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Big Hero 6 - just saw it today and...


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...we LOVED it!


I was seriously surprised.  I had *no* expectations going in to this movie -- my kids had seen the previews and wanted to see it.  I had no idea what the plot even was, but we'd had a busy/stressful week, so I figured "WHY NOT?!" 


The girls loved it, I loved it!

Anyone else been to see this one yet?

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We loved it but my sensitive 6 yo sat on my lap the whole time after the intense beginning. But yes! It was awesome.


It did have some intense scenes.


Youngest DD cried like a baby at the sad-scene-near-the-end.  And then looked at me, like, "Why did you bring me to see this movieeeeee!"  :D  But it was resolved well and she claimed she loved the movie. :)

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I've seen the previews and it looks fun! Could an almost 4 year old watch it, and not be too scared, you think? :p

It was loud.

Honestly, mine probably couldn't have seen it at 4 (there are a couple of very sad scenes). My kids are also sensitive to volume (youngest still kept her ears plugged for a few parts today).


Thinking on it, it was a pretty intense movie with some serious themes. But it was also cute and funny. If your little one is the type that can sort of mentally skip over the intensity, the scenes with Baymax are funny.

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I've seen the previews and it looks fun! Could an almost 4 year old watch it, and not be too scared, you think? :p


Neither of mine would have liked it at ALL at 4. It was loud. I wear earplugs every time I go to a movie, and they just use their hands to cover their ears for the loud bits. I am that lady who asks them to turn it down.


It's not scary in a frighten-you way, but it is definitely an action flick. The main bad guy looks pretty intimidating at times and there are long chase scenes. 


Even my 6 year old felt a little betrayed by the early plot twists. I think he didn't trust the movie to be "safe" after that... but I don't want to spoil anything. I don't think I would have taken him on his own, but he is mature for his age and is fine with big brother there. He would have been sad to miss out. 

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We loved it! We saw if opening night, so I went in having no idea what it was about. I think that made it even more enjoyable, as it doesn't happen very often. The short at the beginning is my new favorite.


Ds and I always wear earplugs at the theater, so I didn't notice the volume being more than other films. There is some sad stuff, so for littles, I would read about it first to make sure it doesn't hit on their fears. Ds is 17 now, which, I guess, is the other reason I have the luxury of going to see a movie without knowing anything about it.

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We loved it but there were some sad scenes.  I especially liked that smart people are not depicted as socially inept nerds.   It was a sweet movie but I'm sure my 5 year old granddaughter would get so upset over the sad parts that she wouldn't enjoy the movie. Sensitive kids might not love it as much as kids able to understand it's just a movie. 


The short before the film was adorable. 



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We LOVED it!

My daughter thought it looked cute. My son and my partner had to see it because, well, it's Marvel. 

So we went opening weekend, and it was SO good. 

I didn't go into it with any particular expectation, other than it looked cute. 

I thought some of the scenes with Baymax were brilliantly done - like the "drunken Baymax" scene. So funny. 


My 6 yr old daughter was fine with the more emotional scenes and themes. But my kids are fairly mature in their movie-watching, and generally know not to get too upset because as my 6 yo already knows - "it will all get made better before the movie is done". 


Not surprisingly, we were the only ones who stayed til the post-credit extra scene - most people there were with REALLY young kids, like preschooler ages, and they bolted after the movie was over. My son (9) said "Wait. Wait. It's Marvel. Just sit down ma, and finish your popcorn". LOL

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Well, cr@pppppppp.

We left after the stills, about halfway through the credits... :(

(What did we miss?!)

Nothing huge. 

It was a cameo animated appearance by Stan Lee as the father of Fred (was that his name? the skater kinda guy). 

Fred touched the photo of his parents after talking in a way that makes us realize his parents are dead and not on a trip like he said, and the portrait opened to a secret room with all kinds of superhero gear in it. Then "animated Stan Lee" walks into the secret room and says along the lines of "hello son, I guess we have a lot to talk about". 


It was anticlimactic, after waiting for what felt like an eternity for the credits to end haha. 

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As usual, I brought my earplugs to the movie and planned on a lovely $7 (matinee price) nap. Boy, was I surprised to find myself enjoying the movie. I adored it. I honestly laughed out loud at a number of scenes. My ds was so tickled that I was enjoying the same movie that he enjoyed.


I'm so glad I went. It was a spur of the moment thing because ds and I had some unexpected time alone so we went to the movies. It was great. So many kid movies are just dreadful. This was not dreadful. It was delightful.

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Guess I will be Debbie Downer here.  I didn't think it was that great.  Not up to either Marvel or Pixar standards.


The whole mishmash of San Francisco-Tokyo didn't work for me.  I like my anime straight-up, thanks, and found the animation style to be watered down and the storyline was choppy ("how DID the bad guy get the neuro-whatsit anyway? Did Hero just wander off and leave it?")


DD13 enjoyed it and said she thought it was targeted to the 12-24year old Pokemon crowd.  She laughed through most of the movie, so it wasn't a waste of money.

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Guess I will be Debbie Downer here.  I didn't think it was that great.  Not up to either Marvel or Pixar standards.


The whole mishmash of San Francisco-Tokyo didn't work for me.  I like my anime straight-up, thanks, and found the animation style to be watered down and the storyline was choppy ("how DID the bad guy get the neuro-whatsit anyway? Did Hero just wander off and leave it?")


DD13 enjoyed it and said she thought it was targeted to the 12-24tear old Pokemon crowd.  She laughed through most of the movie, so it wasn't a waste of money.


My son loved the movie. I thought it was just ok….I agree about the storyline. It seemed to just turn into a generic 'superhero action' movie at some point.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am generally not really into kids movies, but my teen wanted to see it. We dragged my younger teen along too -- and we all LOVED it.


Most excellent. Big thumbs up from the 3 of us.


(And, my older teen told me that she didn't realize I cry so much in movies. :rolleyes: Yes. Yes I do. I'm a total sap for anything even slightly sad or sentimental.)

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