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Beauty question for those over 30


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I am turning 30 soon. At the moment, I look my age, or maybe a little younger. I don't have wrinkles, but can see some starting under my eyes...not crow's feet though. Up until now I've never used anything on my face other than olive oil and baking soda (scrub). Occasionally I use coconut oil. 


So my question is, do I start using an eye cream or anti-aging type cream? Do those even actually work? 


I'm fine looking my age, but I don't want to get older and regret not taking care of my skin. 




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I am turning 30 soon. At the moment, I look my age, or maybe a little younger. I don't have wrinkles, but can see some starting under my eyes...not crow's feet though. Up until now I've never used anything on my face other than olive oil and baking soda (scrub). Occasionally I use coconut oil. 


So my question is, do I start using an eye cream or anti-aging type cream? Do those even actually work? 


I'm fine looking my age, but I don't want to get older and regret not taking care of my skin. 






Your skin must be like iron. If I had used nothing but olive oil and baking soda on mine, I would have skin like an elephant's, lol.


I believe in a good skin-care regimen: a cleanser made specifically for faces (e.g., not Ivory soap or Dove or Caress, but something like Neutrogena would be fine), followed by a toner/freshener that you apply with a cotton ball/pad, followed by a moisturizer made for skin and which includes a high SPF. Gravity alone will cause more wrinkles than you can undo with creams. :-)

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I will be 50 this year. I have never used any type of products on my skin, including soap or makeup (only very occasionally). I don't have wrinkles. I rarely use sunscreen. I do limit bad exposure times as much as I can. I like to be outside. I like to feel the sun on my face. I do those things. I do have good skin genes. Honestly, that is probably the most important thing. Just recently, I have noticed that my skin is drier than usual. I have put a little lotion (just normal lotion) on my face in the morning if it seems a bit dry. But, I feel like using products messes up the body's balance. You put lotion or creams on and your body stops producing the oils it needs. (KInd of like over shampooing everyone seems to know about today!) I'd be scared to use anti wrinkle/age creams. Too many chemicals for my taste.


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I use a complicated skin regime because I like it and I think it makes a difference. but nothing you put on the outside will work well if what's happening inside is off. Eat well (including omega-3's), drink well (mostly water), and don't get burned. Oh, and skin is supposed be slightly acidic. Using baking soda throws off the pH; you'd be better with an acid exfoliant.


I'm 31, so I'm not really BTDT yet, but I follow Caroline Hirons's routine.

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Good genes (I'm going back in time and demanding a better card shuffle!), good diet, sunscreen.

I am allergic to all chemical sunscreens and have rosacea so I have to fuss a lot with my skin. Mineral only sunscreens have improved vastly in the past 5-10 years.

I'm a Paula's Choice fan. All my skin care and about 80% of makeup is from there...

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I wash my face with olive oil, and use either grapefruit seed oil or organ oil for a moisturizer.  I do have some crows feet, but I'm almost 42, so I'm okay with it.  My skin is paper thin though, which worries me.  My mom's is too, and she's wrinkly, but she was a sun lover in her youth.  She still never uses sunscreen.  I do NOT go in the sun (my dad's who family are pale redheads, and I have the complexion), unless I have to, and I'm coated in sunscreen.  I even use it on my face in the winter.  When someone finds out my age, they always comment that they never would have guessed I was over my mid 30's.

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I am told that started botox before wrinkles begin is critical to avoiding wrinkles. 

I'm not saying get the procedure- I sure as heck do not, and it's too late for me at 39.  Pale skin, thoroughly sun damaged..............luckily I shine with inner beauty ;P

Just repeating what I heard. If your looks are important to you, or you make your living based on your appearance, yes start now.

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I've been using an eye cream since, IDK, high school?  Nobody taught me anything about beauty rituals.  I do possess some young genes too though.  But nobody believes I'm 36, or old enough to have an 11 yo.  I believe in high quality skin care items.  I don't get to splurge on much, but that I do.

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Staying properly hydrated as well makes a difference. I use some moisturizer and have used eye cream in the past as preventative, but I'm 47 and have almost no wrinkles. I'm very light skinned and always had a decent complexion, but I am starting to see some textual changes and a few age spots. 

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Sunscreen, good sunglasses, sleep, drink water.  I sometimes think about fancy routines, but I wouldn't do them, and they are too expensive.  Mostly, I use coconut or olive oil to remove makeup, then Dove soap, then moisturize--either with generic Oil of Olay or with more coconut oil.  In the morning, I use Cetaphil with a little baking soda mixed in, in the shower, and then use generic Oil of Olay daytime with sunscreen.


I got carded at the grocery store the other day :)  Maybe it was my sloppy ponytail look :) but I do think my eye area looks younger than 41 :)





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Don't forget your neck! My grandmother tells me this every time we talk about health, beauty products, aging, you name it! She claims she never moisturized her neck and thats why she got premature neck wrinkles! Haha!


