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Apple Cider Vinegar


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I just read an article about Apple Cider Vinegar.  The article used pseudoscience buzz words like "detox" and "purify" so I'm skeptical.  What says the Hive??  Any benefit to ingesting it and putting it on your skin??

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I have used it on my face, diluted 50% with water as a face tonic- but I don't do it all the time, I can't get over smelling like a salad...! I'm doing it right now because I am out of the face toner I buy. 


I've used it, rubbed onto my feet/toes for a month to get rid of a toe fungus that even prescribed medicine couldn't completely get rid of.  there are directions online for putting it into a hot foot-soak, but I went the lazy way of rubbing it onto my feet, nails with a cotton square twice a day and it worked like magic. It will get rid of athlete's foot, also.


It's supposed to be good for digestion and also supposed to help get rid of acne.  One of my kids was suffering bad breakouts and I wanted her to try the apple cider vinegar everyday and offered to take it with her, because I know it was gross...and...I couldn't make it past the first day, it was so bad to drink,  We tried mixing it with some apple juice, but it was still bad.


you have to get the natural kind, with the fermented "mother" in it.  The regular store brand will not make the cut, look for Bragg's brand or something from a natural food store.

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I also tried ingesting ACV.  I tried throwing it back like a shot- nope, that definitely did not work.  I tried sipping it over ice- no way.  Finally, I tried it in hot water with honey- like a tea.  No way.  Just couldn't do it, it tastes disgusting.  I know people swear by it, but I just cannot consume it for the health benefits.   I used a natural organic one I got from Vitacost.

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I think it can work for losing weight - if you punish yourself with having to drink a shot of it before you eat other things it keeps you from wanting to eat. :)  


I tried it once for a couple of weeks - I suppose I sort of started to tolerate it, and it may have been good for me, but yuck.  And the sludge in it was what made it the worst.  I kept felling like I was drinking someone's failed science experiment.

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Our family's allergist recommends a shot of it every day for stomach ills.  She says it is better than probiotics in her experience.  But my kid - the one with stomach ills - couldn't, ah, stomach it.


I also tried a combination of vinegar, witch hazel, and something I've forgotten for my son's acne... did not help a bit; but it was cystic acne so maybe that's why.  


My mom gave us a concoction of vinegar and honey in a bit of water when we had stomach troubles.  This was in the early 60's so not a new thing.



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DS11 takes a few sips in the evening, because he read that "it's good for you." But this is the kid who will choose a salad over an ice cream cone... 


I haven't noticed any kind of change or benefit, but he's pretty healthy to begin with.



ETA: He drinks Bragg's.

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If you want to take it, try it in apple juice. You really can't taste it much at all in it. I tried it for a while and actually started getting heartburn regularly. I stopped and it went away. Everything seems to do the opposite of what it is supposed to with me though.

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I sometimes am good about drinking the Bragg's "vinegar health drink". It's 1-2 tsp vinegar, oz water, and 1-2 tsp blackstrap molasses, maple syrup, or stevia. I *think* it helps with energy, gall bladder issues, and other general health, but honestly when I'm good about drinking it I'm also good about eating pretty clean, so it's hard to figure out what's helping me feel better.

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I've tried a dilute solution -- had instantaneous stomach cramps and was very close to throwing up. It lasted for several hours so I'm not likely to try that experiment again. (Really, it was DILUTE)


I figured that was just me, but I've recently read of other people having a similar reaction.


Based on this, my suspicion would be that it's not very good for you. Like, it might actually be toxic.

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I take about 1 TBSP each night before bed. I have GERD, and Nexium and Prilosec made me very sick.


I still have to fall asleep in an upright position, but I rarely wake now with severe nausea.


ETA: I take it straight. I used to dilute it, but I that prolonged the process. Yes, I am worried about my enamel, but for now, a restful night's sleep is more important.

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I took it for a few weeks, and it made my GERD worse. It also gave me a persistent post-nasal drip, stuffy nose, and sore throat. I didn't feel or see any benefits from it, so I stopped taking it and felt better within a few days. A year or so later I was eating more cleanly and avoiding the things that trigger my GERD in the first place, so I decided to try the ACV again. Within a few days, my GERD was worse and the sinus symptoms had returned, so I stopped again. We also tried using it for oldest DD's very bad dandruff. I sprayed that stuff on her scalp every few days for weeks, and the only change I noticed was that a massive amount of slime grew in the spray bottle  :ack2:  I'm pretty dang crunchy, but now even the smell of ACV makes me feel queasy. 


I will say that it did help me with a condition I deal with on my feet, but white vinegar also helps too, so I'll stick with that--it's way cheaper and doesn't gross me out quite so much. 

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Most of the buzz is nonsense.  But it can do some things.  1. It's an acid, so if you have a skin condition it *might* help (because an acid will kill bacteria and fungus), but it's pretty harsh on the skin, for most people, so probably not the best way of going about it.  2. It does have beneficial live cultures in it, so it is good for your digestion.  However, eating it by the tablespoon is the hard way to take it.  Just find a regular way to eat vinegar and use it there (salad dressing? cucumber salad?). 


What I would not do: drink it.  That strong an acid on your teeth or throat is BAD for you.  Some people have actually had chemical burns to their throats from drinking the stuff. 


If something makes you retch when you take it, that's probably a clue you shouldn't be taking it that way.

