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Things you need (not at all), yet are indulging in anyway.


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On Saturday I made a blueberry pie. And it was yummy. So on Sunday I made a peach pie. It too was amazingly yummy. I was pleased with my crust and wanted to test a slight modification idea I had so I made 4 more crusts. On Monday night, I made another blueberry pie. That crust was even more fabulous.


There is one slice of that sucker left.


I really must stop making pies before all four of us are as round as pies but...


I still have 2 discs of dough chilling in the freezer and am seriously considering experimenting with a different approach to thickening my fruit pies.


Will you adopt me?

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I am super sad. I have absolutely nothing unnecessary. :( My indulgence for the day (week?) Was Tofurky Italian sausages for dinner. I have been craving them for weeks, and finally got some, but only because D and the kids had hot dogs, and I would have had nothing for dinner.

I don't even have any yarn :'(

I am leading a mediocre existence. 

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Another one for the new books instead of the library indulgence. The series I'm reading is pretty popular right now so while I could technically request them and then wait for my turn, it would be a very long time. I have even paid full price for three of them. Mass market paperbacks...but...still. I can read pretty quickly so it's a big treat not to have to wait.


I bought them from the local bookstore, though, so it's ok cuz....ummm...buy local?

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Just had a praline from River Street Sweets in Charleston this weekend, and enjoyed every bite. :)


Earlier this year I visited River Street Sweets in Savannah and they had buy one pound of pralines, get a pound free. Score! I bought two pounds- one for my family to enjoy and one for my best friend at work. Yeah, she never even got a bite...we (primarily me) ate every last bite before we made it back to Illinois.   Talk about addictive...

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Diet Coke. It's my form of coffee.


ETA: oh, and my iphone! Nobody wants to see Mom without her phone!

I love pop, mostly any "brown" pop.


Brown pop...now that's a story. DD got invited to a birthday party at an outside place, where they serve pizza and pop. They usually put a pitcher of 7-up/Sprite and a pitcher of Coke/Pepsi.


The grandma of the birthday girl told the waitress to get the "clear pop" off the table because her DGD didn't drink clear pop, only "brown pop."


Bring me some of that brown pop!


Diet Dr. W...wegmans brand of diet doctor pepper is my brown pop of choice.

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As soon as the temps drop, I will be getting beeswax candles. I surely don't need them (unless there is a power outage) but I like smelling them. :)


In terms of food, I love salmon but I really think I NEED the Omega 3 of a good, wild caught Alaskan salmon filet! And Theo's organic, dark chocolate!


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Inspired by this thread, organic milk chocolate :)


Did you ever track down the Green Frog brand of orange chocolate?



My thing at the moment is bread and butter. I hadn't eaten bread and butter like that since I was a kid, but in the last month or so, bread and butter and more bread and butter! I'm going to have a second slice right now. I think it is curing my headache.

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Earlier this year I visited River Street Sweets in Savannah and they had buy one pound of pralines, get a pound free. Score! I bought two pounds- one for my family to enjoy and one for my best friend at work. Yeah, she never even got a bite...we (primarily me) ate every last bite before we made it back to Illinois. Talk about addictive...

I am sooooo jealous.
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Well. I have been doing so well on my good-girl eating these days. Until I made the mistake a couple of days ago of starting the Eat-to-Live guy's End of Diabetes book. I finished it today. I don't have diabetes, but am pre-diabetic and doing really great at getting my weight down and sugar levels in a good range. However. Reading his food plans inspired me for a few minutes, and I ate entirely plant-based for two meals. Then I had to go to the grocery store today. I wanted everything I shouldn't have. I ate two chocolate muffins this afternoon. I want bread tonight, which I do not need, especially after the muffins. So I have decided that, while I really should lighten up some on the meat-heavy meals and concentrate on adding in more veggies, I am certainly not ready yet for a diet that restrictive. Unless I want to majorly fail, which I don't. The muffins were yummy, by the way, and were quite satisfying, in spite of the slight guilt. But now I must get back to my regular program of healthy (-er) eating, even if it isn't healthy (-est). :) 

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Another one for the new books instead of the library indulgence. The series I'm reading is pretty popular right now so while I could technically request them and then wait for my turn, it would be a very long time. I have even paid full price for three of them. Mass market paperbacks...but...still. I can read pretty quickly so it's a big treat not to have to wait.


