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Breastfeeding is the equivalent of.....


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master----tion (self-gratification). It's equivalent to a man taking.down.his.pants. and playing.with.himself.in.public.


Yep, that's what one of my students told me today.


She thinks bfing should be outlawed.


I have to admit I was quite shocked. I had never heard this particular comparison before by someone so young (17yo). Or by anyone for that matter.


It made for an interesting afternoon.

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Then she's clearly never breastfed a child. :smilielol5: And just exactly what would have been her solution to the survival of the species before the invention of baby formula????? I don't even want to know how she came up with that idea or the kind of carp thinking she's been exposed to in her home life.

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.I had never heard this particular comparison before by someone so young (17yo). Or by anyone for that matter.



It was mentioned in the romance section of either MSNnews, usatoday or whatever because I read of breastfeeding being arou*ing before. Considering that I read The other side of midnight ( Sidney Sheldon) from the school library at 8th grade, I am not shock by what a 17 year old might have read in gossip news.



Found "gossip" that she might have read




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And you said............



After a brief moment while I tried to think of a mature, professional response one of the other students came to my rescue. We had completed the section on research methods on Tues and so creating experiments was fresh in their minds. This enterprising young man thought we should conduct an experiment in which we have a mom breastfeed and a man do you-know-what in public and survey passersby to determine whichbehavior is more inappropriate or if they are equivalent.


The conversation then turned back to ethics and IRBs and I was able to swing it back around to norms, folkways, mores and taboos.


(wiping sweat from my brow)


Oh yeah, he volunteered to be the male subject in the experiment. :glare:

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After a brief moment while I tried to think of a mature, professional response one of the other students came to my rescue. We had completed the section on research methods on Tues and so creating experiments was fresh in their minds. This enterprising young man thought we should conduct an experiment in which we have a mom breastfeed and a man do you-know-what in public and survey passersby to determine whichbehavior is more inappropriate or if they are equivalent.


The conversation then turned back to ethics and IRBs and I was able to swing it back around to norms, folkways, mores and taboos.


(wiping sweat from my brow)


Oh yeah, he volunteered to be the male subject in the experiment. :glare:



Well that was certainly generous of him.

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I have heard that comparison before. its really sad. People in this country do not recognize that breastfeeding is the normal way to feed a child, and they do not realize that breasts have a much more important purpose than being use as second base. oh, and baby should be eating fast food like everyone else? idk.

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I used to say that "if they were old enough to ask for it, they are too old."


Then I actually had one (a kid) who learned to read before he weaned. :laugh:



Yep! That sounds like something I would have said... and probably did. Nursed all four and two of them were well into toddler-hood before they (voluntarily) weaned.

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Well, you know, there was that release of oxytocin during breastfeeding that I remember enjoying . . . so maybe the student is right . . .


I belonged to LLL and we had a nurse-in at a Burger King after the manager asked a nursing mom to breastfeed her infant in the gross, cramped bathroom.


Some people are really ignorant.

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Ha! That vid was hilarious! LMBO


As for that silly little girl, maybe when she gets a bit of actually reality experience under her belt she will be more enlightened and look back on this comment as horribly funny.


Kind of like when I was 18 and swore I was never going to have kids, much less be a lazy sahm.

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master----tion (self-gratification). It's equivalent to a man taking.down.his.pants. and playing.with.himself.in.public.


Yep, that's what one of my students told me today.


She thinks bfing should be outlawed.



Am I the only one who is secretly hoping that one day this particular young woman will decide to bf her baby... and end up with a biter?


I didn't even bf and I was incredibly offended by her comment.

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Teenagers can say really stupid things sometimes. :lol: :001_rolleyes:


I've heard many adults say the exact same thing, even going further to say that if the mom ever experiences an Oxycontin release or "enjoys" breastfeeding that she will become a child molester. :cursing:


Trying to talk to those kind of people is a lot of :banghead: and :(

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Sadly I have heard this many many times. I have also heard yung girls tell me how gross and disgusting it is that women have to use a baby to have an exuse to show off their t!ts. All my kiddos were nursed I have no issue with it at all but some of the ads and things women are doing is gross in my opinion. I once saw a woman in a mall shirt pulled up to her neck both boobs hanging out baby latched on one side while he was rubbing the other side. My kids don't need to see that. No one needs to see that.


That is not helping to support breastfeeding at all in my opinion. I can see how some young girls are totally sickened by behaviors like that.

