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who can go...


who can go?   

90 members have voted

  1. 1. read the first post please...

    • child A
    • child B
    • child C
    • child D
    • everyone goes, have fun!
    • no-one goes, stay home!

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(This is my first poll via phone... Hopefully I set it up right)


Here's the back story.

Child A appears healthy

Child B has had a low fever, general aches and mild headache for 2 days. Worse today.

Child C appears healthy

Child D had a low fever, whiny, mild headache, for 48 hours. During the past 24 hours, has improved. Though still not eating.


Mom had a headache for 12 hours.

Dad appears healthy.



Who, if anyone, goes to the new years party? Fwiw, what our kids have they would have picked up at the church either last Wednesday or Sunday (same location as the upcoming party).


Mom and Dad don't have to be together. One can stay, one can go.


Wwyd? And why?

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No one goes.  If three people in a family of 6 are sick and aren't even all on the mend then there is no knowing if they are still contagious, if the healthy family members will be getting sick, or if the healthy family members are contagious without symptoms. If it were just one family member sick then I'd probably allow others to go but with a known illness running its course through the family I would not be willing to possibly expose other people just for a party.

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What's the definition of "low fever", and which kids and adults want to go?


I don't think that anyone should be forced to go if they don't want to, and assuming those are in age order, I wouldn't take a still cranky 1 year old to a party if anyone else was staying home.  



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It sounds like it could be the flu.  It is an epidemic now and yes kids are dying along with seniors and some normal age adults.  I would not risk bringing sick people anywhere and since it seems to be going through your family,  people with the flu are contagious for about 24 hours before they display symptoms.  So no one goes.

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How much does everyone want to go?  The kids are 9, 7, 2 and 1?  Are they all that interested?  You may want to consider that for the unhealthy ones, staying up late will suppress the immune system.  Also, if the healthy ones are exposed to the germs and fighting them off, a bad night's rest might make them more susceptible.


No matter what, I wouldn't bring the sick kids at all.  I'm on the fence for the healthies.  If you wait for all 6 to be well all the time you'd never go anywhere, unless you guys get sick only rarely.  I know a lot of large families will still go out with healthy members who've been exposed or else they'd all have to sit at home 365 days a year.


ETA:  Others posted at the same time...if it's flu, then everyone stays home.  Hard to tell if it's flu, though.  Sounds like they're all mildly sick and not clearly miserable.


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I don't consider a temp under 100 to be a fever, low or otherwise.  I think you can rule out flu if that's as high as it's getting.  I'd send DH and Children A and C.  C because I don't think it's fair to leave mom who is not feeling well at home with two toddlers, one of whom is cranky.  


I'd make a decision about B tomorrow.  If they're starting to feel better, temp is under 100, and they want to go, I'd let them.

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I would stay home with the entire family and just enjoy some fun together. Games, movies, chocolate fondue or something like that. If there are sick kids in the house I wouldn't take it out and spread it around and I wouldn't split up a young family on a night like this.

We stay home and fondue every new years eve so maybe I'm just partial to that thought.

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I think we as homeschoolers may be more careful than traditional schoolers in some situations. You wouldn't keep home well children from school because a sibling is sick, kwim? :)


I'd send anyone who has been fever free for 24 hours and feels up to partying. That would exclude B and D. Mom having a headache would not be newsworthy in my house. ;)

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Thanks hive. Dh and i were discussing this. One opinion was no one goes. This is going to be overwhelming sadness for dd9. This is THE party of the year.


S/o.... If your kids were/are in school and a sibling had these symptoms (low fever/headache) do you seriously keep everyone home until everyone is better?

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No one goes. If three people in a family of 6 are sick and aren't even all on the mend then there is no knowing if they are still contagious, if the healthy family members will be getting sick, or if the healthy family members are contagious without symptoms. If it were just one family member sick then I'd probably allow others to go but with a known illness running its course through the family I would not be willing to possibly expose other people just for a party.

Yes. This. Exactly.


Please don't expose other people. Stay home and enjoy the holiday as a family.


And I hope all of you are feeling fine soon! :grouphug:

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Thanks hive. Dh and i were discussing this. One opinion was no one goes. This is going to be overwhelming sadness for dd9. This is THE party of the year.


S/o.... If your kids were/are in school and a sibling had these symptoms (low fever/headache) do you seriously keep everyone home until everyone is better?

No, and the school wouldn't send a student with those symptoms home either.

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I tend to be more open about letting people go. As the OP basically points out, when people work, they go, when kids are in school, they have to go, when you go to the store or church or wherever, people are there who may be sick. For a lot of things, I tend to think, just go. If it's at someone's home and they're a good friend and I feel like it's okay, I generally leave it up to the host. Hey, so and so is sick but healthy people would like to come. I'm not sure, please say no if you feel uncomfortable. Sometimes people say no, sometimes they say don't be silly, come. If it's in a public space, I just go.


BUT... this year's flu is in high gear, it's super nasty, the flu shot turned out to be more ineffective than usual... so in the last few weeks I have been a lot more germ cautious than my usual self. It went through ds's Nutcracker cast with a call-all-the-alums-who-are home-from-college-dance-programs-and-make-them-reprise-their-old-roles sort of way. I was convinced we were going to get it. With winter colds, I honestly just assume you can't quarantine anyone. Colds linger for weeks, they just circulate. They can't be fully stopped. But the flu... ack. The flu.



