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Grocery Shopping-who goes?

Grocery Shopping Solo / Group or Other?  

  1. 1. Grocery Shopping Solo / Group or Other?

    • I shop alone, with nobody else...
    • We all pile in, go team!
    • Obligatory Other

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Dh is a junk food junkie. It is very dangerous to let him get near a store.


Therefore, I must shop alone. This way there is nutrition in the house. Otherwise, he'd spend half my budget on chips, pop, boxed cereal, cookies, candy, kielbasa, hot dogs, oh and EXPENSIVE DELI SALADS!!!!


I don't know if it is because his parents so completely deprived him of any fun in his youth that he is obssessed with buying junk food or if he just likes to cause me great angst, but I have to be a totalitarian dictator on this issue.


The soda stream thing we bought helped. All of us love flavored selzer water and so the amount of pop that he would sneak into the house was greatly reduced when I agreed to that investment.



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I voted other.


I prefer to go alone or to take ds. He's fun to shop with, we read food labels, make fun of stuff they call food, people watch. He does the bags.


All three of us? :lol::001_huh: No, that's not fun.


Dh is great about going when necessary. He has the only working car during the day and will often stop and pick up groceries on the way home. If he goes to pick up a weeks worth, I have to send ds, because dh doesn't know where some of the things I need are.

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When I shop, I typically take my youngest. Sometimes, I take both girls and give the older her own part of the list. In fall and winter, dh does all of the shopping, and he typically goes alone or with youngest. Sometimes, I will send older in alone to get a few things, but she has done all of the shopping a few times also. She was even asked the silly questions from Home Alone : "How old are you?" and "Are you here alone?"

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It varies.


If we have the time, we all go (Mom, Dad, nine kiddos) but I imagine it looks like a parade through Costco.


If I'm running for a few items and it's local, I go.


Ideally, just DH and I go. This is the usual game plan and it saves us the most $$ as we then hit three different stores accordingly. However, when we take the group, we only hit Costco.


When DH & I go, it's the most efficient. We like to do every other Friday morning but lately we've had appointments on Fridays and that's not likely to change now with OB appointments.


The kids do NOT enjoy Costco. The littles do, but the big kids would rather stay home, clean up the house, and make lunch. It's a little too tempting to pass up - alone time with DH and I come home to a clean house? :D

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I will run out a few times a week for milk or things like that either by myself or with the kids if any of them want to come.


My larger grocery shopping trips I either go alone or with my husband. My kids are old enough to stay home alone so what used to be my "mom time" has now morphed into a "date time" for dh and I where we'll go to lunch then go do the shopping on a Sat or Sun when he's off.

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Sometimes I go alone, sometimes dh goes alone, sometimes a teen goes alone, sometimes I and two teens go together.


When they were younger, sometimes I went alone, sometimes dh went alone, sometimes the kids went with us. I had 4 boys, 2 years apart. It was always most stressful after a new baby was born, and I had a 2 year old and I had to figure out a way to keep everyone safe (baby in sling or cart? Where should the toddler go? HOw to keep the older one from wondering off?) As far as requests, everyone was allowed to make one request while we were shopping, generally of something we usually bought. So there was not a lot of aggravation around that. WHen I had a baby in the mix, though, it felt like personal time if I could grocery shop at night without kids!

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I take all the kids grocery shopping, I'd rather go in the middle of the day when it's empty with a cart full of monkeys than alone in the evening when it's crazy busy. 90% of the time the kids can keep it together long enough for us to have an uneventful trip. Every now and then it's like Armageddon. But I have learned the power of briber- . . . . I mean . . . rewarding them with a treat at checkout if they behave. :D

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I am firmly in the other category. ;)

When my first 2 were young, we all piled in the car, and I shopped with them. No DH. As the last 2 kiddoes came along, the girls were older and at eventually I shopped by myself with the kids left at home.


Now that we are empty nesters, DH and I shop together at Costco weekly. Most other shopping trips to fill in with stuff we can't find at Costco I do alone.

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Usually alone or with 1 child (they think it's a great treat!) But I can get it done more efficiently when alone. I avoid taking my 6yo because she will not. stop. talking. I've gotten to that wonderful stage of having 2 older kids who can watch the littles while I run errands.


I'm usually happy for dh to go when I'm desperate, but sometimes I can be a little too picky and set in my "shopping ways" to be completely pleased with the results :D.

