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What stress-eating have you done today?


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First I just want to say: Husband who had knee replacement on Monday, three-story house, many trays carried up multiple stairs; also adult kids in crisis (naturally); also 9 inches of snow (NINE!!! NINE??? THIS IS VIRGINIA! ahem...).


Multiple peanutbutter balls (PB, dry milk, oatmeal, chocolate chips). A wedge of Gloucester cheddar with chive & onion. A bowl of pasta with a lot of olive oil and some parmesan & tomato. A chunk of home-made bread with way too much butter.  A glass of Hope & Grace pinot at 2:25 PM, and I'm SURE the sun is not over the yard-arm.


I could go on. But I won't. Got to go refill ice bags anyway.



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SIX large dill pickles, an entire pint of cherry tomatoes, and the last three of the Fox's ginger creme bickies we bought home...and several Tums because for some reason I have horrid hearburn, lol. Of course, it can't be related to my eating so I am blaming it on the enormous baby belly I have forcing my stomach into my throat😳

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Rye and havarti cheese toast.


Too much coffee with too much half and half and/or Trader Joe's instant mocha stuff stirred in.


Nasty white cheddar cheese puffs from Trader Joe's.  I don't even like them.  But they were close at hand.


Probably at least a handful of chocolate chips.  Why do we keep a mason jar of chocolate chips in the pantry?

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Is the ultimate stress eating when you eat your kid's leftover breakfast?  One and a half pieces of peanut butter cinnamon raisin toast called out to me.  I justified it by saying to myself, "Well, it is gluten free and she wouldn't want cold toast when she got back from school in 2 hours, and there is more bread in the freezer."


SWB, caring for a loved one after surgery for at least the first week gives you a free pass to stress eat.  At least you are getting exercise with the stairs!

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A bowl of honey bunches of oats, a thick piece of homemade toast with a thick layer of peanut butter, a glass of milk, and a few slices of the roast beef that's calling my name from the kitchen.


DH, who generally works from home, got called into VA today, schools and co-op were cancelled today, and I've done NOTHING but eat, watch friends, and a little knitting. I'm in my pajamas. I haven't showered. I'm not sick. I just cannot make myself MOVE.


Achievement Level: Slug

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A bowl of honey bunches of oats, a thick piece of homemade toast with a thick layer of peanut butter, a glass of milk, and a few slices of the roast beef that's calling my name from the kitchen.


OMG, now I want all of this. Why did I come to a hotel with only bad cereal and terrible cookies and a bunch of bananas???


Oh! Oh! I just remembered the dozen tiny bags of kettle corn!!!


(But I still want what you had. <pout>)

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IF I had access to chocolate chip cookies, I would be stress eating them today. It's one of those "I've got so much to do I'm paralyzed" sort of days. We had an outing this morning and the late start on the actual to-do list hasn't helped. DD is not going to get all her work done, either, due to the start-late-itis.


We have a very busy weekend and full next week, several things I need to prepare for in advance. I think I need to just focus in on the NEXT thing, kwim? And I probably shouldn't be hanging around here. Guess I thought maybe y'all might have some cookies to share.

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Here's mine:


Half of a container of rice pudding

Three tiny custard cups of berry crunch cereal

85% cocoa dark chocolate, 1 small bar

200 mg ibuprofen


I guess I'll call it lunch.




I'm sorry that you're having a rough day. My only stress eating today consisted of a hug spoonful of Nutella, but that's only because my rear has been parked on the couch all day while I tried to finish my paid work. I have all night to try to soothe myself with chocolate peanut butter no-bake cookies. And DH and I are bickering today, so that really increases the likelihood of stress eating *sigh*

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Copious amounts of coffee. A can of Dr. Pepper. Sweet tea. One Dunkin donut. Half a batch of homemade pimento cheese. Three mini Hershey bars. For supper, a huge BBQ potato. (We were able to make it to the BBQ place, even though we got about 8 inches of snow yesterday. It is melting fast.) plus whatever sweets I manage to make tonight. :)

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I was on my way home and decided to detour instead of coming straight home......Bought lunch out and brought it home.  Sweet and sour chicken and strin bean beef, a coke and a handful of kisses.  A bit more expensive than the PB&J that was most likely waiting for me, but ohhhh so much better tasting.  :0)

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I have been trying very hard to consciously not stress eat but today got to me. DS had a 9 am appointment with the pediatrician. It was supposed to be a quick confirmation that nothing is wrong and I am overreacting. Well doctor said it was likely nothing wrong but we needed to take him to two different lab/offices in town for an EKG and chest x-ray. I stupidly decided while we were out to also get the tires rotated. I found out that I needed new tires and it ended up being over an hour and a half. By the time we were done with everything it was way past lunch time so I let DS talk me into McDonald's.

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Stress buying... I am not supposed to eat out but was to stressed for a big presentation at work today that I didn't pack lunch. Instead I bought a grilled chicken bahn mi.


Also I had two girl scout cookies but that was me helping out my family since we don't need that crap lying around.

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Am I the only one that's stomach shuts down when stress goes up? I have to force myself to eat when truly stressed. Now mindless eating out of boredom would be a couple hunks of dark chocolate Bark Thins.

Stress makes me stop eating. It's the last thing I want to do. Unfortunately I cancel this out with " happy eating". I always weigh more when things are generally going well.

I just started a sort of reboot so today for happiness I had a sweet potato pie smoothie.

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