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Who works full time and/or part time (for money) in your household?

Who works full time and/or part time for money in your household?  

  1. 1. Who works full time and/or part time for money in your household?

    • DH's full time job is our only income.
    • DH's full time job, plus overtime or another part time job, are our only income.
    • DH's multiple part time jobs are our only income.
    • My full time job is our only income.
    • My full time job, plus overtime or another part time job, are our only income.
    • My multiple part time jobs are our only income.
    • We both work full time.
    • DH works full time, and I work part time.
    • I work full time, and DH works part time.
    • Other (I know you're out there!)

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I've been wondering this for a little while, as DH & I have been considering options to raise our household income a little bit.


I'm wondering how many of us have a DH that works full time (ft) as well as part time (pt) or over time (ot), but I'm curious about other arrangements as well. I'm not including teens who work, unless they are giving over their money to support the household.


Of course, you are welcome to post about your situation. And if you have an "other", please explain.


Thanks for playing!

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Dh has full time and part time job.


Until this Tuesday (!) I had a full-time (32/hours a week) and part-time (teaching great books/history at a co-op) job. I am hoping to replace the two of them with a single higher-paying 32/hour/week job.


DH full-time M-F (7:30 - 4:30)

DH part-time S, M, W, Th night (5 - when they are done)


I am hoping to work Friday - Monday (and maybe early morning or late evening shfts) and be home T, W, Th.


Kate in Seattle


I couldn't figure out where that fit in the poll.

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I chose "other". my husband and I both work at a small university. he is the staff photographer, full time 9 months of the year. I work half-time, most of the year. my hours fluctuate wildly. some weeks I work 40 or 50 hours, some 4 or 5. the pay stinks, but we're eligible for full tuition remission for our kids, which, for me, is the whole point of working there.

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I haven't worked since we started homeschooling. But in 3 weeks I will start day care/homeschool for a 5yo girl from our church. Just for this year. They can't find a place they feel comfortable with for K, and called and asked me if I'd do it and watch her while they're at work and school. DH and I discussed it and felt we could try it and see. So that will bring in some extra and ease the burden on dh a bit! It's NOT very much of an income, I'm almost thinking of trying to find another child to watch for about the same amount. THEN it'd be a getter income. BUT it would take some getting used to. I'll probably just stick with the one and see how it goes...


But since I haven't worked for so long, and haven't started this yet, I put that dh works full-time and I don't work.

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For a while DH was working full time and I was working part time, whenever I could get paid work and work in free childcare/ schooling... (substitute teaching, or medical transcription).


I now am considered a "full time" teacher for a virtual school so I can stay home, homeschool and love on the baby. (She is in childcare 2 days a week, so I can do some work and so I have one on one time with older dd). This is also a great job since I get the teaching hours I need to keep my credential current while not being in a school setting.

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My dh is the only wage earner in our family.

Over the years I've earned wee bits of money through businesses like Pampered Chef and Stampin' Up, but never much and never for long. For four months last year I worked about 16 hours/week at a grocery store to help pay down our debt. The debt's been paid off for awhile now, and I'm back to being a full time house elf.

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Dh works full time, I sometimes help him (he's a sub contractor) I also have been helping a friend serve at catering events on the side. He's just getting the business going, but next summer should be busier. If I could find something legit, that I could do part time, I would consider it.



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DH works full-time. I had an internet based business that I worked but I lost my supplier and the economy tanked so no one wants to buy my luxury bedding any more.


Currently, I guess I am moving into full-time work as I am trying to open a daycare with a preschool program. So far I have 1 student and am looking for more.


So I guess you could say we both work full-time but I work out of my house and am hoping to fold in the day care children into our homeschool day.:001_smile:

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My situation is unusual. I am a single mom. I technically do not work because I do not draw a paycheck. However, I take care of children in crisis situations and am on-call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I do get a large house for my children and I to live in, but I do not get any money for doing it. I do raise support to cover the cost of utilities and the care of the additional children. That is all reimbursemenmt though - not income. Since I adopted my children through the foster care system, and they have special needs, they still get adoption subsidies. By living frugally, I am able to support us on that and stay home with my children. All in all it is a very good arrangement. We get the things I would like to provide my children with - a large house and a yard to play in. We get to give back to society and love children who need to be loved. I get to be here to experience life with my children. I am thankful daily for the life we get to live.

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DH works full-time - self-employed though and he and his law partner are just getting the practice going, but he can work from home on occasion or do some work at night.


I work part-time - Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. I home school the days I'm not working. I have the steady income, so if DH's firm has cash flow problems, my salary helps bridge the gap.

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My dh works one full-time job and two part-time jobs and I work one part-time job (2 days/wk). We work out our schedules so that ds is with one of us and not in any childcare.

It is hard!

