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I hit dh's truck with the van


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Yeah, I should have looked left while backing out of the garage but why in the name of Bugs Bunny did he park it behind my garage bay????? No damage to his truck; the van bumper was punctured by his trailer hitch. Add that to all that's wrong with that van.


I'm just not happy today.

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Oh boy that sucks.


If it's any consolation, we've done the same thing.

Except both of our cars were the same height, so there was body damage :(.

There are few things more embarrassing than taking two cars to the shop and explaining how you hit yourself LOL.


I'm really bad about looking behind me if the garage door is closed.

I just assume no one would park there :confused1: cuz .... why would anyone???


Hope the day picks up for you.

No clue where you are, but here it's close to half over.

Thank heavens.

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FWIW, I tend to not get the car fixed unless actual functions are affected.


Same here. Years ago the front grill of our Explorer got a big hole in it after we hit a deer. (Low speed so that was the only damage.) Dh went to the junkyard to find a replacement. It was over $150! Yeah, we didn't need or even want one that badly. Plus the hole made our car easier to spot. :laugh:

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I drove dh's car into the mailbox a few years ago. I still hear about it.


FWIW, I tend to not get the car fixed unless actual functions are affected.

Yeah, it definitely won't be fixed. We intend to get a different car, so damage to that car doesn't bother me much. But I'm still just mad at the situation; mad that I didn't see his truck, and mad that he put it there where I would not anticipate it.

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Depending on where the trailer hitch hit the bumper, a well-placed vanity license plate or a largish bumper sticker might hide the hole.  And if you do decide to replace, bumpers can actually be purchased on eBay - they wrap 'em in bubble wrap and send them to you.  

Why yes, we have had similar incidents here!

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Yeah, it definitely won't be fixed. We intend to get a different car, so damage to that car doesn't bother me much. But I'm still just mad at the situation; mad that I didn't see his truck, and mad that he put it there where I would not anticipate it.


:grouphug:  I'm thinking a dinner out can help ease the annoyance - his treat and your destination, of course.  If not that, then perhaps a comedy movie?  ;)


But still :grouphug: as annoying things are, well, annoying, as you replay them over and over each time wishing you could redo the scene...

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Depending on where the trailer hitch hit the bumper, a well-placed vanity license plate or a largish bumper sticker might hide the hole.  And if you do decide to replace, bumpers can actually be purchased on eBay - they wrap 'em in bubble wrap and send them to you.  


Why yes, we have had similar incidents here!


We found this out when youngest was on his way to work one day and was rear ended by a new driver and her mom.  They both got out and MY guy (the one completely not at fault) told them, "It's not much damage, don't worry about it," and didn't exchange any info.  He could only tell us their car was white.


Why, one might ask?  After all, he'd been to driver's ed, etc, and knew what was supposed to happen in an accident.  Because he would have been late for work - his minimum wage job being FAR more important than the $300 + bumper damage. :glare:


I'm sure that daughter and her mom are STILL singing praises and/or thanking their lucky stars.


He now knows that if he's in a situation where he's unsure how to proceed - CALL HOME.  That's what cell phones are for.  (sigh)  He did call - after he got to work... :huh:


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Now that I think about it, if it makes you feel any better, not once but TWICE I damaged my car when driving FORWARD out of the garage.  Once it was because dh parked it to the side a bit, so when I pulled the Suburban straight out, I ran into the side of the garage door frame, ripping out the wood trim, which partially disintegrated.  The front corner of the car is damaged and people still ask me what happened, years later  :o.  I managed to nail the garage trim back together.


Then there was the time the car was packed up for a long weekend away and I was in a hurry to pick up the kids - I pulled out of the garage with the rear hatch open.  Up.  It hit the garage on the way out before automatically closing.  A piece of plastic covering some part of the wiper broke.  Whatever.


Then there was the more recent moment when I was trying to back into the garage and - for several reasons involving being distracted - I forgot to close the side mirrors and completely broke one off.  That was way more expensive than I thought it should have been.  I still haven't gotten around to nailing the garage trim back together from that incident, on the other side from where I hit it the first time...

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Several years ago, someone who shall remain nameless (I'm sure you can guess who, ahem) placed a pile of concrete blocks and bricks at the end of our parking area that was low enough to the ground that I couldn't see it when I was in the driver's seat of the car and I scraped the side of DH's car on the concrete.  He wasn't thrilled to say the least but what can you do? An accident is an accident.  :closedeyes:


Hope all these accident stories are making you feel better! :)

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DH and I have often had to drive separately to church (for volunteering purposes and early stuff).  Anyway, about a decade ago, I arrived at church after DH and found an open parking space beside his truck.  And as I was parking, I managed to take out his back left bumper with my front right.   :blink:  :bored:  :001_unsure:  :crying:


Luckily the damage to both was pretty minimal -- busted lights, etc.  

