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Floridians, I am so sorry . . .


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We have a pair of 4ft. alligators that live by the small creek in our backyard. My neighbor tells me that they are a "couple" and sometimes they have babies! So, it's my hope that our alligator friends decide to eat them. :)



Wait! WHY are we less afraid of the alligators? I feel pretty confident that I can come away from a snail fight unscathed.

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I'm no explosives expert but isn't the state just hanging on to the rest of the US by a small amount of land. Seems like we should really look into making Florida an island. A nice island for pythons, alligators, giant snails, and cranky old people. We should keep the nice old people here but the cranky ones we can leave on the island of Florida.

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I'm no explosives expert but isn't the state just hanging on to the rest of the US by a small amount of land. Seems like we should really look into making Florida an island. A nice island for pythons, alligators, giant snails, and cranky old people. We should keep the nice old people here but the cranky ones we can leave on the island of Florida.



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I'm no explosives expert but isn't the state just hanging on to the rest of the US by a small amount of land. Seems like we should really look into making Florida an island. A nice island for pythons, alligators, giant snails, and cranky old people. We should keep the nice old people here but the cranky ones we can leave on the island of Florida.


The motion has been made and seconded. All in favor say aye...

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Wait! WHY are we less afraid of the alligators? I feel pretty confident that I can come away from a snail fight unscathed.


They don't bother anyone. They're not eating anyone's pets or small children. And every now and then Florida Fish and Wildlife comes out to monitor the situation. It's the price you pay when determining whether you want to live in a more rural area or not. The natural wildlife out here is why we chose to live here.


Sad to say, the snakes, lizards, and alligators don't bother me near as much as the palmetto bugs and wild hogs. :cool:

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They don't bother anyone. They're not eating anyone's pets or small children. And every now and then Florida Fish and Wildlife comes out to monitor the situation. It's the price you pay when determining whether you want to live in a more rural area or not. The natural wildlife out here is why we chose to live here.


Sad to say, the snakes, lizards, and alligators don't bother me near as much as the palmetto bugs and wild hogs. :cool:



I'm with you. I still have nightmares about palmetto bugs flying through the air. {{{Shiver}}}

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I'm no explosives expert but isn't the state just hanging on to the rest of the US by a small amount of land. Seems like we should really look into making Florida an island. A nice island for pythons, alligators, giant snails, and cranky old people. We should keep the nice old people here but the cranky ones we can leave on the island of Florida.



Oh Gosh yes! I really needed this laugh right about now!

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I'm never, ever going to Florida again!



I've never been. I'm not sure I even want to visit the state given the snakes, alligators, giant bugs, hurricanes, and now giant snails. Disneyland is so much better than Disney World, right?


My DD13 wants to live in Florida because she likes shells, and Florida has some nice areas for shelling. However, I'm not sure she's aware of the above list of neighbors. This is my girl who doesn't like "nature" even in this calm, nothing-too-weird state of Washington.

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They don't bother anyone. They're not eating anyone's pets or small children. And every now and then Florida Fish and Wildlife comes out to monitor the situation. It's the price you pay when determining whether you want to live in a more rural area or not. The natural wildlife out here is why we chose to live here.


Sad to say, the snakes, lizards, and alligators don't bother me near as much as the palmetto bugs and wild hogs. :cool:



ugh... left FL 15 years ago, and palmetto bugs still haunt me.

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I'm really hoping the snails stay to our south (we're in NW Florida), but so far everything that has been 'invading' has been slowly making its way north... The snails themselves don't really bother me so much - but the worms they carry that can infect humans..... UG!!!!

Alligators and snakes don't bother me at all (well, the coral snake we found in my DS's bedroom years ago - and that Animal Control had to come get- that was a bit much....), but the flying Palmetto bugs (read: cockroaches) are terrifying.

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Guest inoubliable

It should be. Maybe that would keep out those who move here only to complain about how much better it is where they came from. :D



LOL! Nancy Grace will scare you out of moving there before snakes, snails, and gators will. You know...with all the child abductions and meth in Florida. :p

(No joke, I know two people who watch that show every night and say all the time that they would NEVER move down to Florida based on how often Florida features on her show.)

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LOL! Nancy Grace will scare you out of moving there before snakes, snails, and gators will. You know...with all the child abductions and meth in Florida. :p

(No joke, I know two people who watch that show every night and say all the time that they would NEVER move down to Florida based on how often Florida features on her show.)



I didn't know she picks on Florida! I know there was a case a few years ago in Orlando where the mother was a suspect. After Grace interviewed her she committed suicide and the family blamed Nancy Grace. I never even heard of her before that, nor have I heard much about her since. If she's scaring families away from moving here, we'll just keep getting more and more retirees*. :tongue_smilie:


*Yes I know. We'll all be old some day if we're fortunate enough to have a long life. Still, you need young people to keep an economy going. And to smash the snails. :D

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Guest inoubliable

I didn't know she picks on Florida! I know there was a case a few years ago in Orlando where the mother was a suspect. After Grace interviewed her she committed suicide and the family blamed Nancy Grace. I never even heard of her before that, nor have I heard much about her since. If she's scaring families away from moving here, we'll just keep getting more and more retirees*. :tongue_smilie:


*Yes I know. We'll all be old some day if we're fortunate enough to have a long life. Still, you need young people to keep an economy going. And to smash the snails. :D


Not sure if she picks the cases she goes after or not, but seriously FL seems to come up often. I remember watching when that Casey Anthony thing went down. Wowzers. Weeks and weeks of it on her show. And then there was that other little girl in FL right after she wound down on the Anthony case. I stopped watching after that. Crazy. Didn't y'all have that face-eating guy, too? Uh... I'll stop there. :leaving:


I've got an uncle and aunt in Loxahatchee. I have on idea where that is. They say it's lovely. With almost no gators. Maybe it's time for a visit. I'll smash some snails while I'm there. :p

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You can always do what you can do with gators and snakes...eat them!



No kidding! I've been musing over this thread title thinking there's likely not much here that Emeril LaGasse couldn't cure with a few good recipes.


Of course, you have to keep in mind I grew up in the swamps and have eaten my fair share of alligator and marinated snails.


Never eaten snake but I'm thinking roasted over a campfire with some Montreal steak seasoning might be the way to go.


Sorry if anyone finds this comment shocking. What really needs to happen is serious pet trade reform and über stiff penalties for people who release non-indigent species into the wild. Yeah, roasted over a campfire again comes to mind...

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I always thought NC was wonderful, until we had the opportunity to live across the street from the Gulf of Mexico in the panhandle of NW FL. This was bliss, pure joy. Except on the first night there, a foot long millipede crawled across the white tile living room floor. AAAAAAAHHHHHHH! I had never seen one. I am not sure I even knew they exist. Still, millipedes, alligators, snails, and all - I'd head back there in a skinny minute!

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I always thought NC was wonderful, until we had the opportunity to live across the street from the Gulf of Mexico in the panhandle of NW FL. This was bliss, pure joy. Except on the first night there, a foot long millipede crawled across the white tile living room floor. AAAAAAAHHHHHHH! I had never seen one. I am not sure I even knew they exist. Still, millipedes, alligators, snails, and all - I'd head back there in a skinny minute!

I think I might faint!!! :svengo:

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