As ds gets older, I am struggling to feel like I am accomplishing everything I should be for him in terms of homeschooling. I would really like to be home all week with him. I think of homeschooling as a full-time job and I'd like for it to be my only job :).

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We own an inn. Some times of the year, it feels like an overtime job for both of us. Other times of the year, it's a part-time job. I also have a part-time job (was 24 hours, recently changed to 32 hours) that I telecommute into.


So, lots of work, but all of it at home.


I should note that we are not currently homeschooling. We are blessed to be in an area with excellent public schools, but I still miss some aspects of homeschooling.

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I'm among the Others (kinda creepy, being a LOST fan and all...).


My mother co-owns the house we live in. She pays half the mortgage and taxes; dh pays the other half. We have utilities and food and gas all paid for from the "household account." dh contributes about 65% of the household account money; mom contributes the rest. I do the food shopping, all the cooking, cleaning (although mom recently hired my friend's dd to clean the house; I do the upkeep between cleaning visits), planning, organizing, and teaching. dh does all the maintenance. Mom contributes financially, eats, and sleeps :D We only pay someone to do stuff around the house that dh can't do (dh is very handy, so this is rare).


I clean the church once a week and split the money with my dd. It only pays $60 a week ($53 after taxes :glare:), but every little bit helps. Oh, and my 17 yo mows lawns (dh goes with him).

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DH works full time and I clean new construction houses. It has worked out to a house @ every 6- 8 weeks, so it's not overwhelming and it pays well. I also clean one house every other week right now, but I don't really want more regular houses as I prefer new construction.

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My hubby works full time with a little overtime (usually about 7 hours per week....he used to work more but they've way cut down this year).


I work part time from home doing LiveOps and ChaCha. I might start watching a couple children also. I could do any of this full time but don't. Thinking of adding school back into the mix instead.


I wish hubby could have his overtime back. Lower income and higher bills = killing us.

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I had to say other, because I wouldn't consider my writing, proofreading and editing gigs to be full-time. Nor do they even bring in a part-time income. They just give us a little something extra. However, I still need to work if I want to keep putting out the material! And hubby works full-time in the USAF.

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That's how we decided it would be when I was pregnant with oldest dd.I hs because I want to.Dh is in charge of house and grounds maintenance,heating (we use wood),cooking, and we share childcare and housekeeping duties.Dh also keeps my house plants alive and is in charge of the garden.My current salary is probably at least 60% more than what dh's best could ever be if he had a full time job.

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Of course, you are welcome to post about your situation. And if you have an "other", please explain.



I own a small business, my two dds and I are all on payroll. Dds work part-time, I work about 35 hrs/wk on the business.

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Right now both dh and I work full time. That will soon change to me working full time working ot shifts as I can pick them up. Dh is retiring at the first of the year! :hurray:


This means that we'll automatically lose our "second mortgage" -- our child care payments! This is something we've wanted to do for a long time and we finally sat down and worked up a cost-benefit analysis. We realized that we would actually come out slightly ahead if dh retired and I picked up 1 (what is laughingly called) OT shift per pay period. We're both so excited.


Actually, now that I think about it, dh plans on getting a 20 hr/wk PT job to work on a few of the days I'm off duty. But this money would simply be extra.

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My dh works hard, usually more than 40 hours a week. I'm basically a SAHM, but, I do a lot for our ministry here as well when I can. We don't get paid. In other words, we don't collect a paycheck at all. We are volunteers. But, being missionaries, we have to raise our support through churches and individuals in the States.


We never know what our income each month will be. It all depends on whether or not people remember to send in the support they pledge to us!

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My dh works FT away from home. I work FT from home (my home office is in Utah, and I live in VA). I do have at-home child care (to help from about 10:00am until 5:30pm) -- but would love to find someone less expensive (sigh), who actually interacted with my kids and followed the house rules....


So, if anyone has a girl who loves children -- and looking for some PT (or FT work) and in Stafford County, VA -- I'm up for a new in-home caregiver :D Job sharing is available too!

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Both of us work full time. DH is a professor at a university with pretty flexible hours. I work at IT dept for a financial company with fixed hours and sometimes work overtime. I just found this wonderful forum and am trying to figure out our schedule for afterschooling before school starts.

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Dh works full time and pays all the bills.


I work Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at a health food store in my small town. DS 10 comes to work with me and we homeschool there. We actually get much more done and have more one on one time there because there is little else for either of us to do.

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DH "job" is working on his PhD. He got a great package from the school he is attending, but one of the stipulations is he is not allowed to work outside of his studies this first year. If we were going to be living anywhere but CA, we would be able to make it on just his income, however, since the cost of living is so high there, I am going to work part time somewhere. I think it'll be a great opportunity for me to get out of the house and around adults!