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I tend to be more open about letting people go. As the OP basically points out, when people work, they go, when kids are in school, they have to go, when you go to the store or church or wherever, people are there who may be sick. For a lot of things, I tend to think, just go. If it's at someone's home and they're a good friend and I feel like it's okay, I generally leave it up to the host. Hey, so and so is sick but healthy people would like to come. I'm not sure, please say no if you feel uncomfortable. Sometimes people say no, sometimes they say don't be silly, come. If it's in a public space, I just go.


BUT... this year's flu is in high gear, it's super nasty, the flu shot turned out to be more ineffective than usual... so in the last few weeks I have been a lot more germ cautious than my usual self. It went through ds's Nutcracker cast with a call-all-the-alums-who-are home-from-college-dance-programs-and-make-them-reprise-their-old-roles sort of way. I was convinced we were going to get it. With winter colds, I honestly just assume you can't quarantine anyone. Colds linger for weeks, they just circulate. They can't be fully stopped. But the flu... ack. The flu.


I'd agree with you, if in fact they had flu symptoms, but with no fever above 100, starting to recover after 2 days, and other symptoms described as "mild", it just doesn't sound like flu, especially the "super nasty" flu that's going around this year. 

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In the years of no flu shots we never got the flu the same years. Most of the world is out and about as much as possible. The doctor used to tell us fever free for 24 hours and feeling well. I wouldn't keep a well child home. And I wouldn't take one that felt poorly. And if I was home I'd keep the little ones home and get them to bed on time. :D 

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I tend to be more mainstream on these things. I would let any healthy person go who wants to go. Now, when the actual flu went around my house 2yrs ago, I didn't let anyone leave (except Dh). This does not sound like the flu, but just a winter cold. I am always impressed when people with multiple children are able to stay in every time a mild illness hits their family.

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I don't consider 98-99 a real fever and doubt it's the flu. If anyone's feeling crummy I'd stay home and do something fun together there.

That's what people with 'normal' temperatures say. If your healthy temperature is low, 99 can definitely be a flu-like fever.


I'd let anyone go who has been fever-free for 48 hours. Anyone who is sick, or in line to get sick, should just hang out at home.

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Well, personally I'd be pushing for all of us to stay home. But that's just because I'm an extreme introvert and will grasp any excuse to avoid a party  :lol:



For you, I'd say if dad and the healthy kids want to go, let them go while mom gives herself and the sick kids some TLC at home. Unless there is going to be someone particularly vulnerable there (premie baby, anyone who is immuno-compromised) in which case I'd play it safe and all stay at home.

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Everyone goes - By tomorrow, the sick ones will likely be on the mend and the well ones could have something and not be showing it yet.  People pick up crap this time of year; that's the way things go.  FWIW, I don't quarantine us from sick homes, either - we just wing it with our health, in that regard.  Mom of the year, LOL!

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Saw your update after I posted.  If DD 9 feels OK, can she tag along with someone else?

Thanks hive. Dh and i were discussing this. One opinion was no one goes. This is going to be overwhelming sadness for dd9. This is THE party of the year.

S/o.... If your kids were/are in school and a sibling had these symptoms (low fever/headache) do you seriously keep everyone home until everyone is better?


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If I had invited your family to a party at my house, and 1/3 of you showed up saying the other 2/3s of you were home sick, I'd probably think, "Gee, thanks, Typhoid Mary."


But then I really hate to be sick, and have all my kids get sick. We lay low during the worst of flu season.

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Well, personally I'd be pushing for all of us to stay home. But that's just because I'm an extreme introvert and will grasp any excuse to avoid a party :lol:




I'm a seasonal introvert. I'm the life of the party until it gets below 40 degrees outside. After that, ANY excuse to stay home will do. I WILL entertain if I don't have to go to the store first :-)

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I vote the healthy kids should be able to go, probably unpopular but the flu virus is everywhere it's not going to be contained because you quarantine your kids. 

The sick ones should be given special treatment to make up for not being able to go.

ETA: Could DH and DD go for a couple hours so that she doesn't totally miss out?  

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If I had invited your family to a party at my house, and 1/3 of you showed up saying the other 2/3s of you were home sick, I'd probably think, "Gee, thanks, Typhoid Mary."


But then I really hate to be sick, and have all my kids get sick. We lay low during the worst of flu season.


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Thanks hive. Dh and i were discussing this. One opinion was no one goes. This is going to be overwhelming sadness for dd9. This is THE party of the year.


S/o.... If your kids were/are in school and a sibling had these symptoms (low fever/headache) do you seriously keep everyone home until everyone is better?



No I wouldn't keep healthy kids home until everyone felt better but school and a party are 2 different things.  One is a necessity, the other is not.  

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No one, please!!


I have a "friend" on FB who whines all week about her sick kids and then sends one of them to AWANA "because he's fine!"  Only for him to come down sick the very next day!  Purely because of her, we didn't attend church all of December because I can't trust her to use good judgement.  It seems like everyone on my Friend List has sick kids and school isn't even back in session yet.  


Stay home.  Have a fun, family New Years and feel better soon!!

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Depends on the party. When does it begin/end?


I'd probably send dh with the eldest for a couple of hours, then come home and do something all together.


I wouldn't keep a 9 year old out for a "real" NYE party anyway--mine had to be a little older to stay up so late.

And if Child C is just 2yo, forget it.


Fever-free for 24 hours before going anywhere is our rule, anyway.

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I think it's unrealistic keeping well people home just because some people in the house are sick. I hate any kind of illness. With seven of us, it can take several weeks for something to run its course around here. But our lives can't stop for several week because some of us are sick. So the healthy people do what healthy people do, and the sick stay home and get better. Otherwise, we'd never leave the house from October-March.

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