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Would you be offended?


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My older sister called yesterday to say that she heard from mom that our younger sister is engaged. I am hurt and think little sister should have called to tell me this herself. The three of us have always been really close friends, but little sis is currently living abroad and hasn't been great at keeping in touch. Would you be offended?

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I'd be hurt. But I don't know that I'd be offended. Lil sis probably is wrapped up in the me stage of all of this. AND she didn't call her other sister either did she? So it's not just you. I'd cut her some slack and keep just trying to stay in touch with her even if it is one sided. She'll appreciate it one day.

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Nope, in my family it would be normal to someone to call just one relative and expect that the word would "get around" - especially if the person was overseas. An engagement isn't exactly an emergency that needs to be acted on right away. There will be plenty of time to congratulation your sister before the wedding most likely.

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Maybe she was planning to tell you herself and didn't get a chance yet? My sister lives overseas, and it's sometimes a challenge to coordinate our schedules and account for the time difference. We Skype when we can and extend each other plenty of grace for birthday wishes and just generally keeping in touch. I'm sorry your feelings were hurt, but I would try to focus on good wishes and congratulations for your sister.

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I wish I could say I wouldn't be, because it seems more mature, but yeah--I'd be hurt. I'd want the fun of hearing her voice and asking questions and having that fun conversation. I would wonder why she didn't also want to have the conversation with me.


I called a friend once to encourage her while she was overdue for her 2nd baby to be born. I said, "Hang in there! That baby will be here soon!" She had to interrupt me to say, "Um, the baby was born a week ago. Didn't anyone tell you?" Um, no. I had thought she would tell me. This was the month after my 2nd baby was born and I called her about 3 hours after he arrived. I was completely shocked to realize that while she was on my "call right away" list, I didn't even make her "call within a week" list. It made me seriously doubt the strength of the friendship.


Eh. I guess not everyone feels that way--about wanting to hear of big news first hand from a beloved sister or dear friend--but I sure do.

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My older sister called yesterday to say that she heard from mom that our younger sister is engaged. I am hurt and think little sister should have called to tell me this herself. The three of us have always been really close friends, but little sis is currently living abroad and hasn't been great at keeping in touch. Would you be offended?

I would not be offended. I would think little sister isn't old enough to get married if she can't be bothered to tell both of her sisters herself.


eta: I do not consider the time diffrence a valid excuse. she could have dropped an e-mail to be read at everyones leisure.

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I would not be offended. I would think little sister isn't old enough to get married if she can't be bothered to tell both of her sisters herself.


Seriously? I didn't tell anyone but my mom and dad. They then told my siblings and extended family. Dh told his parents, and they in turn told the rest of his family. We've been happily married for 15 years. I really don't think this is something that speaks to their readiness to get married.

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No, do not be offended. It's really not an important enough issue.


Would it have been fun to squeal and giggle with her about it? Sure.


However, she really hasn't wronged you in any way, nor has she committed any great sin. Choose to be happy for her, to chatter excitedly with her about it whenever that time comes, and save your hurt feelings for bigger issues.

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Since communication with her has not been great since living abroad, I will not be offended. If she had been communicating quite well and did not say anything abut it, I will be slightly put out but will get over it. People express themselves in different ways and I am learning to take people as they are. Hope you are able to congratulate her soon and rejoice with her.

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life's too short to be offended. but i'd sure be paying attention. three of my four daughters get regular updates on my current medical stuff all the time.... because they speak with me each day. one daughter calls once a week. she isn't as in the loop. she would be if we spoke more often. so in the "the only person i can change is myself" department, i'd be thinking that if i wanted to know what was going on in my sister's life, i'd work on calling her myself more often. then the relationship and the opportunity for communication would make it a natural thing for me to be "in the loop".




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I wouldn't think anything of it.



:iagree: I have three younger sisters and this would not be incredibly unusual in my family, even though I talk to them on the phone often. Implying immaturity, selfishness or any of that seems downright crazy to me. Not everyone has the same need to share that info with everyone they know instantly and personally.

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I wouldn't. But, my mom informed us she got married again via email. Seriously. She did that to her kids. I mean, I know she wanted a 'low key' wedding (they had been living together for over 10 years) but an email? I was annoyed for about 5 mins and then I was happy for her.


Don't let it bother you, ok? Your sister lives far away and that is hard on relationships. My DH's sister moved to Japan and they only saw her rarely. She did call her parents every couple weeks and that was how we got news. She had four kids and we always found out a few weeks late, thanks to my ILs being slow about sharing news. My dh's sister died a couple years ago from breast cancer. She was in Japan when it happened.


I guess I am saying, when people are far away it can be easy to make a big deal out of things that in hindsight are small. Call your sister and tell her how happy you are for her. Don't be offended.

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I would get most info through my mother or stepmother. It usually filters through though sometimes I would like to hear a bit earlier (they sometimes don't realise how fond i was of the person who died etc).


If you have always been extremely close and told each other everything straight away being disappointed seems reasonable though.

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Nope, not unless sis never emails you herself. Well meaning parents can step on toes and steal thunder without realizing it (as I think about my MIL rushing to tell my husband our youngest was born instead of waiting the 5 minutes it would take for me to clean up and call him myself. To say I was a bit put out was an understatement).

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Seriously? I didn't tell anyone but my mom and dad. They then told my siblings and extended family. Dh told his parents, and they in turn told the rest of his family. We've been happily married for 15 years. I really don't think this is something that speaks to their readiness to get married.



honestly - it depends upon the family. but if they are used to hearing what's going on in family members lives *from the person, not some other family member*, then yeah, I'd wonder about why she couldn't be bothered to share it herself. op says her family is close - so yes, I would see it as a poor reflection on her sister's maturity that she was "too busy" to share something of such significance.


I shared things with my mom - and they got out that way. that's how our family operated, but I also don't come from a close family. My adult children, who are all close to each other, share with me- and I allow them the privledge of sharing their important milestones with their siblings and not deny them that perk of acheivement. (and if that means I say ' you need to talk to your brother . . . ' i do.)


and I'm celebrating my 31st anniversary in six weeks . . . .and I don't see how that is any more relevant to my opinion.

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My sister who lives overseas called me on Friday, 29 Feb 2008 to tell me she was getting married that day! And that I was lucky to know beforehand, because she was telling everyone else that evening at what they thought was her birthday party.

My other sister and her family happened to be visiting and also found out that morning. They got to attend the civil ceremony :)

This was sister's second marriage and she had been living with her husband-to-be for a while, but there was no engagement announcement.

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I would assume that she meant to tell you herself, but Mom got to you before she did. I would choose to not be offended.

I agree. I would think, given the geography, that she would call your mom and let the news spread from there.


I don't think it's self centered so much as efficient.

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Seriously? I didn't tell anyone but my mom and dad. They then told my siblings and extended family. Dh told his parents, and they in turn told the rest of his family. We've been happily married for 15 years. I really don't think this is something that speaks to their readiness to get married.

Gosh, it never occurred to me to tell my sibs. Of course, they were brothers, not sisters, so maybe that's the difference.

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I would not be offended. I would think little sister isn't old enough to get married if she can't be bothered to tell both of her sisters herself.


eta: I do not consider the time diffrence a valid excuse. she could have dropped an e-mail to be read at everyones leisure.



She's not mature enough to get married if she didn't call each of her sisters herself? That really has nothing to do with maturity level. There are a million reasons why she didn't call. It could have been some sort of deliberate dig, or it could have just been some sort of logistical thing. And just maybe, she thought word would spread and it wasn't that big a deal.


There are so many other things in life to get offended about, I wouldn't bother with this.

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