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Strangest gift that a child wanted?


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My ds's birthday is next week. I'm not sure what we'll be eating for lunch, but I know I have to make a cheesecake for dessert.


He's getting a 10pk of hot wheel cars, the game battleship, a sniper nerf gun, a shark stick vacuum, and possibly a small pack of toilet paper. Lol. The gun and vacuum were requested.


What have your kids asked for and loved that were slightly odd?

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My then five year-old requested a red t-shirt with an octopus on the back and the word "Firepower" on the front for his sixth birthday.  Yeah, that didn't happen.  I'm not even sure where he came up with it.  I asked if he'd seen it somewhere (nigh impossible considering we don't even have cable), but he said he'd thought it up on his own.  Maybe I'll surprise him with a homemade one sometime this year.

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When my DS#1 was 3, he asked for a bathrobe and a gumball machine for Christmas.  He got both, and the bathrobe was actually the favorite gift.  


Last year I did a big craft box for my older 2 as part of their Christmas gifts, and the big packs of dowels were the favorite, surpassing even the duct tape.  

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My kid requested new underwear for her birthday a couple years ago (age 4 or 5).  She told everyone this request whenever they asked what she wanted for her birthday.  One would think my kids were terribly deprived, LOL.  Just the other day we were buying birthday gifts and the same child begged for new underwear again.  Whatever!


ETA:  I should note that was her *only* birthday request that earlier year.

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Dd11 wants a subscription to Family Fun magazine.  My mom thinks it is the strangest request ever.  I don't.  I think it looks like it has lots of good ideas!  


Just a heads up: If you follow Family Fun on Pinterest, they pretty much post all of the crafts from the magazine on there.

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My Nephew wanted one of those automatic vacumm cleaners. Once my kids wanted bones. Once one of my boys asked for batteries. (I have a policy, the only thing I will put batteries in our the smoke alarms). For whatever reason he loved his pack of batteries and played with the batteries as toys and didn't want them used as batteries. 


Youngest broke his shoe horn. (Both my kids always put on shoes using a shoe horn if that option is available. They also untie them completely and loosen the laces) and wants a new one for his birthday. 

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My daughter wanted a rolly polly farm.  She had seen an ant farm and sea monkeys.  She later wanted sea monkeys but well before that, nothing but a rolly polly farm would do.  


and yes, she got it.  I made it with the glass from a couple of cheap frames and some dirt, rocks, and sticks.  She loved it but it was much cooler in my head than in reality.


One thing that everyone thought was lame but my daughter just loved.  For her second Christmas I got her a box of boxes.  She was at that stage and just loved them.  

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At about four, maybe five, DD the Younger requested an inflatable dungeon for her birthday. She stipulated it must be reusable.

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about 3 years ago ds10 asked santa for a big mac as his main xmas present.  That boy has always been focused on food, but at 7 I refused to buy him big macs, A) he didn't need mcd's and B.) if I bought him mcd's he could have a kids pack.  So yeah big mac on the xmas list it was.

Last year he asked for a shoe horn after trying poppa's and seeing how much he loved it. 

Yeah that boy is different than the rest of mine who stick with money, video games and typical toys

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My then four year old daughter asked for her own hot water bottle for Christmas.  We gave one to her, and she loved it.  That hot water bottle subsequently went on a semester abroad during college and was given away at year's end due to packing space issues.  Last Christmas, she again requested a hot water bottle.  The newest one is currently with her in South Korea where she is teaching English to young children. 




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YDD asked for a "crocodile and a duck" for her 3rd bday.  I actually found it very hard to find a crocodile stuffed animal.  I finally found one in the dog toys of all places!  It squeaked when you squeezed it.  We gave her that and a rubber ducky.  She loved them.  She slept w/that crocodile forever.


For her first science fair project when she was 6 she wanted to demonstrate the difference between crocodiles and alligators, so she never lost her fascination with them :)

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Indy wanted a whip (as in Indiana Jones).  My parents bought him a real 6' bullwhip (made from kangaroo hide-yuck), for his b-day last year.  He's quite good with it.  He can drag stuff across the floor, open the dog crate (if it's unlocked of course) and once he wrapped it around my legs.  He asked if he could pull me over, but I nixed that idea!  He says he needs an 8' or 10' whip now so he can do more.  He loves to watch the champion whip cracker, Adam Winrich, videos on Youtube, so he can get ideas.  

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Not my kid, but my brother -- When he was 5 or 6 he asked for a motor for his birthday.  A real car motor.  This was back in the day when many men, including our dad, were shade-tree mechanics who did much (or all) of their own car repairs.  Our dad got him a motor, which brother proceeded to tear apart and rebuild many times.  He went on to become a *very* successful mechanical engineer.

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Dd asked for crutches for Christmas last year.  A friend of ours found a pair for her at a thrift store, so they did end up under the tree.  She still plays with those things.  A wheelchair and a heated massage table were also on the list, but those didn't make the cut.  I can kind of see the attraction to a heated massage table, but I am not sure what to think of the medical equipment obsession.  