I just read an article about Apple Cider Vinegar.  The article used pseudoscience buzz words like "detox" and "purify" so I'm skeptical.  What says the Hive??  Any benefit to ingesting it and putting it on your skin??


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My naturopath who is a doctor with a medical degree :)  says it aids in helping the liver processes. I know there are dubious cures being advertised every day but not everything is pseudoscience as you described it. Usually, if you do a little research and see it mentioned in several journals (not National Enquirer!), it carries a little more weight.

ETA: If you consider it, make sure it's raw and organic to get all the benefits.

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I sometimes am good about drinking the Bragg's "vinegar health drink". It's 1-2 tsp vinegar, oz water, and 1-2 tsp blackstrap molasses, maple syrup, or stevia.

My grandmother used to buy/drink something called "jogging in a jug" :lol:  & this sounds pretty much like that. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

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Tell me more. Please? Used topically? Internally? How much? How long did it take? (How big was the wart?)



Topically. Soaked a small chunk of cotton same size as the wart and taped it on his foot every night (ideally. Some days we skipped it.) Some days we tried to keep it on during the day, but since it's the bottom of the foot, that didn't happen more than maybe twice.


His wart was fairly big - maybe the size of the head of a q-tip. And growing new "babies" around it.


Every few days, I'd pick off the dead skin/stuff with tweezers. One day the dead stuff came out in a huge chunk - and his wart was gone. I think it took around 4 weeks. It was surprisingly easier than I expected it to be, actually.

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Topically. Soaked a small chunk of cotton same size as the wart and taped it on his foot every night (ideally. Some days we skipped it.) Some days we tried to keep it on during the day, but since it's the bottom of the foot, that didn't happen more than maybe twice.


His wart was fairly big - maybe the size of the head of a q-tip. And growing new "babies" around it.


Every few days, I'd pick off the dead skin/stuff with tweezers. One day the dead stuff came out in a huge chunk - and his wart was gone. I think it took around 4 weeks. It was surprisingly easier than I expected it to be, actually.



Thanks. Glad it worked. 

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  • 1 month later...

We have used it to get rid of stubborn athlete's foot. We soaked feet every night and it cleared up in about two weeks. It hasn't returned in over a year.

Also I like this recipe for a shrub http://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/apple-berry-shrub


I am sure that boiling the vinegar and adding sugar negates most, if not all, of the health benefits. But it is a very pretty and tasty drink, especially made with raspberries.


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Two Lemon Zinger Tea Bags steeped

Two scoops of stevia (the little scoop that comes w/ the stevia)

Two tablespoons Braggs


Mix in a quart jar top with ice and add enough water to fill.  Drink w/ a straw.


I drink one every afternoon in summer it is very refreshing.


Sometimes I use Raspberry Zinger or Hibiscus Tea, but LZ is my favorite.

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It cleared up a molluscum contagiosum rash that worked its way through my kids. I was put some on a cotton ball and swab it on their spots every day for a couple of weeks. It stings a little bit on the skin as it dries, but it worked!


This is great to know!   We have had this and we used tea tree oil which worked, except my daughter has 2 left that are being stubborn.  I'll have her switch to ACV.

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I drink it every day by adding a tablespoon of Bragg's to a glass of water. It helps my interstitial cystitis, which is weird because balsamic vinegar is a huge trigger for my IC flares. I have no idea why ACV has the opposite effect, but I'm not complaining! ETA: Whoops, I guess this is a zombie thread. Oh, well. I still love ACV. :) 

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Two Lemon Zinger Tea Bags steeped

Two scoops of stevia (the little scoop that comes w/ the stevia)

Two tablespoons Braggs


Mix in a quart jar top with ice and add enough water to fill. Drink w/ a straw.


I drink one every afternoon in summer it is very refreshing.


Sometimes I use Raspberry Zinger or Hibiscus Tea, but LZ is my favorite.

I drink it in similar fashion and absolutely love it. Sometimes with just lemon juice and stevia. It's so good and I do feel great when I drink it although like a PP I am also eating better at the same time.

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Element! Really, it helped with intersitial cystitis? I have IC also and I avoid AVC because I am scared it will make it worse. I also get frequent UTI's and heard ACV can help but I am more scared of the pain from IC. Maybe I will try it for a few days.... We have some in the pantry.

It sure did. Start small, just in case. What helps one person's IC can hurt another. Good luck! 

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Two Lemon Zinger Tea Bags steeped

Two scoops of stevia (the little scoop that comes w/ the stevia)

Two tablespoons Braggs


Mix in a quart jar top with ice and add enough water to fill.  Drink w/ a straw.


I drink one every afternoon in summer it is very refreshing.


Sometimes I use Raspberry Zinger or Hibiscus Tea, but LZ is my favorite.


This sounds good! What brand of stevia do you recommend?

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  • 1 month later...

I know this thread is a few months old, but I was searching past WTM threads for ACV and this is the best I found. Since I can't add a tag, I'm adding a reply!  :D


Does anyone have any new thoughts on ACV to share?


Here are some of the older threads I found, if anyone is interested (again, I would just add a tag if I could):


I'm thinking of starting to drink a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar daily....

Can somebody explain why Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar is alkalizing …

Apple cider vinegar ?

GERD and Apple Cider Vinegar

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