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well, i guess you have to keep in mind that some of us are less 'sensitive' there than others . . . one of my babies touching the other side while nursing? either painful or really irritating. I always covered the other side with my arm so they couldnt mess around with it. But really, seeing a baby touching his mother's chest is a sign of nurturing. if you see it as sexual, thats your issues being projected on to something beautiful and making it ugly. well, i mean, not that i think sex is ugly - anyways


My 20 yo daughter is not on my happy list right now, but still, at least I taught her that right. She said she came across some discussion somewhere where young women were saying that people who nursed were only doing it because they were too poor to afford formula. She went off on them on the benefits of breastfeeding!

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Did this conversation take place in a high school classroom? I would have been written up and possibly fired for discussing topics like that when I taught high school.


I did actually read, while I was pregnant with my first child, in a book on pregnancy, that breastfeeding was awesome because it gave you contractions in your uterus that feel like "little orgasms". As a young mother-to-be, that was a creepy thing to read. I hadn't ever breastfed at that point (obviously) and reading that freaked me out.


I also grew up in a family that thought breast feeding was a sign of poverty and low class. I had to educate myself on the topic but it didn't come until later in life.


Sounds like this girl has been fed the same kind of misinformation and needs to be educated rather than ridiculed.



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one of my babies touching the other side while nursing? either painful or really irritating. I always covered the other side with my arm so they couldnt mess around with it. But really, seeing a baby touching his mother's chest is a sign of nurturing. if you see it as sexual, thats your issues being projected on to something beautiful and making it ugly. well, i mean, not that i think sex is ugly - anyways

it supposedly helps the let-down reflex. But I also found it really irritating.


My 20 yo daughter is not on my happy list right now, but still, at least I taught her that right. She said she came across some discussion somewhere where young women were saying that people who nursed were only doing it because they were too poor to afford formula. She went off on them on the benefits of breastfeeding!

those girls should be really happy with whatever that tv show is set in the 1950's. that was the attitude back (according to my mother who was having children then) then because formula "must" be an improvement upon nature.


Sadly I have heard this many many times. I have also heard yung girls tell me how gross and disgusting it is that women have to use a baby to have an exuse to show off their t!ts. All my kiddos were nursed I have no issue with it at all but some of the ads and things women are doing is gross in my opinion. I once saw a woman in a mall shirt pulled up to her neck both boobs hanging out baby latched on one side while he was rubbing the other side. My kids don't need to see that. No one needs to see that.


That is not helping to support breastfeeding at all in my opinion. I can see how some young girls are totally sickened by behaviors like that.

are these the same young girls who shop in the teen dept and look like they belong in the red-light district?

and I, having nursed all five of my kids for at least 18 months, would be disgusted by the exhibitionism of that mother.

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Did this conversation take place in a high school classroom? I would have been written up and possibly fired for discussing topics like that when I taught high school.


I did actually read, while I was pregnant with my first child, in a book on pregnancy, that breastfeeding was awesome because it gave you contractions in your uterus that feel like "little orgasms". As a young mother-to-be, that was a creepy thing to read. I hadn't ever breastfed at that point (obviously) and reading that freaked me out.


I also grew up in a family that thought breast feeding was a sign of poverty and low class. I had to educate myself on the topic but it didn't come until later in life.


Sounds like this girl has been fed the same kind of misinformation and needs to be educated rather than ridiculed.


I didn't ridicule her. I was just shocked at what she said. Leaving my personal opinions at the door is something I try to do for every class. It is why I didn't respond to her right away. I am sorry if everyone thinks ridicule was the reason for my post. That is not at all what I intended.

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I would have been tempted to say "you have to have experienced both before you can draw that conclusion. Have you?" But I feel for the OP, because I can't quickly think of any response that would be appropriate for a high school classroom.

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I also didn't breastfeed for medical reasons but wow! OTOH, I am not really surprised because a lot of people don't seem to think much at all. Heard about the guy who turned in a dog to the pound because he was gay? This was an adult, not a teen and somehow he missed the observation that dogs hump to show dominance, no sex involved with male on male humping.

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I also didn't breastfeed for medical reasons but wow! OTOH, I am not really surprised because a lot of people don't seem to think much at all. Heard about the guy who turned in a dog to the pound because he was gay? This was an adult, not a teen and somehow he missed the observation that dogs hump to show dominance, no sex involved with male on male humping.


I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this post.

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My mil told my sis in law, the only reason I breastfed my son was because I enjoyed it in an inappropriate way. I nursed him for 18 months.


I think a lot of people in the "older" generation think this. I got this feeling from my MIL. Of course I enjoyed breastfeeding (for the most part) but it had NOTHING to do with anything s*xual. :confused1:

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