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Oldest daughter, when she was 5 or 6 wanted tape. So we bought her a dispenser of sticky tape and a large bag of refills. She loved it, happily taping things for months.


Youngest ds (about 6 at the time) wanted a lint brush. Still, to this day, when I need a lint brush, he's my 'go-to' guy. Since it's become a tradition that someone always buys him one for birthday or Christmas, he's always well stocked. He is my best friend when I'm quilting!!!

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Mine wanted "every element on the periodic table." We had to explain that it wasn't happening because:


1. Some didn't exist in any practical form;


2. We're not billionaires; and


3. We really didn't relish a visit from Homeland Security.


Fortunately, he was satisfied with the kids' toy that has a few common elements and fake-o versions of the rare or dangerous ones.

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I have to say, this is one of the first times I have laughed out loud when all alone reading something in a long time!!

One of my daughters requested a birthday cake shaped like godfather Drosselmeyer from the Nutcracker. My husband made it.

My son once asked for a wolf. (We got him a sponsorship for an endangered wolf somewhere.) Another year he wanted a a "pen tip" for his pen tip collection. It was exactly what it sounds like, the end pieces of pens -- the part that touches the paper. They could be broken off, non-functioning, whatever.

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My DD got Rubbermaid storage boxes for her birthday last year-she was turning her room into a herpetarium, so she turned them into tanks for plastic reptiles. She also got a small bookshelf to put them on.


For her friend's birthday in April, she gave her friend plastic birds and a collection of vented produce boxes-ie bird cages! (The friend got it-I'm not sure the friend's mother, who had spent most of her time at our house outside DD's room did, though).

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For several years running, DD asked for "a real magic wand that works" for both her birthday and Christmas.


As if I would give it away if I ever got my hands on one! :lol:

Take her to Magiquest-she can get one that works there-but it only works in the quests ;)

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A few years ago a friend's daughter asked me to get her unbroken geodes for her birthday. When she open the gift she was so happy. I received some weird looks for giving what looked like rocks...


A girl after my own heart!  When coworkers (back when I had a paycheck job) on business trips asked if I wanted them to bring anything I always asked for rocks -- plain, ordinary rocks, so long as they were allowed to remove them.


I was thrilled to meet a new coworker once who came to our group right after being on vacation.  She had brought back rocks for anyone who might want one.  At last!  Someone who understood the appeal of real rocks!

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A few years ago a friend's daughter asked me to get her unbroken geodes for her birthday. When she open the gift she was so happy. I received some weird looks for giving what looked like rocks...

My niece would love these, but shipping would be a bear (I gave her several pieces of Amber and sandpaper in various grades last year).

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My ds's birthday is next week. I'm not sure what we'll be eating for lunch, but I know I have to make a cheesecake for dessert.


He's getting a 10pk of hot wheel cars, the game battleship, a sniper nerf gun, a shark stick vacuum, and possibly a small pack of toilet paper. Lol. The gun and vacuum were requested.


What have your kids asked for and loved that were slightly odd?


So, why the toilet paper?


I actually asked for a camping toilet one year for my birthday.  Mind you, we had just a month or so earlier had a MAJOR fiasco of a "potty" emergency while on a road trip.  I vowed NEVER AGAIN! 


DH had a hilarious time "shopping" online for my present.  He especially liked the Bumper Dumper.


Oh, and miniature rolls of toilet paper (which can fit in a pocket or purse) are actually a VERY good idea!  I carry one, and every so often it saves someone's butt (literally).

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My then four year old daughter asked for her own hot water bottle for Christmas. We gave one to her, and she loved it. That hot water bottle subsequently went on a semester abroad during college and was given away at year's end due to packing space issues. Last Christmas, she again requested a hot water bottle. The newest one is currently with her in South Korea where she is teaching English to young children.




Can you please link it? I love hot water bottles. I want to buy one.

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I have to say, this is one of the first times I have laughed out loud when all alone reading something in a long time!!


One of my daughters requested a birthday cake shaped like godfather Drosselmeyer from the Nutcracker. My husband made it.


My son once asked for a wolf. (We got him a sponsorship for an endangered wolf somewhere.) Another year he wanted a a "pen tip" for his pen tip collection. It was exactly what it sounds like, the end pieces of pens -- the part that touches the paper. They could be broken off, non-functioning, whatever.

We sponsored an Egyptian Cobra for my DD last Christmas. For her birthday next month, we're going to go to the lab where "her" cobra lives and meet "her" snake (and learn about their research into snake venom). Which may qualify as the most unusual birthday PARTY ever...

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Once my youngest wanted dirt.  Thinking of her elder sis, who likes to dig in dirt like me, I asked what she wanted it for.  Turns out she wanted to plant a garden.


When I was a kid Mom would make finger salad sometimes (raw veggies, pickles, and olives).  It was always a bummer having to share one can of olives with the whole family, so I asked for my own can of olives one year.  I got it, ate it, and drank the brine.  Now eldest DD has asked on occasion for her own can of olives.  I get them for her, but won't let her drink the brine.  :drool5:

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