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Dr. Hive- BF'ing and monthly cycle (TMI?)


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I've nursed to 18 months 3 times. Each time, my cycle was suppressed until 11 months. Baby #4 is 13 months, almost 14, and so far nothing. Every local mom I know that BF's, their cycles all came back around 3 months, otherwise I'd ask them.

Is there a point when I should go and get checked out if it doesn't come back, or remain thankful that I don't have to deal with it? 

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I would count myself in the oh-so-thankful-I-don't-have-THAT- to-deal-with-right-now camp.  :)


But you probably are aware that you can get pregnant even if you haven't had a monthly yet (since ovulation comes before the period...)


I mention it just in case you were counting on BF as a form of birth control.  


I've nursed five, and my cycle came back sooner with each one (one year to six months post partum), even though they all nursed to about the same age (12 -18 months). 


If you had no cycles * after * weaning, well, then, that is time to get things checked out. 



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My first two (boys) I got my period back at 6.5 months postpartum. My daughter I got my period back at 10 months postpartum. So apparently it can vary a good bit :) I don't think I did anything differently between the three either, if anything my second boy was the most odd since I exclusively pumped for him due to reflux. 

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#1 and #2 it came back at about 12 months. #3 was close to 2 years, despite the fact that I'd been going 6+ hours without nursing at a time by the time she was 8 months old, and nightweaned around 12 months.


I had a hard time gaining weight during that pregnancy, and lost a lot during the first 9 months or so afterwards, so I think I was just too depleted.


I was a bit worried, but we did go on to conceive again after that, so it doesn't seem to have caused any lasting problems. It took me a lot longer to conceive that time than with my others, though.

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If you are co sleeping that might be why your cycle has not returned.


My cycle resumed one month after the birth of my oldest daughter and son. I did not co sleep with either. I did co sleep with my younger daughter and my cycle did not resume for six months. A LLL friend told me that the co sleeping may maintain the higher hormones.


Many of my nursing friends did not resume for a year or more so I think you are well within the norm.

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My cycle is back with Woollen (2.5 months) despite nursing in demand, around the clock. ( However, I'm noticing a much reduced supply.) Other babies? Anywhere from eight months to 15-16 months. However, three times I did not have an anovulatory period before ovulation. That's when it is VERY good to know the signs of ovulation. ;) All have been different and nut necessarily dependent on nursing. ( For instance I got pregnant with Catherine while tandem nursing two children, one wasn't quite a year old.)

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I didn't have AF between baby #1 and #2.  :ohmy: (they are only 12 months apart)


AF returned at 7 or 8 months after baby #2 and baby #3.


I made it all the way to 18 months after baby #4.  :hurray:  It was awesome!!  I nursed him until just before he turned 2.


After baby #5 it came back at about 9 months. I was hoping it would be longer, darn it.



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My return to fertility takes longer and longer with each baby. Between 3 and 4, it took 25 blissful months. I'm at 15 months now with no return. 


I do take a pregnancy test every month (on the 15th) just to be sure I don't have a sneaker pregnancy. The dollar store carries tests. I consider it a good investment for my piece of mind.

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Remain thankful.  My cycle came back at 9 months with #1, 11 months with #3, and 7 months with #4.  #2 is my anomaly.  It didn't come back until 21 months with him.  He also was an avid night nurser and I was tandem nursing until a couple months after that.

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