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Child with a cold--stay or go?

Should kids with colds stay home?  

  1. 1. Should kids with colds stay home?

    • I keep kids coughing/sneezing with colds home when possible
    • Cold viruses are no reason to stay away from people
    • Other (?)

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We have something coming up on Tuesday my son will be very sad to miss.


The thing is he has a cold (the snotty coughing sort). His twin had it early last week and then I had it late last week into now. His twin was very mild but, for me, this has been the worst cold I've had recently. I think son #2 is following in the severe cold pattern though it started today so who knows for sure.


Should kids with colds stay home to avoid spreading their germs?


My son actually has an immune system issue and I think that clouds my feelings on the matter. I wish my kid could never be exposed to anything but I'd like to know how "normal" parents feel about things like colds.

Edited by sbgrace
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Is this an event where he will be exposed to other people? Then yeah, keep him home unless his symptoms are gone by then. It stinks, but it stinks even more to spread the bugs to other people.


He would be around others, yes.

Edited by sbgrace
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Generally I think it's a bit inconsiderate to go out and share the germs, plus it's better for the sick kid to stay home and rest up.


But it depends on the activity too. If it's a once-in-a-lifetime amazing thing that he'll never get the chance to do again, I'd drug him up, remind him about not touching/coughing on people, and go. If it's not that crucial, I'd keep him home, empathize with his disappointment, and try to make up for it somehow at the earliest opportunity.

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I know that, as a mom, it's hard to disappoint our kids, but I think you should keep him home. I hate it when people knowingly bring sick kids to activities and events (and a bad cold counts as an illness to me.)


I also hate it when a mom brings one child with them to an event, but leaves the other kids at home explaining with a big happy smile that "they're all sick and throwing up, but this one hasn't caught it yet." :glare: And I have seen that happen quite often.


I try very hard not to expose my ds to other kids when he's sick, and I really appreciate it when other moms do the same. I also keep him home for selfish reasons -- I worry that if my ds is already under the weather, he might come into contact with another sick kid and he'll end up getting even sicker.

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My son has COPD. A cold can put him in the hospital. Keep your kids home when they are sick. Thanks.




Both ds and I have a rare liver disease and are immuniocompromised. A simple cold or flu can put us in the hospital. Ideally, it is best to keep the ill child at home, IMO.

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Both ds and I have a rare liver disease and are immuniocompromised. A simple cold or flu can put us in the hospital. Ideally, it is best to keep the ill child at home, IMO.


Actually that's a really good and important point, one which I might raise with my kids next time I decide to keep them home and get the whinge response.

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Do unto others...


I prefer not to be exposed to cold and flu viruses, so I do my best to limit contact when I or my ds has a virus.


I had to keep my ds from a very important (to him) event because he was sick in the spring. He was very disappointed, but I explained about how his cold was really awful and it wasn't nice to spread that around, plus the fact that he was so sick was going to ruin his fun time, too. Then he'd be there and miserable instead of home and miserable, but at least still comfortable and not stressed by running around. He understood, begrudgingly agreed, and I arranged a small special something just for him when he was well. It didn't really make up for missing the event, but it was just because... well, life sucks sometimes, but as his mom, it's my perogative to soften it a little when and if I can.

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We don't stay home for colds, sorry. With five little kids we would never go anywhere if we stayed home for every runny nose and cough (especially because symptoms can last up to 2 weeks). Unless immunocompromised people are not going to the grocery store, the doctor, church, etc. they are already exposed. It's much more effective to teach good handwashing and sneezing etiquette. I do keep littles home who are not trained in handwashing, blowing their nose discreetly and sneezing or coughing into a tissue or elbow. I don't want other people to have to wipe my kids' noses.

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The thing is he has a cold (the snotty coughing sort).


How do you feel when you are near a non-family member who keeps sniffling back snot and coughing a lot? I feel totally grossed out. ewww... I vote for keeping him home if he is still showing signs of snot and coughing.

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Normally I'd say stay home! I would normally never intentionally expose my children to anyone if they are sick.... BUT, we have international flights to catch tomorrow & I've got a child complaining of a sore throat. *sigh* I've got him loaded up on all sorts of cold stuffs & have packed suckers in his carry-on. I'm praying this is VERY short lived & I don't make everyone on our flight sick. :(

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Stay home.


As demonstrated in the previous comments, you can't know the health status of the other participants. Yes, it is true that immuno-compromised people take calculated risks of exposure to live a normal life, and we are all exposed to who knows what when we leave our homes (whether due to people who are sick pretending they're not, or because they simply don't have symptoms yet), but that is different than a social activity, where there is (presumably) more personal interaction, shared tools, etc.


So, OP, I guess someone should ask: what sort of activity is it?

