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Michigan = Ice Age, Antartica moved north. I'm wearing LONG UNDERWEAR & WOOL SOCKS!!!!!!


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In addition, I have on a camisole, followed by a tank top, followed by a long sleeve shirt, followed by a pjama top over that. I have plugged in a heating pad to place under my cold bum, and I have a terry cloth robe over it all with a quilt over my lap. I am seriously contemplating mittens and a hat.


I am prepared to start a campfire in the middle of my bed and it's entirely possible that I may end up "spooning" with the cocker spaniel tonight. Dh will roll away because he gets hot, but the dog will take whatever cuddling is offered and he makes a nice space heater.


The schizophrenic weather cannot decide if it should rain, hail, or snow and is doing the preciptation triathalon.


And then there is the flooding. Let me put it this way, we've got "white caps" on the creek and white water rapids in the drainage ditches. I'm pretty certain you could surf on the swamp.


I keep expecting to look up and see Canadian Geese migrating south for the winter.


Does anyone living in warmer climes want to adopt a 45 year old woman? I'll bring my piano and my mad classical skills so you can have live performances of works by Back, Chopin, and Debussy all the live long day in exchange for sunshine.



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In addition, I have on a camisole, followed by a tank top, followed by a long sleeve shirt, followed by a pjama top over that. I have plugged in a heating pad to place under my cold bum, and I have a terry cloth robe over it all with a quilt over my lap. I am seriously contemplating mittens and a hat.


I am prepared to start a campfire in the middle of my bed and it's entirely possible that I may end up "spooning" with the cocker spaniel tonight. Dh will roll away because he gets hot, but the dog will take whatever cuddling is offered and he makes a nice space heater.


The schizophrenic weather cannot decide if it should rain, hail, or snow and is doing the preciptation triathalon.


And then there is the flooding. Let me put it this way, we've got "white caps" on the creek and white water rapids in the drainage ditches. I'm pretty certain you could surf on the swamp.


I keep expecting to look up and see Canadian Geese migrating south for the winter.


Does anyone living in warmer climes want to adopt a 45 year old woman? I'll bring my piano and my mad classical skills so you can have live performances of works by Back, Chopin, and Debussy all the live long day in exchange for sunshine.





Come on down to SoCal. I'll house you!


I've been trying to talk my parents in to coming for a visit to get out of the great white North of Canada, but I haven't convinced them so far. Even though it is snowing again this weekend.

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It was snowing here this morning. Two days ago it was in the 80s and sunny.


We've been careening between snow and mid 80s for about 3 weeks now, with tornadoes in between to sort of mix things up. It's very bipolar weather.


Overall, I wish we could just pick a temperature and stick with it for a few days.

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A 30 degree temp difference in 24 hours sounds like a Tuesday to me.


Today was pleasantly warm. High was 82, low was 63. The piano would be an awesome addition, but all I can offer for accomodations is an Ikea folding bed with stretched out springs reinforced by duck tape.


And you might change your mind when the high is over 110 for several weeks straight.


I grew up in the Texas panhandle. We didn't have a climate, just plenty of weather.

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It was 35F today and there is still about 2 feet of snow on the ground. On the other hand, it isn't getting dark until about 10:00. Trade offs, I guess. I think we're going to skip spring and head straight into summer. (Weather report says we might get more snow this weekend. )

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Well, on Wednesday, I got enough of a sunburn to be peeling today (after two hours at home school park day) so you could move here (AZ) --- but you probably wouldn't like it come July. In July, I don't leave the house after 10 AM and before 7:PM. if I can keep from it. I think I'd like to move to San Diego (perfect weather, imho) or maybe Hawaii).

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Last winter, we had 80 degree days in January. This spring, it's getting down to the mid 20's on this fine April evening.


I know women have every right to change their minds and all that, but... Mother Nature needs to get a grip. I'm right there with you, Faith.


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We are just north of Chicago and got snow-hail, too. This is about the time I can get my gardening going and every now and then we do seem to get a small amount of snow.


Glad I didn't put out my tomatoes.


Stay warm!

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85-90 degrees and sunny every day of the year here and, as a former Michigander, I will gladly adopt you!!


Heather, that sounds wonderful...well, except you have snakes there!!!!! But, the bigger issue is HOW DO I TRANSPORT A PETROF BABY GRAND PIANO TO MALAYSIA!


Answer that cunundrum and we just might have a deal. I think I'd like to be Natalie's big sister, LOL.



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It was 35F today and there is still about 2 feet of snow on the ground. On the other hand, it isn't getting dark until about 10:00. Trade offs, I guess. I think we're going to skip spring and head straight into summer. (Weather report says we might get more snow this weekend. )


My DD dreams about building a snowman, snowball fights, etc. If you could send us a 40 foot refrigerated container, with a load of Snow, she could do that, before it melts. Our mean temperature is 79 F.


My wife and DD have no clue about how cold that is...


Enjoy the long days. Are you in Alaska?

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My DD dreams about building a snowman, snowball fights, etc. If you could send us a 40 foot refrigerated container, with a load of Snow, she could do that, before it melts. Our mean temperature is 79 F.


My wife and DD have no clue about how cold that is...