Yes! The skin on my neck does not look like the skin on my face. I noticed that recently. 

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I use Ultra Aesthetics MSM skin crème. They also sell two different formulas of eye crème and another skin crème formula; the one set I use in the cold months, the other in warm months. It has helped a lot and also helped with bags under the eyes. Amazing stuff.


I don't drink coffee and regular tea and I don't smoke. One of my uncles drank a lot of coffee and smoked a lot and his face was very wrinkled. None of the other brothers had his same habit and their skin wasn't so wrinkled. I would suggest take it easy on smoking and coffee.

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My dermatologist says a three step cleaning process (toner restores ph), eating well (avoiding sugar especially), hydration, sleep, and genes are the main factors to aging well. He says I look young for my age---but I do have some thinning of my skin around my eyes.


I like Clinique, Neutrogena, and Cetaphil products on the non-organic end of things; Neutrogena Naturals or Say Yes on the organic end.

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Use a 100% silk pillow case.


And eats lots of fresh fruit and vegetables.


Oh, and have coconut oil, and other good oils like avocado etc.... My philosophy is it needs oiling and conditioning from the inside.


I'm 45, but people generally say I look a good 10 years younger. Even though I get plenty of sun (living on the Gold Coast), and don't believe in over-doing the sunscreen, because of the dodgy chemicals and nano particles etc.....


Not saying that's the right option for all skin types, but just saying that works for me.

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I will be 50 this year. I have never used any type of products on my skin, including soap or makeup (only very occasionally). I don't have wrinkles. I rarely use sunscreen. I do limit bad exposure times as much as I can. I like to be outside. I like to feel the sun on my face. I do those things. I do have good skin genes. Honestly, that is probably the most important thing. Just recently, I have noticed that my skin is drier than usual. I have put a little lotion (just normal lotion) on my face in the morning if it seems a bit dry. But, I feel like using products messes up the body's balance. You put lotion or creams on and your body stops producing the oils it needs. (KInd of like over shampooing everyone seems to know about today!) I'd be scared to use anti wrinkle/age creams. Too many chemicals for my taste.


Yes, I believe that too..... that your body is clever and regulates itself. That by putting too much creams/ oils on your face, it will stop it's own natural oiling up.


Well done! :thumbup:

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At minimum, I would start using a good quality moisturizer with antioxidants.  Make sure to use a good sunscreen every day.  In regards to the botox, I would not suggest anyone do that as a preventative.  Botox requires maintenance (if you are doing it as a preventative or to treat real wrinkles), every 3-6 months depending on how quickly your body absorbs it.  The best time to start botox is when you start to get lines that bother you but before they become deep wrinkles.  Getting botox before wrinkles appear is tossing money down the drain.  

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  • 2 months later...

I'm a Paula's Choice fan. All my skin care and about 80% of makeup is from there...

Me too. Love Paula's Choice. I don't wear make up (tinted moisturizer, very rarely & lip balm), but I love her skin care stuff. I also love her books and recommend them highly to anyone who's interested in skin care.


I'm 31, so I'm not really BTDT yet, but I follow Caroline Hirons's routine.

Her site looks interesting. Off to look into it more. 

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I use korres face wash and moisturizer. Every few days I use dr Dennis gross peel pads. I need an eye cream. I have my eye on a cauldulie one, I've just been too cheap to buy it.


I will say the best thing for my skin is lots of water and no sugar.


I just turned 35. I'm lucky, I have a young looking face. I hated it in my 20's, but now that I still get carded I like it. Haha!

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I'm allergic to chemical sunscreens and vitamin C creams make me break out, but I love my Olay Regenerist night cream.  I use it day and night.  When I was in nursing school I worked for a staffing agency for CNA's.  I was at a lot of different nursing homes and noticed the ladies in their 90's with nice skin ALL had been using Oil of Olay or another Olay product since they were in their teens.  I've used the cheaper stuff and found it not as good, and the more expensive pro line and found it wasn't worth it for me, and the luminizing pearlescent stuff I can't remember why I didn't like.  I keep going back to Regenerist.  When I switch creams temporarily the tiny wrinkles on my forehead get noticeably worse.


Drinking enough water (not soda or coffee) is more important than anything else for avoiding acne though.

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I am 63 and have rarely used moisturizers.  I am blonde with fair skin so I have always been careful of the sun.  I have recently started to use this - http://www.chagrinvalleysoapandsalve.com/products/details/for-the-face/moisturizers/whipped-butters/whipped-squalane-face-eye-mousse- after noticing  some crow's feet and wrinkly areas around my mouth.  It seems to work wonders almost immediately.  I love it!  ( I also use their soaps and shampoo bars, which I and my family love.)  Honestly, I have NO connection with this company! :laugh:

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This deal with sunscreen -- do you really put it on every single day, even if you won't be out of the house at all? I really don't go out very often, and when I do, I'm not out in the sun for very long most of the time. (I do use sunscreen when I'm out for a while.)


