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Cat or dog?

Cat or dog?  

  1. 1. Cat or dog?

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That's it -- cat or dog? There is no "other." If you can't choose, this poll and you are not meant to be. :D


We've come to the conclusion that our current dig is probably our last dog. Cats are so much easier. (Our dog being hyperactive for four straight years probably plays in to that :tongue_smilie:.)

Edited by milovaný
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I love dogs. I really do. I grew up with them and I love to pet and snuggle them when I'm visiting friends that have them.


But in my house, it's cats. Independent, aloof, snuggly-when-they-want-to-be cats.

Edited by Hopscotch67
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That's it -- cat or dog? There is no "other." If you can't choose, this poll and you are not meant to be. :D


Well, pooh, I want an "other"! :lol:


I have always had cats, and will always have cats. I loved my chocolate lab to pieces, but said once she died I would not get another dog. We travel a LOT, for a month or more at a time, and finding care for the dog was too difficult year after year. Fortunately, my FIL loved her and had two dogs of his own, so when we lived in Asia for a year he took her while we were gone.


My sweet Lab did die (at 14), and I went two years with just our cat. Perfect.


Then I went to PetsMart to buy a fish.....and it was adoption day.....and as you can see from my signature..... :D


But I LOVE my pup. She's a small dog (which I've never had), and she's PORTABLE. She goes everywhere with us, including vacations. Next trip to Europe, she's coming. So.....for 48 years I would have voted "cat". But now...I'm ridiculously attached to my dog.


I wanna vote "both". :lol:

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Dog! We have both, and I love my kitties, but I could live without them. When a dog brings you his empty food dish and looks at you with his sweet brown eyes, it's cute. When a cat jumps on your chest at 3:00am and whines in your face to inform you that the food bowl is half-empty? That's grounds for a cat Gumbo:glare:.

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Cats are great if you don't want or have time to put in a lot of effort, and I do like cats, but I voted dog!! I love my pooches! I have told my husband that we need to be careful to only get small dogs and to get the ones that are known for being lazy, because I just don't have all day to chase/clean up after/scold/walk a larger or more active dog. Haha! Right now we have a shih-tzu who is the Priness of her Queendom. She just lays around all day and looks adorable with her bows on her head. She's my love now that I only have teenagers in my house!

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Yes, although we tried to introduce a new kitten to our 7 year old cat and it didn't go well. Next time, after this cat passes on, maybe we'll get two together.

I have littermates (male and female cats) and they have always been fun.


Oh, I voted cats. To spring the dog after I last trip it cost $320. I gave a teen $20 to come in a couple times a week to check on the cats.

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I prefer cats, but the truth is I can't imagine a home without multiple pets. Which is weird because until 6 years ago we never had more than cats and usually only one. Well.. Actually.. we've always had stray whatever a kid found in the yard or at the park stuff... Turtles, snakes, moles, skunks, crows, bunnies... But they were not technically considered part of the family.

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Yes, although we tried to introduce a new kitten to our 7 year old cat and it didn't go well. Next time, after this cat passes on, maybe we'll get two together.


Two together works well--at least if you're getting kittens and can get two siblings. I loved to see our cats curled up together before we lost one of them--we had two sisters and they were so sweet with each other.


I personally love dogs as well, but they take so much more work--I'll probably get a dog again when I don't also have small children to take care of. It's kind of like having an extra two year old in the house...

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We had a cat when I was growing up; she lived a long time. She was great -- loved to lay around but was also indoor outdoor. She'd jump and hang from windows outside (looking in) to let us know she was ready to come back in. She'd sleep on my bed and cuddle.


When we got present-cat (pictured), she was not as fun/cuddly. She was downright feisty and sometimes mean. I was hugely disappointed. We later realized it was because she was born from barn-cat stock and we were keeping her inside all the time. She just wanted to get OUT. We moved two years ago and she became indoor/outdoor. Pretty sure she thinks we bought the place for her. After spending most the day outside, she'll now sleep on my lap in the evenings for hours at a time.


I was going to blame our dog for making it hard to travel (the one beach house we like to go for several days each summer doesn't allow pets), but I have to blame that on the milk-goats now.



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I had two of each growing up, not all at once. I still remember my dogs and even miss them a lot. The cats are a nice memory but nothing that brings up warm fuzzy feelings. If we could have pets, we'd have a dog. However, I am normally afraid of most dogs (unless my own or I've known it for awhile) and I do not dislike cats. I just have never missed my cats nearly as much as my pups.

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I just can't bring myself to vote. I love them both. For the last 14 yrs. I've had nothing but cats because DH hates dogs with a passion. It is a huge gaping hole in my heart since I grew up with dogs and adore them. My most precious animal; however, is a cat that I lost to congenital heart disease 3 yrs. ago. Picking a favorite would be like choosing which arm I like the most. :001_smile:

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Dog. I simply could never be happy without a dog.


