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Barbie Question  

213 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you let your children play with Barbie?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Sometimes
    • Other

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Guest inoubliable

Yes. But then my kids are boys and they also understand that Barbie dolls are toys and not what real people are supposed to look like. They love the groovy clothes I have from my mom's 60s and 70s Barbies and my Totally Hair barbies from the 90s.

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I could not avoid Barbie, although I tried. Well meaning friends and family kept deluging us with Barbies and I couldn't get rid of all them without major battles. It wasn't my hill to die on in terms of toys. I do have standards as to which Barbies may stay--no hooker Barbies--and a 'one in, one out' policy for new Barbies otherwise we'd be buried in the things. Some Barbies are ok as far as body shape and clothing--not great mind you, but ok. Others just creep me out with their freakishly long legs and alien sized eyes. No Fairy Barbie or Fashionistas, and they must all have modest clothes. (By which I mean not streetwalker style.). They tend to all end up naked anyways...


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I let both of my children play with them and will let DGD do the same if she is interested. I kept some of my dolls so that is what DD had. I gave her Donny and Marie Osmond and Linda Carter as Wonder Woman. She was given a few modern dolls over the years but they are nothing like the current version of Barbie.


DS played with Donny and one of the little boy dolls. He only played with them for about a year, though, when he was approx. 5 years old.


The dolls I have a problem with are the Bratz. They are too over the top for me.

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I loved my Barbie's growing up. However, my dd just never liked them. We had one token Barbie around the house for visitors to play with, but eventually we just gave it away. Dd was always more into stuffed animals and toys like Calico Critters.


Calico Critters are very popular around our house too. They drive me CRAZY!!! I can never vacuum without sucking something up.

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My oldest had a ton of Barbies and played with them. Most of her's are out in my garage in a big bag and at some point I may bring some in for younger dd. I haven't yet because I know she won't be able to put the clothes on and I don't feel like constantly having to dress dolls. We gave her a couple of oldest's American Girl dolls and a ton of clothes last Christmas and that's enough dressing dolls for me.

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I think we had a long discussion about this recently, didn't we?


Anyway, I wasn't sure about Barbie when my dds were young, but I let them play.


They are now teenagers with normal interests. Well, actually they tend to be really geeky, now that I think about it. "Fashion" for them tends to be things that involve a Tardis or reference to Sherlock (like this hat http://www.knitty.com/ISSUEw12/PATT221b.php) or soft kitty or something along those lines. So if Barbie was supposed to make them body-concious, beauty-centric fashionistas, she failed miserably.

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Mine aren't really into Barbie. If they were, I might change my mind. As it is, I don't buy them any Barbie dolls. They each have one that's a mermaid, for the bath, given to them by an aunt for Christmas last year. They rarely get played with, the girls prefer animal figures to people figures. I bought dd1 some barbie'esque' dolls, called Only Hearts Cub dolls, a few years ago, but they never got played with.

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I voted other. We don't own any Barbies. But I wouldn't stop them from playing with them if they wanted. Oh, wait. DS5 picked a dress-up Ariel as his DW souvenir last time we were there & he does play with it. Does that count? Its smaller than a Barbie but equally as unrealistic I think.

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Let is a strong word. My boys like dolls, but I don't know if they even know what Barbie is. We have a good number of girl friends, but I don't think I've ever seen a Barbie at anyone's house. Glad this is a battle we get to skip, so I answered other. If I had girls, no way would I ever purchase one for them, but if they were given them or played at friends houses, I wouldn't make a big deal.

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Yes, my kids get to play with Barbies. I don't think Barbie is the problem. I think mom's on fad diets, tv and print media are really the problem. Barbie isn't going to scar a kid unless someone tells them it will.