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If it is an activity type event with a group of people, then no. If it is an event like a museum exhibit or a concert and he's feelin well enough to attend, then yes.

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1. How bad is the coughing/running nose?

2. Will he actually be interacting with other children or simply be at an event observing? (b-d party v. play)


If you were going to a performance you could sit in the back with him away from the group. I think you could take a similar precaution in a museum, but this does depend on your answer to the first question. If the activity involves cooperatively building something or otherwise constant close contact then it's a no go.


vit C, bed rest, and reevaluate in the morning.

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We don't stay home for minor colds like that. We use good hand hygiene, cover mouths, turn your head, etc,etc. those things go a long way in preventing the spread of germs. My kids both have allergies and it isn't always evident when it's a cold rather than allergies. Staying home for sniffles would mean staying home most of the time. Sorry, not fair to them. That's why we use good hygiene.

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I consider staying home with every cold unrealistic.

School kids with colds are expected to attend, and people can't stay home from work for a cold either - so, people with colds are out and about all the time.


Now if he were running a fever, I'd keep him home, or if you know that your activity is in very close quarters with a severely immunocompromised person. And, of course, if it is an activity like theater/concert where his coughing would be disruptive.

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If you child is contagious and not feeling well enough to be acting normally, I don't think it's fair to spread germs.


Sometimes kids have colds that hang on forever and aren't that bad, or allergies that aren't contagious but seem gross. In that case, I would go.


I would just follow the golden rule on this one.


Edited to add:

You classified the cold as "severe" so definitely stay home!!!

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I voted other because it depends on a handful of factors:


It depends on your ds's consistent use of hygiene when he has a cold. Does he consistently cover his mouth with his elbow (not his hands)? Does he consistently wash his hands or use hand sanitizer after wiping his nose?


Will the setting be one in which the other kids are forced into exposure? (Riding in a van together versus going to an outside zoo?)


With a group of healthy school aged kids, colds are not a big deal at all. Kids with colds are not kept out of school, for instance.


However, if the group includes family members with infants (it is so hard for them to nurse with a stuffy nose) or people who are immune compromised (undergoing treatment for cancer, for instance), then I'd weigh the issue more seriously.


BUt in general, I think colds are a fact of life and I don't mind my kids exposed to them.

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Do you enjoy your child being sick? Is it fun? Then why spread all they junk to others? Maybe someone your child spread the cold to is now going to miss a once in a lifetime event? What if it sends someone to the hospital? What if the cold you and your family have could have been prevented by someone staying home while being sick? Do you feel thankful to the person who spread the cold germ to you and yours?

Sorry but no matter the event it is not worth spreading your sickness just so your child can have a great day. It is selfish.

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Do you enjoy your child being sick? Is it fun? Then why spread all they junk to others? Maybe someone your child spread the cold to is now going to miss a once in a lifetime event? What if it sends someone to the hospital? What if the cold you and your family have could have been prevented by someone staying home while being sick? Do you feel thankful to the person who spread the cold germ to you and yours?

Sorry but no matter the event it is not worth spreading your sickness just so your child can have a great day. It is selfish.




and I'm amazed that kids with colds are expected to go to school? That was never the case when I was in school. ugh!

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I consider staying home with every cold unrealistic.

School kids with colds are expected to attend, and people can't stay home from work for a cold either - so, people with colds are out and about all the time.


Now if he were running a fever, I'd keep him home, or if you know that your activity is in very close quarters with a severely immunocompromised person. And, of course, if it is an activity like theater/concert where his coughing would be disruptive.



:iagree:, I know it can suck, but if they just have a runny nose and cough and are acting fine we normally go about our normal activities. If it is a playdate situation I'll ask before we go.


Other then that I follow our preschool's rules for going out and about, vomiting within 24 hours and fever over 101, and if they seem off, then we stay in. If they just have a runny nose and cough and act fine we go out.

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It is because people are using school as a babysitter so both parents can work, instead of an education system.


I was the one who posted about school. This is a private school with many stay-at-home mothers. The school welcomes children coming to school and continuing their educations when they don't feel ill. The parents are, of course, free to keep their children home if they prefer.



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I am so tired if selfish, inconsiderate people not caring about germ spreading. Dd12 went to a class last week and her friend was sick. Now WE will miss the class because we are all sick. There is also a paid event our famiy and broyher is going to on Wed, not homeschool related, And I am worried about missing it. We will be out over $100 if we miss it. It stinks. I am really angry because this friend knows hiw sick dd was in August and was hospitalized for four days because of it.


Thank you for being considerate and asking. You know what m answer is.

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I get that schools are full of kids who are sick and that there are some parents who have to work for a paycheck every darn day but that is another perk of homeschooling.


No, we don't go out when we are sick. Well, as the mom I do if I NEED something but sick kids stay home.