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Last winter, we were having a terrible storm one night. My dd called me from her babysitting job to say she came downstairs after putting the kids to bed and found the front door open. I grabbed my keys, jumped in the car, and backed into dh's car, which was apparently a foot behind mine.




I had stated many times that he should not park behind me (there is no reason to!), and was as mad at him as I was at myself.


Dd was fine, I think wind blew the door open.


So I feel your pain, and your fury!

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A few months ago dh hit a tree backing his truck to the the turn around spot. He couldn't get mad at anyone but himself, he's the one who decide not to look where he was going.

Now my car (the poor thing) I have hit a deer (we replaced the grill and headlight but nothing else), and it's been hit three times with out me in it.

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We live on a quite road...I always park in the garage and back out. Last winter I started to back out and LO and behold, someone had pulled into the driveway behind me in order to turn around. What a shocker! Thankfully I didn't hit them. But anyways, I hope you and your DH can humor each other a bit over this.

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Yeah, I should have looked left while backing out of the garage but why in the name of Bugs Bunny did he park it behind my garage bay????? No damage to his truck; the van bumper was punctured by his trailer hitch. Add that to all that's wrong with that van.


I'm just not happy today.


I could totally see myself doing something like this. I back out so automatically.


Poor Quill!!  :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


And I'm reading these other replies and sympathizing with all of you sweet ladies. :grouphug: :grouphug:


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I've hit dh's car with the van while backing out twice now. Fortunately I back out slowly and there was no damage worth mentioning either time :phew. (Dh was a real sweetie about it both times :heart:.)


Worse was when dh was visiting my family for the very first time after we started dating, and I took off the bumper of his car with my mom's car - after my dad warned me to watch for that very thing. Dh's car had just come out of the shop, too. Dh took it well, but my dad was furious. (They never did get mom's bumper fixed, though their insurance paid for dh's.)

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My parents fit 3 cars in a fairly small driveway. My mother's car tends to be the middle car and my dad can't see out of 1 eye. About once a month there is a mark on one of the cars and one of my parents will come to my house and tell me not to tell the other one that he or she hit their car, hoping that the other person will think they did it.


It's really pretty funny and my dh and I usually end up telling on the guilty party eventually. Haha.

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I am LOVING this thread! Sorry to the OP for her fender-bender, but misery loves company and all! ;)


I like to tell my darling hubby that I've just given him a gift of putting the first dent in the fender or tail light, and he didn't have to do it. It sure eases MY mind.  :laugh:

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I know so many couples who have had this happen.  


I just dent my husband's truck every time he lets me drive it.  HA.  Seriously, I have matching dents on both sides of the truck.  I even hit a PRIEST with that truck...right after he had blessed my journey.  Le sigh.  He doesn't let me drive it anymore.  That's OK.  It's enormous.  It's like driving an apartment down the street.  


Sorry for your Very Bad Day though.



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Hey, if it makes you feel any better, I backed out of a driveway into the side of friend's van, causing about $1000 in damage to each vehicle.  That was a craptastic day!  In my defense, the van was green and it blended in perfectly with the grass behind it when viewed through the tinted back window. 


Hope your day gets better. 

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Is it sad that I just remembered a 2nd "I did that, too!" story? :o


A couple of years ago, I was backing out DH's truck (not the vehicle I normally drive) and I knocked over his motorcycle and dragged it a wee bit. Confused by the noise, I put the truck in drive and pulled forward, dragging it with me some more.


DH was less gracious about this one...but more so than I probably would've been...

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That's OK. It's enormous. It's like driving an apartment down the street

:lol great visual! Dh's truck is gigantic, too. King cab, long bed, work body and pipe racks. Sorta makes one wonder how I could fail to notice it...:sneak away

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I know so many couples who have had this happen.


I just dent my husband's truck every time he lets me drive it. HA. Seriously, I have matching dents on both sides of the truck. I even hit a PRIEST with that truck...right after he had blessed my journey. Le sigh. He doesn't let me drive it anymore. That's OK. It's enormous. It's like driving an apartment down the street.


Sorry for your Very Bad Day though.

