers it in hot cocoa, coffee, or w/something else)





The children are allowed to drink pretty much what they want through the day.

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Mostly water.  My DS sometimes drinks hot chocolate at breakfast (although I make it light on the chocolate, use milk, and buy a high quality mix).  My DS will also make tea sometimes.  I have single serving chocolate milk I will but in bag lunches as a treat.  We carry around water bottles all the time.

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I try to do all but water in moderation.  Our kids get pop/soda maybe 1-2x per week, usually if we have pizza, so it's more of a treat.  Our young adults probably have it more since they eat at work and go out more than we do.  Milk they probably have once a day and some of the older ones rarely drink it at all anymore.  I limit juice, too.  So we have it all, but definitely not all every day.  I've been known to say, "One glass of milk, half a glass of juice, and water the rest of the day," to give them a general daily guideline, but I don't police it.  lol


*I* am the one who needs accountability with pop, though!  I am trying some new flavored waters that I really like.  My own never taste as good, so I give myself a treat once in a while.  Latest fave?  Metromint!

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I'm surprised by how few drink beer. I'm so alone.

Dh drinks beer. Feel better? :D I don't like beer at all. If I'm going to drink an alcoholic beverage, it will most always be a Mike's Hard of some sort. If it's wine, it's most probably Riesling. But, I feel it's not much benefit health-wise, they are expensive compared to water or tea, it's not the best example for my kids and so I'd rather drink them infrequently. :)

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DS drinks mostly bottled water or OJ if we have it.  DD drinks sweet tea or more recently she's on a herbal tea kick.  I drink sweet tea and DH drinks sodas or bottled water at work and sweet tea at home.  I will chug an ice cold bottle of water once a day but that's the only way I can drink it.  We all drink milk 3-5 times a week.

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My 3 year old drinks apple juice, chocolate milk, and water with ice ;)


My older three kids drink mostly water. They sometimes drink gatorade after ballgames, and box type drinks when we go to the park. Milk is saved for drinking with cookies and the like. Juice is sometimes drunk as well, but my kiddos usually have a water bottle with them or on the counter during the day.

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Dh drinks soda, but we don't keep it at home. He just buys it at work. At home, he drinks coffee.

I drink black coffee, iced Nescafe & almond milk, water, hot tea, ginger water (just pieces of ginger boiled in water,) and ACV water (for health reasons, not because it tastes awesome or anything.) ;) 

Kids drink water, one glass of milk a day, and a smoothie or hot cocoa (depending on the season) nearly every day. I used to make iced tea, but no one really drinks it. Ds will drink Chai or sun tea when I make it. I do buy ginger ale or root beer for birthdays and holiday parties, and once in the summer for root beer floats. They are 11 and almost 10, so I don't really care what they drink when they're at events with friends as long as they are spending their own money.

Neither kid really drinks while eating a meal, which I find odd but is the standard in dh's family. They always drink after the meal. o.O 

Obviously, I'm not doing much to limit their sugar intake! 

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Coke.  Mexican coke is my preference, but I'll drink the regular stuff.  One a day.  It's kept cold enough to have a very thin layer of ice on the top that causes the blood vessels in the back of my throat to constrict slightly. That's how you know it's just at the right temperature.


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I'm surprised by how few drink beer. I'm so alone.

I will occasionally have beer. Especially now that tap rooms are so popular in our metro area and we often end up stopping at one for a date night. I prefer hard cider or wine though. :)

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I'm surprised by how few drink beer.  I'm so alone.


You're not alone :)  We occasionally drink beer, wine or other alcoholic beverages - usually when we have friends over.  Whitestavern also reminded me we drink my homemade kombucha and sometimes cider from the local cider mill when it's in season.  I was just thinking of more daily drinks, which is what I listed in my original post.

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