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Names you like that start with U, lol


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When my ds was born we named him a name that started with E, just by happenstance. Then when my oldest dd was born, we named her a name that start with O, again just coincidentally. Then we simultaneously got pregnant and adopted and we named those two children names beginning with A and I. So now we have all the vowels but U, lol. Anyone have a U name they like?? Boy or girl is fine. I'm just wondering if we may have to switch things up for the next child.

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U'ilani — "Heavenly young beauty" according to this website; this is my aunt's name. Pronounced oo-'ee-LUH-nee. The glottle stop between the u and i means there is a verbal break (made with the back of the tongue) before the i so the vowels do not blend into each other. In Hawaiian the a is pronounced more like a short u (as in aloha) rather than ah.


For a boy, all I can think of is Unser. As in Al Unser. Or maybe Ultraman!  :D

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I can think of a bunch in German, but they're rather unpronounceable with American phonetics...


The girl I exchanged with was named Ulrike (ull-REE-ka) and went by Ulli (pronounced just like Pulley without the P).  You could also abbreviate it Ulla...


Then there's Uwe (which is pronounced Oo-va) (male name)


Hey, there's also Undine (oohn-DEE-na) (female, from a fairy tale; I've seen it spelled Ondine in English but that kills the whole 'starts with U' thing)...


I do like Ute, but you'd have to spell it Uta here I think. 


Ursula's probably the easiest one to go with...

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if you go with 'y', we have several Russian friends named yulia   (which is a form of Julia)  if going with 'u' still, I think spelling it with a u would work, it's pretty when you say it.

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I like Urshka, it is a nickname for Ursula in some countries. 










Utah (OK, I don't know anyone by that name and don't generally go for naming children after geographic locations, but it's a pretty name)

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Uriel -- I think there should be an accent in there somewhere. He went by Uri and he was a very handsome, intelligent young man. I think he was from Central America.


I thought of Uriel right away, too.


Apparently, it means "angel of light." I know it from A Wrinkle in Time, one of my all-time favorite books..

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Not what you asked, but my four oldest have a "pattern". While pregnant with #5 we had a named we loved but it didn't "fit". I was conflicted but in the end it was the name for her. I am now expecting # 10 and I'm so glad we can just pick a name now and not have to be limited to specific parameters. Letting go of that pattern was the best thing we did. It's hard enough coming up with a name we both like ;)

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Not what you asked, but my four oldest have a "pattern". While pregnant with #5 we had a named we loved but it didn't "fit". I was conflicted but in the end it was the name for her. I am now expecting # 10 and I'm so glad we can just pick a name now and not have to be limited to specific parameters. Letting go of that pattern was the best thing we did. It's hard enough coming up with a name we both like ;)

We didn't start with a pattern, but the first three (biological) were all vowels, then we wanted to name our adopted daughter another letter, but we felt keeping with the vowel theme would help her integrate into our family in the long run. We're not locked into it, but it's fun to try finding a matching name!

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I knew a Ute (oo-tuh) at my church. She was German, and a wonderful woman. But people here will see it and say OOT.

Personally, I wouldn't saddle a kid with Ulysses or Ursula--kids will think of Ulysses S Grant or Little Mermaid's nemesis.


But your mileage may vary!


I'd go with a Y.

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I have a niece named Una. It is pronounced 'oonah' with the oo as in the word food


I have heard other people with the name pronounce it 'you-nah', which sound weird to me, lol.


I met someone else a long time ago named una but she pronounced it "Oh-nah"


My niece gets lots of compliments on her name. :001_smile:




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I could not use ursula thanks to the little mermaid all I think of is the sea witch lol

for a boy
Ustin (means righteous)
Uri (means my light)

for a girl
Umber (short u sound similar to amber- umber itself is a natural brown- reddish brown earth pigment so if the babe has brown hair it would work nicely too)

Uriel (means angel of light)


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