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The Venting Thread


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This just feels like one of those weeks.  I thought we might need a place to vent free of judgement.



My vent-   Why is it that I am the one who knows what the specials are at some local places?  You should know what you are sending out and what they say.   Twice now to different stores I have had to show them an email they sent and the employees had not been informed.  


Why does this week feel so long already?

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Why am I, the person who has never been that good at meal prep,  the primary cook in a family of extremely picky eaters and people with sensory issues?  


And I agree with Harriet Vane, why am I in charge of remembering all the details of our lives?  I'm just as EF challenged as the rest of them.  :)


And yes, Seasider, what is it with Laundry?  When will they invent self-cleaning clothes?  :)

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I'm sorry you're having a rough week.


We are too. I feel like Tony and I are both too tense with each other and every conversation we have turns into a rant about DD's current school. I can't WAIT until tomorrow - she's OUT OF THERE.



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When I'm having a triggering week I just wish the rest of the world would slow down for me, not speed up and add responsibilities to my plate. Too many recitals and horse shows going on over the past week, and I'm struggling to stay in the here and now mentally and keep it together.


With everything happening lately on the board though, I feel like I should be thankful that I am alive and my kids are healthy and instead I feel guilty that I'm not nearly as thankful as I should be.

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Why do I always say yes to things I know will not turn out well?


And why do I keep doing it every single time although I know

exactly what will happen?




I just vacuumed this room.  but the dog hair makes it look like an absolute

pigsty--it's been about 2 days since it was spotless.




Why can't I lose weight without giving up yummy food?  

Why do I like ice cream more than I like fitting into pretty clothes?




Why can't anyone ever refill the soap or toilet paper?  I've been leaving

them both unfilled to see what happens.  The guys ACTUALLY SEE that

it is empty AND GO USE




Why can't spiders just catch bugs without being seen?  I would love them

so much.  I hate mosquitoes and flies, so I am grateful that the spiders catch

them and eat them, but I don't want spiders on display everywhere?  Why can't

they just hide in places I'll never clean?




The shoes.  Always a mess in the entrance.  The mats always upside down.



A mat chewed by the dogs every two months.  



OK, done for now!




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I'm sorry you're having a rough week.


We are too. I feel like Tony and I are both too tense with each other and every conversation we have turns into a rant about DD's current school. I can't WAIT until tomorrow - she's OUT OF THERE.


Similar story here, although in my house the problems are largely of the student's own making.  DS is finishing what I hope will be his last year in a B&M school (until college, that is).  One week to go ... and he seems to have given up completely.  He has had problems all year with turning things in on time, but it has now reached the level of, to use a phrase he uses everywhere except regarding himself, Epic Fail.  His grades are tanked.



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Why must our water heater start to leak when saving for a new car has been going so well!?!?!? It will likely be a replacement not a fix😥 and it may have ruined our kitchen floor enough to have to pull it all up and replace it.

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Similar story here, although in my house the problems are largely of the student's own making.  DS is finishing what I hope will be his last year in a B&M school (until college, that is).  One week to go ... and he seems to have given up completely.  He has had problems all year with turning things in on time, but it has now reached the level of, to use a phrase he uses everywhere except regarding himself, Epic Fail.  His grades are tanked.



I am so sorry!


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why is my 9 year old acting like a hormonal teenager?

why does my husband making more money have to equal my husband never being home anymore?

why does office space cost so much?

why are my thighs suddenly too big to fit into my regular jeans?

why is my freezer always overflowing, despite regular purging?

why does the dog think it's okay to pee on the table leg?

why is my brand new dishwasher suddenly not working?

how can there be more laundry than clothes actually worn? 

how am i going to fit in my overdue dentist appointment?

why do rabbits eat vegetable gardens that you work very, very hard on?

why do ducks poop so much?

why am i breaking out despite being 44?

why do i have wrinkles despite being 44?



that is all. for now.

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My dog decided to blow her winter coat on June 1 and both the cat and dog have fleas, which I just discovered. 


I still can't find a job, I have applications at two more places. My financial aid numbers for fall are good, but I have to make it through June, July, and most of August first. The money I have won't stretch that far...


I am a cancer survivor, which sounds really awful to say this week. I hate cancer. I have respiratory issues from radiation treatment, and digestive issues from abdominal surgery. The former plays into what kind of job I can actually do (lasted two weeks on a housekeeping job last year). I have no stamina even though I am muscularly strong. I also have practically no immune system so if I get sick, it's harder to recover. None of this has been an issue for years because working wasn't in the picture. Now that I'm trying to find a job, I am limited by what I can do physically, which sucks. And all of that feels petty this week. And I want to go kick something still. 

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Cancer is horrible. I can't believe how many people I know have recently been victims of that horrible disease.



First world problem type "I'm annoyed" vent? ---


Why is it that if something is going to get spilled in this house, it is going to happen right after I mop the floors? I'm no better than my guys in preventing my own spills, so I'm not just complaining about them.


And why does the Air Force schedule launches on major holidays? (dh work related) I know they plan these launches months and even years ahead and the launch date often has to do with sending something in the right orbit, but it gets ridiculous sometimes. Don't any of "They Who Do The Scheduling" have families or ever look at a calendar?