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I would give just about anything to have a Fairy Grocery Godmother. I loathe shopping. :glare:


Since I must shop, however, I've worked out a rotation with my dc. I take only one each week. It turns a necessary evil into something pleasant. :) We get a snack at the snack bar, and it's also a perfect time to get any needed shoes or clothes. (I loathe shopping at the mall even more than shopping at Target. Presently, the girls are able to drag me there once a year when they have some birthday money to blow :tongue_smilie:)

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I forgot to add before that for those last minute trips to the store for milk or eggs I send my dd13 up the street with my bank card and a list. We can not do most of our shopping at the local grocery, but for a jug of milk or loaf of bread she is great that way. If I have cash I send one of the boys instead (I don't trust either of them with my pin number like I can trust dd)

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I went alone for the first time in a long time! I had to meet some people so it worked out better. I did miss my dd12 who usually goes with me to help me with dd 4 months now.... and it takes so much longer with them.


Dh and I used to go together and he drools over meat.... or wants expensive food.... not thinking about us eating all week or for 2 weeks.... so I can't send him or I would! He does stop to pick up a few items on the way home, and even that can be a disaster ( financially) ... ask for a few items and get loads of junk... cringe...


I consider it a necessary evil, and am glad he gets farm eggs close to his work.


I miss taking kiddo's with me and having SIL ride along to sit in the vehicle while I ran in the PO and paid bills.


It does wear me out making rounds to get the best deals I have to go to 4 or 5 stores. SO I map it out and go in a circle to get home... it is a long drive.

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I do most of the grocery shopping; DH occasionally picks up an item or two on his way home.


I almost always have all four children with me, though the older two don't necessarily stick right next to me (they wander around the store and look at things, or they take books to the cafe area and read; I come through and check on them frequently, but I live in a very safe, very homeschooling-friendly area, so nobody hassles them). Once in a while, like last week, I go with just the baby and one older child (last week, it was the almost 4yo). That's a treat for all of us.

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I prefer to go alone. I have 3 kids 4 and under, and it is not fun to shop with them. However lately DW has been working some crazy insane hours so I've gone with the kids quite a few times. Sometimes with just the twins during DD's art class, sometimes with all three. Sometimes it goes ok, sometimes it doesn't. Just the boys is usually OK, they both ride in the cart and don't ask for stuff and are usually content to gnaw on an apple for at least 30 minutes so I can get most of the shopping out of the way before they get antsy if I run really fast. DD makes it harder though, because she has to walk, so it slows me down, plus she has to ask 10 million questions every minute. She's a good kid and is really good about not asking for stuff (most days) but it's still exhausting and distracting to have to explain how the lights work and why that box has a picture of a dog on it, and why we take apples from the top of the stack instead of the bottom, and why some apples are green....etc. That combined with the time limit that all three have (I get 45 minutes max or they all start to lose it) makes it a tough balancing act. It's certainly faster and cheaper to go alone though! I usually coupon but haven't even tried the past several weeks, I can't deal with coupons, questions, refereeing the fights, AND actually shop.


I voted other because I wasn't sure what to do with the poll.

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I voted other because it depends. I usually go by myself to the supermarket. My helper goes to the pazar (farmer's market) because I spend too much money there. :tongue_smilie: Sometimes I take DD to the supermarket with me and sometimes I go to pazar. It all depends.

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I put my preference, which is to go alone, and I'm able to do this most of the time. I don't mind bringing the kids with if it is a short trip, otherwise DD2 gets crabby at all the stuff she wants to eat, but can't because we haven't paid for it. I like having DD1 with because she helps, but she doesn't like going. Go figure. :tongue_smilie:

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I don't drive so if it is a short trip I walk to the store & buy what I can carry. Sometimes I take some configuration of children, but rarely all of them.


If I am doing a big shopping trip, dh drops me off at the store and I call him when I am in the checkout line. Dh despises the grocery store. That was the job that supported us through college and he hated it. When I was on bed rest and he had to go to the store he would call me every five minutes,


"Do you really need deodorant for women? Can't you use mine?"

"Why am I buying 10 boxes of XYZ?"

"When did cereal start costing so much?"

"Is sour cream also called heavy cream?"


I was so happy to see my local grocery store offer delivery. It was worth every penny for a short time.


Amber in SJ

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Guest brownclark

I like to shop grocery with my friends . I never go alone for grocery shopping. Grocery shopping is my favorite pass time whenever I come from my office . I shop in weekend with my wife. My favorite vegetable dish is spinach with cheese and butter chicken with gravy of garlic.


ocala grocery stores

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