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I put "other" since I'm not too sure how to categorize us. Dh is a full-time PhD student who receives a stipend. He also teaches an online class for the university for which he is paid. Last year he taught middle school literature at a local private school, but he swapped that this year to teach an online class at the local community college instead. I write full time from home, but we have received only a very small advance from that since the first book won't be published until next spring. (I am so looking forward to this paying. I just need to convince people to buy it. ;) ) I will be taking in two day care kids at the end of this month to help bulk up our income.


Clear as mud? ;) (Needless to say, doing our taxes is fun... not. :glare: )

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Dh is self-employed, so there wouldn't be time for him to work somewhere else part-time, if you kwim. He's way into overtime. lol I'm trying to talk him back to reasonable hours: i.e. 2 hours a day for the family. He said it sounds reasonable. :001_huh:

Hmmm.... didn't put myself as employed at all, but I am his part-time business helper/partner/bookkeeper.

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My hubby works full-time at our church. I work part-time at the same church, and this year I plan on picking up two children from school. Their mom is a friend, and won't get off her part-time job in time to pick them up.


We live off of dh's salary, and save mine for vacations.

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DH works full time outside of the home. I had been a SAHM since DS was born, but with the cost of everything rising and the kids getting into expensive extracurricular activities, we needed more income. I started doing home daycare about 6 months ago. It has made a huge difference to our income. The only bad thing is being stuck at home all day. We can't participate in co-ops or other homeschool groups.

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We both work part-time. He works about 80%, I work about 40%. We each stay home with the kids when the other is working.


We're officially full time, but we each work about 3/4 the hours our colleagues work. And we each stay at home while the other works.


Somehow, dh manages to produce as much at 3/4 time as most of our colleagues produce at full time. I do almost as well--I'm about on par with our lazier colleagues. :tongue_smilie:

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becasue we have 2 rental properties that provide an occasional little bit of income. MOstly they just pay for themselves.


DH has always been the wage earner here and has never wanted me to work outside the home. However, early on in our marriage I did some day care and for a while was working as a seamstress out of our home. I worke for a Bridal store, several actually, I made leotards for Special Olympics, sewed costumes for a dance studio and did some custom sewing on my own.

After our two sons were born they became my fulltime work. Now that everyone is graduated, 3 of the kiddoes out of our home and our youngest in college..well, what do I do with the rest of my life. About the time I think I should look for a part time job, or an internet job, one of the girls has another baby and wants some help!

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DH works 3/4 time, mostly for benefits, at the local school district as a school bus driver.


DH works as a process server.


DH works side jobs (siding, home repair, painting).


DH is likely to accept a weekend job - 3 12 hour shifts paid @ 40 hours. S, S and Mon 8 pm - 8 am.




I have 3 homeschool students in addition to my kids

I have 3 after school students - about to reduce to 2 since one is too old to need me next year!

I am starting as a Tournament Poker Hostess later this week; working 2 nights a week and Saturday afternoon/evening.


We will need to do this for a couple of years to get caught up, save and pay for a custody battle (one I did not invite, want, initiate, ask for or deserve).

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  • 8 months later...

Dh works so called full time, but its really not full time - he runs his own business and probably works 25-30 hours a week, but earns a good enough income from that to basically support us. I work part time connected to his business- I cook two meals a week for between 12 and 18 people.

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I voted dh, full-time, but maybe I should have voted other?


He has a full-time salary, plus commissions and bonuses, but he definitely doesn't have a set 40 or 50 hour week. He might work 70 hours one week and 20 in another week. He's sometimes out of state for up to 14 days, and other times he won't leave the house for a week.


Because it's so unpredictable, it can be frustrating, and there's no real room for me to work outside of the house since we'd have to pay for childcare for 4 kids.


It does have it's benefits though. Dh can often arrange to be home when the kids have special activities or I want to go to the doctor alone! When he's working from home, I can run errands by myself or take just 1 child for some one on one time.


Our dream is to have a family retail business we can all be involved in. I'm hoping to start a small on-line business to raise money for that (ad)venture. It'll take quite a few years!

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DH works full time ( we have a construction company).


Sometimes he is working 40 + hours a week, sometimes he works away from home ( next 2 weeks he will be in Kuwait + Bahrain), other times, he works from home.


I have been a SAHM for 11 1/2 years- and have no plans to go to work.


We are hoping when we return to Oz, that he will just work a few months on ( over here in the UAE), and have a few months off, back with us. ( like just working part-time...in a way..lol)


I haven't needed to work , and nor do I plan to at this stage.

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I voted dh works full time and part time. He has his own businesses and also works with a real estate development company as comptroller. He probably works 50-60 hours a week. He is in charge of his own time, though, which works well if we want to travel or he needs to be available for the dc's activities.


I used to work at home doing medical transcription, but it just got to be too much with the kids being involved in activities every day of the week.

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