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Beat my crazy neighbor story....


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At my old house, the backyards were the size of a postage stamp--really small! Our neighbors next door had 2 dogs. One Sunday, we left for 3 hours. We came home and the neighbor with the dogs had put out SEVEN bird feeders. No bird feeders, 3 hours later, seven. The next Sunday we left again, again for 3 hours. We got home and there were NO bird feeders. Coockoo.

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:smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5:


People are whackos. Our former neighbor called the MP's at 4:30 am to complain that our a/c was too loud. The MP said he didn't hear anything, but he still had to investigate. In protests of our 'loud' a/c, they slept outside in a tent for 2 weeks. :confused: I'm not sure how that was quieter.

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My neighbor says that she leaves her windows cracked in her vehicles April through October so that if it gets too hot they won't explode. ???????? We live where it can get hot in July-August, but not that hot. Crazy. When she told me this, I was looking at her like she had antennas coming out of her forehead. What the..................? LOL She was dead serious.

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Our former neighbor (the local high school principal) once shot a confetti rocket in his yard. However, the wind blew it all over our yard/house. DH went over to complain, so the neighbor brought his shop-vac over and vacuumed our yard. We still find bits of confetti in the dirt...seven years later.

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At my old house, the backyards were the size of a postage stamp--really small! Our neighbors next door had 2 dogs. One Sunday, we left for 3 hours. We came home and the neighbor with the dogs had put out SEVEN bird feeders. No bird feeders, 3 hours later, seven. The next Sunday we left again, again for 3 hours. We got home and there were NO bird feeders. Coockoo.


That sounds like it should be a Flannery O'Connor story. How bizarre!

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I think my neighbors think we are the wacky neighbors. Homeschooling, pitbull owners, survival of the fittest landscaping, keep to ourselves because we think all of our neighbors are whacko.



That sounds exactly like us! I think we'd make GREAT neighbors!

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We had a neighbor that would call the police on us if we walked up our stairs too loudly. If she thought we were being too noisy she would start slamming her cabinet doors and banging on the walls. It would last for hours. She also called the police on the neighbor boy because he peed outside. Once she called the police because she thought we rang her door bell. After she called the police on the five year old for looking at her rose bush we learned never even look in the direction of her yard or the police would for sure be at our door step. Thankfully they would just laugh about it. They knew it was just the neighbor being crazy. We lived in a duplex and she lived on the other side.

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Yes it goes with the secret listening device she says we own so that we can hear her in her house, her calling about the car parked facing her house with a camera taping her residence(unmarked narc car with a blue light in the window), the garbage men made a mess outside of her house, the neighbor on the other side pushed snow into the street and didn't clean it up(he was still plowing), and the ever popular "my dogs had a good sense of who is good and who is bad and you antagonize them by telling them to stop barking".

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I am going to use this excuse with the IRS on why I couldn't do my taxes.


Well since I understand they have issues paying bills on time that may very well be the case! I didn't even think of it until you said that! I'm not sure what is more unsettling. The deviousness of that scam or the paranoid nature of the claim!

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kewb, on 08 April 2013 - 12:03 PM, said:

I think my neighbors think we are the wacky neighbors. Homeschooling, pitbull owners, survival of the fittest landscaping, keep to ourselves because we think all of our neighbors are whacko.



That sounds exactly like us! I think we'd make GREAT neighbors!



We don't really have many neighbors, but y'all sound about like us. The weird homeschool family, pitbull owners and too involved in religion. We were walking our male pit a couple days ago down the road. A guy's dog charged to the edge of his yard growling. The man decided to yell at us, about our pit and threaten that we better not let him go. His dog was being aggressive and not Ina yard or on a leash. I'm just glad he got the dog inside before it came into the street.

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My neighbor the ho, who has subdivided her basement and garage and regularly has six male tenants by the month, was fined by the town for consistently not shoveling lots of snow off her sidewalk. She gave the sob story to an unmarried male neighbor, who is a kind person and removed five inches of snow for her the next time. She had many complaints about the noise and the location of the snow pile that she attempted to share with the other neighbors, whose kids normally have to walk on top of her icy, messy sidewalk so they don't get run over on the way to school. I guess the noise disturbed her beauty sleep.