This exactly. I requested a book from the library. Saw that I was #19 on waiting list. No good. Went on Amazon and ordered hard copy book via prime so two-day shipping. The next day realized I couldn't wait even one. more. minute to get the book. So I ordered THE SAME BOOK AGAIN for my Kindle to get the instant gratification.


DO NOT TELL MY HUSBAND - he won't care that I spent (wasted?) the money, but  he will think that I've lost my mind as this is completely out of character for me. 

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Jamberry Nails.  A totally ridiculous extravagance, but I justify it by saying I've gone years without nice nails due to martial arts, and now that I am a black belt, I should be able to kill or maim folks while looking fashionable.  They're. Like. Crack.


And books.  Lots and lots of books.

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Magic Hat #9 in cans. And/or tequila. ETA: mommymilkie's post reminded me that there has been quite a bit of indulging in this awesome pumpkin stout from Southern Tier Brewing Company. That's not just an indulgence, that's a bad habit right there, that.


Also, stuff for my horses or for eldest related to horses. We are currently shopping for half chaps and breeches for him and I just bought some new feeders for the barn. Those were mostly a need, though, because one of the girls has decided to rip her feeder off the wall twice a day (so I got a tougher, more permanent-type mount corner feeder for her) and the baby boy spills half of his (so he got a no-spill feeder). So I'm not going to consider that much of an indulgence, even though I could've just snapped a regular bucket to the wall. The new boots I've been eyeballing, though....

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I bought a book last weekend. 


Over the last few years, I have been buying fewer and fewer books for myself, because I feel guilty spending the money. I do make it known when I really, really want a particular book, and my family members are pretty good about giving them as holiday gifts. But mostly I do most of my reading from the library.


And I could have read this book from the library, too, if I'd had more patience. However, I read a review, immediately knew I wanted to read it right then, checked the library website and discovered they had only ordered it the day before. I probably still wouldn't have succumbed to temptation except that I was already going to B&N to buy the new Heroes of Olympus book for my son. At that point, it was too much for me. So, I bought my book, too.


And, of course, at this very moment I'm drinking my second Coke Zero of the day, but I would argue vehemently that I do absolutely NEED that.

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If I could drink it, I'd be knee deep in a drink I made DH: a pumpkin beer or Woodchuck pumpkin with a vanilla vodka shot floater in a cinnamon-sugar rimmed mug. A friend had the pumpkin beer version at a restaurant and recommended it. I've made it both ways, but DH says the Woodchuck is better.

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Yes, please! I have little hope of ever being able to make a decent pie crust, but I am willing to keep trying!

For 4 crusts (enough for two double crust pies or four single crust pie shells)


An easy/scant 5 cups all purpose flour. UNSIFTED.

A pound of butter/four sticks, cut and frozen

4 teaspoons salt (or 2 teaspoons if using salted butter)

1/4 cup sugar

2/3 a cup of ICE COLD water

2 tablespoons lemon juice


My method relies on my stand mixer with the dough/cookie paddle. You can use your hands or a pastry cutter but I only do when I am making pie crust for one pie. The mixer lets me do 4 at once in the same time as one by hand.


The night before you plan to make crusts, mix your flour, salt and sugar into a metal bowl or your stand mixer bowl. Cover and put this in your freezer. Put the paddle attachment (or your pastry cutter) into the freezer too.


