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What's for dinner?


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It got cool and rainy yesterday, so I made meatloaf, potatoes, and peas. We love Pioneer Woman's meatloaf. I mix it in my stand mixer, so it's pretty quick. I think tonight I'll make a potato skin casserole and a salad to serve with the leftovers.


(Alton Brown has a great meatloaf too, but my family finds all of the veggies offensive.)

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What's the weather, and what's growing in your area currently? We are finally getting tomatoes at our Farners Market! I'm doing caprese salad, grilled corn on the cob, and grilled pepper & summer squash kabobs. I will probably put some burgers on the grill as well. Not sure yet.


Sounds yummy. We have lots of roma tomatoes, pepper and squash from the garden, and basil... I love caprese salad.  I could make it for all of us but dairy-allergic DS.  Hmmmm...


And foist the burgers off on DH, because I am grill illiterate... Liking this.  :)

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Veggies are finally coming in from the garden and farmer's market.  For the forseable future I see tacos, BLT's, salads, corn on the cob, cucumbers and cream, eggplant french fries and fried zucchini.  I suppose I will have to make some meat for DH but right now I'd be happy just eating the veggies.

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Sichuan eggplant, cucumber and German Johnson tomato salad with homemade Asian dressing, homemade shrimp eggroll and some mushroom pastries.  The last two are in my freezer from the spring.  I made a quantity of eggrolls when I had a lot of greens from my CSA. Taking them directly from the freezer, I brush them with sesame oil and bake them.  The little mushroom pastries also date back to the spring when we were attending a cocktail party and needed to bring an appetizer to share. 

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Take out pizza and salad with fruit we already have. Rocket team is invading at 4 pm for the first meeting of the season, and we don't want my mom to feel obliged to cook. We also have two dozen chocolate covered donuts here for dessert as this makes our female team captain crazy happy, LOL!

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Yum.  What are you doing with the cucumbers?  ...We have zillions.  Ok, not zillions but they seem to all be ready at the same time.


If I were in my own kitchen I'd make a dressing of black rice vinegar and sesame oil to put on them, but I don't have either of those today, so I'm just tossing them with chile, salt, and lime.  Or maybe I'll do them with yogurt and garlic.  


When I have zillions of cucumbers, I love to make freezer pickles.

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Stuffed peppers.  We picked a ton from the garden this morning and stuffed peppers is one of middle son's favorite dinners.  Today is his last dinner with us before heading back to college leaving us empty nesting, so it's kind of bittersweet.


Sniff, sniff.  Bittersweet indeed.



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Gluten and dairy free?!? You are my hero!


Teach me how?

It's sort of like the Pioneer Woman recipe, with non dairy subs for the milk and butter, except I use a bit less liquid because of the not-as-fluffy bread ends. I add the milk/egg slowly and eyeball it. I'd like to try it with my GF Hawaiian Sweet Bread, but the richness would probably do me in. Tonight, I'm going to layer it with a brown sugar, "butter", and cinnamon sauce and drizzle icing on top when done. I'd kill for cream cheese icing but alas, the dairy. I usually add raisins or blueberries, and sometimes I make the whiskey cream sauce for DH.


I've had a broiler only oven until now, so I hope I don't burn it. I've gotten used to "baking" with a hot cast iron skillet and heavy foil on top.


On a scale of 1-10 on healthy foods, this is like a -5, but it's just one meal. Unless there are leftovers. ;-)

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It's sort of like the Pioneer Woman recipe, with non dairy subs for the milk and butter, except I use a bit less liquid because of the not-as-fluffy bread ends. I add the milk/egg slowly and eyeball it. I'd like to try it with my GF Hawaiian Sweet Bread, but the richness would probably do me in. Tonight, I'm going to layer it with a brown sugar, "butter", and cinnamon sauce and drizzle icing on top when done. I'd kill for cream cheese icing but alas, the dairy. I usually add raisins or blueberries, and sometimes I make the whiskey cream sauce for DH.


I've had a broiler only oven until now, so I hope I don't burn it. I've gotten used to "baking" with a hot cast iron skillet and heavy foil on top.


On a scale of 1-10 on healthy foods, this is like a -5, but it's just one meal. Unless there are leftovers. ;-)


Mmmmmm.  Your name will be revered at our kitchen table sometime soon.  Thank you.  A huge, huge thank you.  


I don't think there will be any leftovers when we make it, so it'll only be one meal.   :lol:

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Mmmmmm. Your name will be revered at our kitchen table sometime soon. Thank you. A huge, huge thank you.


I don't think there will be any leftovers when we make it, so it'll only be one meal. :lol:

I hope it turns out ok! I'm always nervous handing over recipes because I sort of follow them and sub this and omit that and, oh by the way, I've MacGuyver'd the oven!


DS6 usually eats three helpings. In a few years he'll probably get his own pan.

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I hope it turns out ok! I'm always nervous handing over recipes because I sort of follow them and sub this and omit that and, oh by the way, I've MacGuyver'd the oven!


DS6 usually eats three helpings. In a few years he'll probably get his own pan.


I can't wait to try it!!!!

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A chicken roasted in milk with tons of sage, garlic, and lemon zest. Jamie Oliver's recipe. It is my first time trying it and it smells divine!


Jamie Oliver rocks.  I haven't done that recipe, but DH uses a ton of Jamie Oliver's recipes and they are all good.

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I can't wait to try it!!!!

I started to type out what the recipe actually ended up looking like, but the baby smacked the computer and backspaced out of it. Argh! It turned out fantastic, but it didn't look like any of the recipes I borrowed from when all was said and done. I'll get it written up soon.

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Jamie Oliver rocks.  I haven't done that recipe, but DH uses a ton of Jamie Oliver's recipes and they are all good.

Oooohhh, I love that recipe! But be forewarned, the first time I made it one of my kids looked in the pot and said, "Mom, what happened? It looks like there's curdled milk in here!" :lol:


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