The rocket story is familiar. Same neighbor does a party every summer where she shoots off hundreds of bottle rockets onto the neighbors cars. She could shoot them into the clear, but then the debris would land in her yard.

Heigh Ho has a Neighbor Ho? I can't decide if that makes me think of the 7 dwarves singing, or Tim Taylor's neighbor, Wilson.

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From an officers mouth to my ears:

My neighbor called the police to her house and claimed someone had broken into her residence and rearranged the files in her filing cabinet. :huh: This is what I have lived next to for 8 years.



So that's what happened to my filing cabinet! They've been here, too!

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From an officers mouth to my ears:

My neighbor called the police to her house and claimed someone had broken into her residence and rearranged the files in her filing cabinet. :huh: This is what I have lived next to for 8 years.



So that's what happened to my filing cabinet! They've been here, too!

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From an officers mouth to my ears:

My neighbor called the police to her house and claimed someone had broken into her residence and rearranged the files in her filing cabinet. :huh: This is what I have lived next to for 8 years.



I feel better now.


Years ago, when I had trouble sleeping I ended up downstairs reading late one night. Pretty soon a repetitive noise caught my attention -- it sounded just like a small child whimpering "Mama". It would repeat every so often, and for the life of me I couldn't place where it was coming from. I checked upstairs several times -- all quiet, DH and kids all sound asleep. I looked everywhere, and couldn't figure out what was making this plaintive sound. When I stood by the front living room windows I heard it -- it sounded like it was right outside.


At this point I was getting a little freaked. I was short on sleep, and had received a spam email warning earlier in the day warning about a ploy crooks would use, in which they'd play the sound of a crying baby outside a residence to lure people into opening the door. I KNEW this was an urban legend. I had reassured coworkers that it was an urban legend. But the sound wouldn't stop and I couldn't explain it after 2 hours of searching.


So I called the cops. I looked up the number to police dispatch, got a recording referring after-hours callers to the sheriff's department and called their dispatch. (I didn't want to call 911 on what was probably a false alarm.) I explained about the noise, and the urban legend that I KNEW was an urban legend, and asked them if they would please just send someone to check outside and make sure there really wasn't some small child outside crying for his Mama. The dispatcher very nicely said they'd be happy to come check, and asked me to call back if police didn't show up within a few minutes.


Within 2 minutes there were cop cars with search lights searching my street and all of the surrounding streets. They were nice and quiet, but thorough. I watched the show quietly from inside, both relieved to have someone checking, and really embarrassed about having called about a mysterious noise.


Dispatch called back after they searched thoroughly, asking if I would like an officer to stop in. I told her we seemed fine and I had small children asleep, and said that the checking seemed to have gotten rid of the noise. I didn't hear it. We hung up after I thanked her for the prompt response (she said it was a slow night and they appreciated having something to check out), and I prepared to go upstairs to bed.


And I heard the noise again.




I promptly went upstairs, crawled into bed beside DH, and waited for the alarm clock to ring.


When it did I told him about the events of the night. I asked him to go downstairs and listen to see if he could hear anything. He heard nothing, he said, when he had checked. I was exhausted, so he said he'd take the girls to school for me. I had a day off work, so I went to bed and slept.


Later that afternoon, after he was home from work and I had picked up the girls from school we were going past the front room when I heard the sound again. "THAT WAS IT! PLEASE TELL ME YOU HEARD THAT!" "What sound?" *mama* "THAT ONE! IT SAID 'MAMA'!"


"What, that? That's the hard drive on my computer booting up."




#**(&(%$%$#*&$^&*$^@$$^%(&(!!!!!!! DH has his desk right between those front windows. Where and WHY did he manage to get a hard drive that would say 'Mama'?!?


I had called the cops because my DH can never let a computer lay idle.


:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:




So, do I top your neighbor?

