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Have you finished all of your Christmas shopping?


Have you finished all of your Christmas shopping  

149 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you finished all of your Christmas Shopping?

    • Yes
    • No

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Shopping, yes - I try to be done by the start of Advent so we can focus on that instead, and this year it was pretty close to actually happening. Delivery, otoh, is still an issue on my mom's gift which I need to have here & wrapped before we go to her house on Friday. I really thought ordering it the weekend after Thanksgiving was early enough. :glare:

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I'm mostly finished, but I have to help my girls shop for their dad, and I have to buy some more stuff to fill stockings. I voted no, but could have voted "pretty much".


What's most amazing is that almost everything is wrapped! The first gift doesn't usually get wrapped until after the kids are in bed Christmas Eve. My ex and I used to make an evening of it, listening to Christmas music and having a glass of wine or two in front of the fire. It was kind of nice, actually. Regardless, current DH and I really don't have any interest in doing that, so the deed has been done.


ETA: Hey! This post just helped me conjur up a NICE memory of my former marriage! It's a Christmas miracle! :hurray:

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If it were this time next week I'd say I was finished. Everything is bought, and wrapped, but as there's still a week to go I know I probably won't be able to restrain myself from buying a couple more bits that are totally unnecessary. Really I've got enough to do. We're having a big party here on Saturday evening for friends and neighbours, then we have the in-laws coming for Christmas Day and Boxing Day (14 of us in all). I'm tired. I'm so looking forward to it all being over and done with.

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My family is horrible about not providing me with a wish list for Christmas. Even when the kids were little, they couldn't come up even with a toy list! Then, on the last couple days before Christmas, they all think of things that would be nice to have!


So I am trying something new this year. I have purchased only one gift so far - something I told DS17 about last summer and he approved. It had to be ordered online. For everyone else, I am not doing any shopping in advance. Christmas Eve is my shopping day this year.

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I thought we were done but then my DH's step brother hauled off and gave him a $200+ cooler. We never exchange presents with this guy, and now we have to go find something worthy to give him. At least we know before Christmas, but we have NO CLUE what to get him. I am happy to say that with the sewing on of an Angry Bird's face this morning, I am now officially done all my crocheting projects for Christmas.

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I'm done for two of my kids - while I was wrapping I discovered one child is seriously lacking in gifts compared to the other two :confused1: I have to wait till Thursday when we get paid to go shopping for him. I don't know what to get him at all - he's a hard to buy for kid and doesn't ask for/want anything.

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/Cringing./ Done with my shopping, and everything is wrapped, except for one gift for which I need to find the right-sized box. The big kids also need to wrap the gift they got for DS2, and the gifts they wanted to give each other will arrive this week and will need to be wrapped. But that's not really my responsibility.


I'm normally a very last-minute wrapper. The year we moved here on December 20, I had not wrapped a single thing prior to Christmas Eve. It's really nice that I'm not going to be doing it last-minute this year, but it will probably never happen again. :)

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I voted yes, but just remembered that I still need to buy 2 yankee swap gifts for a party at my cousin's on Christmas Eve. They need to be in the $10 range and the theme is "Favorite places" and we need to write a clue on the outside of the wrapped gift.


Any suggestions??? (for adults)


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I voted yes, but just remembered that I still need to buy 2 yankee swap gifts for a party at my cousin's on Christmas Eve. They need to be in the $10 range and the theme is "Favorite places" and we need to write a clue on the outside of the wrapped gift.


Any suggestions??? (for adults)


Doesn't that depend on what your favorite place is?


For me, it would be either a beach, so....a pretty sand/shell sort of thing, or a massage table, so some massage oil or a portable massager or something. As for clues.....depends on what you go with, but if you figure out what you want to buy I'll be happy to help you come up with something.

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Thanks QValencia! I like warm weather places and hanging out by my pool. In the winter I like to stay by the fire, so I was thinking of a scented candle, but though it was too lame of an idea.


Edited to add: i also like to eat out at nice restaurants and browse book stores. Any idea for a book that could be liked by a wide range of people?

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Nope not done. I'm waiting to get my kid's gift cards in the mail from my SIL so I know how much to send her kids. My brother added 3 new step kids to the family this year so Christmas is getting expensive! We just found out we'll be spending Christmas with dh's aunt so need to get them something too.


I'm also thinking about getting one or two more things for the kids. They don't have much.

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Finished? I have hardly started. So far, I have one present for one child (out of three), two presents (out of four) for my brother (he gives the children and us lots of presents and only asks for a very little so I make sure I get that for him), and one present for dh. Now dh is not getting hardly anything since he bought a very, very expensive woodworking tool this fall and I told him that is his birthday and Christmas gift. (IT would really be more like what I normally spend on him for about four holidays). But he gets a few minor presents. I knw he hasn't gotten mine either yet = I am getting a freezer and we need to get some more room in the garage for that still. I can't even think what I am getting the youngest- she will be getting a car to use in a month or two so that is her big present. However, she is not excited about that and doesn't really want it- though she is practical enough to realize she does need to learn to drive.

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Shopping is done and presents are wrapped. I have a one little amigurumi sea star I am knitting for my son, but I'll finish it next time I pick it up, so not worried about that.

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