To get the butter ready the next morning slice EACH stick of butter into 24 small pieces- I do this by cutting in half, then each half stick into thirds and then each of those pieces (1/6 a stick)

into fourths. Then freeze these pieces of butter.


Combine your 2/3 cup very cold water with your 2 tablespoons lemon juice.


Using the mixer in the lowest setting, cut the butter into the cold flour, sugar, salt mixture.


When it is just mixed with no butter pieces larger than nickels and many a lot smaller, check to see if the mixture is still quite cold to the touch. If it is not, then put your whole bowl in the fridge and pick it up in an hour or so. If it is, add most of the water and lemon juice mixture and mix on the second lowest setting. If all the flour is incorporated but not formed, you are done. If there are still dry bits, add more of the ice water and lemon juice, no more than 1!tablespoon at a time.


The dough will pack together nicely but not look cohesive at all. Just lumps of dough, not one big piece. Lay out four pieces of aluminum foil or plastic wrap. Divide the dough mixture evenly 4 ways and pack each crust into a flattened disk. Be gentle and don't over pack it. Wrap tightly. Put in the fridge to hydrate for at least an hour. Store in fridge if using within a couple of days or freezer if saving for later.


When you roll it out, chill the surface if possible (I fill a bowl or plastic bag with ice and let it cool on my metal topped kitchen counter workspace.) Use as little added flour as possible, but don't hesitate to dust flour on if it is sticking. If it is ripping or warming up, shove it in the fridge and come back to it in an hour. Roll the crust from the middle and rotate the crust 1/4 to 1:2 a turn as you are rolling it out.


I get cold, pliable and non-sticky dough with this. If you aren't used to making homemade pie crust though don't be discouraged- it takes practice. I have made some crappy overworked crusts before. Just be patient with the dough and don't hesitate to rechill it as you are learning. When making a double crust pie, leave the top crust disk in the fridge while working on the bottom. Once the bottom crust is in the pie pan, put that in the fridge while you work the top crust. Once the whole pie is assembled, freezing it for an hour or more will make for a crisper crust and help it hold its shape. You can also make and freeze whole uncooked fruit pies weeks in advance.


When baking, preheat the oven for at least 30 minutes first. Rotate half way through the cooking time, lower the oven temp a little and foil the edges to prevent over browning if needed.


If blind baking a shell to fill with a cream or pudding filling, I cover the unbaked crust with parchment and pour my poor man's pie weights over the top. Poor man's pie weights are dried beans I keep and reuse for the same purpose again and again. My husband wanted to buy me pie weights and I was like "I've had these beans longer than I've had you dude!"


Hope that helps.

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This exactly. I requested a book from the library. Saw that I was #19 on waiting list. No good. Went on Amazon and ordered hard copy book via prime so two-day shipping. The next day realized I couldn't wait even one. more. minute to get the book. So I ordered THE SAME BOOK AGAIN for my Kindle to get the instant gratification.


DO NOT TELL MY HUSBAND - he won't care that I spent (wasted?) the money, but he will think that I've lost my mind as this is completely out of character for me.

I have done this before. Additionally,

I have wandered past a book in the store, thought, "Oh, I have been meaning to get this," bought it, brought it home, only to discover I have already bought this book!

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Thanks to you guys I had to run out this morning and try a Salted Caramel Mocha, and get some Karamel Sutra, both of which I had never heard of before.  


Thank goodness we don't have a Dick Blick or a Wegman's or Aldi's or so many of these places I have also never heard of, or I would be broke.


I love and hate this thread at the same time :lol:!!!!!!

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Black coffee, Lindt lime zest chocolate and books. No chocolate or books for me for a while though as I went 25% over budget on groceries this week (I don't know how though).

Lime. Zest. Chocolate?! Why did I not know about this? :w00t:

Until now, my indulgences have been graphic novels/non-library books, along with actual k-cups for the Keurig. Now I'm thinking I'll be refilling the reusable Keurig filter and eating Lime. Zest. Chocolate!

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