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I have so many crazy neighbors, I am bound to sound like a troll. We live in a nice neighborhood that happens to have its fair share of crazies. Every once in a while, on trash day, the cans sit in front of our house for four hours or so. When they do, I am guaranteed to get "white trash" yelled at me when I go to bring them in by one of the two women who live three houses down. They have self-proclaimed issues with anyone who doesn't race to the curb the second the trash truck arrives. Lovely.


Another neighbor, in his sixties, was caught trying to break into dh's vehicle and regularly rollerblades in full hockey gear up and down the street while walking his dog. He does other more bizarre things but these are the nicest I could mention.


Still another prays loudly for our souls whenever he sees us, due to the fact that we decorate the house for holidays. Yes, he has told us this. It is especially comical because he prides himself in looking "exactly like Santa Claus."


We do have sane neighbors as well, thankfully. :)

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From an officers mouth to my ears:

My neighbor called the police to her house and claimed someone had broken into her residence and rearranged the files in her filing cabinet. :huh: This is what I have lived next to for 8 years.



Sounds like Sheldon Cooper was tidying up her files for her. Maybe her neighbors had a party and needed something for Sheldon to do.



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I had a neighbour call the police on me because My toilet lid was too noisy when I put it down. another neighbour use to throw people up and down the stairs every saturday night around 3am. The worst was the woman who had very noisy tea parties from about 10pm to 8 am every night. That was awful.

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I had a neighbour call the police on me because My toilet lid was too noisy when I put it down. another neighbour use to throw people up and down the stairs every saturday night around 3am. The worst was the woman who had very noisy tea parties from about 10pm to 8 am every night. That was awful.



I'm afraid to ask, but what kind of "tea" parties make loud noise all night long?

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Mine calls the town to complain that the neighbor's composter (sold by the town) is attracting rats. Not her 15 bird feeders in the small lot but the enclosed composter. It resorted to the neighbor filming rats hanging off her feeders. She calls the police on every neighbor here and we all can't stand her. She is beyond crazy. It is so bad that she had a deck built to look into the neighbor's yard to see if he was doing anything wrong.

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We don't really have many neighbors, but y'all sound about like us. The weird homeschool family, pitbull owners and too involved in religion. We were walking our male pit a couple days ago down the road. A guy's dog charged to the edge of his yard growling. The man decided to yell at us, about our pit and threaten that we better not let him go. His dog was being aggressive and not Ina yard or on a leash. I'm just glad he got the dog inside before it came into the street.


Seriously, waht is that about. I have that kind of experience all the time. My boy is just walking along happy as a clam and someone else's dog starts barking and lunging at me and my dog and then they yell at me that my dog is vicious. Umm, my dog is standing here wagging his tail yours is the one behaving in the aggressive way.

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I had to switch bedrooms with my daughter when she was 10 when we lived in a place with a young adult (I use that term loosely) living over us who would have "tea parties" with her boyfriend at 2 am. That wasn't our worst neightbor.


Our worst neighbor was living next to us in a trailer park. He had a karaoke machine and was talking into it loudly saying "I am satan." They were also selling drugs out of their trailer ... and apparently taking them themselves as well.

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I just realized I do have a wacky neighbor story. I honestly believe my neighbor waits until we are done shoveling our walk and driveway and go back inside before he will come out with his snowblower and do his walkway. I am in the house about 2 minutes before I hear his snowblower start up. I think he watches and waits. As if I would ask him to do our walkway. The only conversation we have had since they moved in 6 years ago was right after they moved in. I said "welcome to the neighborhood." They said "Thanks." We wave if we are outside at the same time. Clearly I give off some vibe that shouts I expect you to help me with your snowblower.


My other neighbor actually does do our walkway when there is a snowstorm. He has a monster snowblower. I bake him cookies. It works for us.

