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Should I???


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If the logistics can be worked out for your family, then do it. Pharms are in increasing demand and there is no reason to think that's going to drop off with an increasingly aging and medicated population.


You might also like to read John Holt (yes, of homeschool fame) book "Never Too Late" about taking up the cello "late" in life.

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Oh honey. Too old at 30? You're a baby! :) I'm 48 and thinking of getting my master's degree in English so I can teach at community college. I'll do it slowly and be over 50 when I finish, but as a pp said, I'll be over 50 regardless of what I do between now and then.


If you can manage it with your family, go for it!

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I encourage you to do it. I'm 50 now and am a pharmacist. I took time out to raise and homeschool my boys. The education I had as a pharmacist was very valuable in homeschooling my kids. I have taken boards in my new state and am now licensed to go back to work if I so choose. Pharmacy is an extremely flexible field. You're still young :)

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Oh honey. Too old at 30? You're a baby! :) I'm 48 and thinking of getting my master's degree in English so I can teach at community college. I'll do it slowly and be over 50 when I finish, but as a pp said, I'll be over 50 regardless of what I do between now and then.


If you can manage it with your family, go for it!



I agree. I'm 49 and just started back to school.

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I really want to go to school to be a pharmacist. I am a certified pharmacy technician and have looked at the requirements do be a pharmacist. I will be 30 in April and was wondering if you would think its too late to Presue this dream? I wiod essentially be starting from scratch class wise.


My dd is currently in a pharmD program. there are pharm techs pursing a pharmD in her program who are older than you now. (and some have kids.) she thought it ironic that most of the pre-req's can be taken in two years. you don't actually need a bachelor's degree, though it might improve your chances of getting in. (we were rolling when she had to take a class on public speaking as a pre-req that was not met in her undergrad program. talk about overkill.)


contact the pharmD schools where you would like to attened to see what you would need to do before you apply/and take the PCAT.


the pharmD program my dd is in is four years - three of classes (with internship hours), and one year of full internship.

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My mom started law school when I, her youngest, was in first grade. She was 37ish. Graduated at 41ish.


She had a fantastic 25+ year career, made plenty of $$ to take care of and spoil her kids, and retired happy and with the satisfaction of a great career.


It's definitely not too late. If you want it, and you want/need to work, go for it.

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Thanks for the support :) I'm thinking 6 to 7 years total with prereqs and actual school. Looking at going to Delta college for the prereqs and Ferris for actual Pharmacy school :)


Good for you! One thing I would suggest if you are able to is try to set up time to talk with someone from the pharmacy school at Ferris before you start on your two year school. They may be able to tell you some pitfalls to avoid and give you an idea what you need to shoot for as far as GPA. I advised a pharmacy student to do this last year and she found out some of the advice she'd been given by well meaning community college advisers was totally wrong - so getting the right advice saved her some time and money.

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I really want to go to school to be a pharmacist. I am a certified pharmacy technician and have looked at the requirements do be a pharmacist. I will be 30 in April and was wondering if you would think its too late to Presue this dream? I wiod essentially be starting from scratch class wise.



Too late? Are you kidding? It's never too late. If this is your dream and you can work it into your life, do it.

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It depends on a lot of factors.


Does going to school work into your schedule?

What will you have to give up to go to school full time?

Are the schools local? What will it cost you to relocate if not?

If you are married, will you spouse help with the kids for you to study or take classes? It is important for you to have a serious discussion about what his/her role will be and what they are willing to do/not do.

Do you like school?


Once you become a pharmacist how will you handle the stress? I am a pharmacy tech also, so I understand that you have a good idea of what your job will be, but have you considered the personal ramifications of the work load/stress of being the final check?


Do you work now? If you do, how will the decreased income during school years affect your family?


At what point will you break even on the cost of lost working years, paying for school/interest accrued and expences? After that point, how many years will you have to earn income? Is it worth it to you?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Does anyone have any idea where to look for scholarships for pharmacy school? I have checked the school's website and got a few ideas there and have fastweb but would like more. Oh and I have filled out FAFSA (plan on starting in the fall at Delta for prereqs)


I think most of the ones available are through the schools. My dil has one that is through the Cherokee Nation. If you have any American Indian you might qualify for some scholarships. She also has several through various organizations but those were through the school as well (NCPA, etc.). The only outside scholarship she has found has been the Cherokee Nation one.

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Does anyone have any idea where to look for scholarships for pharmacy school? I have checked the school's website and got a few ideas there and have fastweb but would like more. Oh and I have filled out FAFSA (plan on starting in the fall at Delta for prereqs)


We're looking for scholarships here too. Have you tried community scholarships? Your/dh employer? Electric co-op? Local civic groups? Heritage groups?


Good luck with your search!

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I really want to go to school to be a pharmacist. I am a certified pharmacy technician and have looked at the requirements do be a pharmacist. I will be 30 in April and was wondering if you would think its too late to Presue this dream? I wiod essentially be starting from scratch class wise.


Yes. You are too old for anything, other than the rocking chair.




Of course you can do it at ANY age! Thirty is SO young.


To be 30 again.....

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I will be 30 in April and was wondering if you would think its too late to Presue this dream? I wiod essentially be starting from scratch class wise.

I'll share what a wise friend told me when I was talking with her about getting my Masters. I was bemoaning the fact that I would be over 50 when I finally finished. She replied, "Either way, you'll be over 50. Is it worth the time it takes to live your dream?"


Either way, you'll be 30 some day. And 30 isn't too old to have a dream, :)

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Why are text books so expensive? And why do they cost so much more at the college than on Amazon???? Grr between gas,books and supplies its going to be a killer (I'm thinking though after this first semester supplies will be cheaper well until pharmacy school anyway)

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I really want to go to school to be a pharmacist. I am a certified pharmacy technician and have looked at the requirements do be a pharmacist. I will be 30 in April and was wondering if you would think its too late to Presue this dream? I wiod essentially be starting from scratch class wise.


"Too late" at 30? Don't tell my aunt, who earned her Master's degree at age 70 earlier this year.


If you're passionate about this, GO FOR IT.



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