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And why does the Air Force schedule launches on major holidays? (dh work related) I know they plan these launches months and even years ahead and the launch date often has to do with sending something in the right orbit, but it gets ridiculous sometimes. Don't any of "They Who Do The Scheduling" have families or ever look at a calendar?


:lol:  :lol:  I can see my son, who would love to work in aerospace stuff, not even considering holidays and families for launches. 

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Here is my self-indulgent whine for the day:


I feel like I am caught in this horrid catch-22. I am taking a set of medications in an attempt to avoid hospitalization but the medication itself may make hospitalization unavoidable. *UGH*

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Amen to the cancer vents



Here is mine--Ivy League schools don't give out athletic scholarships. The soccer team your daughter plays on at 9 will not decide her admissions or financial aid at Harvard. Your daughter is not the next Alex Morgan, especially true if you don't even know who Alex Morgan is. (Or Shannon Boxx, or Abby Wambach, or Hope Solo or...)

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I cannot afford to be sick. I do not have time to be sick. I cannot let IRL people catch me being sick. This cheap, flimsy piece of crap body hasn't even lasted half a century! Nofe air!!!!!!!


I may have thought I was The Giving Tree but all my adult kids ever saw was what P.T. Barnum says is born every minute.


And I'm giving YOU advice on how to raise your kids?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!



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Will my 11 year old son EVER learn how to blow his nose? These namby pamby attempts are so irritating. Just BLOW already. He uses up 6 tissues and doesn't come close to getting the job done. Why is this so hard?

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icing on the proverbial cake this evening... Freezer stopped working. Yup. I can hear it struggling. I guess I'm going to be sorting spoiled food tomorrow.

The cake consists of drying laundry in winter (no dryer), laundry/housework in general, clingy teething non sleeping baby...

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-Credit card bill is climbing.  I'm clipping coupons, trying to shop smart, and I'm still feeling like I'm failing at keeping food costs low.  The amounts on some coupons seem a lot lower than a couple years ago- might have seen a $2 coupon for something a couple years ago and now the coupon is $1, etc.  While I'm extremely happy my boys are growing, they are eating 2-3 times the amount of food they ate last summer.  


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Others planning events( I am required to be at) that cost me mega amounts of money (which I don't have)


Cost of food and other necessities  


Can no one else see the trash overflowing?


Can no one else put their dishes in the sink?  How about actually wash dishes too?


Why can't I lose weight?  (ok I really know the answer to this but it is still frustrating)


Why can't I declutter this overflowing house?  


Why does the junky house seem to bother no one but me?





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Why don't things ever get better?




I keep thinking of that scene from Parenthood the movie where Grandma is talking about the roller coaster vs. the carousel. Sometimes you get motion sickness on the roller coaster though.  :willy_nilly:


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We may or may not be having major upheaval in our lives (dh is so paranoid about secrecy that I can't even say what it is on an anonymous message board), and we are supposed to find out if "it" will happen or not by the end of the month. Except there's the tiniest possibility that the decision will get pushed out later, so we won't find out and the limbo will continue. Argh!!

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When did "Mom" become a synonym for 'Google" "Map Quest" and the Yellow Pages?


"where is such and such?"

"when does x open?"

''When was the last time we changed the oil?


Really, people...keep track of your stuff.  And if you want to know about some event or store Call Them Yourselves.


I went nuts the other day when I finally had enough of answering questions my 16 year old son is capable of getting the answer to himself.  He responded to me that he knew I knew so didn't it make sense to get the answer from the person who knows rather then waste time looking it up himself.  I may have gone apoplectic at that point because this is the same thing my dh says to me when he does it.  For the gazillionith time I explained that it is not easier for the person they intruded upon who then had to stop what they were doing to answer the question that they could have solved on their own.  Absolutely maddening.

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I went nuts the other day when I finally had enough of answering questions my 16 year old son is capable of getting the answer to himself.  He responded to me that he knew I knew so didn't it make sense to get the answer from the person who knows rather then waste time looking it up himself.  I may have gone apoplectic at that point because this is the same thing my dh says to me when he does it.  For the gazillionith time I explained that it is not easier for the person they intruded upon who then had to stop what they were doing to answer the question that they could have solved on their own.  Absolutely maddening.

:iagree: Liking this is not enough!  I can't stand being the brain for the entire family!

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Why did Dh get a cell phone?  He almost never answers it.  I called him on my way home one night 25 times!  It was late.  I could have been broken down on the side of the road or something.  Didn't seem to phase him.

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Yesterday I cleaned mold off the downstairs ceiling, the result of our upstairs toilet leak from some time ago. The toilet has been declared out of order for a year, but we were still getting mold. This morning water came dripping through the ceiling after ds#2 took a shower. So, it seems that the same drain  that the toilet was on could no longer handle the shower either. According to our plumber, the only way to fix this issue is to tear out the downstairs ceiling under the affected waste pipe because of the way everything is situated. We don't have the money to take care of this, so the upstairs shower is now out of commission, too. We don't have the money to fix this. This house is a money pit.  I had a mini meltdown. I really wanted to go back to school. I'm beginning to think it will never happen.

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Right there with you, Word Nerd; my bicycle isn't any healthier than me and my car either. I hope your DH is all right and able to get home safely.

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