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When I first moved up to the area for college, I moved to a gross, cheap efficiency apartment in a gross, scary building. My next door neighbor was a crazy guy who would bang on my wall whenever I made any sound. He could also tell when I had left my apartment, and he would wait until the exact moment I walked by his door (he would look out the peephole, I guess. I had no way out other than walking by his door.) and BANG against his door as hard as he could. Then he would laugh and laugh as I would jump. He occasionally called me names through the door or wall. It was so incredibly creepy. I never did see him, but he had a trashy lady friend who would come visit him and they would have a screamin' good time iykwim :ack2: . He eventually started stealing my mail after a couple of months (we had unlocked boxes) and I just had to move out. Fortunately, my landlord had another apartment available elsewhere so he allowed me to break my lease on that one.


I was such a naive kid! The whole thing was such a weird experience and I really should have called the police on him, but I was afraid to. I was an 18 year old 100 lb thing who knew almost no one in the city and had grown up (without cable! :-P) in a Mayberry-esque farm town. I had no idea.

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The neighbor kid on one side of us ripped up my tulips with such force he pulled the bulbs out of the ground. The parents laughed in our faces when we went over to talk to them.


Same neighbors have loud tea parties so it is best to keep the windows on our side of the house that face theirs shut.


The guy on the other side of our house likes to rev up his muscle car in his driveway which is a tad annoying.


But the best one is the people directly across the street who had the SWAT team kick in their back door for a raid. They have since moved on.


It is not that bad - but I have to admit - having a house in the middle of 10 acres does sound appealing.

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I think my neighbors think we are the wacky neighbors. Homeschooling, pitbull owners, survival of the fittest landscaping, keep to ourselves because we think all of our neighbors are whacko.


That sounds exactly like us! I think we'd make GREAT neighbors!

We don't really have many neighbors, but y'all sound about like us. The weird homeschool family, pitbull owners and too involved in religion. We were walking our male pit a couple days ago down the road. A guy's dog charged to the edge of his yard growling. The man decided to yell at us, about our pit and threaten that we better not let him go. His dog was being aggressive and not Ina yard or on a leash. I'm just glad he got the dog inside before it came into the street.


Sounds like you all would fit in perfectly around here! I'm the crazy lady who walks her horses instead of riding them, has a pitbull and a great dane/mastiff, not to mention the cocker spaniels, and to top it all off I homeschool. People regularly call me from their cars when they come to my place because they won't step out of their vehicles with the dogs looking at them.

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The rocket story is familiar. Same neighbor does a party every summer where she shoots off hundreds of bottle rockets onto the neighbors cars. She could shoot them into the clear, but then the debris would land in her yard.


I hit a nun on the head with a bottle rocket when I was a kid. I grew up in a city, on an alley that opened out onto the local Catholic church complex complete with convent. The nun and all of her nun sisters were out drinking beer and watching the neighborhood fireworks with everyone else. Good thing I didn't attend the Catholic school there.....

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I just realized I do have a wacky neighbor story. I honestly believe my neighbor waits until we are done shoveling our walk and driveway and go back inside before he will come out with his snowblower and do his walkway. I am in the house about 2 minutes before I hear his snowblower start up. I think he watches and waits. As if I would ask him to do our walkway. The only conversation we have had since they moved in 6 years ago was right after they moved in. I said "welcome to the neighborhood." They said "Thanks." We wave if we are outside at the same time. Clearly I give off some vibe that shouts I expect you to help me with your snowblower.


My other neighbor actually does do our walkway when there is a snowstorm. He has a monster snowblower. I bake him cookies. It works for us.


I bet my neighbors think I'm wacky. One for the homeschooling thing, but also because I have symptoms of social anxiety and mild agoraphobia. More than once I've seen someone outside clearing snow and thought I should go out and do mine too. But I won't do it while they are out there, so I wait until I see they are finished and have gone back inside their house, before going out. I have huge front windows with sheer curtains which I can see out of from my living room, so it's not like I'm spying or anything. I do, however, realize that waiting for them to finish isn't rational behavior. :o On the other hand, I'm certainly one of the quietest neighbors on the street and they don't have to worry about me getting into their business. :D

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I think my neighbors think we are the wacky neighbors. Homeschooling, pitbull owners, survival of the fittest landscaping, keep to ourselves because we think all of our neighbors are whacko.


:rofl: This is my new favorite concept!

