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Why don't you have an avatar?

Scrub Jay

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I'd like to think it is because I haven't found one that encapsulates my unique combination of mordant wit, keen insight and intellect, and stunning beauty.



However, it's a combination of technological ineptitude and laziness. :)

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How to Add an Avatar / Profile Picture

by Wendy


Step 0.  This is how it works on my Windows machine...I have no clue how it would differ for a tablet or Mac.


Step 1.  Choose your picture from either your computer or online.  If online save the picture by right clicking on it and choosing Save Image As and saving it on the desktop or somewhere you will be able to find it.


Step 2.  See how large your picture file is.  Find the file on the desktop or where ever and right click on it and choose Properties.  See what it says under Size: xx KB.  Ultimately the picture must be less than 50 KB in order to use it.


Step 3.  If your picture is already less than 50 KB skip to Step 5.  If it is more than 50 KB then you need to resize it.  There are many programs that will do that; I use PaintShop Pro.  If you know how to resize it, do so and then skip to Step 5, otherwise, go to Step 4.


Step 4.  There is a website called Pic Resize that will resize your images for free.  Go to the website and drag your picture file where it tells you (or browse for it).  Click Continue.  You can use any of the special effect tools you want, but the important one is the resize function.  Under Resize, Make My Picture, choose Custom Size.  Start by typing 200 in for the width and then click I'm Done, Resize my Picture.  At the top check the new file size and make sure it is less than 50 KB.  If it is not, click Resume Edit and enter something less than 200 as your width.  If it is small enough, click Save to Disk and save your new file on the desktop of somewhere you will be able to find it.


Step 5.  Now it is time to put that picture in your profile.  At the top of the forum page you should see your username next to Sign Out.  Click your user name and choose My Settings.  Under Profile Settings the top option is Change My Photo.  Once in there, browse for your photo where you saved it.


Step 6.  In my experience, you now have to leave your picture file on your computer where ever it was when you uploaded it.  Don't delete it or move it or your profile pic will disappear.  If you don't like where it is, then move it and then re-upload it to your profile.


I think that is it.  Let me know if you have questions.

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I used to have one of me. I tried to change it to a current pic and I could never get one to load, no matter what device I was on. I was a faceless square for many months. I tried again and it worked! Now it is a pic of a dumpster someone painted, at a local school. It says,"Thank you for existing."

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My computer is not letting me edit the existing post... Click on your username upper right hand corner, then click on your avatar, click " click " change" then use Gravatar to resize the photo. Easy peasy, however, I respect one's right not to have an avatar.

For some reason I cannot get a photo into my Avatar.  It SEEMS simple but it keeps telling me that I don't have access to the picture I am trying to upload from my computer.  And it is not off of the internet, it is a picture drawn by my daughter....but DH may have put some safeties in place that are causing the issue.  I will talk with him tonight.  

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  • 4 weeks later...

I want to change mine, but ever since we moved to the new website, my photo-posting ability is nil. I have tried to resize photos and still get the message that it is too big. My kids have tried, too, but it hasn't worked out.

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Is it breaching copy write if you choose a picture off google images and use it as your avatar? I've wanted to do it but I'm worried I'm doing something illegal.

Hm, I don't know? Is there some sort of precedent that can tell us? That is what I did, but since my avatar is basically an advertisement for the unofficial drink of The Hive, I doubt the company is complaining?

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I actually didn't have an avatar for a while because it has to be so dang small. 50kb, right? Sooo many crops. 

Hm, I don't know? Is there some sort of precedent that can tell us? That is what I did, but since my avatar is basically an advertisement for the unofficial drink of The Hive, I doubt the company is complaining?

I'm pretty sure they could make you stop using it. But considering there are people on etsy and similar sites that get away with selling copyrighted images, I think we're safe for a while.

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I do have one but it shows up for some people and not for others. I have no idea why that would be.


I thought it was maybe censorship of my naked bathing beauties ( original avatar ) but I changed it to innocuous kangaroo paw and the same thing....

I just realized that you have an avatar that I can't see - that's weird.

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Guest submarines

I like avatars, but I'm too lazy. I attempted having an avatar twice, and it didn't work.  I just don't care to try again.

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Isn't it ? I do wonder about it but not enough to actually go find out about it!

It was showing earlier today.. Just started happening recently. It's happened to me too, and I've seen it happen with others. I just reupload the image because I'm silly enough to be bothered by it.

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What would be really interesting is to do a study looking at how choice of avatar affects how a member is perceived.


Do photos of the real person make us behave in a friendlier manner than a picture or no avatar ?


Does choice of picture have any impact ? Funny vs animal vs boring vs serious vs arty vs silly...


You could probably work this out by analysing threads - number and quality of responses to each poster.


I've often wondered this as well.  

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I like avatars because it helps me recognize more posters than just remembering names. I'm surprised we have so many regular posters who don't have avatars.

I agree! Apparently I am more visual than I thought I was! An avatar gives me a mental file to store information about a person. Without an avatar to serve as a file for a particular poster, I indiscriminately chuck masses of information from all the no avatar people into a giant, general WTM file. I might recognize a user name, but I am mostly unable to recall a poster's specific opinions and general vibe (with a few exceptions from particularly prolific or ornery posters, LOL).

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Hm, I don't really judge people based on their avatar unless it's a political or social symbol. Then there's a bit.


Honestly, what I pay more attention to is font/customizations on what the text looks like. Some people choose such odd things that it's all I can really pay attention to when reading their posts.

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Who said I don't have an avatar? :huh:

My avatar was Jack Sparrow for a while in honor of Mr. Depp's birthday a few years ago. I got tired of looking at him, sort of. So I removed it. When the forum changed I was too technologically inept to figure it out.

Thank you, Wendyroo!

I also want to change my forum name but am stumped.

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Who said I don't have an avatar? :huh:

My avatar was Jack Sparrow for a while in honor of Mr. Depp's birthday a few years ago. I got tired of looking at him, sort of. So I removed it. When the forum changed I was too technologically inept to figure it out.

Thank you, Wendyroo!

I also want to change my forum name but am stumped.

I can't see your avatar either.  Just the place-holder image icon.  That's yours and Sadie's.  Not sure why.

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