I played with Barbie all the time and never once thought I needed blonde hair or bigger bOOks. The thing that made me think I needed to be taller, thinner and blonde was the Sweet Valley High books. Those perfect 5'6 blonde twins were my downfall :)

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I didn't vote b/c I have boys (that have zero interest in dolls). But do they still have the Skipper dolls that they did back in the 80's? They were the teen girl looking ones (basically they didn't have a figure AT ALL) and they had cuter teen type clothing. I remember that I like that one b/c she looked like a kid. I think I had little twin toddler dolls that she was suppose to be babysitting...

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Sure did, but she has moved on to the dolls that I hoped she would for her "Barbie size" play: MONSTER HIGH! I'm sure there will be many here that hate them as much as I hate Bratz (I wouldn't allow those), but we love them here. Their little motto used to be: "Freaky just got fabulous", but I love that they changed it to, "Be yourself. Be unique. Be a monster!" We're upcycling a High School Musical playset, that I found at the thrift store, into Monster High.


So, around here, it's American Girl and Monster High :001_smile: .

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I don't really like them and wouldn't buy them. I don't much like Bratz either. I think my DD has a barbie that a friend gave her but she doesn't really get played with.


I remember sindy dolls growing up that were really similar to Barbies but much more normal looking although it seems like any plastic doll like that has disproportionately long legs.

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I voted yes, because I would let my kids play with them, except that I have a boy and he's so young that he'd just rip its head off.


I think adults can really over-think these things. I'm not saying there aren't legitimate reasons to be concerned over certain toys, but I personally try to stay pretty casual about toy preferences.

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You mean other than for melting?






DS hangs Barbie over the stairs by means of a jump rope tied around her neck and threatens to drop her. Then dd bursts in to tears screaming at him. I have to muster up the strength to fight my hysterics and break it up.


He also roasts the smurfs, and kidnaps her baby dolls. Poor dd :lol:

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DS hangs Barbie over the stairs by means of a jump rope tied around her neck and threatens to drop her. Then dd bursts in to tears screaming at him. I have to muster up the strength to fight my hysterics and break it up.


He also roasts the smurfs, and kidnaps her baby dolls. Poor dd :lol:


Sounds like a good kid :D



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He also roasts the smurfs, and kidnaps her baby dolls. Poor dd :lol:


My brothers used to kidnap my dolls and slip ransom notes under my door.


As far as Barbie, I was pretty set against them but my mil ended giving dd one and then my grandma gave her a few more. Both of them meant well and were trying to do something nice for dd, so i didn't make a big deal out of it and dd soon lost interest. I think she might have been more interested if I'd made Barbie into a big, forbidden thing. It worked out well this way. After awhile, they just disappeared and she didn't even notice.

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He also roasts the smurfs, and kidnaps her baby dolls. Poor dd :lol:


My brothers used to kidnap my dolls and slip ransom notes under my door.


As far as Barbie, I was pretty set against them but my mil ended giving dd one and then my grandma gave her a few more. Both of them meant well and were trying to do something nice for dd, so i didn't make a big deal out of it and dd soon lost interest. I think she might have been more interested if I'd made Barbie into a big, forbidden thing. It worked out well this way. After awhile, they just disappeared and she didn't even notice.

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He also roasts the smurfs, and kidnaps her baby dolls. Poor dd :lol:


My brothers used to kidnap my dolls and slip ransom notes under my door.


As far as Barbie, I was pretty set against them but my mil ended giving dd one and then my grandma gave her a few more. Both of them meant well and were trying to do something nice for dd, so i didn't make a big deal out of it and dd soon lost interest. I think she might have been more interested if I'd made Barbie into a big, forbidden thing. It worked out well this way. After awhile, they just disappeared and she didn't even notice.

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He also roasts the smurfs, and kidnaps her baby dolls. Poor dd :lol:


My brothers used to kidnap my dolls and slip ransom notes under my door.


As far as Barbie, I was pretty set against them but my mil ended giving dd one and then my grandma gave her a few more. Both of them meant well and were trying to do something nice for dd, so i didn't make a big deal out of it and dd soon lost interest. I think she might have been more interested if I'd made Barbie into a big, forbidden thing. It worked out well this way. After awhile, they just disappeared and she didn't even notice.