Enjoy the long days. Are you in Alaska?



No, I'm pretty certain Alaska has warmer weather! LOL, I'm in Michigan...lower Penninsula, but well north of Detroit/I-94 corridor.



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Heather, that sounds wonderful...well, except you have snakes there!!!!! But, the bigger issue is HOW DO I TRANSPORT A PETROF BABY GRAND PIANO TO MALAYSIA!


Answer that cunundrum and we just might have a deal. I think I'd like to be Natalie's big sister, LOL.





As we say in Malaysia... No problem lah!


We have an excellent shipping company that can ship anything here... Cars, pianos, you name it.


Our amah will whip up some fabulous Indian food and we can hang out at the beach. :)


My brother just sent me a pic of it snowing again near Detroit... Yesterday, I think. I feel so bad for you all!

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Crazy weather here in GA too. We've had the a/c on all last week and this morning the house is at 64F. The kids will probably beg me to turn the heat on but no way. I mean, the house will surely warm up eventually, right? It's supposed to get up to 65 today. It was practically summer last week. Argh!

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If there's no precipitation, mere kinda freezing cold doesn't warrant canceling baseball practice!


i say from my snug house where it got down to 74 inside last night. I'd love to be able to open windows and doors, but with our total lack of screens it's not wise.


When I have my own house, we will have screens and a swamp cooler and decent passive solar so the A/C isn't necessary when the temp is below triple digits...

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Heather, that sounds wonderful...well, except you have snakes there!!!!! But, the bigger issue is HOW DO I TRANSPORT A PETROF BABY GRAND PIANO TO MALAYSIA!


Answer that cunundrum and we just might have a deal. I think I'd like to be Natalie's big sister, LOL.





I've been trying to get an upright out of my house for several months. It's 65" tall and very heavy.


We finally decided to hire piano movers. You can get anything done when you're willing to call in the pros. :D

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Last night in the 20's here in Northern Il - we had light snow yesterday afternoon - all the plants outside at the grocery store this morning were dead. I think the lettuce and spinach I planted a couple weeks ago will be dead from too much RAIN and the cold, too. Sigh. If the ground ever dries out enough I can reseed - am worried about the local farmers, though.

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Last night in the 20's here in Northern Il - we had light snow yesterday afternoon - all the plants outside at the grocery store this morning were dead. I think the lettuce and spinach I planted a couple weeks ago will be dead from too much RAIN and the cold, too. Sigh. If the ground ever dries out enough I can reseed - am worried about the local farmers, though.


We have had both the Cubs and the Sox cancel and reschedule games now due to COLD - if big strong MEN can't take it, little kids shouldn't have too (nor their moms!)

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OP, put on a hat. It will improve your life. Also, consider what I call a 'lobster bath.'. Put your hair up so it stays dry, then soak in hot water until you bring up your core temperature. Don't get out until you feel a bit too warm, then dress in layers, and a hat, to hold all of that glorious heat in. Space heaters are nice too.


The week before Easter, the kids had a snow day. Week before last we got some 90 degree days. Yesterday was warm, muggy, and it rained. Now it's a little bit too cool. I don't want to shut my windows so I'm under a blanket with a cold nose :-/

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Ugh...I need to visit family in Michigan and thought I could avoid the cold by going in May. Of course, this reminds me of the time we camped in northern Michigan over Memorial Day weekend and woke up to snow! At least y'all are getting some rain to recharge after last year's drought.

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My DD dreams about building a snowman, snowball fights, etc.

Enjoy the long days. Are you in Alaska?


Yes, we're in Alaska ( and loving it....this eternal winter not withstanding!) Unfortunately, our snow isn't great for snowmen or snowballs most of the time. It's too dry and fluffy. It doesn't pack well. It puts the kids in the position of the poor ancient mariner....snow, snow everywhere and not a flake to stick.......

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And why couldn't you keep that to the west of me? It is flipping cold here today - low 40s.



Perspective is such a funny thing. It was just above 40 here for part of the day and people were outside in short sleeves. I didn't bother with my coat and the kids we're gleefully announcing, "It's soooooo warm today!!!!!!!"

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Perspective is such a funny thing. It was just above 40 here for part of the day and people were outside in short sleeves. I didn't bother with my coat and the kids we're gleefully announcing, "It's soooooo warm today!!!!!!!"


37 here yesterday but the afternoon got sunny os my kids were running around in shorts and teeshirts and even I eschewed a jacket. Perspectives, indeed. :)

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Perspective is such a funny thing. It was just above 40 here for part of the day and people were outside in short sleeves. I didn't bother with my coat and the kids we're gleefully announcing, "It's soooooo warm today!!!!!!!"


I don't know. When the wind blows like it was low 40s is rather a bit cool for short sleeves. Especially when the days previous were warm enough to warm 3 feet of snow pack.

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I don't know. When the wind blows like it was low 40s is rather a bit cool for short sleeves. Especially when the days previous were warm enough to warm 3 feet of snow pack.



It was a little blustery here and in the 40's too earlier this week. And wet--which definitely adds to the chill factor. It was in the low 30's this morning, not so windy and it was sunny, so it felt warmer.

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