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I was the one who posted about school. This is a private school with many stay-at-home mothers. The school welcomes children coming to school and continuing their educations when they don't feel ill. The parents are, of course, free to keep their children home if they prefer.




The schools here are really big on perfect attendance and reward the kids that get it. Unfortunately, I see people sending their kids to school w/ things like strep, flu, etc. just to get that stupid piece of paper and/or ribbon. They telll you to keep your kids home if they are sick, but then get mad if you do. And the kids are only allowed 10 absences a year, before they have to go to Saturday school to "make up" the missed days.

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:iagree:, I know it can suck, but if they just have a runny nose and cough and are acting fine we normally go about our normal activities. If it is a playdate situation I'll ask before we go.


Other then that I follow our preschool's rules for going out and about, vomiting within 24 hours and fever over 101, and if they seem off, then we stay in. If they just have a runny nose and cough and act fine we go out.


The op, the mom, said this is one of the worst colds she's had, so her kid needs to stay home.

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My son is a severe chronic asthmatic, he ends up in the ER or admitted 85% of the time after exposure to other kids who are sick. It doesn't matter if it is a common cold, or the flu. It always gets him. We rarely go out where kids congregate for this very reason. There is always come child coughing, sneezing, or runny nosed. SIGH ! We can only do so much when germs are abound. We wash hands, he knows not to touch his eyes, nose, or mouth. It is getting a bit better as he gets older. But a $150 + meds ER trip isn't worth it, much less at $3000+ hospital admittance trip.


I know he is mine, and just like with my daughters allergies it is my job to keep them safe. So I don't say anything, but the kids do notice and can't understand why adults don't get it.

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I keep kids home with bad colds, but let them out with mild coughs and sniffles. It really depends on how the person feels, how often he or she is coughing and wiping the nose, and the look in the person's eyes. My kids' school wants kids to come with coughs and sniffles as long as there is no fever. We can opt to keep them home, but then we'd need a Dr note for more than 2 days and after a max of 10 days, the school requires a Dr note for everything.


If it is a bad cold as you describe, I would definitely not take him. He wouldn't enjoy the trip much anyway.

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I voted other. Whether we'd stay or go depends on a variety of factors.


I wouldn't decide on Monday morning about a Tuesday event, but I'd mentally prepare myself and the child that we might not go. Then, I'd see how the cold was the next day. I wouldn't send a child out with a fever or in the depths of a bad cold.


Sometimes allergies flaring up look like mild colds. I can't always tell. I give them the "cold and allergy" medicines and that frequently takes care of the problem. If the symptoms can be reasonably controlled on medicine and the child feels okay, then we might go. It just depends.

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If it involves a few people you are close to, and you can call and ask them what they think (and they are the honest sorts) then you may be able to go....

My concern would be that he's coughing and all gooey - which means no matter how good he or you are about hand washing, etc., it would be almost impossible not to share.

Mild stuffy noses without a fever I would say are ok in many cases - but this sounds a bit much.

:grouphug::grouphug: Hugs to your child - that's such a bummer.

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If he's really coughing and snotty, then I'd stay home. But it's hard with colds. They linger for a month and it's unrealistic to stay inside all winter. So some of the clear cut attitudes here are difficult for me to swallow.



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The op, the mom, said this is one of the worst colds she's had, so her kid needs to stay home.



Oh no argument there. I was just answering the general poll question of "Should kids with colds stay home?".


A bad cold like mentioned I would keep mine at home, a general cough and runny nose, but kid acting and feeling fine I am likely to take them out.

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The schools here are really big on perfect attendance and reward the kids that get it. Unfortunately, I see people sending their kids to school w/ things like strep, flu, etc. just to get that stupid piece of paper and/or ribbon. They telll you to keep your kids home if they are sick, but then get mad if you do. And the kids are only allowed 10 absences a year, before they have to go to Saturday school to "make up" the missed days.


:iagree: Dd ended up with the flu earlier this year. She said some kids were almost bragging that they were able to keep coming to school while being so sick. Dd, on the other hand, missed an entire week because she also has asthma. :glare:

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Oh no argument there. I was just answering the general poll question of "Should kids with colds stay home?".


A bad cold like mentioned I would keep mine at home, a general cough and runny nose, but kid acting and feeling fine I am likely to take them out.


:iagree: we've all had the irritating colds were you don't even feel sick. I think most people would go out with one of those.

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They telll you to keep your kids home if they are sick, but then get mad if you do. And the kids are only allowed 10 absences a year, before they have to go to Saturday school to "make up" the missed days.



Many offices are like this, too. Where my DH works, they are pretty much expected to come to work regardless. My DH recently missed three days for a serious virus, but he also went to work many days with a fever. He could not stay home from work for a week and a half, or he'd risk his job. Today's society doesn't seem to allow for sickness.

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