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I'm an "Other" vote because I would have but my dd never liked or asked for them. She loved Littlest Pet Shop though. We even tried buying her a fisher price doll house when she was 3 with all the furniture etc. She hated it. It sat around untouched until my youngest was born. That boy loved that house and all it's stuff until it literally fell to bits. My daughter is girly when it suits her, but she's totally not a girly girl. She hates wearing dresses and was totally ticked when the foam bow and arrow set she got for her 10th birthday rotted from being left out in the hot sun, so she proceeded to save her money and buy the biggest nerf gun she could find. I guess she's like her mom, she's an animal loving girl who's just looking to be comfortable and have fun.

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I don't buy them, as a rule, but my DD has an Ariel Barbie bath-toy type thing that she got as a gift. She's not into dolls at all, but younger DD latched onto it and plays with it in the tub all the time. And I don't object to my girls playing with them at other people's homes. I just don't think Barbie is a super-great role model for a lot of reasons, so I refuse to spend money on the Barbie toys.

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I've never bought a barbie but have had relatives buy them for my dd and am fine with it. I have suggested as a gift idea the Disney Princess set of dolls, but they are not technically Matel Barbie brand, so a bit different, and the Disney Princesses are not as thin, but they did actually make Barbie more fuller figured a couple of years ago, so she was actually thinner back in the 80's / 90's when I played with Barbie. I see no harm in Barbie as long as they have a good moral grounding of what women are and should be and what a normal body is. I can't blame all that on Barbie. We as women and mothers have a role in shaping these views.

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I played with Barbies growing up just so my sister would play with me sometimes. She's 5 years older than me and was always very girly. I preferred playing outside with my brothers in the dirt.


My daughter loved Barbies. She is 24 now and still has all her Barbies.

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If I had had daughters, I would not have purchased Barbies for my child but I would have not have had a problem with playing with a Barbie at a friend's house.


:iagree: , though I do have a daughter. This is my general feeling on them. DD did get a Barbie like knock off as a present for her 3rd birthday, she liked her other dolls more and the barbie type doll has disapeared. I don't care if she plays with them at her friends and I might even let her keep one or two at the house if she gets them as gifts and plays with them, but I am not buying them.


Now Monsters Inc, Bratz and Winx dolls are not ever entering and staying at my house.

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I don't really like Barbies, but DD has most of the Princess ones, gifts from family.

I'm fine with her having them and she does enjoy them, but I wouldn't choose them for her. We live in a very small house and on a very tight budget and I think we can do better than Barbies in the toy dept.

No big deal.

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My DD always looks at the Barbies when we go to the store. I asked her if she liked them - "Not really - what do you do with them? - They look pretty boring " she said. I suppose I should be alarmed about her lack of imagination :laugh: but she added she kinda liked the mermaids or the fairy barbies. I was actually suprised because she loves to dress her other dolls so I thought Barbie would be a winner.


Anyway - my DD is still a baby doll fan and is starting to show interest in the 18 inch dolls - I guess she just likes her dolls bigger.


I don't have anything against Barbie but I've never made a big deal and DD is not that interested. I only had 2 Barbies as a kid - I did play with them some but like my DD I prefered baby dolls.

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Meh, I don't care. I once bought my son a dollar store barbie type doll and he mostly just ripped the head off.



DS hangs Barbie over the stairs by means of a jump rope tied around her neck and threatens to drop her. Then dd bursts in to tears screaming at him. I have to muster up the strength to fight my hysterics and break it up. He also roasts the smurfs, and kidnaps her baby dolls. Poor dd :lol:

My DS has a cheap version of an AG style doll. He is allowed to abuse that doll as much as he wants. He usually throws her over the railing so she has a broken leg and has to wear a cast. Or, he puts her in the dog harness, attaches the leash and hangs her over the railing.

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