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without googling...do you know what a candy striper is and were you one?


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What search term did you use? I tried both "candystriper" and "candy striper" in Google and none of the responses were in Japanese.

candy striper


Think I worked out the reason for all the Japanese results. it apparently is the name of a Japanese clothing shop in Japan. and my dd15 is studying Japanese, and spend all morning on the computer doing her Japanese studies. Now Google is being so helpful and providing Japanese websites.

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I didn't google it, but I do know what one is. She is a girl who helps the nurses in hospitals. They called them candy stripers because they wore red and white striped jumpers. I remember one of my favorite books as a little girl was about a candy striper and I wanted to be one so badly. And then I wanted to be a nurse when I grew up. But I quit nursing school when I passed out watching them put in an IV. Guess the nursing profession wasn't for me.

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