They are more work, especially when you live on acreage as we do. But they are so awesome that I don't mind more vacuuming and dusting, don't mind giving them more baths. They are SO worth it.


I do have one cat who is the most affectionatr cat I've ever seen, so I abviously adore her. Cats, however, are much more imdependent and don't seek out human interaction like dogs do. IME anyway...

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I vote dog. Cats get into everything and on counters and are just gross! Ah!


My child is also highly allergic to them and so is my hubby. No cats!


But dogs are lots of work and often more high maintenance than cats. I hate house training them!


So, I would choose neither! We have no pets right now and I like not having to take care of anyone else-beyond my 4 kids! One day we might get another dog. But I'm enjoy the dog free life and no house training! yay!

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Cats. Definitely.


And if you don't vote cats I will secretly judge you. You people who have already answered incorrectly are lucky that you can't actually see me reading your answers.


And I, on the other hand, don't understand how anyone could choose a cat over a dog! :tongue_smilie: admittedly they are more work, but IMO they are MUCH more fun and love, too.:001_smile:


There was this exact poll recently, I believe in the past month or so. Cats won and it shocked me then as it still does now.;)

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And if you don't vote cats I will secretly judge you. You people who have already answered incorrectly are lucky that you can't actually see me reading your answers.





You actually can set a poll up that way -- sorry I didn't do that for you!

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And I, on the other hand, don't understand how anyone could choose a cat over a dog! :tongue_smilie: admittedly they are more work, but IMO they are MUCH more fun and love, too.:001_smile:


There was this exact poll recently, I believe in the past month or so. Cats won and it shocked me then as it still does now.;)



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There was this exact poll recently, I believe in the past month or so. Cats won and it shocked me then as it still does now.;)


Sorry I didn't recall that! I probably voted in it, too. LOL. I thought of the question this morning when the one gal asked on the board which breed of dog they should get, and the first response (in my head) was "CAT!"

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I love both (and have 3 of each at the moment), but when push comes to shove, I'm all about dogs. I no longer think they're more work than cats, either....not really. I mean, I guess they're more of a time commitment, but they don't scratch up my furniture, and when they get old and have accidents, their pee doesn't render whatever they've peed on totally unsalvagable. and when I go out of town, they can stay at a relative's house or a kennel or come with us without suffering apparently unimaginable emotional torture.

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Sorry I didn't recall that! I probably voted in it, too. LOL. I thought of the question this morning when the one gal asked on the board which breed of dog they should get, and the first response (in my head) was "CAT!"


Oh, no need to apologize, PLEASE!!! The last poll was closer to a tie, if I remember correctly, so clearly at least some of the voters are different.


It's all good.


Unless you voted cat.:lol::lol::lol:



Seriously, I have both. D says NO MORE cats but I have never had a kitten. Or an orange cat. So one day........;)

SSShhhhhhhhh!!!!! Don't tell him! This is between just the two of us!

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O D says NO MORE cats but I have never had a kitten. Or an orange cat. So one day........;)

SSShhhhhhhhh!!!!! Don't tell him! This is between just the two of us!


Oh, orange kitties are special. I posted on facebook the other day that once I'm through this current round of cats (umm, another 15 years or so maybe?) I'm going to have one cat at a time, always a boy orange tabby. And maybe I'll adopt older ones that someone else already declawed. I'm not going to declaw anyone, but I have to admit I wouldn' t mind if they just mysteriously disappeared one day.

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Oh, orange kitties are special. I posted on facebook the other day that once I'm through this current round of cats (umm, another 15 years or so maybe?) I'm going to have one cat at a time, always a boy orange tabby. And maybe I'll adopt older ones that someone else already declawed. I'm not going to declaw anyone, but I have to admit I wouldn' t mind if they just mysteriously disappeared one day.



Why an orange tabby, just because? That is MY reason but I'm just wondering.



Oooooooh I'm DYING for a teeny little orange kitten.



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Seriously, once we got the terrarium set up and the heat right, Wadjet the corn snake has been the most no fuss, no muss, low mess, yet still able to be handled pet we've had, and she has a lot more personality than I'd expected.


If I had to pick ONLY between a dog or a cat, I'd take about a year old or older cat (or a pair of them) -old enough that the personality is established and that it's not a destructive kitten, but still fairly young and healthy.

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Why an orange tabby, just because? That is MY reason but I'm just wondering.







Because I have one right now, and he's awesome. I've heard lots of people say the same thing....there's something quirky and wonderful about orange tabbies.

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and when I go out of town, they can stay at a relative's house or a kennel or come with us without suffering apparently unimaginable emotional torture.


I voted cats and I really, really dislike most dogs but that made me laugh. It's so true. It is often difficult to find good cat care for my two needy, non-loner cats. But I LOVE my kitties :)

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