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Our neighbors have huge parties once or twice a year. There have been drunken breakups outside my windows. My children have found panties on the lawn and they have strippers at every party. Kindly enough they built a gazebo that is sort of enclosed so we can not see the strippers from our side.


Amber in SJ

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The house across the street, on the corner used to be the Outlaw motorcycle gang clubhouse. They bought a bigger space on the north side of town and moved a couple of years ago. It's not bad there, but definitely noisier than when they were there....partly because they weren't there often. A few time a year both sides of our block and the large parking lot next to us would be filled with Harleys. It was quite the scene/sound when they got ready to go.

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we have lived on the whackiest street in our neighborhood.


we live in a REALLY nice area. but our street is like known to the police.


we became a Hatsfield and Mccoy street a couple of years back. One Sunday there were 9 police officer visits, the reason the neighbors who had quite a few visitors because their mother was dying, another neighbor called and complained about the cars, WHICH IN NO WAY was inhibiting their movement on the culdsac street.


Another neighbor passed in Dec, her house will probably have to be torn down it is so damaged with termites and water damage, The mice are overrunning things. she was also a hoarder.


the neighbor who's mom was dying had members in that family accusing another neighbor of poisoning the mom causing her death.


Another neighbor's son is probably a drug dealer. The police were there this last week. it wasn't anyone from that family but evidently a friend who was being chased by the police pulled into his house. The drug dogs hit on the car but nothing ws found.



Oh yeah the Hastfield and Mccoy thing resulted in neighbors counter suing each other or something. Dh and another neighbor went to court once. things had been postponed. The judge though was like OH the Jerry Springer case.


there are 7 houses on this street, and right now 2 are empty.

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we have lived on the whackiest street in our neighborhood.


we live in a REALLY nice area. but our street is like known to the police.


we became a Hatsfield and Mccoy street a couple of years back. One Sunday there were 9 police officer visits, the reason the neighbors who had quite a few visitors because their mother was dying, another neighbor called and complained about the cars, WHICH IN NO WAY was inhibiting their movement on the culdsac street.


Another neighbor passed in Dec, her house will probably have to be torn down it is so damaged with termites and water damage, The mice are overrunning things. she was also a hoarder.


the neighbor who's mom was dying had members in that family accusing another neighbor of poisoning the mom causing her death.


Another neighbor's son is probably a drug dealer. The police were there this last week. it wasn't anyone from that family but evidently a friend who was being chased by the police pulled into his house. The drug dogs hit on the car but nothing ws found.



Oh yeah the Hastfield and Mccoy thing resulted in neighbors counter suing each other or something. Dh and another neighbor went to court once. things had been postponed. The judge though was like OH the Jerry Springer case.


there are 7 houses on this street, and right now 2 are empty.

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at one duplex, we had to trade bedrooms with the kids after one of them woke up screaming and crying that something was coming through the wall next to her. It was the single girl next door having a teA party with some guy. I was tempted to tell her that her bed needs fixing. We dealt with her bed trying to come through the wall till she moved out.

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I hit a nun on the head with a bottle rocket when I was a kid. I grew up in a city, on an alley that opened out onto the local Catholic church complex complete with convent. The nun and all of her nun sisters were out drinking beer and watching the neighborhood fireworks with everyone else. Good thing I didn't attend the Catholic school there.....



Oooooo, you're in troubllllllllllllle....


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In our last house (which was in a nice, suburban neighborhood), we lived across the street from an older couple whose grown sons lived with them when they weren't in jail. We would leave for church many a Sunday morning with the mom running barefoot down the street and a son yelling obscenities at her. There were forever cars pulling up in front of their house, stopping while someone came out to meet it, and then driving on (of course this stopped when both sons were in jail at the same time).


One night, we heard shots fired about 8:00 pm. All the sudden, the street was flood with police cars and they started taping of the whole street (not particularly long street) with police tape. News helicopters and life flight started flying overhead. Apparently, the police went to serve a warrant on one of the sons and he pulled a gun on the officer. The officer shot him. As far as I know, he lived, but we moved shortly after so I don't know what became of him. I would like to hope that he's still in jail, but who knows.

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