Okay, I think this wins. I couldn't let it go without asking...you hit a PRIEST? Or his car?!

And what did he say about the blessing, lol?


So sorry. These really should not be amusing. I think they can be only because we all know the pain.

Says the woman who once tore off the skirting on her mini-van in the drive-thru of Starbucks, with multiple witnesses. Such a cliche!


Hubby though will never live down the time he decided to drive a U-haul truck under a carport that was at least a foot shorter than the top of the truck. The whole thing collapsed on 5 other cars parked there. Awful. Funny now, because he was just arrived in country on a Fiancé VISA and actually thought he might get deported when he confessed in tears:(

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We found this out when youngest was on his way to work one day and was rear ended by a new driver and her mom. They both got out and MY guy (the one completely not at fault) told them, "It's not much damage, don't worry about it," and didn't exchange any info. He could only tell us their car was white.


Why, one might ask? After all, he'd been to driver's ed, etc, and knew what was supposed to happen in an accident. Because he would have been late for work - his minimum wage job being FAR more important than the $300 + bumper damage. :glare:


I'm sure that daughter and her mom are STILL singing praises and/or thanking their lucky stars.


He now knows that if he's in a situation where he's unsure how to proceed - CALL HOME. That's what cell phones are for. (sigh) He did call - after he got to work... :huh:


DH was in an accident in our van where a guy in a little car rear ended him. It was the other guy's fault for sure and they both knew it. The other guy's car was totaled, extensive damage. Our bumper's rubber cover came off, purely cosmetic.


The guy was on his way to work at Long John Silver's. DH had to get to child's care pickups, and didn't bother exchanging info. Why try to squeeze a turnip?


I hit our mailbox with our van a few weeks ago. Fortunately I was able to straighten it back up.

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My dh backed my van out of the garage into his mother's truck many years back.  Did $1000 of damage to the hatch that I had to live with for a year before it was fixed. 


He also ran one wheel off the entry to the driveway which has a pipe drainage under it.  He had to call a towtruck and pay $75 to have it lifted off and put back on the driveway. 


Once I backed his car into the garage and ran it into the chest freezer, which got pushed into the garage wall, making a hole in the wall. 


Quite recently, my dd's boyfriend parked such that I did not see him and backed my dad's car out of the garage and came a couple of inches from crashing my dad's car into dd's boyfriend's car. 


Some years back, I couldn't get my dh's car into the correct gear at the post office and ran it into a high curb, breaking the bumper and a fog light. 


Dh ran my brand new to me van (at the time) into the back of a stopped flat bed trailer at 50 mph while eating a breakfast burrito, causing $5000 of damage.


I could go on because I have more, but I do hope that this makes you feel better, Quill.  :)  Cars be jumping out in front of us like that!

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When I was pregnant with my fourth, I backed into three things: a brand-spankin'-new flag pole (reported to insurance), a rusty gardener's truck (he told me not to worry about it), and a short stone column. I realized I had lost all sense of distance.


I never hit anything behind me before or since that pregnancy. It was bizarre and disheartening, but now I can laugh about it. 

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My car started shimmying a bit at 100kph. My DH keeps taking it in to have the tires balanced. Then when it doesn't help, he sort of shakes his head and says, "Well, it's not the alignment, unless you've hit a curb or something..." and takes it back to have the tires balanced. I really need to sneak it in for an alignment. In a different shop, in a different town.

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My car started shimmying a bit at 100kph. My DH keeps taking it in to have the tires balanced. Then when it doesn't help, he sort of shakes his head and says, "Well, it's not the alignment, unless you've hit a curb or something..." and takes it back to have the tires balanced. I really need to sneak it in for an alignment. In a different shop, in a different town.


Doesn't he know?  Curbs don't count!  Those are a normal part of navigating drive-thrus and parking spaces!!!



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DH was in an accident in our van where a guy in a little car rear ended him. It was the other guy's fault for sure and they both knew it. The other guy's car was totaled, extensive damage. Our bumper's rubber cover came off, purely cosmetic.


The guy was on his way to work at Long John Silver's. DH had to get to child's care pickups, and didn't bother exchanging info. Why try to squeeze a turnip?



In our guy's case, if we had made him pay for the new bumper (that would have been covered with the other person's insurance), it'd have cost him close to 60 hours of work at his minimum wage job (using actual take home pay).  It's a FAR cry from the hour (at most two) that he'd have missed by reporting the accident correctly.


We made sure he understood the math before we paid for his mistake.  ;)


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