My daily moisturizer has a fairly high SPF, so I don't usually add sunscreen. I use the sunscreen when I'm going to be someplace like Disneyland all day (of course, then it goes on every bit of exposed skin on my body).

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This deal with sunscreen -- do you really put it on every single day, even if you won't be out of the house at all? I really don't go out very often, and when I do, I'm not out in the sun for very long most of the time. (I do use sunscreen when I'm out for a while.)


lots of teeny tiny exposures add up over the years. Plus the aging UVA rays go through car windows etc.


"The need for sun protection indoors was reinforced in a recent report published in Clinical Interventions in Aging. Eight women and two men had significantly more wrinkles, brown spots, and sagging skin on one side of the face, even though they worked indoors. The side of the subjects' faces that was regularly closer to a window exhibited more signs of sun damage ("asymmetrical facial damage"), and UVA rays are believed to be the culprit. While both UVA and UVB rays can harm the skin and lead to skin cancers, UVB is effectively blocked by glass. However, at least 50 percent of UVA radiation can pass through windows. (Car windows have been proven to let in more than 60 percent.) This is important news for people who habitually sit near a window - whether at work, at home, or during a long commute by car, train, or bus."



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The thing that makes the most difference to how my skin looks is hydration and exercise.  Since I started drinking two litres of liquid a day and taking daily exercise, my skin looks a lot better.


Apart from that: at night, I use a generic body lotion, then run my hands over my face to apply the residue.  In the morning, I wear a tinted moisturiser with sun screen.

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I use the Facial Cleansing and Skin Repair Oil found here every night before bed (unless I've taken a bath or shower and washed my face already that evening). That's what I use to take off makeup and all that.  

Every other day I use the Apricot Scrub on the same page in the shower.  

This has been the best for my skin.  :)  

That's it.  I don't use moisturizer or anything.  I wear makeup a couple times a week.  My foundation has sunscreen in it.  If for some reason I was going out and didn't have makeup on, I'd put sunscreen on.  


It's not that I'm anti-product or anything... I just like simple.  And this is really simple, and my skin has never been so healthy or looked so good!  :)


Oh, and I'm 32.

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37, soon to be 38, olive skin.


Honestly, ain't nobody got time for that. I use a BB cream with sunscreen as a foundation and wash it off at night with a face wash. Sometimes I forget.


I also wear sunglasses.


That's it. Runningmom80's link to the three+ page regime made me snort. That's not gonna happen. But I can play the guitar and men love what I can do with my hands. ;)

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37, soon to be 38, olive skin.


Honestly, ain't nobody got time for that. I use a BB cream with sunscreen as a foundation and wash it off at night with a face wash. Sometimes I forget.


I also wear sunglasses.


That's it. Runningmom80's link to the three+ page regime made me snort. That's not gonna happen. But I can play the guitar and men love what I can do with my hands. ;)


Hey, that wasn't me, it was the other brunette! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I'm a Paula's Choice fan. All my skin care and about 80% of makeup is from there...


Same here.  Paula's Choice is one bandwagon you can feel good about getting on.  LOL  :)


*Editing to add about sunscreen...  What I like about PC is that her moisturizers do NOT contain sunscreen but her tinted moisturizer/foundation does.  So when I'm home and not wearing makeup, I'm not unnecessarily wearing sunscreen.  And when I leave the house, I am.  lol  I know that some skincare lines do the opposite or put it in both.  If I want to go out on a RARE occasion without makeup, I wear a hat and get my vitamin D.  (I have very little sun damage.)

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I am over 50 with pretty good skin considering that I spent several of my younger years as a very fair skinned sun worshipper. I started using clinique eye creams and face creams in my early 30's and think it has paid off. I use their sun protection products also. Many of my favourite activities involve the sun and I try my best to protect my skin.

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I use argon oil. It's great for face, nails and even hair. Love it (though use it at night or else it will make your make up run). That has really helped minimize/stave off wrinkles. But I did notice that my eyelids are getting more hooded. It's a fun genetic aging thing in my family, I guess. I started using an eye serum for that that actually works. It was more than I like to pay ($65) cause Im cheap but it's looking like it will last a year. Other than that, I triple the sunscreen rec. I use sunscreen and a bb cream with sun protection cause I spend way too much time outside in the sun. Oh and spend your money on cute wide brim hats- cause they're fun, cute and help fight sun damage. I don't buy a lot of face stuff but I have an embarrassingly large collection of hats.

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